Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)

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Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) Page 10

by Love-Wins, Bella

  He hung up, still leaning on the shadowy hallway wall, staring down at the phone.

  Eleven percent. Those odds suck.

  It never occurred to him there was a chance he couldn’t go back to work. Steeling his jaw, he shoved back the possibility. He was ready for that fight. He would focus, dedicate himself to his recovery, and discipline his mind and body to pass the physical and get back on the job.


  ALEXANDRA did not want to admit it, but Eva’s suggestion about apologizing to Bash made sense. She told Eva everything that had happened, and now, she was not too impressed her bestie had sided with Bash. Not one bit.

  Eva brought two mugs of hot tea over to the living room sofa. Sitting beside Alexandra, she told her, “If you don’t apologize, I’m going to go to his house and apologize for you.”

  Alexandra took the mug Eva offered, and looked up at her. “You wouldn’t.”

  “You should know me well enough to know not to dare me, Lex. Think about it. Hasn’t Sebastian been through enough, putting up with your game for a month? He probably sees this Lexxi costume as the same damn thing you did as Alex Roberts, except it’s with an ultra-sexy, super-feminine twist. Do you really have to keep this up?”

  “Rick doesn’t think the timing is good to change up my look yet,” Alexandra answered, taking a sip from the steaming cup.

  “I don’t remember the last time you did exactly what Rick told you to do. What’s really going on here?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m not happy you’re taking Bash’s side. You barely know him.”

  “I know enough. He sounds like he’s only been sweet to you, and up to now, I haven’t heard you mention a single nice thing you’ve done for him.”

  Alexandra’s back was up. She turned to look at Eva, eyes narrowed. “I’ve been nice to him.”

  “You have?”



  “I…uh, um…well I…dammit, I hate it when you’re right.”

  “I’m right a lot, these days, Lex. That’s pretty sad. You can’t even think of one thing. It sounds like you’ve been one selfish little wench for the last month. Even as a friend. It’s no wonder he prefers to leave well enough alone.”

  “Rub it in, why don’t you.”

  Eva put down her teacup and put an arm over Alexandra’s shoulder.

  “That’s what besties are for, love. I hate to break it to you, but you’ve made your friendship with Bash a really one-sided interaction. It’s time we fix that.”

  “Fix it? He won’t even talk to me.”

  “Don’t give me that drivel, darling. You haven’t phoned him since you got here last night.”

  “Christ. Okay what are you suggesting I do?”

  “I don’t know precisely. I just know you need to turn things around, or at least try. Plus, you’re the one who knows him. What would he like?”

  Alexandra shrugged. “Heck if I know.”

  “God, you’re being a pain, Lex. Think about it. There has to be something he mentioned.”

  Alexandra thought hard. “Well, he likes gaming. Maybe I can get him a new videogame.”

  “No. Too impersonal. What else?”

  “Hmmm…he did tell me a little about a model train set his father left in the basement. I can get him a train accessory.”

  “Really, Lex? How lame is that? Besides, just because he’s kept up his Dad’s hobby, doesn’t mean he loves it too. Come on, think. What’s going on in his life?”

  “He’s been off work for a while.”

  “How come?”

  “He mentioned a knee injury. I think he’s going in for surgery soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “Tomorrow, I think.”

  “Does he have any family to help him during the recovery?”

  “He has a brother. Samuel.”

  Eva raised her eyebrows. “Is he hot?”

  “Probably. I think he’s married with kids out in Los Angeles.”

  “That’s too bad. For me, anyway. Anyhow, if he has no family out here, that means he’ll be on his own after his surgery.”

  “He has his firefighter friends.”

  “Are you listening to yourself right now? Do you even care about him at all?”

  “Of course I do, Eva.”

  “Then act like it. Give him a call. Apologize and offer to take him to wherever his surgery will be. Be there for him. Even if it’s a few days. The least you can do is make the offer. Tell him it’s to thank him for how freaking amazing he’s been to you this past month, you ungrateful trollop.”

  Both Eva and Alexandra laughed at her last comment.

  “Okay, I’ll call him.”



  Eva glared at her. “No, Lex. If he’s going in for surgery tomorrow, you need to call him now. Now stop stalling before you lose him.”

  Alexandra put her mug down on the coffee table and stood up. “You know what? I’ll do one better. I have to meet the contractor at Dad’s house to give him a set of keys and a deposit for the repairs. I’ll stop by and see Bash.”

  “That’s the spirit. If all goes well he’ll rock your world again,” she said with a wink.

  Alexandra laughed. She hoped so too. “Okay I’d better get dressed.”

  “What are you planning to wear?”

  “Something casual. Maybe a sundress.”

  “Good. Wait a minute. Please don’t tell me you’ll go over there with that purple hair. It’s gorgeous and everything, but I think it has a time and place…like on stage or at a photo op.”

  “I don’t know, Eva…”

  “Trust me. Clearly you need to listen to someone else for once. No offense, honey, but look at the mess you made trusting your own judgment…”

  “Way to kick a dog when she’s down.”

  “Come on, lovey. You know I mean well. Just think about it, okay?”

  “All right,” Alexandra said, turning so she could retreat to the front door of Eva’s hotel suite. “I’ll be down the hall in my suite. Talk to you later, hun.”


  Alexandra held her breath after knocking on the front door at Bash’s house. Now that she stood there, she wished she had phoned him first. She had no idea what she would say to him or how he would react. Worst of all, her body was already on edge and in anticipation. She craved his touch like nothing else.

  The door pulled open, and Bash stood there looking at her.

  “Hi,” she managed to get out.

  “Hey. You look different today.”

  Alexandra smiled at the remark. She had gone over without the purple hair, as Eva suggested, and with barely any makeup on, but was not in her Alex Roberts clothes. Instead, she wore a white, sleeveless mock neck top and blue skinny jeans, with a simple pair of diamond earrings in a white gold setting. The only hint of her Alex days was her tousled, raven hair. At this length, there wasn’t much she could do to style it.


  “Is this another look?”

  “Not really. Just me…So, I was next door with the contractor, and figured I would stop by to see how you’re doing, if you’re not busy.”

  “That’s nice. Sure,” Bash told her, stepping aside to let her in. “Come on in. I was just cleaning up after dinner. Have you eaten?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Okay. I’ve got leftovers if you’re hungry.”

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  “All right,” he said, leading her to the living room. “Let’s sit in here.”

  Alexandra took a seat beside him in the sofa and turned toward him. He looked so good in the simple t-shirt and jeans he was wearing, and God, he smelled amazing. Struggling to find something to say, she went with, “How are you doing?”

  “Me? I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’m okay.” She was not ready to get into her real reason for being there just yet, so she filled the silence with small talk. “The contra
ctor is starting on the repairs tomorrow, so that’s one thing out of the way.”

  “Good to hear. Who did you end up picking?”

  “Fisher Construction.”

  “They’re pretty good. Nice choice. Did they say how long it would be?”

  “Probably a month, realistically. Dad’s going to stay with Rosa when he’s released. She lives on the other side of town, so he’ll come by to check up on them every few days.”

  “Good. I can pop in for him, if it helps.”


  “Sure. It’s no trouble at all.”

  “Thanks for offering. I’ll ask Dad and have him call you.”

  “Cool. I’ve got time these days, with the surgery and physio.”

  “How’s it going? Your knee surgery is coming up soon, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he said, looking away. “It’s tomorrow.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “I’m hoping for the best. After it heals I’ll go through another round of physical therapy, and I’ll have to pass the state-mandated firefighter physical exam before I go back to work.”

  Alexandra noticed his composure change as he explained. He broke eye contact, furrowed his eyebrows, and ran a hand through his hair. Something wasn’t right.

  “Are you worried about it?”

  “Maybe a bit. I can’t return to work without passing that physical. It’s pretty tough to pass…but I’ll work hard to get strong…I have to, so I will.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Actually I was meaning to ask. Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?” Sebastian’s head snapped to look at her. There was genuine surprise on his face. Alexandra continued. “I can drive you home…maybe stay in the guest room for a few days while you get better?”

  “Um…aren’t you heading back to Los Angeles soon?”

  “Well, yes, probably in a few days. I told my manager I’m not leaving until Dad is released, so I’ll probably be here until Friday.”

  “Oh. Um…are you sure you want to do that for me?”

  “Of course I am. Bash, you know…I never thanked you for how great you were to me this past month.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Wait a second,” she said, cutting him off. “Let me finish. You’ve done so much for me…from bringing me meals, to keeping me company and being an ear when I was so worried about Dad. You even saved our hides during that fire. I, on the other hand, feel like I’ve been so selfish. I never thanked you once, I don’t think, and I never did anything for you all this time you’ve been dealing with your injury. So thanks, Bash…and please, let me be there for you now. I know you said you weren’t interested in me yesterday, but I can be with you as a friend.”

  “I never said I wasn’t interested in you, Alexandra.”

  “That doesn’t matter. It’s fine. I understand why, I think. I just can’t do much about not being Lexxi Rock right now. It’s the career path I chose, and it involves not being me…for now, anyway. Forget about it. So…can this friend be here for you for the next few days? It’s the least I can do.”

  “You really don’t have to—”

  “I know. I want to.”

  “Well…sure.” Sebastian moved closer to Alexandra on the couch and took her hand. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I was wrong to walk away like that.”

  Alexandra could barely breathe with Bash so close to her now. The heat of his hand over her own radiated into her skin. Just that touch alone made a need vibrate low in her belly. On top of that, she just told him she wanted to be friends.

  How am I to survive here for four days and keep my hands off him all that time?

  “Don’t apologize,” she insisted. “I should be—”

  Before Alexandra could finish her sentence, Bash leaned towards her. Closing the distance between them, he kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he took her mouth with a savage, desperate force of tongues dueling, tasting, claiming each other again. She sank into his chest and allowed him to envelope her in warmth, his arms down her back and running through her hair. Soon she was down on the sofa with Bash on top of her, owning her in a kiss that took her breath away and made her forget she even needed air.

  Alexandra spread her legs under him, regretful now for choosing skinny jeans and this sleeveless mock neck that covered her up and created an inconvenient barrier between her body and his. Still, his hardness pressed on her mound through their clothes, sending her desire into overdrive. Friendship be damned. She wanted more—so much more.

  Sebastian groaned as he moved off her lips and kissed along her jawline to her ear.

  “God, Bash. I want you so bad,” Alexandra whispered absently, already caught up in primal desire.

  “Alexandra,” he growled low in her ear, nipping her ear lobe as his hands squeezed underneath her and gripped her ass. “Upstairs.”

  Sebastian pushed off the sofa and got to his feet, extending his hand to help her up. Hand in hand, he walked with her to the hallway. They had made it to the bottom of the stairs when the doorbell rang.

  Sebastian turned and started back down the hall. “One second. Let me get that.”

  “Are you expecting anyone?”

  “No, but the guys from the fire hall have been dropping by all afternoon. The kitchen’s full of gifts and stuff. You go on up. I’ll be right there.”

  “Check before you go out. I did my best to avoid all the media camped out at the hotel, but I can’t be sure whether a few of them made it over here.”

  “Will do.”

  Alexandra waited. She did not want him to be ambushed. When he opened the door, Alexandra realized it was her turn to be thrown for a loop.


  ALEXANDRA did a double take. Aileen was standing in the doorway, looking as stunning as the first time Alexandra laid eyes on her. Actually, she looked more stunning, in a pink, low cut blouse that gave more than a hint of her generous breasts, a white mini skirt that met her ultra-long legs about mid-thigh, and white-on-silver stilettos that were to die for.

  Dammit, that bitch is so hot.

  I can never compete with that.

  Sebastian was surprised to see her.

  “What are you doing here, Aileen?” he asked, arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “I thought I’d surprise you, sweetie.”

  “Mission accomplished. Now, why don’t you go back home to your husband? While you’re at it, forget my address, okay?” Aileen tried to step inside, but Bash stood squarely in the middle of the doorway. “Go home, Aileen.”

  Aileen tilted her head to one side to look behind him, and caught sight of Alexandra.

  Crap. I hope she doesn’t remember me.

  “Ahhh, you’re entertaining tonight. Okay I understand. I’ll give you a raincheck, honey.”

  “Aileen. There’s no need for that. Are you listening to me? You’re married. I don’t mess with cheaters, got it? Now, get out of here before I call your husband and let him know what you’re really about.”

  “There’s no need for that, Bash,” she said quickly, still looking over at Alexandra. “Hey, don’t I know you?”

  Alexandra shook her head. “Nope.”

  Sebastian pulled the door slightly behind him and whispered something to Aileen. The look on her face turned ice cold, and she turned and rushed down the front porch steps.

  “Sorry about that,” Sebastian told Alexandra as he closed and locked the front door. “She has not been here for seven months. She had no reason to show up like that.”

  “It’s okay. She seems persistent. She must really like you.”

  “No she doesn’t,” Sebastian answered, still edgy as he made his way across the hallway to Alexandra. “Aileen is messed up. The woman is married. She had no right acting like she was single back then, and she’s just as wrong for showing up tonight. I kind of feel sorry for her husband.”

  “True. I hope she didn’t recognize me.”

  “Me too,” he told Alexandra whe
n he was standing next to her again. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Forget about her. There’s only one woman I’m interested in right now.” He reached his arm around her waist, drawing her in close.

  She looked up at him, coy and seductive, pressing her hands on his hard chest. “Yeah? Who’s that?”

  He dipped his head to her neck, and pressed hungry lips to her skin above the high neckline of her blouse. “The woman in my arms…the woman I’m about to drive insane.”

  Tilting her head to one side to give him more access, she bit down on her lip and moaned with pleasure as his voice reverberated from her neck through her body. “Oh God.”

  Sebastian reached between them and covered one of her hands with his. “Let’s get up to my room before I take you right here in the stairwell.”

  Turning her around by the hand, they wasted no time getting up to his bedroom.

  Alexandra looked back at his bedroom door when he closed it. “Have you thought about where you’ll sleep after the surgery? Two flights of stairs seems a bit much for a post-op ritual, don’t you think?”

  “One of the couches in the living room is a sofa bed. I’ll only have to climb the stairs for showers, but I’ll use the one on the second floor until I’m all healed up.”

  “Okay. I’m glad you’ve got that figured out.”

  Sebastian gently pulled Alexandra over to his bed. “You know what I haven’t figured out?”


  He sat at the foot of the bed and leaned back on his palms, smiling as his eyes washed over her body. “How to get these clothes off you without ripping them off.”

  Alexandra smiled. “I think I like the sound of that,” she cooed, picturing his hot hands doing hotter things everywhere on her skin.

  “Did you bring extra clothes for tomorrow?”

  “Yes. It’s downstairs in my bag.”

  “Good. Get over here then,” he told her.

  When she stepped forward, he pulled her to stand between his legs. Sebastian ran his hands up from the side of her knees, past her hips and up to her ribcage. He did not skip a beat when his massive hands moved back down to her waist and gripped each side of her blouse. Alexandra gasped when she heard the rrrrripppp sound that was produced from Sebastian tearing the front of her shirt, right up the middle to just above her cleavage.


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