The American Soldier Collection 13: Her Lucky Number Thirteen (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The American Soldier Collection 13: Her Lucky Number Thirteen (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Chapter 8

  “Vlladim, I need security to be top notch. Although I don’t expect there to be any surprise visitors, I need the chopper on standby as well as the jet in case I need a quick getaway. We won’t go into Moscow unless it is necessary. I’d rather do her training here, in the States. It will be too much of a hassle getting her through security to go out of the country. Not until she is completely submissive,” Cornikup told him.

  Vlladim nodded his head and then glanced at the young woman kneeling on the floor. Cornikup caressed her hair. And smiled at his prisoner.

  “You will have some company soon enough. Nalia will be here by tomorrow and I expect you to teach her the rules,” he said to the young woman.

  “Yes, Cornikup. I will do as you say,” she whispered. Vlladim couldn’t help but to look over her sexy body. She had long brown hair, deep blue eyes and was sweet and submissive. Cornikup trained her to be that way and he couldn’t help but to wish he could get his hands on her. Vlladim wondered when Cornikup would take her virginity and taint the woman and her family. If he wasn’t up for the job then Vlladim would do the dirty work. He licked his lips.

  “Ahh, Vlladim, you look at my prize, my revenge with such desire in your eyes. You have been such a loyal protector.” He caressed the young woman’s hair and then ran his fingers along her collarbone then her breast. She shivered and remained straight faced. She was so obedient now, even Vlladim could hardly remember when she had to be beaten into submission.

  “She is quite beautiful, and you have been so patient with her, and have trained her to be obedient as our ancestors before us had with their women.”

  “And I will do the same to Nalia with your help. We will see how long it will take to break Nalia down, considering your sources say she is quite resourceful.”

  “She will need to be restrained at all times. I will help in every way I can.”

  “Good, stay on top of things and let me know as soon as she is in our men’s possession. In the interim, do you know if Nicolai and Karlicov found Lapella and Scarlapetti as we planned?”

  “They should be infiltrating the mansion as we speak. I’ll hear from my men who are in Salvation and see if they feel confident in grabbing Nalia.”

  Cornikup smiled. He cupped the young woman’s chin.

  “Nicolai will never know that I have you, just as Karlicov will never know it is me who has his daughter, Nalia.”

  * * * *

  Cosivan, Boian and Dusty had left for Florida along with other members of the organization. They had concrete proof on the whereabouts of Vincent and Romeo and wanted to be there to take them down. Nalia wasn’t too happy about them leaving and they didn’t tell her why, so she wouldn’t be scared. Cosivan, Viktor and Chatham remained behind, hoping to give Nalia the good news shortly.

  “Anything yet?” Storm asked Cosivan as they stood outside of the boutique in town while Aspen and Nalia shopped.

  “They were getting ready to go into the estate about thirty minutes ago,” Chatham told them.

  “Then this will all be over very soon,” Winter replied.

  “Then you guys can look into purchasing that house you’ve been holding up in as a vacation home. I know Aspen will be thrilled to have Nalia around,” Storm said to Cosivan, Viktor, and Chatham.

  “And maybe marry that woman and start a family? That way our little one has a playmate as we expand this family,” Winter said and they chuckled.

  Cosivan looked toward the boutique. He could imagine himself living here part time with his brothers and Nalia. He couldn’t even imagine her pregnant with their baby, but anything seemed possible now that Nalia was part of them. She changed their world and turned their lives upside down. He thought he was a heartless bastard destined for loneliness and a life of violence. He craved it, lived for it, and even though he didn’t need to engage in violence as much as years ago, it seemed Nalia was making him less and less interested in this aspect of his profession. Perhaps like Storm and his men, Cosivan and his team could make some changes too?

  * * * *

  Nalia was laughing as Aspen tried on a sexy dress and ran her hands along the small bump of her belly. She couldn’t help but smile and hope to one day have her men’s babies as well. She thought about the dangers but one look at Aspen and she knew that the men would protect them all. This family went beyond blood, and would continue to expand with the years to come.

  “I’m going to try this skirt and blouse on. I’ll meet you up front,” Nalia said and Aspen nodded as she continued to look at the rack of clothing in the boutique.

  When Nalia entered the hallway and the back changing room she thought she felt a breeze coming from down the hallway. It was a little warm today and the owners probably opened up the back door for some fresh air.

  She slid into the dressing room and began to change. She glanced at her body in the mirror and looked down at the sexy lingerie she bought to surprise her men with tonight. She couldn’t help but be ecstatic. She hadn’t chosen a black set, but instead a pretty set in yellow that would look amazing against her tattoo.

  She placed it down onto the bench and pulled the skirt and blouse on over her black bikini lace set. She fixed her hair and tried to see how the outfit looked in the mirror but it was tight in there, so she slipped on her sandals and headed to the larger mirror in front of the other empty rooms since no one was inside but her.

  As she began to turn she heard a noise and then felt the prick to her neck just as the large man grabbed ahold of her and covered her mouth. “Don’t scream, Nalia, or I’ll kill the pregnant bitch.”

  She instantly knew she couldn’t put Aspen and the baby in danger and as she wondered who this guy was she felt the room begin to spin. He stuck her with something. What was it? But as he moved her she felt her legs give out and then him lift her up into his arms as if she were light as a feather before heading down the hall and out the back door into the sunlight. She couldn’t get her voice to work and as he got into the back seat of a van the driver drove off and darkness overtook her vision.

  * * * *

  “Thank God, you got them. It’s over then?” Cosivan said into the phone and the others around them began to celebrate.

  “I have to tell Nalia,” Chatham said and started heading into the boutique. Cosivan followed, excitement in his heart at knowing the danger, the fear was finally over and they could move on with their lives with Nalia.

  Then they heard Aspen yell to them from the front door. “Nalia is gone. Something is wrong.”

  Cosivan yelled into the phone and ran with the others inside. They were looking in the dressing room and saw the back door open and a needle on the rug.

  “Oh fuck, someone took her,” Storm yelled and pulled out his cell phone.

  “Get the surveillance tapes,” Zin said to Viktor.

  Cosivan yelled into the phone. “Someone took Nalia. She’s gone.”

  Cosivan clenched his teeth and felt anger like he never felt before fill his heart.

  “They’re dead. Whoever they are, I’m going to kill them with my bare fucking hands.”

  Chapter 9

  “No. No more, you’re going to kill her, Vlladim. She’ll listen. I’ll get her to listen,” Malayna begged of him as she grabbed on to Vlladim’s arm and hugged him to her so he would stop striking Nalia. Malayna was getting tired of the beatings, of Nalia screaming for help then defying them and not giving in to the control. It had been weeks since she arrived here and she knew that Nalia would rather die than give in to Vlladim and Cornikup’s control.

  Vlladim grabbed onto Malayna and pressed her up against the wall. He was breathing through his nose and clenching his teeth. “You know better than to touch me without permission.”

  He wasn’t a huge man but he was muscular, trim, and crazy in the head. She feared him more than she feared Cornikup. She had hoped that if Nalia had gotten here that they could talk and get through this together. She had been alone for three years, but
in those three years she learned so much about Cornikup and how to destroy him. She would get that chance someday and somehow. She would do whatever it took to get that opportunity.

  He reached up and grabbed her face. She tilted her head back, heard Nalia moaning in the background as she lay on the rug in the bedroom.

  “You have not been able to convince her or teach her the rules since she arrived here three weeks ago. She learns the hard way, just as you did three years ago, Malayna.”

  Malayna remembered those weeks of resisting and fighting. They beat her down physically and then emotionally. It wasn’t until she lay on the ground bloody and battered that she learned the truth behind who these men were and why they killed her mother and took her when she was eighteen. Cornikup thought she was unconscious as he talked to Vlladim about his revenge. So she did have a father, and his name was Nicolai Merkovicz, and he was a main boss in the Russian mob.

  “I want to keep trying. I know she is defiant now, as I was, Vlladim, but she will learn, and then be ready for Cornikup and whatever plans he has for her.”

  Vlladim caressed her cheek and then ran a finger over her lip. She forced herself not to shudder at his touch. She knew he wanted her and she feared that Cornikup would give her to Vlladim for being so loyal and for wanting her as his own.

  If that day came, it would be her last day on this earth. She would kill him when he wasn’t expecting it, even if it meant him taking from her body, and making her move when he was weak and inside of her.

  She lowered her eyes. “Please, sir,” she said to him.

  She felt his cock against her groin and then she felt him cup her breasts. She gasped and looked up, locking gazes with him. He clenched his teeth. “One day soon you are going to be mine, Malayna. I have wanted you since day one. I’m not weak, nor will I be tricked. Get her to cooperate, or you will suffer some of her pain as well.”

  He lowered her feet to the ground but not before squeezing her ass and giving it a smack. She jumped away from him and he smirked but looked at her with evil and lust in his eyes. It wouldn’t be long now. She had to get Nalia to cooperate so she could survive. Malayna was running out of time.

  * * * *

  Nalia felt the warm washcloth against her battered skin. She ached everywhere and the cuts and bruises were raw and painful. She didn’t want to move.

  “Just lay still, Nalia.”

  “Malayna?” she whispered. She had been the one to take care of her after Vlladim’s beatings. Nalia didn’t know what was going on, who these men were, and where she was. Malayna had whispered things to her but she didn’t know if she were dreaming or if those things were real.

  “Who are you?” Nalia asked her as she blinked her eyes to try and open them but they hurt, too.

  “I told you, Nalia. You need to listen to me and to learn the rules. It’s been three weeks since Vlladim brought you here.”

  “Three weeks?” She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Why hadn’t her men come for her? Who was this man who held her captive?

  “You need to listen to me. The men you say you love will never find you. They can’t and you need to keep quiet about loving them. If Cornikup and Vlladim find out then they’ll do worse to you. They’ll take from your body. They have to think you are a virgin still,” she whispered and looked around to be sure no one could hear her.

  Nalia swallowed hard.

  “How do you know? How long have you been here?”

  “Three years,” she whispered.

  “Three years. Oh my God. Oh God, no. No,” she cried, feeling sick and weak.

  “Shh, please, Nalia, listen to me. They’ll take you out of the country as soon as they can and you’re trained. I’m not going to last much longer. Vlladim is going to want me for himself and I feel that Cornikup wants you. He’ll release me to Vlladim for him being so loyal.”

  “Oh God, Malayna. Who is this Cornikup and why does he want me?”

  “I heard him say revenge. Your father Karlicov killed someone in his family, a brother I think, and Nicolai gave the order. Cornikup retaliated and sent a man, his main guard to kill your father, but Nicolai’s brother, Jacob, was there with his son, and killed Nicolai’s brother. But then Jacob’s son, who was a teenage boy, killed Cornikup’s main guy. He sought revenge against Nicolai but there was no one he was close to. Then he found out about my mother. That’s when he sent Vlladim to kill her and to take me.”


  Malayna swallowed hard and whispered to her. “I am Nicolai’s daughter.”

  Nalia gasped. “You have a sister, and a cousin.” Nalia began to explain and Malayna was shocked to learn about Aspen and to also learn about Viktor.

  “He is one of my men. He must have been the teenager that killed Cornikup’s main guy back then.”

  “Oh my God, we can’t let anyone know. None of it matters. They will never find you just like my father never found me. I don’t even know if he knows I exist.”

  “You can’t think that way. You have to keep fighting,” Nalia said to her.

  She shook her head. “Nalia, don’t make the mistakes I did. Don’t plan and hope on a possibility of being rescued like I once had. They aren’t coming for you. No one will find you or know where to find Cornikup. I’ve been a prisoner for three years. Three years, Nalia. I finally understand that my life is over and I am going to die here. Be smart and learn the rules quickly. This is your new life, unless you decide you are willing to push Vlladim and Cornikup to the point of killing you. Then that will be your destiny, just as I have stated mine.”

  “We can’t give up, Malayna. Your father is helping my men, your cousin find me, and they will find us. My men and the others in the family are American soldiers. They’re resourceful and they love me. I know they’re coming, and when they do, we need to be ready to help them.”

  “I don’t think I have any more fight inside of me, Nalia. I was eighteen when they killed my mother in front of me and then took me away from the only home I ever knew.”

  “They killed my mother in front of me as well.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I killed the man who did it. I can help us get out of here.”

  “No, no, you can’t and that will make Vlladim even angrier. Aren’t you tired of getting beaten and touched?” she asked.

  “I will continue to fight. It’s in my blood to not give in to the enemy, Malayna, and it is in yours, too.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You will, and when the time comes. When my men come for me, I’ll need you to help me. To get me a loaded gun, any weapon you can.”

  “And what? Fight off Vlladim and Cornikup and their men on your own?”

  “And kill them, because I was trained by my father, and survived his enemies wanting to kill me before. I will survive now. I’ve got lucky Team 13 on my side, and on yours, too.”

  * * * *

  “Mexico. They are located on a heavily guarded compound in Mexico,” Nicolai addressed the large group of men along with Karlicov.

  “Where? When can we leave? How many?” Boian asked, sitting forward in his seat.

  Nicolai held up his hand and looked around the room at all the men gathered there.

  “This is a great enemy of mine and Karlicov’s. Viktor, he is the one responsible for giving the order to kill your father.”

  Viktor clenched his teeth and his brothers looked cold as ice. They were exhausted, had very little sleep, and were at their wits’ end over the abduction of Nalia. Three and a half weeks had passed. The surveillance tapes at the boutique in Salvation revealed a man who they identified as one of Cornikup’s soldiers. That information came from Star and his team of men on the hunt for a man named Vlladim they wanted to kill. They were part of the Mulicheck family, a second in command under Nicolai.

  He explained more about the men they were hunting and then about Star, Krane, Luca, and Border. They would be going in first, leading the infiltration of the compound.

  “We want to be there and go in,” Cosivan said, standing there with his arms crossed and ready to kill.

  “And you all will. We have to ensure that this situation ends there in Mexico. I will have other members of the extended family on high alert. The plane leaves in thirty minutes. You will work together with Star and his team to accomplish this mission. I leave you, Star and Storm in charge of this, Cosivan. Your military backgrounds will be quite useful in putting an end to this situation once and for all,” Nicolai told him.

  Cosivan, Star and Storm nodded their heads and then Viktor looked at Karlicov. “We will bring back your daughter. She never should have been taken from us.”

  “You bring back your wife. You do everything you can to protect her and ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.”

  * * * *

  Nalia cried out as Vlladim pulled the chains that were attached to her wrists. She was bloody and battered, but resisted less and less and played somber and weak a little more each day. She needed these men to believe they were breaking her down as Malayna told her to. It was too hard not to shake or feel disgusted when Cornikup touched her and petted her hair. He treated her like a pet, an animal, and she thought of all the ways she could and would kill the fuck.

  She tested the amount of give in the chain and whether or not she had enough leeway to hold a gun and shoot it with some precision. She kept contemplating different plans and acting them out in her head with all the scenarios that could take place. She had to put into account her battered body, the bruised if not broken ribs, and her more recent injury, her sprained ankle. Kicking that piece of crap Vlladim in the nuts had felt really good, but it cost her.


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