A Crack in the Edge of the World

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A Crack in the Edge of the World Page 45

by Simon Winchester

  rational human response to earthquakes, 55–56. See also human response

  Rat Portage, Canada, 82

  Raven hotel and restaurant, 376

  Rayleigh Waves, 175

  rebuilding plan, 229–30, 356–59. See also buildings; disaster recovery

  reclaimed land, 361, 417

  Reconstruction Era, 127

  recordings, seismograph, 266–68. See also seismographs

  records, loss of, 317, 344

  recovery. See disaster recovery

  recumbent folds, 416

  refugees, 302, 313, 315–16, 330

  Reid, Harry Fielding, 182

  relief efforts. See human response

  religion. See Pentecostal Movement

  report, San Francisco municipal, 317

  Report of the California State Earthquake Commission, 164

  Report on the Effects on Structures and Structural Materials, 291

  Repsold-Zöllner Horizontal Pendulum, 263

  Republican California governors, 128–31

  restaurants, San Francisco, 313

  Resurrection Plate, 59

  Revenue Cutter Service, 312

  Rezanov, Count Nikolai, 116

  Rialto Building, 286

  Richardson, William, 204

  Richter, Charles, 24, 391, 396–401

  Richter Magnitude Scale, 391, 396–401. See also magnitude, earthquake

  right-lateral strike-slip faults, 174, 180

  Río Colorado, Río de Buena Guía, and Río del Tizón, 147

  riots, anti-Chinese, 222

  risk, shared, 325

  Rivera Plate, 169

  Rivera Triple Junction, 169, 198–99

  riverine tsunamis, 412

  rivers, right-lateral displacement of, 187–91

  road cutting, Palmdale, California, 191–92

  rocks. See also geology

  aging of, 69–73

  basalt, 67, 69–73, 77, 150, 154, 413

  cordilleran geoscientists and, 148–49

  craton, 413

  earthquake waves and, 390

  gneiss, 414

  granites, 77, 81, 85, 414

  Eldridge Moores and ophiolite sequences, 149–56

  serpentine, 150–51, 154

  Rocky Mountains, 111

  Rodinia, 83

  Rogers, John, 79

  Rogers, Will, 206

  roller skating, 238

  Roman numerals, intensity scale, 389

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 374

  Roosevelt, President Theodore, 53–54, 142, 224, 304–5

  Ross Alley, 221

  Rossi, M. S. de, 389–90

  Rossi-Forel Scale, 389–90

  Route 66, 124

  routes to California, 123–25

  Royal (company), 329

  Ruef, Abraham, 223–24, 309, 358

  rural communities, disaster recovery and, 303

  Ruscha, Ed, 133–34

  Russian Hill, San Francisco, 228, 294

  Russ’s Gardens, 216

  Sacramento, California, 128

  Sacramento River, 46

  safes, iron, 285–86

  SAFOD (San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth) project, 182–87

  Saint Andrew, 164

  Saint Francis of Assisi, 46, 203

  St. Lucia earthquake, 25, 391

  Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church, 96

  Salton Sea, 197–200

  saltwater firefighting system, 228–29

  San Andreas Fault, 157–200. See also plate tectonics

  Alaska earthquakes and, 369

  Big Bend section of, 187–96, 199–200

  creation of, 165–71

  damage area of Great San Francisco Earthquake and, 259

  earthquake forecasts for, 362–67

  elastic rebound theory and, 179–82, 272–73

  as line between North American Plate and Pacific Plate, 163–65 (see also North American Plate; Pacific Plate)

  Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989 and, 362

  Los Angeles vs. San Francisco and proximity to, 333

  Eldridge Moores, ophiolite sequences, and, 156

  Mount Diablo and, 37–42

  Olema and maximum ground displacement of Great San Francisco Earthquake, 171–74

  Portola Valley and, 366–67

  San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) project and, 182–87

  San Miguel and Parkfield, California, on, 157–63

  southern spreading zone of, 196–200

  San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) project, 182–87

  San Diego, California, 203

  San Francisco (film), 292, 351

  San Francisco, California, 201–30. See also California; Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

  author’s first view of, from Mount Diablo, 29–32, 43–48 (see also Mount Diablo)

  Enrico Caruso and opera in, 233–38

  Chinatown and Chinese immigrants, 217–23 (see also Chinatown; Chinese immigrants)

  City Hall (see City Hall)

  corrupt pre-earthquake government of, 223–25 (see also government, San Francisco)

  current preparedness for earthquakes, 360–67

  early population of, 127–28

  early view of, 205

  earthquake of 1868, 231–33

  earthquake of 1989, 360–62

  earthquake response plans, 363–64

  on evening before Great Earthquake, 231–41

  fires and fire department of, 212–13, 228–29

  Gold Rush and growth of, 206–17

  loss of supremacy to Los Angeles after Great Earthquake and Fire, 331–33

  official seal with phoenix, 212

  pre-earthquake status of buildings in, 225–29

  post-earthquake loss of creative culture, 351–56

  post-earthquake rebuilding plan, 229–30, 356–59

  settling and naming of, 46, 201–6

  supremacy of, and President Teddy Roosevelt, 54

  Vesuvius eruption, Los Angeles, and, 229–30

  San Francisco Bay Bridge, 361

  San Francisco Calamity by Earthquake and Fire (book), 419–21

  San Francisco Gas and Electric Fire, 292

  San Francisco Imperishable (book), 323

  San Francisco Real Estate Board, 322

  San Gabriel Fault, 167, 195

  San Jacinto Fault, 196

  San Joaquin River, 45–46

  San José, California, 33, 203, 255, 270

  San Juan Capistrano, California, 203

  Sankara, Adi, 85

  San Leandro, California

  San Luis Obispo, California, 203

  San Miguel, California, earthquakes, 158–63

  Santa Barbara, California, 194

  Santa Clara, California, 256

  Santa Cruz, California, 254–55, 360–61

  Santa Rosa, California, 257

  scales, 387–403

  geological time, 401–3

  intensity, 388–96 (see also intensity, earthquake)

  magnitude, 396–401 (see also magnitude, earthquake)

  schists (term), 414

  Schmitz, Eugene

  response of, to earthquake and fire, 305–13

  selection of, as mayor of San Francisco, 223–25

  schools report, 317

  science. See also geology; New Geology; plate tectonics

  Gaia theory, 4

  paleoseismology, 104

  reaction to earthquakes and, 56

  seismic, 160–63

  space exploration, 1–5

  of United States in 1906, 49–50

  Scientific American (magazine), 233

  scrip certificates, 315–16

  sea. See ocean

  seal, flying (term), 318

  seal, San Francisco official, 212

  See, Thomas Jefferson Jackson, 269

  seismic events. See also earthquakes; volcanoes

  animals and, 240–41

  in Cali
fornia, 160–61

  in New England, 87–88

  of 1906, 23–28

  of 2004, 28

  seismic science, 160–63. See also geology

  seismograms, 263, 268

  seismographs, 261–73

  early Chinese weathercock, 261–62

  earthquake magnitude and, 391, 396–401

  geologists, Robert Wallace, and, 189

  invention of, 262–63, 388

  Jesuits and, 264–67

  at Meers (Oklahoma) Fault, 106–8

  modern analysis of recordings of Great San Francisco Earthquake, 267–73

  recordings of, for Great San Francisco Earthquake, 176, 177, 257, 264

  seismometers, 161, 263

  seismoscope, 265

  serpentine rocks, 150–51, 154

  Seuss, Eduard, 74

  Seward, William, 114

  Seymour, William, 338–39

  shanghai men (term), 214

  shared risk, 325

  shear waves (S-waves), 175–76, 398

  Shemakha earthquake of 1906, 26

  Sheriff’s report, 317

  shield rocks, 81


  buildings made from, 211

  eyewitness accounts from, 251–53

  Sieberg, August, 390

  Sierra Club, 129, 148

  Sierra Nevada range, 44–45

  sills (term), 414–15

  silver, 137, 214

  Simpson, George, 116

  Sir Francis Drake Highway, 173–74

  Sixpence House (book), 419

  size, earthquake. See intensity, earthquake; magnitude, earthquake; scales

  size, earth’s, 58

  Skaergaard Layered Igneous Intrusion, 71–73

  sketches, Caruso’s, 251

  Skinner, W. D., 174

  skyscrapers, steel-framed, 51, 225

  Slot, San Francisco, 228, 245

  smallpox insurance, 324–25, 326

  smells, earthquakes and, 100–101

  Smith, Jedediah, 118–19, 147

  Smithsonian Institution, 145

  Socialist Voice (newspaper), 308

  social reform, insurance companies and, 324–25

  Society of Jesus, seismographs and, 265–67

  soldiers. See military

  Sonoma Valley, 256–57

  sounds, earthquakes and, 88, 91, 102

  South America, 84

  South Carolina Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96, 108

  Southern Pacific Company, 223, 321, 323

  south of the slot (term), 228


  exploration of, and New Geology, 1–5

  view of Great San Francisco earthquake from, 11–13


  naming of Mount Diablo and California by soldiers of, 32–35

  rule over California by, 115, 201–6

  spreading zones, 60–61, 165–66, 169, 199–200

  Spreckels, Claus, 224, 225, 420

  Spreckels, Rudolf, 224–25

  stamps, post-earthquake mail delivery without, 316

  Standard Oil, 43, 94

  Stanford, Leland, 128–29, 215, 225

  Stanford University, 130, 185–86, 264, 275, 278

  state government. See California; government, California

  steel-framed skyscrapers, 51, 225

  Stegner, Wallace, 144

  Steinmann, Gustav, 151

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 351

  Stewart, Nellie, 238

  Stiattesi Vertical Pendulum, 263

  Stillwater Intrusion, 72

  stock market, 321–22. See also financial issues

  Stockton, Robert, 46

  Stone Mountains, 111

  Strait of Magellan route to California, 123–24

  Strange Genius (book), 138–39

  stratigraphy, geological time scale, 401–3

  Strauss, Levi, 218

  Street of Gamblers, San Francisco, 221

  strike (term), 416

  strike-slip faults, 167–71, 174, 180, 372

  Students Astronomical Observatory, 270

  subduction zones, 60–61, 166

  subjective earthquake measurements. See intensity, earthquake

  Suess, Eduard, 151

  sugar daddy (term), 225

  suicides, 323–24

  Sullivan, Dennis, 228–29, 239–40, 283–84

  Sullivan, Margaret, 284

  Sumatran earthquake and tsunami of 2004, 28, 85, 90, 240, 303, 370, 397–400

  Summerville, South Carolina, 88–90, 93, 95, 108

  Sun Yat-sen, 223

  Sunset (magazine), 353–54

  supercontinents, 73–86

  surface waves, 175

  Surtsey Island, 65–69

  Suter, Johan. See Sutter, John ( Johan Suter)

  Sutro, Adolf, 225–26

  Sutter, John (Johan Suter), 35, 119–21

  S-waves (shear waves), 175–76, 398

  Sweet Nell of Old Drury (play), 238

  Système International d’Unités, 78

  Taft, William Howard, 310–11

  Taiping Rebellion, 219

  Taiwan earthquake of 1906, 26

  Tangrenbu. See Chinatown

  technology of United States in 1906, 50–52

  tectonic plates, 57–62, 416. See also faults; North American Plate; Pacific Plate; plate tectonics

  Tecumseh, 99

  Tejon Pass (California) earthquake, 191–94

  Telegraph Creek, California, 169

  Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, 228, 294

  telegraph lines, 124, 128, 287, 315

  telephone exchanges, 287, 297

  tents, 210, 313

  terrane (term), 155, 416–17

  Tertiary Period, 415

  Tethys, 74

  Texas, 111, 133–34

  theaters, 238

  Thingvellir, Iceland, 67–68

  thixotropic (term), 417

  Thomas, Lewis, 3–4

  Three Years in California (book), 116

  Tibet, 39

  Tiffany, Charles, 141–42

  time scale, geological, 401–3

  timing of Great San Francisco Earthquake, 12–18, 253, 267–71

  Todd, James, 142. See also King, Clarence

  Tok, Yukon, 377

  tongs, Chinese, 222.

  trails to California, 124–25

  transcontinental railroads, 124, 128. See also railroads and railroad companies

  transform faults, 60–61

  Transverse Ranges, 191, 194–95

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 114–15

  Temblor Range, 188–89, 194

  triode invention, 51

  triple junctions, San Andreas Fault, 167–69


  Alaskan, of 1964, 371

  measuring, 387

  riverine, 412

  Sumatran, of 2004, 28, 365 (see also Sumatran earthquake and tsunami of 2004)

  Tumaco, Colombia, 24

  Turner, Thomas, 89

  Twain, Mark, 34

  2004 (year), seismic events of, 28. See also Sumatran earthquake and tsunami of 2004

  Two Years Before the Mast (book), 116, 204

  Ukiah, California, 270

  umbo (term), 417

  Union Square, San Francisco, 216

  United States

  acquisition of California by, 113–15

  Army Corp of Engineers and Alaska Highway, 374

  Congress, President James Polk, and Great Western Surveys, 137–38 (see also Great Western Surveys)

  Congressional response to Great San Francisco Earthquake, 310–11

  Congressional response to insurance company behavior, 328–29

  earthquakes in, 95, 109 (see also earthquakes)

  Geological Survey (see U. S. Geological Survey)

  government (see government, federal)

  insurance companies in, 329

  military response, 304–13 (see also military)

  Mint, 207, 286–87, 311, 315, 3

  Navy, 312

  Post Office, 314–16

  EarthScope, SAFOD project, and, 185–87

  San Francisco’s supremacy and President Teddy Roosevelt, 53–54

  science, technology, politics, and culture of, in 1906, 49–56

  Weather Bureau, 253

  U. S. Geological Survey

  earthquake forecasts, 362–63

  Clarence King and, 140, 142

  John Wesley Powell and, 148

  reports on Great San Francisco Earthquake, 280–81, 284–85, 286, 291

  SAFOD project and, 185–87

  University of California, 14, 18, 149

  uplift, San Andreas Fault, 194–95

  Ur, 79, 82

  urban planning efforts, 229–30, 356–59

  Valle de San Andreas, 164

  Vallejo, California, 128

  Valparaiso earthquake of 1906, 27–28

  Vancouver, George, 116

  Van Dyke, W. S., 292

  velocity, earthquake wave, 398

  Vesuvius eruption of 1906, 26–27, 229–30, 234

  vibration detectors, 263.l See also seismographs

  vigilantism, 129, 213

  Vigne, Jean-Louis, 116

  Vincent Fault, 196

  Vincenti-Konkoly Vertical Pendulum, 263–64

  volcanic earthquakes, 25

  volcanic layered rock, 71–73

  volcanoes. See also seismic events

  animals and, 240

  Iceland’s, 66

  measuring, 387–88

  Mount Diablo mistaken for, 38–39

  Mount Shasta, 45, 372

  Pacific Plate and, 372

  plate tectonics and, 59, 60–61, 85–86

  predicting, 365

  subduction, and, 165–66, 169

  Vesuvius eruption of 1906, 26–27, 229–30, 234

  Yellowstone National Park and, 380–85

  Von Rebeur-Paschwitz Horizontal Pendulum, 264


  building construction, 390, 391–96

  San Francisco’s, 47–48

  Wadati, Kiyoo, 396


  Conestoga, 118, 413

  latrine-emptying, 313

  Walker’s Continental Divide Road-house, 375

  Wallace, Robert, 189–91

  Wall Street crash of 1929, 321

  Wal-Mart (company), 375–76

  Walsh, Harry, 248–49

  Walsh, William, 323

  Wapakoneta, Ohio, 1–3

  Wappingers Falls Sequence of 1974, 87–88, 95

  Washington Street, San Francisco, 243–45

  water supply

  damage to, 289–90, 361

  establishment of, 210, 214

  firefighting and poor condition of, 229, 239, 320

  restoring, 313

  Watson Lake, British Columbia, 375

  waves, earthquake, 175–76, 390, 398–99

  weather, pre-earthquake, 231. See also wind

  Weather Bureau

  San Francisco, 14, 16–17

  United States, 253

  weathercock, earthquake, 261–62

  Wegener, Alfred, 69–70, 73–74

  Wellington (ship), 252


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