Under the Bali Moon

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Under the Bali Moon Page 1

by Grace Octavia

  Reunion in paradise

  Exotic Bali is the perfect place to stage a wedding. If ambitious attorney Zena Shaw has her way, it’ll also be the perfect place to prevent one. Zena loves her younger sister too much to watch her rush into a marriage she’ll later regret. But Zena’s mission hits an obstacle in the form of gorgeous Adan Douglass, the groom-to-be’s brother—and the man who once broke Zena’s heart.

  Adan was just a college kid when he chose career ambition over love, but years later he regrets it. Now he’s hoping to persuade the beautiful workaholic to join him at their siblings’ union...and think about rekindling their own. From stunning beaches to magnificent temples, he’ll show her everything this lush island has to offer—and hope these magical nights are only the beginning of forever...

  She opened her eyes to see him, to confirm that this was him and look at Adan as he kissed her so passionately.

  And he was there. Adan was before her with his eyes closed and joy written all over his face.

  Twinkling or sparkling behind his right ear caught Zena’s eye. She refocused and saw something that looked like fireworks, but then she knew it couldn’t be, so she broke the lip-lock from Adan and ordered him to turn around.

  “Look! Look!” she screamed, pointing at the shining, clear black night.

  As soon as Adan turned, in one second there was a flicker and pop, and two shooting stars raced across the sky.

  “Did you see that? Did you see that?” Zena rushed out, still in shock at what she’d just seen.

  “Yes! I did! I did! I think it was a shooting star—two shooting stars!” Adan said with his voice half-confused or in awe.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe we just saw that!” Zena was ecstatic then and jumping in the sand. She turned to Adan and said with significant cadence, “We just saw that. We just saw that together. Right as we kissed.”

  Dear Reader,

  If we’re lucky, our first love is a mirror to self. He or she comes into our lives when we are at our most honest, vulnerable and open. If we’re really lucky, like Zena and Adan, that love endures and never leaves us.

  Enjoy this intimate narrative of the power of first love and the humble prayer of its return. Escape to the wonder of Bali, Indonesia, with Zena and Adan where they must find their way to a kind of emotional intimacy that promises such an amazing gift of love to us all.

  In celebration of love,

  Grace O.

  Grace Octavia is a native of Long Island and a graduate of New York University. She also completed her PhD in English at Georgia State University. A proud sister of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, she is also a member of the Sigma Tau Delta National English Honor Society. The former editor of Rolling Out Urbanstyle Weekly, she lives in Atlanta, GA. She enjoys international travel, hiking, cooking and being with her girlfriends. She currently teaches writing at Spelman College.

  Books by Grace Octavia

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  Under the Bali Moon

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  To my first love, who helped me discover my first true self and grow boundlessly from there.


  My dedicated editor, Glenda Howard, whose help and guidance through this process was appreciated and invaluable.


  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Part II

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Part I

  Total Eclipse

  Chapter 1

  Attorney Zena Nefertiti Shaw looked like a million bucks in the courtroom that afternoon. She was wearing burgundy, thin-heeled suede pumps with matching straps and golden buckles at the ankles that made her feet arch downward with unmistakable femininity. A fitted merlot skirt paired with a dramatic black suit jacket that was gathered in pleats in the small of her back showed off her tiny waist and flat stomach. Her long black hair was pressed and hanging down her back with a subtle curl at the bottom. When Zena moved, her hair floated as if an invisible fan was blowing in her direction for dramatic allure.

  In the courtroom in downtown Atlanta, Zena knew she looked good while delivering her closing argument.

  “In closing, dear jury, what I want to ask all of you, each of you, is, what would you want if the one you love, the person who stood before man, his family and friends and your family and friends, the church and God in heaven and swore to always love you back, dishonored the innocence of your vows with the unspeakable behaviors Mr. Rayland has imposed upon my client’s ever-delicate heart?” Zena posed, releasing the stare that had been locked upon the jury and turning to face Tanisha Rayland, her thirty-seven-year-old client who was at the center of a very ugly and controversial divorce from her bed-hopping R & B husband of twelve years.

  Zena stood with her profile parallel to the jury as she gazed at Tanisha. She wanted them to see the connection she had with this woman. Wanted them to see what sympathy for this woman could look like. She folded her arms and exhaled long and deep and dramatically.

  “As you all learned throughout these proceedings, and as this woman had to relive, Mrs. Rayland’s college sweetheart slept with and impregnated the eighteen-year-old they hired to enter their home to care for their children. And that’s only the worst part. Maybe. Because in twelve years of marriage, Mrs. Rayland can’t recall one year when she wasn’t sharing her husband’s affections with another woman. Especially not after the fame came to him. Not after the singing career she helped him build took off. After the money started rolling in. Well, then she had to share him with three and four young women at a time.”

  A tear fell from Tanisha’s left eye. She was a woman of striking beauty. Light skin with a red undertone that made her ethnicity unclear until she opened her mouth and the South Side of Chicago came out. Full, pouty lips. Long eyelashes. If it wasn’t for the weight she’d put on after having five children—she’d confessed to Zena that she had the last three with hopes of keeping her husband at home and other women away from him—she might look like one of the video vixens with whom Mr. Rayland enjoyed his many indiscretions. And even with the weight, Zena thought Tanisha could easily find work as a full-figured model.

  Zena exhaled again, adding hyperbole to Tanisha’s tears. She turned back to the jury. As she rolled her eyes along her path, she got a glimpse of Mr. Rayland sitting beside his attorney on the other side of the courtroom. His head was hung low and twisting back and forth in embarrassment or disagreement, as if Zena had shone a light on his deepest, darkest secret. When the divorce proceedings had started, days ago, he’d arrived with huge diamonds in his ears, a pernicious smile and a Rolex on his wrist that seemed to connote this would be a breeze; his wealth would prevail. He was confident. He stated he would beat the entitlement case. But after days in the courtroom, he didn’t look so sure of this articulation. That wicked smile was so yesterday. Also gone were the diamond earrings. That Rolex was a ghost. He was in his simplest form now. A man without airs. Humbled.

  Eyes on the jury, Zena added, “And the torment didn’t stop with the many affairs. Add in the drugs, the weeks away from home, the year Mr. Rayland was in
jail and my client had to care for their five children alone, and the lies.” She pursed her lips. Gave the jury time to recall these infractions she’d been feeding them over the past few days. Time to be disgusted with the images of Mr. Rayland she’d so carefully painted. “The lies. Lie after lie.” She glanced back at Tanisha and her tears. “So, I ask again, what would you want in return? What should she want? Can we really place limitations on what this woman deserves when all she wants is enough support to care for her children in the manner to which they’ve become accustomed, a return on her investment in her husband and to stay in the home where she’s been living for the last six years? Respectfully, in contrast with how Mr. Rayland’s attorneys have painted this woman’s request, this isn’t about anger or being vindictive or asking for someone to support her. This is about justice. It’s about making things right.”

  Amid grumbles from her opposition, Zena paused and straightened her suit jacket. She leaned against the jury box to appear more vulnerable, as if she was one of them sharing some secret. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I implore you to return to this room with a righteous verdict. To do what’s fair. What’s just. Award Mrs. Tanisha Rayland twenty-five million dollars in entitlements as she dissolves ties from Mr. Rayland and her sad past with him. Release her, so she can move on. Do what you would want done. What she deserves.”

  Zena bowed deeply toward the jury, and she actually saw some heads nod back to her. One older woman who’d always smiled at her looked as if she was about to clap. Zena turned back to her seat and winked at her client as she walked toward her. When she sat and grabbed Tanisha’s hand beneath the table to reassure her of their success, Zena’s assistant and best friend, Malak, who was sitting in the front row, leaned forward smiling.

  “This one is in the bag, Z!” Malak cheered in a low voice.

  “I hope you’re right,” Zena whispered, eyeing Mr. Rayland’s attorney, who was standing before the jury, ready to present his closing arguments before the jury would return to their room to vote. Zena really did need to have this one in the bag. When Tanisha left her husband, he froze all of her accounts and she had little money to cover Zena’s high hourly fee. Since news of the Raylands’ pending divorce broke, the hungry media made a gossip sensation of Tanisha’s life and split from the R & B crooner many saw as a stable and loving husband—at least that’s how his team had been portraying him in all the gossip rags. Zena had to play offense and defense, creating a team for her client, which now included her firm’s personal publicist, security staff member and photographer. This robbed her other cases of valuable time—and her bank account of precious dollars. Zena told herself this was the cost of maintaining her firm’s reputation. All of this while praying a big payday would come when, as Malak predicted, “this one is in the bag.”

  “Don’t worry,” Zena said to Tanisha, but it was clear she was also trying to encourage herself. “Everything will be fine.”

  * * *

  Luckily, Malak’s psychic sensibilities were better than her jet-black-and-blond ombré weave.

  After just twenty minutes of deliberating, the jury returned with a verdict that made a rich woman of Zena’s client. She’d be able to pay Zena’s fees and those of her associates and, more importantly, move on with her life.

  Moving on for Zena, though, meant her usual posttrial trip to Margarita Town with Malak in tow. After debriefing Tanisha on their next steps and assuring her this was “really it—she’d won,” Zena hopped into a Town Car waiting outside the courthouse and quietly thanked God for the magical mix of tequila and strawberry flavoring awaiting her arrival at Margarita Town. It would wash away all of her thoughts of Mr. Priest Rayland and his deplorable behavior.

  “You shut that fool all the way down,” Malak said later, sitting across from Zena at Margarita Town. Before her was a behemoth of a margarita glass, the size of a baby’s head, filled to the rim with frothy blue ice chips and liquid. “I thought he was going to hop out of his chair and run across the room to start choking you at any moment.” Malak laughed and held her hands up as if she had them wrapped around Zena’s neck.

  Behind her was the normal fare of a margarita bar. Nothing fancy. Nothing too nice. Soft red lights set aglow garage-sale rainbow ponchos, sombreros and dusty, half-clothed Lupita dolls tacked to the walls. No one was there for the decor, though. It was just a theme for the real prize that attracted professionals to Margarita Town’s lopsided high-top tables and sticky bar each night after work. The clientele included burned-out teachers, lawyers, doctors, publicists, business owners, even yoga teachers.

  The red ice in Zena’s significantly smaller margarita glass was nearly gone, and Zena was already feeling the soothing affects of the concoction, so she laughed more deeply than Malak had expected.

  “Slow down, cowgirl,” Malak teased. “You know you’re a lightweight. I don’t want to carry you out of here.”

  Malak and Zena had been best friends since high school. They were nothing alike, but since the first day they met when Zena had moved to Atlanta, Georgia, from Queens, New York, and chose a seat behind Malak in her first-period history class, they were together through most of life’s laughs and hard times. That was why when Zena finished law school at Howard and returned to Atlanta to start her own practice, she called Malak, who only finished high school with a GED, and offered Malak a job as her assistant. Zena trusted Malak, and as a new attorney building a practice in the ever-cliquish legal field, she wanted someone by her side who would anticipate her moves, encourage her and keep her laughing. Malak was good at all of those things, but what made her most valuable to Zena, what she knew when she hired Malak, was that she was whip smart. While she’d made some poor choices, including getting pregnant by her boyfriend senior year of high school, Malak was smarter than many of the cohorts Zena went up against during mock trials in law school. While Zena always made it a point to check in on her old friend and encourage her to go back to school, Malak wanted to try to make her family work and got married right out of high school. By the time she was twenty-five, she was divorced with two children. Zena vowed to return home to make sure Malak had a chance to really turn things around.

  “No slowing down for me tonight. Actually, I think I’ll have another,” Zena said, signaling for the waitress to bring a second margarita. “I need to wash the memory of that sneaky, slithering snake out of my mind. We have new blood in the morning, and I don’t want to stay up all night thinking about—” She stopped and looked off, forlorn.

  “I know what you mean,” Malak agreed pensively, flipping ombré tendrils over her shoulder. “He really did a number on her. A number on you, too.”

  “Me?” Zena smiled as if Malak had to be joking. “How did he do a number on me?”

  “Um...” Malak nodded to the new margarita the waitress was sliding on the table before Zena.

  Zena was no drinker. While she always indulged a little after they’d closed a case, too much alcohol almost always made her a bit emotional.

  “Come on. I’m just celebrating. Of course, I hated that toad, but it’s not like I took anything he did personally. It’s not like he did that mess to me.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” Malak pointed out. “Not the way you were carrying on these last few days—hell, since the case began. It was like you had to win. You had to beat him.”

  “Isn’t that common? Why I have an unblemished record in the courtroom?” Zena’s tone was snarky. Overly confident. But still comical. While she was just thirty-one, after six years in the courtroom as the sole attorney at Z. Shaw Law, she made a name for herself as a fearless and swift attorney. One of her first cases was a long shot. Her sorority sister from Bethune-Cookman had married a football pro who was smart enough to lock her into an ironclad prenup before making her his punching bag. The football wife came to Zena with no money and no way out of the dysfunctional marriage. While Zena had little ex
perience and could barely pay her bills, she took on the case pro bono. There was something about the messy marriage that turned a knife in Zena’s gut, and she spent day and night on the case. In the end, she found a loophole in the prenup and won a nice settlement for her client.

  Of course, the case took over news headlines for weeks, making young Zena a new name to know in legal circles. Quickly, Z. Shaw became one of a few top firms in the city that represented high-profile clients in divorce cases involving entitlement hearings where large sums of money were on the table. Ninety-nine percent of her clients were women seeking settlements from their cheating and very wealthy husbands. These were cases with obvious winners and losers. Bad boys who’d done good girls wrong. Zena knew the right buttons to push in the courtroom. She always got her ruling.

  Zena’s cell phone started rattling beside her margarita on the table. She looked down. Zola was on the screen.

  “Oh, man, I don’t even feel like talking to her right now,” Zena said, letting the phone vibrate. “You know she only calls if she needs money—or to borrow something.”

  “Maybe you should answer. She’s been calling all day,” Malak said.

  “All day?” Zena repeated, surprised and staring at Malak as if she’d somehow failed as an assistant. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Zena moved to answer the phone, but the ringing had already stopped and was replaced with the clatter of an incoming text message:

  ZOLA: Z, call me back. I’ve been calling you all day. I have news.

  Zena looked at the screen and repeated “news” aloud. “What the hell?” she added. “What kind of news could she have?”

  Malak looked away nervously, but Zena didn’t question her because she was busy getting up from her seat to return Zola’s call.

  “I’ll be right back,” Zena said, already out of the booth across from Malak. “Don’t let anyone spike my drink.”


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