My Raptor: An Erotic Shapeshifting Paranormal Romance

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My Raptor: An Erotic Shapeshifting Paranormal Romance Page 2

by Connor, Cara B.

  Carefully peeking into the room once again, she saw that he had not moved from the couch. Carol began to dial the police for help, but curiosity overcame her and before long she was standing cautiously above the man. She wondered to herself how it was possible for a naked man to turn up in her room of all places.

  The first thing she noticed was that he too was covered in barely healed injuries across his entire body and covered in slashes and deep gashes on virtually every part of his person. But the one that caught her attention above all others was the line that cut across the bridge of his nose. She suspected there would always be a scar there. She thought for a while, wondered where her falcon was and why this man was lying there in it’s place, oblivious of the fact that he had broken into some stranger’s house.

  As she was inspecting the man, she heard the voice of the person responding to emergencies on the phone asking if everything was alright. “9-1-1 emergencies… What is your emergency?” the 9-1-1 operator asked.

  Carol was bringing the receiver up to her ear to ask for help when she noticed the man’s eyes were now open and looking at her. She froze. She was sure she had seen those eyes before… but where? Seeing his gaze, she could only think of her falcon’s eyes.

  Against all of her better judgment, she answered the operator, “Sorry, this call was a mistake… an accident. Sorry…”

  Before the attendant could complete asking whether or not she was sure, Carol hung the phone up and sat down in her chair as the two people stared at each other. The man did not speak. He only stared at her with those deep, beautiful eyes of his. Yet she sensed he meant her no harm.

  Her visitor was handsome in all senses of the word. His light brown hair, streaked with blond fit perfectly with his tanned skin. His cute oblong face ended in a chiseled jaw that suited his well-built body. And he was well muscled, with a smaller frame but built more like a gymnast than a body builder.

  For the first time in her life, Carol did all the talking. At first she only sat there and asked, “How did you get here? Who are you?”

  No answer came from the gentleman. He sat there with a slight look of confusion on his handsome face, as he smiled at her in a shy, yet proud sort of way.

  Carol tried again, and asked him more about his injuries. “Are you in pain? Can I get you anything? Do I need to call somebody for you?”

  He continued to stare at her but did not try to respond.

  Then, she talked to him some more about what was happening here, asking him if he knew anything. “How did you get here? Do you speak English? Who are you? Where was the falcon? Why are you naked?”

  He only sat and stared at her, a half smile on his face.

  Before long she was telling him everything about her life. She wished she could say something that would prompt him to speak and therefore said a lot of naughty things to him in an attempt to get him to talk. None worked – not even a peep he uttered. But in the course of the conversation she did provide him with a sheet to cover his ample, manly parts.

  She sought an explanation to it all and she knew that if she was to get the right answers and an understanding of the mystery before her, she had to somehow get him to talk. Just then a loud knock on the front door startled her.

  Knock, knock, knock!!

  She silently motioned to the man that someone was at the door putting her hand to her lips to signal the need for silence. She then motioned to him to come over and get into the living room closet. He weakly managed to stand but his balance was not very good. So she quickly came to his aid and helped him into the closet. There was a chair already inside so she helped him to a seated position before she closed the door behind her.

  The knock came again, this time followed by a voice, “Apartment Security,” would you please open the door?”

  “I’m coming, just a second,” she called out, as she headed back to the front door of her apartment.

  She adjusted the furniture back, effectively covering the fact that she had an unexpected visitor inside. She dashed to the door, wiped away the hair from her face and as soon as she opened it, stepped into the entrance.

  “Hi,” she said, “I’m Carol. Can I help you?”

  “Yes, Miss Carol,” the officer replied. “We got an emergency call from your residence some ten minutes ago. Did you make that call?” the officer asked, doubtful as he looked into her relaxed face.

  “Oh! Sorry about that, yes, I did make the call,” she exclaimed, “but I did state that it was an error. I didn’t know when my hands stumbled on the numbers – I must have hit the speed dial by mistake.”

  “Can I come inside, Miss Carol?” the officer asked.

  She stepped back from the door, making enough room for him to come inside. He looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. His eyes stopped at the sheet on the couch momentarily but went on to scan the room and then returned to Carol.

  “Ma’am, police work is serious business and we make it a point of duty to track the source of and respond to any missed, received or cancelled call to every emergency number.”

  He went on, still looking about her apartment, “Please… always confirm the numbers you are to dial before calling to forestall all such occurrences in the future. I hope you have a nice day.”

  With that he left. On his way out, he picked his walkie-talkie from his waist and spoke into the microphone. “Block D room 7, 96 Millstone Avenue, ‘All clear’, False alarm.”

  Chapter 5

  Over the next couple of days, the injured stranger would lie on her couch as she tended to his wounds. She nursed and cleaned him up daily, dabbing him with warm soapy water, beta-dine and whatever else she thought would help him heal.

  She had brought home some old sweat pants and a few shirts from the library’s lost and found box that had been there for as long as she could remember. They were a little large but at least now he didn’t have to be naked all the time. She loaned him some of her socks to wear around the apartment too, since they wore about the same size.

  He seemed to listen to what she said and always nodded whenever she asked him a question. She wondered at this, as it was obvious he could now hear her. But why didn’t he speak? Was he a mute? Maybe his hearing was messed up in his fight too.

  She wondered about it when it seemed he had never heard her before. Is it that he only just regained his hearing? She asked these and many more questions but the man did not explain anything and it seemed that as much as he wanted to respond, that he couldn’t. But his eyes were always on her. She always caught him staring at her as she looked in to check up on him.

  Most mornings, she woke up to see him looking into her face. Embarrassed, she would ask what he was looking at, but got no answers. Seeing him looking at her intently like that always melted something in her, made her heart pound fast and made her throat dry at the same time. For some reason, despite him never giving her more than the shake of his head, she felt like she could trust him. It was like his eyes held everything she could ever want for in them.

  After a couple of more days had passed, she would return home after work and find him moving around and looking out across the balcony. Even after so long, his wounds still made him limp. When he walked you could literally see the pain in those deep eyes of his, but never did his face ever give anything away.

  He was getting better by the day. While she was happy that he was healing and was getting back on his feet again, it worried her to see him moving around more because she was afraid that eventually he would leave her too… just like the falcon… and then she would be alone again.

  Her thoughts often went to that of her falcon during those quiet times, wondering where it was or what had happened to it. She wondered why this man was here when she woke instead of her falcon. She often wondered if the man was, in fact, her falcon, or if she was in a dream. Both possibilities seemed like nonsense so she often cast them aside and just went about her business. However, these thoughts still came as often as they left.

/>   Sometimes she would wish he was hers. She fantasized about him being her man. Being alone with him in her room reinforced her fantasy and though they never talked, as in a fully voiced conversation, she wished she could lay claim to him. Intrigued by this mysterious man, she became livelier, so much so that even her supervisor noticed the change in her. There seemed now to be a new light in her. She now leaped and hopped to the bus stand in excitement at the close of work each day, unable to contain her joy at seeing her mysterious stranger when she got home.

  Several weeks passed before his wounds were completely healed. Then one day she returned home from work to find him standing on the balcony where he often did, looking out across the cityscape. However, this time something was different in her visitor.

  This particular night he seemed to be feeling much better and could walk around easier. And this time when she entered her apartment, he turned and looked at her for a moment. She stopped, a bit confused by the expression in his face. Then he began to speak to her with the most majestic voice she had ever heard.

  “Hello,” he said to her as she entered the room.

  She could not control her excitement. “You can speak to me now?” she asked, overjoyed at that one word he had just uttered.

  “Yes,” he confirmed, smiling at her excitement. “I can speak.”

  Instantly Carol began a barrage of questions to her new friend that for a second seemed to overwhelm him. He answered her all her questions and went on to tell her that something had come up and he had to leave, but that he would explain everything to her when he returned. Carol was just about to ask him something else when, in the blink of an eye, her stranger was not there anymore, but had been replaced by her falcon who was now in the air, soaring downwards, away from her and out to the beyond.

  It took her a few minutes of standing there to realize exactly what had just happened. But instead of being alarmed, she simply went inside and sat in her bedroom where she had first met the man and waited. A part of her seemed to have known it all along. Her man, the wounded one she had been taking care of for all these weeks, he was also the falcon she had befriended weeks back.

  Chapter 6

  Before long, only a few hours later actually, she heard wings beating and noticed the familiar shadow outside – her falcon had returned. Moments after he had landed on her balcony, just like before, in an instant, he was a man again.

  She stood there for the longest time after she had handed him a sheet to cover himself, just looking into his eyes. He seemed to have no problem concerning his nakedness but she certainly didn’t want any of her neighbors complaining about a naked man in the room next door.

  She wondered where to start and which questions were the most important. She didn’t want to wear him out or to scare him away but she was filled with questions about where he went, where he came from, what he was… Then she just asked him what he was.

  He smiled at her and said simply, “I am a shapeshifter and that this city has always been my family’s rightful land. I have traveled great distances to be here with you.”

  “With me?” Carol asked, completely confused by his response.

  “Yes, my dearest, I have had many dreams of you… during my journeys throughout all my domain, I always saw a balcony… a perch I realized I must find… and then one day, weeks back, I did find it. And it soon became a place where I so liked to spend my time. I had no idea at first it was all because of you.”

  He took a breath, shifted the weight from his bad leg to his good one and went on, “I was afraid to show you what I really was because I feared how you might react. From the first day I arrived at your balcony, when I had first looked at you, I was amazed… amazed that I had found you – the woman in my visions.”

  He went on, “While I had hoped for you to accept me, I had wondered how you could do that, when I was sometimes a falcon, sometimes a man. But I knew from my visions that you were the person I was meant to meet and the one that I was destined to be with.”

  Carol just stood there, completely overwhelmed at the facts he was now sharing with her. How could someone like him be looking for someone like her? In her mind it simply made no sense to her.

  He also explained that when he recently arrived, there was another like him in the city, the city that should be his by all rights. The other was a mighty beast, almost a legend among his own people. Her wounded friend, she still didn’t know his name, said that he often wondered if he should just leave and give up his rights without a battle. Then he came to realize that leaving the city meant also leaving her.

  “Looking at you from your window every night however made me realize how miserable my life would be without you; it would in fact be no life at all,” he concluded. “Now I realize it was that I knew that I couldn’t bear to leave you and not live out my dreams.”

  They wandered inside her apartment as he continued his story. Carol continued to listen as he went on, handing him a shirt and pants to change into. As he dressed he told her that when he had left weeks back that he had met the beast and challenged him to a fight. After a vicious fight that nearly killed him, he had won. It was all he could do to make it back to her in one piece and that is exactly why he was in such bad shape when she found him that morning.

  He then looked at her, and took her left hand in his, “My dear,” he asked, “could a lady such as yourself, ever love a person… such as myself?”

  Carol could hardly believe her ears, how could she not stay with him now that he had fought and won the right to be with her. It took her only a second, but that was all that she needed. “Yes, oh yes I could… and do. If only you knew that I had fallen for you the first day I saw you on that tree. I had somehow seen a depth and quality in those eyes that captivated me from the start.”

  Carol thought to herself if he only knew what sweet torment it was for her, seeing him every day for the past few weeks lying on that couch, naked, with all his manly features. If he only realized what he really meant to her, looking into her eyes for the past week, and even right now… how it all made her feel, he would know that what he was asking her was exactly all that she had wished for.

  She walked towards him and looked into those deep eyes that mesmerized her so intimately. She said the only answer that was right to her, “YES.”

  Chapter 7

  Why does a beautiful woman like you live out here, alone… by yourself,” he asked her at one point, later that same evening.

  She blushed, “I am not beautiful,” she said.

  “Oh, yes you are, and amazing and caring… and so sweet.”

  She blushed even more. She had practically no experience with men at all. She was just far too shy. “Can you get up?” she asked “You really need a shower.”

  He tried, but couldn’t. His legs were still weak.

  “Then I guess I’ll have to wash you,” she said innocently. “And we have to wash those clothes and sheets too.”

  She helped him undress while he sat there, giving him a towel to cover himself. She got a big tub of warm water, a sponge and some soap. This would be easy, she thought, I have seen it done on TV a thousand times.

  As she washed him, he spoke about his life and travels and made the sweetest compliments ever to her. When he said he loved to read, she almost cried. “Here is a gorgeous man naked in my house that loves to read.”

  The thought made her wet. Just because she had no experience didn’t mean that she didn’t have fantasies. She was a librarian… but she wasn’t dead! She washed him all over gently and then he asked her to clean beneath the towel.

  “I really need to get clean. After almost a month without a bath, you know…”

  She blushed, but pulled the towel away and began to wash his private area. As she did, his cock began to grow hard. She wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “You have the most beautiful body, Carol, so curvy and full.”

  She remembered then that he had seen her naked a few weeks back. Washing this beautif
ul mans cock and all of his compliments made her flush. The feeling was strange and unfamiliar.

  “Ahhh… that feels very good Carol.”

  She had not even noticed that she had actually started to stroke his cock with both hands until it was too late. She quickly let go.

  “Why stop?” he asked her, “It seems we have been brought together by fate.”

  He smiled at her, his eyes glinting just so. She couldn’t help herself. She wanted this man to stay. She reached out and began to stroke him again with both hands. Her panties were soaking wet now. She knew she was being naughty, but she didn’t care. He closed his eyes and let out a soft moan as she continued the massage.

  “Carol, I want to kiss you, I want to give you lots of pleasure. When I am all better, we can try, what do you think?” His hips were moving slightly to her motion.

  ”Really? You want me? You… desire me?” the words came out haltingly.

  “Yessss,” he said, it was almost a hissing sound, his hips bucked more.

  She was so turned on by this, so excited at the prospect, she wanted so badly to give him pleasure.

  “Is this ok?” she asked, doubling her speed, using both hands clasped together to massage his throbbing cock.

  “Oh, my God, yes,” he practically gasped.

  Suddenly, without warning the tip of his cock started to erupt sending stream after stream of warm gooey white liquid everywhere. A weeks worth of built up semen landed on her arms, in her hands and all over his belly. His whole body shuddered. Carol was filled with a special kind of satisfaction at giving him such pleasure.

  “Wow, that was amazing. Looks like you have done that a few times before, Carol,” he said knowingly.


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