Good Day for a Hanging (Book Two of the Western Serial Killers series)

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Good Day for a Hanging (Book Two of the Western Serial Killers series) Page 11

by Hestand, Rita

  "Not really. Not yet. But I'm questioning a lot of people right now. Taking notes. Smitty is keeping his eyes and ears open to town gossips and helping me keep an eye on the doc and Fred."

  Ruby nodded. "I wish I could be of more help."

  Jim came to take her into his arms, not embarrassed that Smitty witnessed it. Smitty already knew how Jim felt about Ruby and he was glad. He said he thought Ruby was one of the best people in town.

  "You've been a lot of help. If they start up again, water their drinks down. I don't need good drunk citizens making a mess of everything." Jim encouraged.

  "I'll do that. In fact, Neil, my bartender did that last night. But they were drinking so much and getting so riled, I thought we were going to have to bring out the shotgun to get them to scatter. They kept me open passed the two o'clock curfew. I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault. Short of starting my own riot."

  "You be careful, and if you have the slightest trouble, holler for me or Smitty, we'll come running." Jim smiled at her.

  "I really hate you arresting the doc…" Ruby began.

  "It's necessary to save his life and Fred's."

  She nodded.

  "Say, have you met the female doctor yet? Vivien?"

  "Yes, Rusty brought her by one morning to meet me. She seems very nice and I think the doc has a thing for her." Ruby smiled upon reflection.

  "Yeah, I kinda got that idea myself. If I arrest doc, she'll have to take over as the town physician and assist in examinations for the dead."

  "Can she handle all of that?" Ruby asked. "I mean a woman?"

  "If she's really a doc she can." Jim chuckled.

  "How about Fred, does he know you might have to arrest him?"

  "I warned him as much. He won't like it. But he'll understand. You know he surprises me. He's got some education, and he's meticulous in his work. That just makes him more suspect, unfortunately."

  "I don't envy your job." Ruby put her hand on Jim's arm.

  "You're the second person that's said that lately…"

  "I better go." She blushed and kissed his cheek. "Be careful."

  "I will," Jim whispered into her ear.

  Smitty moved away from them allowing them a moment. Then Ruby touched Smitty's arm and smiled at him, "Thanks and be careful."

  Smitty blushed, and Ruby walked out the door.

  Chapter Fourteen

  In Custody

  "God I love that woman," Jim murmured watching her walk down the boardwalk. "Every inch of her."

  "Have you told her?" Smitty chuckled.

  "That I love her, yeah. It'd be hard not to. But that I want to marry her, no. Not yet. I gotta see this thing through first. Then I'll tell her." Jim promised, feeling a tad light headed from just smelling her perfume. "After all, we don't know how this is all going to work out. Either one of us could get killed."

  "That ain't a good thought, Jim."

  "Nope, but it's the truth."

  "Ruby's the best. I'm glad you and her are together." Smitty smiled.

  Jim glanced at Smitty. "Thanks…"

  "So when are we gonna arrest the doc and Fred?" Smitty asked.

  "I'm gonna do it today. No use waiting, the town's already stirred, if I don't do something they might act on their hunches."

  "I guess having them in there would be better than trying to keep an eye on them all the time." Smitty replied turning back to the desk and the wanted posters Jim had been going through. "Nobody else is having problems like we are, huh?"


  "I want you to go an find Johnny and Robert. We're going to need them to keep an eye on the jail while you are out helping me." Jim informed him. "I can't do it all alone. And this way we can have them protected while we look for the killer."

  "You want I should go now?" Smitty asked.

  "Yeah, go ahead, and make sure some of our fine citizens know you are deputizing them."

  "Okay, what good will that do?" Smitty scratched his head.

  "A lot. They will know we are about to do something. It'll be a month or so before the traveling judge can get here. That will give us more time for looking for the guilty parties."

  "Okay, I'm on my way." Smitty nodded.


  That same afternoon, Jim went to arrest the doc. He considered it one of the worst jobs he'd had as Sheriff, for he was almost certain the doc was not guilty and he couldn't prove it.

  Rusty was filing some paperwork he'd done for the undertaker, who'd prepared Cal Harding for his long journey home.

  "Jim, how are things going?" Rusty asked shaking his hand as he came inside Rusty's office.

  "Not well. And this isn't a social call doc. I'm going to have to take you into custody, doc."

  Rusty's smile faded. "It's come to that?"

  Jim nodded.

  The blood in Rusty's face drained, making him turn quite pale. "You came to arrest me?"

  "Yeah, but this is only for your own good, Rusty. The people are stirring now. They want some action. There will be a mob I'm afraid if I don't do something. The only thing I know how to do right now is arrest you and Fred."

  "Fred…the butcher?"

  "That's right."

  "This is strictly for your own good. I don't plan on any trial. I hope to set you free way before it comes to that." Jim informed him. "I'm positive you and Fred had nothing to do with these murders. But I've got no proof of that yet. Putting you in jail will allow me the freedom to find the real killer. And I won't have to worry about an angry mob hanging you while I’m away."

  Rusty nodded slowly.

  "May I tell Vivien?" Rusty adjust his vest and squared his shoulders.

  "Of course you may." Jim smiled.

  Vivien was in the next room working on some experiment. When Rusty told her she was dismayed.

  "Surely you don't think Rusty did this?" she questioned as she joined Jim in the front office.

  Jim took out his handcuffs. "No ma'am, I don't. In fact I'm almost positive they had nothing to do with it."

  "They?" She questioned.

  "Fred, the butcher, I'm about to arrest him too. This will be quite public as I want everyone to know what I'm doing. It will quiet the town down for a while at least."

  "But isn't there some other way?" Veronica protested. "He's a doctor…he has a reputation. He'll lose his business."

  "Yes ma'am, and that's the only reason everyone thinks he did it, too." Jim replied. "If I can prove otherwise everyone will see he's innocent and he'll get the rest of his business back. It's the only way, ma'am."

  He put the cold handcuffs on Rusty's wrist.

  "This will mean you are our acting doctor for now, if you don't mind." Jim informed her.

  She opened her mouth to protest, then closed it and nodded. "Of course."

  Before she had a chance to argue the point further, Jim headed out the door with Rusty in the lead in handcuffs. Some of the people saw it and murmured to themselves as they moved along to the jail.

  Rusty moved a little reluctantly. "This is all so wrong, you know."

  "Sorry doc, I've gotta bring you in. I don't want to come back into town and see you hanging from a tree, and that is a fact, if I don't take you in."

  The words were said loud enough for anyone close by to hear. Jim wanted the town to know he'd made an arrest and everyone could relax.

  At the same time everyone had witnessed Smitty deputizing the two men that Jim designated. They followed Smitty to the jail.

  Murmurings went about the place as witnesses repeated what they had seen. Jim was glad. So far his plan was working.

  After securing doc in the jail and explaining how this was going to help him, the doc began to relax a little. Although Jim knew that no one was happy about being locked up.

  Now he had to arrest Fred. That might not be as easy, as Fred already said he didn't like jails, but it was for his own good. Arresting Fred would stop the rumors and gossips from stirring any more trouble.

  Fred was busy w
hen Jim arrived at the lean to.

  "Fred?" Jim got his attention.

  Fred turned to see Jim whipping out the cuffs. "You serious?"

  "I'm afraid so Fred."

  One of the town drunks was nearby and stopped to watch. Fred's face drained of color, his expression soured by Jim's words. His lips thinned, his nostrils flared, and his hands shook with the anger inside him.

  "I'm arresting you for the murders of Cal Harding and Mr. Perkins, and his hands."

  Fred frowned. "This ain't right and you know it."

  "Bear with me," Jim muttered as he neared him and put the cuffs on his hands. "Some are watching and they need to hear me. I know it's embarrassing. But I gotta do this for your own safety Fred."

  Fred's expression stilled, like the stilling of a river, abrupt and hard.

  "Why you doin' this Sheriff. We done talked about this before."

  "That's why I'm doing it." Jim said grimly, making sure the drunk heard him.

  Before dark it was all over town that Jim Bonner had arrested both the doc and Fred. He figured he'd get a visit from the council soon.

  Smitty locked the doors behind Fred and shook his head. "Sorry about this Fred."

  "You know you got the wrong man…"

  "Yeah, I know." Jim nodded.

  "Then why?"

  "Because if I didn't arrest the two of you, the town would have a mob of people down here trying to hang you without a trial. This way, I protect you from them, and give me a little time to find who done this. It's the only way I can. And the two of you have to bear with me. I've got to have some time to find the killer. I can't be here and out investigating at the same time. Just bear with me."

  "I can take care of myself." Fred insisted.

  "No you couldn't. Even I couldn't with you out there. But in here, I can. I know the two of you are innocent. I'm not going to let anyone hang you. Do you understand now? Stop fretting, no one is getting through that door once I leave. That door is made of pure Iron. I made it that way a long time ago. No one hangs my prisoners without a court order from the judge."

  Fred listened and nodded slowly.

  "Good. Now I can rest easier and do my job." Jim informed them. "I've got to have some time to do my job, and not worry about the two of you. You're just gonna have to trust me."

  The doc had been silent all along.

  "How long we gotta stay here?" Fred asked.

  "As long as it takes me to find the real killer." Jim informed him.

  Jim made sure the back door was secure and locked then closed the jail door and went back into his office. He wasn't happy about what he had to do, but right now it was the only way.

  He'd wait until tomorrow to start asking more questions.

  Today he needed to know that the two men in custody accepted their fate and would wait it out.

  Johnny and Robert came through the door, wearing their badges for all to see. Jim nodded to them.

  "Basically what I need from the two of you for is to keep those two in there healthy until the judge comes through or until I find the real killer. So any disturbances and you use those guns you were issued. Understand?" Jim announced. "And I do mean any."

  "Yes sir," They both nodded and agreed.

  "Good. Smitty and I will be out a lot, and I am depending on the two of you, because I know you are both God-fearing men who will do the right thing, no matter what."

  "But what if they try to take them out of here?" Johnny asked.

  Jim studied the young man for a minute, then smiled. "Then use your guns accordingly."

  "But those people out there are our friends." Robert protested.

  Jim frowned at them both. "Not when it comes to being a mob they aren't. A mob understands only one thing. A gun. I'll expect you to use them if necessary."

  The two of them hesitated then nodded. "Alright Sheriff."


  "It's unlawful to riot. That's the first thing you tell the mob. These men deserve a fair trial. Hanging is against the law unless decided by a judge. Anyone trying to hang another person will be jailed, no exceptions." Jim said loudly. "That is the speech you will give if a mob forms. And you will shoot anyone trying to take the prisoners from you."

  "Ain't that a little harsh?" Johnny protested.

  "No, that's justice. Either you can do this job, or you can't. If you can't, then put your badge up and get out. I have too much to do to babysit you two. This job requires men able to point and shoot a gun. And the good sense to know exactly how to handle a bad situation."

  "You two took an oath, to abide by what is right. What is right is protecting your prisoners. Understand?"

  "Yes sir," they replied. "But they are murderers, aren't they?"

  "That hasn't been proven in a court of law. All you have to remember is, they are your prisoners. You are responsible for them. And anyone trying to take them out of here aside from me or Smitty is liable to get their heads blown off. That mob out there won't care who you are, or why you are protecting them. They want to hang them, just to be done with this whole horror story. It's now you duty and your job to keep them at bay. Now, I don't care if you shoot to kill, shoot to maim, or shoot in the air. As long as you keep them outside this jail. Understood? That's an iron clad door. They won't be able to push their way through the door."

  "Yes sir," they mumbled.

  "Good. Now I want one man out back, and one man in front at all times. When we are away from this jail I want you both inside, protecting those two in there. Understood?"

  The men nodded.

  "Did they do it?" Robert asked.

  "No…they didn't." Jim said matter-of-factly. "If I thought they had, I might not care if the mob got in here. But I can assure you gentlemen, those two in there are nothing more than guinea pigs right now. They did not kill anyone. They couldn't. The doc took an oath to save lives, and Fred has spent the last ten years proving he is worthy of this town's business. You really think he'd throw that away. Not likely. Neither of them have a reason to kill, especially those ranchers. But having them in there, will give me time to find out who did. Understand."

  Johnny scratched his chin, "When you put it that way, it makes sense."


  "But why you gotta lock 'em up in the first place?" Robert gushed out with the question.

  "Because those people outside, those good people of Melville think they did kill those men. And until I can prove otherwise, the doc and Fred are in our custody. When a prisoner is in our custody, that means we defend them, as they have not been tried nor convicted of anything yet, so they are considered by the law as innocent."

  The deputies looked at each other, then Jim and Smitty. Smitty was smiling.

  "Now do you understand?" Smitty asked.

  "Yeah, I guess we do." The two seemed to settle down.

  "Good. If we are not here and something starts with the town's people, I'll leave word where you can get in touch with us and we'll be back as soon as possible. Don't come lookin for us yourself, send someone else. Now, you boys go get yourselves some supper and get back here." Jim instructed. "I want you armed at all times, and don't let anyone in when we are not here. It's for your own protection. If you need to leave to get something to eat, only one leaves, the other stands guard. Don't open that door for anyone."

  The men left and Smitty looked at Jim hesitantly. "You think they'll follow orders?"

  "Yeah, they will. They are good men, Smitty. You just have to talk them into it first."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Elmer's Love

  Sadie sat out on the veranda in her rocking chair looking out over the horizon. Today would be a good day she decided. She had found a new peace within her about Elmer. She loved him, it was that simple and she felt that love surround her last night as he touched her once more and their needs were met. Somehow she had come to terms that Elmer was the only man she would ever love in that way. For she knew without a doubt that his love was pure. She determined last
night that she would never again consider it a sin to love her brother. It was what was and she couldn't change it.

  She prayed God understood, as a satisfied smile spread across her face and through her body.

  She would no longer dwell on the fact that her and Elmer making love was dirty or sinful.

  She stared out at the stark community she had managed to feed for so long and smiled again.

  For the past six months she hadn't had to nag Elmer about getting her the beef she needed. He had managed to keep her in food and stored up for the winter and she was very happy about it. She no longer fretted about the wild turkey's he brought home, they were tastier somehow now than they'd ever been.

  Through the years her life had settled out. Everyone in this small community loved her and Elmer and they were safe here. This was their home and people accepted them without question.

  Although only about a hundred lived here, she managed to feed nearly half of them. She felt proud she could do that.

  She glanced up and got up out of her chair and went to look at the sign above the café. Sadie's Haven she had called it. A haven for the hungry and poor.

  She managed a good size garden out back and with Elmer supplying the meat, she could go on cooking for the community as long as her health held out.

  The bird chirped in the trees above and Sadie glanced up at them, seeing the jays squabbling over their find for the day. She loved birds of all kind, for they brought music into the world, an added pleasure, she decided.

  The wind got up and she pulled her ratty-tat shawl around her closer. Her clothes were no matter to her, as they were rags and she accepted that too. No one in Cross Timbers had much.

  Elmer came out to sit with her. Of late he seemed to take pleasure in just being around her, helping her, attending to her needs, or just holding her hand.

  "It's going to be a beautiful day, Elmer." Sadie said with a smile.

  Elmer glanced at her and smiled.

  "Yes 'um it is." Elmer nodded.

  "I'm proud of you Elmer." She whispered and reached to pat his hand.


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