Being Diane

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Being Diane Page 14

by Dennis Adkins

  Chapter 14

  The doorbell rang and Mrs. Givens asked me to get the door. I opened the door and met a tall gentleman with short blond hair. “Yes, may I help you?” I said.

  “I'm Ted Thomas. I believe they are expecting me.” he said.

  “Yes sir. Please come in.” I said and opened the door and let him in.

  “So who are you? I don't believe I've met you before.

  “I am one of Ms. Givens students.” I replied.

  Then I was rescued by Ms. Givens. “Ted it's so good to see you again.” and she gave him a hug. “Come on in and have a seat. I see you have met Diane, the other two scamps are up stairs they should be down any minute.”

  Then Annie and Sally came down the stairs looking great as usual. “Girls come on over here and say hello to a very old and special friend of mine. This is Theodore 'Ted' Thomas.” Both of them said hello and shook his hand. Annie being the most forward of the two stated, “So this is why you haven't dated anyone in town.”

  “No Ted and I are just good friends. Miss Nosy.” said Ms. Givens. But Ted still had his arm around Ms. Givens waist.

  “So what do you do?” asked Sally.

  “I'm a doctor.” replied Ted.

  “A doctor. Well that's fabulous. You aren't going to take Ms. G. from us are you?” asked Annie.

  “Annie! I'm sorry Ted they are a little forward, but that will subside quickly.” and she shot daggers with her eyes at Sally and Annie who just smiled at her.

  “Ted, how are you?” asked Mrs. Givens as she came flowing into the room.

  “Fine thank you. You look as beautiful as ever Mrs. Givens.” he said.

  “You always were a smoothie. Come on and have a seat and tell us what's been going on.” Said Mrs. Givens and she led the way back into the living room and orchestrated the placement of Ted between herself and Ms. Givens. It almost appeared as though she wanted Ms. Givens to get as close as possible to him.

  I excused myself on the premise that I needed to use the bathroom, but really, I just needed a few minutes to myself. So I walked out to the kitchen and on out to the back yard. They had a swimming pool and a patio with dedicated patio furniture it was nice. I still didn't understand why Ms. Givens had given all of this up to come and teach in a small town. I would love to live here and not have a thing to worry about, but I guess that even a flower patch full of beautiful flowers had its bugs. I walked around the back yard and watched the birds that hadn't left for the winter yet. I was enthralled by an oriole’s song when I heard the door open. Ted came out and stood by me. He didn't say anything he just stood there. Listening and watching with me.

  “You know the birds are beautiful even now this late in the fall. I never could tell which was which though. Shame I love them more than I love any other of the wild life. I guess that my second choice is to watch the squirrels play in the trees. It's like watching an acrobatic act the way they jump from limb to limb.” he said. After a few minutes, he asked which I liked.

  I didn't say anything I just stood there hugging myself because it was cold and I hadn't put my coat on. Then I guess I decided to confront him. “You are a psychiatrist aren't you?”

  “Does it show that bad?” he replied not really wanting an answer.

  “I heard Ms. Givens and her Mother discussing me and I overheard Ms. Givens asking her Mother to call you because I needed help.” I said. “I get the feeling that her Mother doesn't approve of me. I'm debating on whether to just leave tonight and go back home so I don't cause any trouble. It seems I have caused enough lately.”

  “I was told you have suffered enough in the last two weeks to equal what the average person goes through in an entire life. I can't even imagine what you have endured. Well some of it I can. You see I also have my secrets.” he said sadly. “I really love Julie but getting married is out of the question. I have a place downtown that I go to enjoy a night out where I can be myself and meet people like me. You see I am gay and nobody but Julie knows.” and he sighed like he was being crushed with a stone.

  I looked at him and saw a tear in his eye. I reached up and wiped it away, don't ask me why I did it I just did it. I didn't find him attractive or anything I just could relate to his pain. I think I surprised him because he stopped and looked at me. “Thanks.” He said obviously shocked.

  “I didn't ask for, this but it has been thrust upon me. I was happy until my Granddaddy died and now things have gone horrible wrong for me. I have almost been beaten to death twice and I have killed two men, and it was hard to see a future for me so I tried to end it all. Then this afternoon Julie, don't tell her I called her by her first name, came and got me and brought me here. I was able to get cleaned up and put on some clothes that are my actual gender feelings. I felt a burden lifted from me today. I just want the hurting to stop.” I blurted out and started crying.

  He pulled me to him and held me tight. I cried and sobbed until he finally said, “I want it to stop too, but I have come to the conclusion that we all have to live with pain all of our lives and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. So no more tears you have ruined that beautiful makeup and now you are going to have to redo it. But! I want a promise from you. I don't want you to try and take your life again ever.”

  I looked in his eyes and he had a tear forming in the corner of one. I reached up and wiped it away and told him, “I promise.” Then he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped my eyes and got as much make up off as he could. “You know the store where my Mom works sells the exact type of handkerchief.”

  “I know my 'friend' gave it to me and now I know who sold it to him. Small world isn't it. Come on let's get you cleaned up before Mr. Givens gets here. He really doesn't deal with crying women very well.” and he led me back inside.

  As we opened the door, I could hear heels clicking on the floor as they all tried to get back in the living room before we saw them. Julie stayed though and took me upstairs to fix my makeup and this time she told me to put some lipstick on since we had forgotten it earlier. Then back down stairs to the others. I don't mid telling you that climbing and descending stairs in heels is difficult but I still loved them. When we got back down stairs Mrs. Givens announced that Mr. Givens was held up by work but would meet us at the restaurant so we needed to get going if we were going to make it on time.

  I got my coat and Ted helped me put it on along with Sally's and Annie's. Then he started to walk away when Julie cleared her throat and held up her coat. Then he jumped and grabbed hers from her hand and helped her and her Mother put theirs on. The three of us snickered and Julie gave us a dirty look.

  Pete and Sam's was a nice little family restaurant and I immediately loved it. I could smell pizza cooking in the kitchen and saw a waiter come out with a tray that had spaghetti piled high on the plates. I knew what I wanted, but once again, I didn't want to order too much and seem ungrateful for the dinner. Ted decided to order for me though and he ordered a bottle of wine and ice tea for the three of us. Mrs. Givens and Julie each asked for a wine glass and then Julie looked at us and asked that they bring each of us a wine glass and a second bottle of wine. “You can each have half a glass of wine and no more your parents would kill me if I made you into alcoholics.” we giggled at that.

  Mr. Givens showed up a little later and said that Robert and Katherine were going to be joining us in a few minutes also. Julie frowned at that and her Father gave her a don't start look and dropped the subject. “So are these the three trouble makers that you have been telling me about?” he said with a big smile. “You know you couldn't hold a candle to all the trouble that Julie has been in.”

  “Dad, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell them that.” whined Julie.

  “Well it's my understanding that you were going to run off to Tahiti and live naked on the beach with Diane. Uh by the way which one of you is Diane?” he said smiling. I answered and he continued, “and which is Sally the boy crazy one.” Sally answered. “And you must be Annie the one tha
t wants to date, Gil? Is that it?”

  “Ms. G. I can't believe you told them that.” Annie said.

  “I think that from what I have heard and can see Gil would be a very lucky young man. You three are each absolutely gorgeous. I am going to send a big stick home with a note for you parents to use if a boy gets to close. That's what I had to do with Julie here. Especially when Ted came around. I swear I thought I was going to have to sit between the two of them to keep them from getting carried away.” He said. I looked and both Ted and Julie were blushing.

  “Roger mind your manners we have guest. I swear you are incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?” said Mrs. Givens.

  “Miranda I will offer some suggestions later,” and he leaned over and kissed her very passionately and looked into her eyes for the longest. I could tell he loved her very much. Sally slid her hand into mine and squeezed it. I looked at her and smiled.

  Robert and Katherine came in and sat down at the table with us. I thought Annie and Sally were going to blow a gasket. They both started drooling and I could have sworn I heard a wolf whistle. I squeezed Sally's hand hard and she came back to the world. I had to pinch Annie to make her stop staring. “Ouch that hurt.” she said and then looked rather sheepish.

  Mr. Givens introduced us each in turn. I noticed that Katherine didn't acknowledge me or Julie. She was strikingly beautiful with blond hair, an angelic face and a body that a lot of women would kill for. She sat very close to Robert and laughed at all of his jokes and made small talk with everybody at the table except Julie and I. No wonder Julie didn't like her. She was a snob in my opinion.

  Mr. Givens poured each one at the table a glass of wine and proposed a toast. “To my son and future daughter in law, may they have as wonderful a marriage as I have.” The waitress came by and took our orders, Ted ordered the spaghetti dinner with the salad for Julie and the three of us.

  I looked up and there was Mr. Washington from the store. He walked up and spoke to Mr. Givens who asked him to join us. He agreed and the two of them began to talk business and Robert joined in. I noticed that he still had the handkerchief that I had sold him in his breast pocket. He saw me looking at it, “Yes dear it is the one that you sold me that day in the store. It brought me a lot of luck that day and I try to wear it as much as possible.”

  “You know it?” said Katherine.

  “Yes mam I know 'her',” Mr. Washington said and seemed offended by her comment. “She was helping her mother in the store and I needed a new handkerchief. She recommended this one and I made a rather large sale that day and I attribute it to her good taste.”

  “Thank you. Did you get your tire fixed?” I asked fighting back the anger at the insult.

  “As a matter of a fact I did. When the gentleman you recommended looked at it he said it was ruined and noticed that the others needed replacing so he make me a deal I couldn't pass up. So. I bought four and have since found out that it was ten percent cheaper than anywhere here in town. So thank you. You saved me a lot of money that day.” He said. “Oh and may I say you look much prettier tonight than you did in those work clothes. How did the harvest go?”

  “We managed to get about sixty to seventy bushels of soybeans to the acre and about one to two bales of cotton to the acre so it wasn't all that bad of a year.” I said. “I would like it better if Uncle Will would diversify a little and grow something that has a more stable price. Right now cotton is up because the fashion industry is using a lot of cotton. But when the industry goes to man-made fibers, it will change. Although I fore see a increasing demand for soybeans in the future because of the many diverse things that can be made from the soybean.” Then I noticed that they were all staring at me. “Sorry I didn't mean to butt in.”

  “Have you ever considered a career in the financial market?” asked Mr. Washington. “Because what I'm hearing is someone who has researched the subject and is passionate about it. I could use an intern this summer like you.”

  “Not if I get her first.” said Mr. Givens.

  “Thank you both I will give it some thought, but you have to know that is the busiest part of the year on the farm.” I said.

  “Good enough, but if you decide to do it call me I'll put you to work in a heart-beat.” said Mr. Givens.

  “Thank you if I decide to do it I will definitely call one of you.” I said.

  “Hah I'm still in the running.” gloated Mr. Washington.

  “Not if I can help it, Stan.” Said Mr. Givens.

  They talked business all through the meal and the rest of us asked Katherine questions about the wedding. Annie wanted to know if she had picked out her wedding dress and wanted to know all about it. Sally was busy asking how they met and what the first date was like. I had my first two questions ignored so I quit asking and looked over at Ted and Julie who were having a wonderful discussion about teaching and the different encounters that Julie had while doing it. Julie looked at me then and suddenly said. “and this is my best encounter so far. She is not only smart, but talented. Have I mentioned that she plays the saxophone in the band and she can charm wild animals to come and climb into her hand. I have her latest conquest living in my house and he sleeps with me now. Would you like to know how we met him.”

  “Of course this sounds like a story I need to hear.” he said while looking into Julies eyes.

  “Diane was at my house for her first tutoring and while I bringing a couple of glasses of soda to the table Defiance, that is his name now, ran out and stood up in front of me. I screamed and spilled soda all over Diane and had to make her take a bath and put on some of my clothes while I washed hers. So do you want to know what Defiance is?” she said.

  “I think at this point it would be an important fact.” he said.

  “Defiance is a mouse.” she said. “And a pretty smart one at that.”

  “Really, a mouse, but you don't like mice. I remember the time one was in your kitchen and you ran out screaming. Sarah picked it up and put it outside and wouldn't let you set all those traps. Especially after one let go and caught your finger.” he said laughing.

  “Especially after getting my finger caught in the trap.” she giggled.

  “So who picked up the mouse first. I'm guessing that it was you Diane.” he said.

  “Yes sir it was me. I just put my hand down on the floor and he walked up on it and ran up my arm and sat on my shoulder. I really think he did it just to show off, but now Ms. Givens won't let him go. She feeds him and lets him sleep with her. He squeaks at her jokes and seems to listen to her every word. You know if I didn't know better I would say he is trying to court her.” I said.

  “So my competition is a mouse huh?” he said.

  “Yes and you had better try hard because Defiance is one tough hombre.” Julie said with a snicker.

  “I'll keep that in mind when I meet him. I guess that I had better start lifting a few thread spools before I meet him and maybe get some sunflower seed for a peace offering.” he said.

  I began to wonder if he really was gay the way he looked at Julie. I believed that he loved her very much. She also looked like she loved him. Ah, two star-crossed lovers held apart by ones inability to believe in love and commitment, unable to tell him that she would be everything he needed. The other unable or unwilling to believe that he could be all that she needed to be fulfilled and that she was all he needed. Somehow, they had to come to an understanding about each other and their need to be together.

  “How long did you two date?” I asked.

  Julie looked at me in amazement. Ted exclaimed, “My aren't you the perceptive one.” Julie laughed at that and blushed. “Does it show that bad?” she said.

  “Yes, it does. Even I a mere 'it' can see that you two are madly in love with each other.” I said using Katherine's insult to denote an ignorance that wasn't there. “I think the two of you need to go somewhere and get a room before you embarrass us all.” I said teasing.

  “Well, Cousin It. We just m
ight on your suggestion.” Ted replied with a broad smile.

  Mrs. Givens chimed in then, “I personally think that would be a great idea.” I thought she was paying attention to the business discussion but it was obvious she was just making it look that way. She really, was watching the two of them. “You know I have been trying to get them to date for years, however they are both hard headed. A mother can only do so much.” she sighed. We all laughed over that. “Ted why don't you come with us to the mall tomorrow. We are going to the store to have Julie fitted for a bridesmaid dress and I'm sure that you won't mind taking care of the three sex crazed adolescent females while we get it done.”

  “I don't know if I want to be left alone with those three.” he said. “I mean I feel like I'm being watched by a bunch of lionesses ready to pounce.”

  “Oh come on surely you can handle a bunch of teenage girls.” teased Julie.

  “Only if you give me a whip and a chair.” he said.

  “How about a shepherds crook to whack them with from time to time.” said Julie.

  “Isn't that what your Dad kept by the door and it didn't do all that much good.” he teased.

  “I was a good girl. Dad only had to hit one or two boys with it.” said Julie with a feigned look of indignation.

  “Oh yeah and why did he have those rose bushes planted under your window?” teased Mrs. Givens. “Diane let me just say that you had better not let me catch you doing some of the things she did.” and she winked at me.

  “Oh don't worry I'm a good girl.” I said.

  “I know how to get to you so you had better behave young lady.” teased Julie.

  “Don't worry she's all bark and no bite.” teased Ted.

  I really had to go to the bathroom so I excused myself and went in search of it. I found it about the time that Katherine came walking up. As I started to open the door, Katherine grabbed the handle and pulled it shut on me. “Shem's go over there and she pointed to the men's room.” she hissed.

  “Excuse me, I don't appreciate being called names.” I said.

  “Listen you little fag. You may have all of the rest hoodwinked, but to me you are just a little pervert out to catch a free ride. Now get away from me or I will call the cops since it is against the law for males to use the women’s rest room.” Then she did something totally unacceptable, She spat on me.

  I felt the anger riding up my back but I held my composure and turned and walked back to the table. I took the napkin and wiped the spittle from the front of my dress and asked if they would mind if I stepped outside for a minute to get some fresh air. Julie looked at me and announced she would love some also and walked me outside. As we started to leave, Katherine came back to the table with a snide look on her face.

  Once we were outside, she pulled me to where no one could hear. “Alright spill it. Now, young lady. What happened?” She had me by the shoulders and was looking me right in the eye.

  “I see why you don't like your brothers choice in women.” that was all I would say.

  “Tell me what happened, honey.” She demanded.

  I wish she wouldn't call me honey right then. I couldn't resist her when she did. So I told her what happened. She got angry, hell, she got fighting mad and was going to go back in and kick Katherine's butt. I stopped her and got her to calm down so it wouldn't upset the rest of them since they were having such a wonderful time. She calmed down and took me back inside to the bathroom and went in with me.

  “I didn't know that you could get mad like that.” I said, when I got finished.

  “I don't like to, but I really don't like it when someone picks on my friends.” she said. “By the way just tell them you felt a little warm and needed some fresh air when they ask.”

  “Okay. Uh by the way can I kick her ass if I get alone with her again?” I said.

  “No! You may not.” she said. “I will.” and she gave me that malevolent grin again. I smiled at that.

  At the table, Mrs. Givens asked me, “Sweetheart are you alright?”

  “Yes mam I just got a little hot and had to have some cool air. I'm fine. Thank you for asking.” I said. Sally gave me an inquiring look but I didn't say anything.

  “You know the three of you have such wonderful manners. I don't know many girls your age that would answer like that. I think it is wonderful.” said Mrs. Givens.

  “We are just doing like Ms. Givens has been teaching us said Annie.” and she looked at Sally and myself and smiled.

  I think they knew something happened because they turned all of their attention to Ted and Julie and completely ignored Katherine. Mrs. Givens also must have known something because she wouldn't even look Katherine's way.

  Mr. Givens announced that it was way past our bedtime and got everybody up and headed to the door. Katherine was ahead of me and Julie moved up close behind her. I heard Julie say, “If you mistreat that child again I will tell Robert and Dad. Now I am going to have the dress cleaned and send you the bill and you had better pay it.” then she dropped back and walked over to where her Dad was paying the bill and tried to help pay it. Ted was there also. Her Dad told them to go on and swatted her away. Mr. Washington asked if he could help but Mr. Givens laughed and told him no. He said that he wasn't going to let him claim it on his taxes as a business meeting. Mr. Washington laughed and thanked him and said he would give him a call this week to set up a meeting and left, but not before stopping to hug me good-bye.

  Out in the parking lot. Mr. Givens announced that Ted and Julie were going to take the car back to the house or where ever they wound up. That got a resounding “Dad!” from Julie and snickers from us. Mr. Givens put Annie and Sally in the back but grabbed me and put me up front between he and Mrs. Givens who had a slightly panicked look on her face. Robert left with the witch to take her home. After he pulled out on the street, he started talking. “Diane, I know that you were born a boy, however I have to say you are the most well behaved young lady I have ever had the pleasure to meet as are the two of you. I wish you were my daughters. Oh and I know Ted is gay or he thinks he is, he doesn't know that I know so Annie don't say a word, but when I see him with Julie it makes a Dad's heart so happy.” I heard a gasp from the back seat.

  “Thank you sir.” I said.

  “Now I want to know what happened when you went to the bathroom. You see I am not ignorant. I know that was spit you wiped off of your dress. So tell me what happened.” he ordered.

  I told him what happened thinking I was going to be sent home. That would be the end of my happiness and he would probably demand that Julie resign and come home. When he didn't say anything, I just knew that I was out the door. Instead, I got the shock of my life when he put his arm around me and pulled me close and smiled. “You know I used to do this with Julie. I miss having a little girl in the house. It made things very interesting. Yes very interesting.” and he held me closer. I heard a sigh of relief from Mrs. Givens.

  “You know Roger, you are a rascal.” said Mrs. Givens.

  “Yes, Miranda I am and you love it.” he replied. Mrs. Givens laughed and swatted him on the arm. “Now I want to hear about this macho mouse at my daughter’s house.”

  The three of us took turns telling him about Defiance and he just laughed and laughed. Annie finally said that she didn't know why he thought she would tell even though she didn't think Ted was gay. She thought he was hot and that if Julie didn't want him she would take him. Mrs. Givens said she had better wait a while and she had better not catch her trying to take him away. Annie complained and said “Okay, but remember I got dibs if she doesn't.”

  I laughed at that and Mr. Givens said, “So, you do laugh and have a lighter side.”

  Sally spoke up and said, “O yes sir she has a wonderful sense of humor. I love it when she smiles it lights up the whole room. That is why we are going to put her on the cheer leading squad for the rest of the year.” Annie poked her in the ribs and said “Shh.”

  I turned around and looked at them.
“Why you two sneaks why haven't you told me before now?”

  “You can't let on because Carey wanted to tell you.” said Annie. “Big mouth here has let the cat out of the bag. So act surprised when she tells you.”

  “Oh I can't wait. It will be so much fun. You are going to have to teach me all of the cheers. Wait I don't know how to dance. How am I going to do the dance routines. And what am I going to wear? Has she thought all of this through?” I said.

  “Oh yeah she's thought it all through so don't worry and our sponsor teacher is actually excited to have you. She thinks you are cool. So don't worry we are going to teach you everything you need to know. Oh and you aren't going to be the only boy there Joey Griffith and Sam Adams are going to be there also.” Said Sally.

  “Great Joey and Sam are cool.” I said.

  “So does this mean you will be coming back to school now. Listen I know that Ms. G. told us not to talk about it, but I miss you and I want you back. School is so dull without you. I know you have had a really rotten time lately and all but, you are loved and missed. We will do whatever it takes to make things smoother for you. Shoot, Annie can have Ted I want you, no matter how you are dressed. I have fallen in love with you as a friend so please come back.” said Sally. “Besides I think you would look cute in a cheerleader outfit what with those legs and all.”

  Mr. Givens said, “Diane you might as well give in they aren't going to let you alone. The one thing I have learned is that when a woman sets her mind to it a man doesn't have a chance. Isn't that right honey?” Mrs. Givens just smiled with the same malevolent smile that Julie has. So that was where it came from. “I'm glad my dad didn't plant roses under my window.” she said.

  When we got to the house Mrs. Givens shooed us all upstairs and made us put our pj's on and brush our teeth. I had forgotten how nice it was to have a sink with running water and tooth paste to brush my teeth with. When I looked in the suitcase for pj's I found a really cute pink nightgown and robe. I put them on and went over to Annie and Sally's room. They had these long sleep shirts and big fluffy slippers. They decided that my toes needed some decoration so they pulled out a bottle of bright red nail polish and painted my toes. Then it was Sally's turn to get hers done. Annie already had hers painted and they looked great. We talked and giggled for a while until Mrs. Givens came up and made us go to bed. I said good night to them and walked over to my room and started to make a bed on the little couch she had in the room. Mrs. Givens came in and made me get in the bed and she wouldn't take no for an answer. I was sound to sleep when Julie came in. She put on her nightgown and got in beside me. Then she pulled me close and went to sleep.


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