Damaged Love

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Damaged Love Page 9

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Wow,” she breathed as she slunk deeper into the water.

  “Wow,” I responded as I scooped her into my lap and kissed her again, soft, gentle pecks that said, “Thank you,” and more. More, I wasn’t prepared to understand at the time, but there was a deep, soulful connection between us and it was life-altering.

  Chapter 14


  It was just my stupid luck. I found love with a man out of nowhere, who wants a temporary relationship for as long as the storm lasts. And I, being so me, said, yes, like an idiot. Then, after the most incredible, hot bathtub sex I’d ever had and in fact the only bathtub sex I’d ever had, I’d have to just walk away from this. Which would be fine, if I was that kind of person, but in truth, I wasn’t. I was a “fall in love and fall hard,” kind of girl. I always had been. So, while the sex was insane and amazing, I felt a little sad after the euphoria dissipated.

  He lifted me out of the bath and placed me back onto the chair. He then got a warm fluffy white towel from a linen closet in the corner and wrapped the voluminous cloth around me. While his erection had wilted some, it was still impressive as he toweled me off. I wanted to put my mouth on him and go for round two but I was a little sore and depleted.

  A tall glass of juice and a cuddle would get me going again, though. As soon as he was finished with me, he opened the door to a wardrobe closet which had a door to both the bathroom and the bedroom and took out a long white robe, which he fastened around his waist.

  I was happy to see he didn’t jump right into jeans; there was hope for more in my future.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked in a kind and loving voice.

  I wasn’t sure how to answer him. I was hungry, yes, that hard fucking definitely worked off the breakfast we’d eaten, but I wasn’t ready to be all “honey, hand me the paper” just yet. I felt bewildered, our arrangement was vexing, and I hoped to impart a protest before blindly marching away from this when it was all over.

  “I am,” I confirmed, “but I’m curious.” I held my gaze on him for a moment, trying to remain playful and flirty.

  “Yes,” he answered, picking me up again.

  “I can walk, you know,” I protested.

  “Not well. So. What are you curious about?” he asked with trepidation.

  I took a deep breath as butterflies took off in my stomach, fluttering all over the place, making it hard to even breathe. “Well, um… do we really have to call it quits after the storm ends?” I didn’t want to sound like a whining child and yet, that’s exactly what I sounded like.

  “It’s best for both of us, I’m sorry.” Damn, not even an ounce of wiggle room. “If…” he hesitated, “you want to stop, I…we… could stop now,” he said with finality.

  “No,” I pouted, “it’s just…”

  “I know,” he interrupted. “How about lunch?” And that was the end of our conversation on the matter.

  He brought me into the living room and sat me on the couch. I felt a little strange wearing nothing but a towel, and I wasn’t an invalid. My foot was feeling much better and if I had a stick or something to walk with, it’d be able to hobble about on my own. Maybe he didn’t want me doing that though, as skeletons were most likely lurking upstairs and not just in the closet. My being immobile kept my curiosity contained.

  As he sat me down he looked at me and said, “I have to get you something else to wear. Hang tight and I’ll be right back.” No, I’m fine. Almost naked is fine. He left as soon as he mentioned the clothes. Darn, no seconds this time.

  I was hoping he’d ravage me on the couch, but the “Why can’t this be real?” question probably killed the moment. I was an expert at moment killing.

  He came back dressed in comfortable clothes with my clothes freshly laundered, It was nice to wear my own clothes. My clothes had a faint manly scent mixed with washing liquid smell and it was intoxicating. .

  The cabin had a chill I’d not noticed before and it was actually feeling cold inside. I tucked my hands into the sweatshirt for warmth trying not to show how chilly I was, but one perceptive glance caught me red-handed.

  “I should start a fire,” he said, more to himself than me.

  “I’m okay,” I lied.

  He walked over to the picture window that was filtering in a gray light. The storm was still raging outside, despite it being the middle of the afternoon. It was dark and brooding.

  “I need to go out and get firewood from the shed before the house is buried in snow. Are you good to hang out for a few minutes?” he asked, his eyes pleading for me to stay put.

  “Yes,” I gave him a placating smile.

  He seemed satisfied by my response and I watched him put on a heavy parka and grab a shovel from the closet nearest the front door. When he opened the door, the snow was already waist high. He had to dig himself out which took a lot of effort and also proved how strong he was because he was able to clear a space in no time. He then climbed up the snow drift and disappeared.

  As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed my phone which was on the side table near the couch and checked to see if I had reception. Despite the fact that it was still snowing outside, I had one bar left. I prayed it would work.

  I called my boss on her cell phone, not sure she’d be able to answer with this bad weather. All of Minneapolis was being affected by the storm. I assumed it was less intense off the mountain, but still pretty bad.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hi, Rose, It’s Jeni. I just wanted to reach out to you, since I have a client tomorrow morning at 9:00...” I started but was quickly interrupted.

  “Oh, thank god you called! We’ve been trying to reach you, but your phone has been off or out of range, must be the storm. We’re closing until this storm lets up. We don’t want the families driving with their kids. The schools are closed and so are most of the roads, you couldn’t get here if you tried,” she assured me.

  Thank God. While I was worried that so many people had been affected by the storm, I was happy they were closing the office. That would give Dash and me more time together and since it was the only time we’d have, a wave of relief flooded over me.

  “Okay, so I’ll call…” and just then the phone cut out.

  That made me the slightest bit nervous, but there wasn’t anything I could do. If she tried to call back, she’d get a deadline.

  I decided to read my Kindle until Dash came back.

  I avoided the few historical romances I had saved as I was already heated with passion, so I opted for a light mystery, something to take my mind away from the situation.

  Dash returned about forty-five minutes later with the sled he used to rescue me heaped with firewood. He left the sled on top of the snow drift and jumped down into the well he’d shoveled out in front of the door. There was an awning that kept the snow from coming right up to the door, however, it was piled up high around the periphery of the house.

  “I wish you’d let me help you,” I protested looking up from my phone.

  “Nope, I want that ankle to heal properly,” he instructed.

  “It’s almost all better,” I gave him a flirtatious smile as he loaded heaps of firewood into his arms, which made his huge muscles bulge with effort.

  “You’re not a very good liar,” he noted as he brought the wood in and placed it near the fireplace.

  “Well, I’m in danger of getting comfortable with this slacker lifestyle,” I warned.

  He eyed me with a smoldering directness, “I’ll make sure you don’t slack off for long,” YES! “Is that a fact?” I teased as I returned to my book, getting too heated to look at him any longer.

  While I was pretty sore from our first go at it, I’d be willing to brave another round. I loved having sex with him; it felt so right, so perfect, and that was dangerous. My poor heart was in for quite a beating.

  “Let’s have lunch first,” he said as he finished loading the firewood and then closed the door. Now, the cabin was freezing, so he set
the wood and kindling into the fireplace and lit it all ablaze. Within moments we had a roaring fire that was throwing off a lot of heat.

  I’d never known a fire to warm a room up so fast; it must’ve been another one of his geeky technologically advances. I wanted to ask, but since he seemed so protective of his work, I decided against it.

  “You’re spoiling me,” I confessed as I returned to my reading, which held little interest for me after he entered the room.

  “Good,” was all he said before he walked into the kitchen and started whipping up lunch. If he was real and not a Mountain Man Cabin Only Fantasy Guy, he’d be perfect. He cooked sort of, he hefted things, and he was an amazing lover. He also probably would’ve been a really fun guy if he wasn’t so secluded from the world. Playing Resident Evil gave me a glimpse of the real man behind the Mountain Man mask.

  I could smell fish and spices cooking, which filled the air with a pungent, yet aromatic scent, igniting my hunger. As our lunch cooked, he walked over to me with a glass of red wine, poured generously into a deep crystal goblet.

  “What are you reading?” he asked as he sat beside me.

  “Just a mystery, something to…” I really didn’t want to expose my inner turmoil.

  “Something light,” he added, saving me from going too deep.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to think about you, or your um…” I glanced down at his, cock which I could see from the bulge in his loose-fitting pants was already starting to harden.

  “And I probably shouldn’t be thinking of you, or you um...” His eyes drifted over my breasts. “You bring out the beast in me.” He flashed a gorgeous smile. “You up for another level?” he asked.

  I hoped he might be referring to sex, which I so wanted, but I’d worry about our meal burning the whole time we were doing it.

  “Um…” I wasn’t sure how to answer.

  He grabbed the controllers and switched on the X-box.

  “Let’s see if we can’t navigate this ol’ house better before we become dinner this time.” Oh goodie, a diversion.

  After he cooked the fish, we played part 2 of Resident Evil, which was even scarier than the first. Playing together alleviated some of the tension between us, and it was a great way to talk about things that weren’t real because for some reason real things seemed even scarier.

  When our meal was ready we ate together. Our conversation was weird. Since he didn’t seem to want to know anything about me, which made me sad, we stuck to talking about the game at first. I understood the reason for his lack of curiosity. I was in his top-secret world and didn’t belong there, but I still wanted to open up to him and let him know more about who I was.

  Conversely, he too was off limits. I wasn’t encouraged to ask questions about him either, which left us little to discuss. Of course, we talked Resident Evil and our shared experiences there. When we’d pretty much exhausted our rehash of the game and our strategies for playing differently, we moved onto the virtues of wild-caught salmon vs. farm-raised. Enlightening, awkward, and strange how many sexual innuendos can be made out of the salmon’s spawn cycle.

  We stayed in the moment. He was a pretty good cook for someone who professed himself to have no cooking skill and with just one glass of wine, I was feeling relaxed and full after our meal. We tried to take up the game again, just to occupy our time as the storm continued outside but we were both too fired up and lusty to really concentrate. We attempted to enter the zombie world with a will to live, but it was very clear we had an insatiable desire for something else.

  “You wanna fuck this dude on the table?” he asked me as we entered a grimy looking kitchen strewn with bloody objects.

  “Oh my god, wouldn’t that be a fun game,” I blurted out without thinking, it would be fun for a minute, but it’d just make us crave the real thing more.

  “I’m sure this guy would like it,” he gave me a smarmy smile.

  “I don’t know, you think that “guy” has as big a dick as yours?” Might as well go there since he did.

  “Is that a compliment?” he flirted.

  It was fun to see this sexy, flirty side of him. I liked it better than his dark and brooding demeanor.

  “I believe it was,” I played along.

  “Do you want more of my fine cock?” he teased as he pressed his hand suggestively against his bulging erection.

  It was not a subtle move, which made me laugh, however, he was amazingly hard already. What a guy.

  “Do I get to play with it this time?” I batted my eyes and played innocent.

  “Sure,” he said nonchalantly as he slipped his pants down and let his cock spring forward, jutting up to the ceiling. “Why don’t you come over here and play with this joystick,” he laughed at his horribly cheesy joke.

  “You didn’t just say that?” I laughed, crawling over to him, “Where did you get that line? From the Dick Avenger 3?” I settled in before him, ready to take his bulbous mushroom into my mouth and taste him for the first time.

  “Dick Avenger 2, the Silver Edition,” he teased as I slid my mouth over his cock and he sucked in air through his teeth. “Fuck,” he inhaled.

  I was hungry for him as I swirled my tongue around his thick mushroom head. It was so big, it barely fit in my mouth, but God, did it feel good. I let my tongue dance around his slit as it dribbled precum into my mouth. He tasted both salty and sweet. I then propped myself up on the elbow of one arm and used my other hand to glide up and down his shaft, making him buck and grunt.

  I quickened my pace as his hips gently met my mouth, we fell into an intoxicating rhythm. His fingers tangled in my hair and pulled ever so slightly, sending needles of electricity from my scalp down to my pussy. Excited by the thought of having him inside me again, I quickened my pace, while he was certainly hard enough, I wanted to make sure he was properly cared for before we moved to me, then when I was in mid-suck, he grabbed my hair hard as his face winced.

  “Stop!” His tone was exasperated and desperate. “I’m going to cum in your mouth,” he pulled his rigid cock out of my mouth and patted his stomach. “Why don’t you sit here?” he suggested.

  I wiggled out of his clothes and I scampered into his lap the best I could with a bad ankle and positioned my pussy over his dripping cock.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this? You’re not too sore?” His concern was sweet, and I was quite sore, but it certainly wasn’t going to stop me from getting as much of his cock as I could. I tried to wiggle him into me, but he stopped at my entrance with only the tip in, my face screwed into a pout.

  “I am ready,” I protested.

  A laugh huffed out from him as his fingers found my wet core, desperate and needy as he gently worked my clit, rubbing back and forth, sending shock waves through my body as I rocked back and forth against him, lodging his massive rod farther and farther in.

  Chapter 15


  God, she felt good. At that moment I couldn’t think of anything that felt better than her pussy. She straddled me as I slowly pushed my way into her. She seemed even tighter than she was earlier, which made the effort so much more difficult. As soon as she was firmly seated on me, with my cock lodged up inside her sweet pussy, I let it rest there for a moment.

  Her face was flushed with passion and I could tell there was some discomfort, so I let her stretch to fit. Within moments, she looked up at me with an endearing smile and started to ride my rod up and down as I felt the friction between us build.

  Knowing her ankle was bad, I lifted her up and down on me so as not to cause her any pain. I loved watching her face glaze with ecstasy, she looked like an angel. I leaned in and claimed her mouth, diving my tongue to meet hers and taste her deliciousness.

  Unable to keep myself from fucking her hard, I rolled her onto her back and pulled her legs up to my chest.

  “Are you ready?” I asked, my tone hot and throaty.

  “Yes,” she squealed as she arched her body to meet mine.

p; That was all the permission I needed. I pressed into her deeply and let my hips rocket to the moon. She panted loudly in staccato breaths that built up into a scream of delight as I felt her hot juices coat my cock. That was my call to duty, a few more deep pumps and I came buried deep into her womb. My cock jettisoned a few times then quaked as every last drop of my seed planted deep within her body.

  It was hard to focus; I was seeing so many stars as my vision blurred with the intensity of my orgasm. At first, she didn’t say anything either, we just lay there together panting.

  When our bodies had settled, she drifted her hand up under my shirt, which I hadn’t even removed. I’d been so ravenous for her I just lobbed off my pants like a high school jock behind the bleachers and did her wild style, no grace or decorum, just unbridled fuckery from a reclusive mountain man.

  The thought of myself becoming that man again filled me with dread. Her hand had moved down to my wilting member and stroked it lovingly.

  “Thank you,” she breathed into my shoulder.

  I kissed her sweet warm cheek, “No, thank you.”

  We stayed on the couch and cuddled for a while, both of us lost in our thoughts. Her hands continued their loving exploration as I simply held her and fended off my feelings.

  As soon as we were able, I took her to the bathroom for a quick shower. I held her in my arms and let the warm water cascade over our bodies. We both dressed in warm clothes as the temperature inside the cabin was dropping fast.

  The solar panels were catching some energy, but not enough to keep the house and the water warm. We’d have to start braving it a bit more. When we returned to the living room what little of the sun there was that day started to set. I put more logs on the fire and we both cuddled on the couch, her with her book and me with my work.

  I was doing some reading research but planned to work on some theories I had for an adaptation of a drug I’d already created a few years ago. I was thinking of ways to kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. We did well with the cancer blocker and it was working with some cancers, but I was dying to widen the range. In fact, I was obsessed with it.


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