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SeductivePersuasion Page 11

by Frances Stockton

  Garrick also noticed the dark lines beneath her eyes. While he’d known she’d slept during the night, she’d not had enough rest to make up for the strain of the previous day. Right then he wanted to comfort her and bed her. If he took her to his bed, mayhap he would tire her enough to rest without worry. He would undress her down to the skin and align his body to hers, part her thighs and enter so slowly she would cry with need instead of the virginal pain he knew she would feel the first time they joined. He didn’t want to be the cause of her discomfort and would strive to soothe her until she writhed and found her pleasure.

  Wanting to be alone with his woman, he barely glanced at Aisley’s maid hovering nearby. “Leave us, now!” he ordered.

  The maid jumped as if he’d slapped her. Garrick frowned when she scurried to the door.

  “Hold a moment,” he said. “What is your name, girl?”

  Surprised by his question, the maid looked at Aisley first. “Elethea,” she answered with her eyes cast downward.

  “You are the one Lady Hunter chose to be my betrothed’s maid?”

  “Aye, m’lord.”

  “I trust you intend to serve her well?”

  Elethea lifted her chin, but did not look at him. “Aye, m’lord.”

  “That is all I can ask,” Garrick said. “Your mother served Danford most of her life, as I recall. Your father was the steward.”

  Mouth agape, the maid stared up at him, then realized her error and hastily looked away. “You remember my parents? They have been gone more than ten years now.”

  “Aye, I see your mother in you. If your dedication to Danford is the same as your parents had been, I am certain Lady Hunter has chosen a most suitable lady’s maid.”

  Elethea gave a slight bow in gratitude.

  “Here after, girl, if I ask something of you, try to remember that it is not my intention to frighten you,” Garrick said.

  “I shall,” she whispered and departed.

  “Why did you do that?” Aisley asked.

  Garrick turned his attention back to his mate. “I wanted to be alone with you,” he said, shifting closer.

  “Why did you explain yourself to her?” Her pretty brown eyes rested on his shoulders before lifting to his face. “I never expected you, an earl, would attempt to do so with a servant.”

  “She did nothing to receive rebuke, and yet, like many of my servants, she is afraid of me. I intend to reside primarily in Danford now that I’ve found my countess. I don’t want the servants and household staff to fear me.”

  “I am certain they will come to see you as fair, milord. Judith told me that you are always kind to Angelica and that she enjoys the sound of your voice. I cannot blame her. You have the most unusual voice, but I like it.”

  Surprised, Garrick settled his hand at her elbow. “You like my voice? Why?”

  “I shouldn’t say.” Aisley flushed and attempted to withdraw.

  Wanting to kiss her, Garrick smoothed his forefinger along the curve of her chin, steadying her. Her skin was so soft and warm that the first touch beckoned more and he slid his hand into her hair, sweeping it behind her ear. Like her skin, her hair was soft as silk.

  She was truly more beautiful than he first thought and his heart raced at the knowledge that this woman was to be his for the rest of their lives. She alone would grace his bed and have his children. At once his manhood hardened almost to the point of discomfort. He wanted her so badly he thought it possible to spill his seed if he kissed her long enough.

  “I’m glad you like my voice,” he said, aware that his tone had deepened and his breath became heavy. The panther inside of him awakened, scenting his mate and daring him to convert her and claim what was his by Abcynian law. “Won’t you tell me why you find it to your liking?”

  “Umm…well…” She stalled, blinking twice to regain control of her thoughts. She’d been attempting to hide them from him since he’d arrived. Even though he could likely hear her now, he wanted her to tell him what she was feeling. “You sound gruff at times, but your voice changes with your mood. If you’re angry, you rumble and roar. When you speak to Sir Lucien or Sir Brandon, you speak deep and steady. My Papa found an injured kitten in the woods once when I was very young and he would place it in my lap. I’d rub its face and chin and he would rumble like you do when you’re alone with me. My Papa told me it’s the sound cats make when they’re pleased.”

  “You please me, Aisley,” he said. When he breathed out, Garrick could hear and feel the panthera’s rumble emanating beneath his skin. The leopard wanted its presence known to Aisley, but he would have to guard it. If he revealed himself too quickly, his mate would bolt again.

  “Not yesterday. You were angry, mayhap rightfully so, but you were also secretive. If you’d taken a moment to talk to me as we rode back to Danford, I’d have felt more at ease as your betrothed. Instead, I was placed in the care of your squire and Lady Hunter.”

  “Aisley, I realize it seemed wrong.” Caressing his hand from her temple to her nape, he cupped the back of her head and brought her to him. “As I’d said last eve, my intentions were honorable. Danger lingered in the forest and I could not allow your nearness to distract me. I’ll not apologize for protecting you. I left you last eve to make certain our enemies have fled.”

  “Does that mean I can visit the villagers if they need me?”

  “Nay, little one, you cannot, not yet.” When Aisley attempted to pull away, he overcame her resistance by placing his arm about her waist.

  “Let me go, Garrick.”

  “Not until you believe that I’m confining you to the manor to protect you. I told you the night we met that I’ve enemies that would like nothing more than to take you from me. I cannot risk something happening to you, Aisley. Until I know you are safe, I intend to take daily rides to Fernley and neighboring towns to make sure the danger has gone. Sir Brandon and his men will remain here to guard you. Once it’s safe, you will be permitted to go about Danford and the village as freely as you wish. “

  “What about Sir Knight? Couldn’t you send him to guard me?”

  “Aside from the best guards in my garrison, most are not ready to understand the leopard’s place in Danford,” Garrick said. “However, if I cannot be with you at night, the leopard will take my place. I sent him to you last eve, little one. I will continue to do so until we are wed or you permit me to stay with you.” Gently keeping her captive, he kissed her jaw and chin. She tasted of almonds, of honey and of woman. It was all he could do not to bite. “As for that, do not think to send me away when you’re angry. I knew you needed to rest and meant to stay only for a little while. How can I earn your trust if you will not permit me to try?”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders, trying to brace herself against his kisses. She didn’t resist for long. He heard her heartbeat and shared her breath with a gentle, persuasive kiss to her soft, parted lips. He knew she wanted him to kiss her and took what they both wanted.

  “Last night I was angry,” she whispered between kisses. “I’m still angry and being betrothed to you scares me, but I do understand your reasons for guarding me so closely.”

  Offering kisses from her chin to her lips, he buried a smile when it was Aisley who attempted to steal a kiss. He pulled away, provoking her to pout.

  “The newness of our betrothal may frighten you. Are you still afraid of me?” he asked.

  “Nay, I’m not. Still, there are things about you that scare me. Lady Hunter told me a little about your family history, but it wasn’t enough. She said you’d tell me what I need to know about the Abcynians and I’d like to learn. Won’t you share with me?”

  “Unfortunately, Aisley, I cannot rush explanations with you. Yesterday you admitted that you were worried about the villagers misunderstanding my abilities. I promise I am not engaged in anything wicked, but I can speak with animals and with you mind-to-mind. I trace my lineage to the Abcynians, an ancient lineage of men and women with abilities that would as
tound you. If you’re willing to be patient, I will introduce you to my heritage one story at a time. Will you give me the chance to reveal my past to you as I see fit?” Garrick inhaled her almond-rich scent, finding it intriguing and sweet.

  “We are betrothed now. I intend to honor that commitment. That doesn’t mean I’m happy about being forced to stay here.”

  “That will last only as long as it takes to assure your safety.” Giving what allowances he could, he kissed her. Expecting her to resist, she surprised him by sighing and leaning closer, accepting his tongue deep in her mouth.

  In the past, Garrick had always thought of kissing as a means to bedding a woman. With Aisley, kissing was a gift, a privilege he’d want for the rest of his life. Her mouth was warm, soft, giving and demanding.

  Devoted to the tangle of their tongues, she groaned when he tried to withdraw and caught his tongue between her full lips and sucked. His manhood stretched his hose, making him shift to ease the strain against his sensitive flesh. Bloody hell, he was tempted to force her to kneel before him and take his length between those silken lips.

  “Aisley, let me come to you tonight,” he asked when she freed his tongue, purposefully keeping her from recapturing his lips. She grumbled and kissed his jaw, explored his neck with little bites and kisses.

  God’s teeth, he wanted her! Her kisses were heady, sweet, an innocent’s seduction, but he was hard as stone and aching to spend himself between her soft, silken thighs.

  “Bloody hell, answer me. Let me come to you tonight.”

  “I shouldn’t. I should send you far, far away from me,” she said between the kisses she bestowed from his chin to his throat. Her teeth nipped at his pulse, sending blood from his head to his loins.

  “Will you consider it?” he asked again, near to begging if she did not cease her seductive torment. “Do you understand what it does to me when you kiss me like this, Aisley?”

  “Nay, I only know that I like kissing you. It feels right, but what does that say about me?” she demanded. “A lady should not be tempted by a man. How I feel with you, it is wicked.”

  “Ah, little one, it is desire that you feel, not wickedness. There’s no wrong in this. Be assured that no matter your answer for tonight, I will not ask for more than you’re willing to give.”

  Aisley grinned, part impish innocence, part female curiosity. Garrick knew she was tempted to permit him access to her bedchamber. Hoping to tempt her further, he nudged his pelvis into the vee of her thighs, revealing his need, and felt her arch in response.

  “Garrick, you shouldn’t—”

  “Aisley is right,” Lady Hunter admonished from the doorway. “I must speak against this behavior, milord. You know better than to put her in such a position.”

  Garrick stepped back, righting Aisley as he steadied himself. Belatedly, he noticed Catarina pointing to the open door. Once again, he’d been thinking only of Aisley and missed a panthera Abcynian’s approach. Though he was glad Aisley responded to his kisses, Catarina was right. He should have barred the door. It was an error he would not repeat again.

  “Mayhap a guardian for my betrothed isn’t needed after all, especially one who corrects the Earl of Danford in his own household,” he warned.

  “Then I would insist on returning to my cottage,” Aisley said.

  “You will live nowhere else. Come for a walk with me, Aisley. We could visit Angelica together before I begin my duties.”

  “I would like that,” she agreed, smiling.

  “Lady Hunter, will you join us?”

  “I believe it safe to give the two of you a few moments alone with Angelica, milord.”

  More than pleased, Garrick took Aisley’s elbow and escorted her from the room.

  * * * * *

  Aisley wanted to claim otherwise, but she was proud to be walking the halls with Lord Danford. His title, though intimidating, was not all there was to Garrick Forrester. His dedication to their betrothal, his desire to protect her and his devotion to his men and Abcynian heritage were all part of him. Still there was more to learn.

  Glancing over at him, she caught her breath, her heart racing as she watched him. Ever the nobleman in a green tunic strewn with bronze thread, he possessed the strength and bearing of a warrior knighted for his leadership in England.

  Aye, she wanted to know more, to learn why he intrigued her and why she did not fight against his wish for the two of them to marry. Mayhap there was a part of her that had accepted their fate when he’d first declared his intentions less than a fortnight ago.

  “You accepted me during the night of the full moon,” Garrick said. Again, she’d failed to control her thoughts. “Telling yourself otherwise would be foolish. You were complaining to my squire and Sir Knight about my continued absence and now here I am. Shouldn’t that please you?”

  “It is good to know that you are here,” Aisley admitted. “But you’ll be charging away from the manor shortly and I’ll miss—never mind.”

  “You’ll miss me?”

  “I did not say that.”

  “You thought it.” Seeming to be a gentleman, Garrick escorted her down the hall. Only she could hear his thoughts. I shall miss you as well, Aisley. When I return, I will seek your company. It is my hope to find you alone.

  Aisley chose not to respond. They’d reached Angelica’s room and entered after a quiet rap on the door. Complete with servants to assist Judith, the chamber was abuzz with activity as a servant of about ten and three whisked a brush through Angelica’s hair and others were straightening the bedclothes.

  “Good morn, Lady Angelica,” Aisley called out as she and Garrick approached the girl. “How lovely you look.”

  Angelica looked up and her smile was gentle. Then her gaze went to Garrick and, with a squeal of delight, she launched herself at him.

  “Gaick…Gaick,” she cried out, spreading her arms to Garrick.

  Aisley stood there, stunned. It was the first words Aisley had ever heard Angelica speak.

  “Angelica, you spoke.” Aisley swallowed against the tightness in her throat when she realized she would have missed this moment if she’d been successful in leaving Danford.

  “She’s been trying to say something all morn,” Judith told them from across the room.

  Garrick lifted Angelica into his arms, readily permitting her to tighten her grip about his neck. Aisley stared, her heart slamming in her chest as she watched them together.

  Right then and there, Aisley believed that the Earl of Danford considered Angelica his daughter. She saw the truth in his green eyes, in the softening of his jaw as he held the girl. He was a father, not just a nobleman with a strange past. How easily she could come to love him. If Angelica trusted this man, mayhap she could too.

  “Good morn to you, sweetling,” he said to Angelica. “How proud I am to hear my name upon your lips.” But Aisley wisely remembered nobles didn’t marry for love. How could she think even for a moment that Garrick would come to love her in return?

  Angelica squealed again, bringing Aisley’s gaze to the beautiful girl. “Gaick, Gaick, fa…fa…” Suddenly, Angelica laughed and shifted about while Garrick tickled her.

  Imagine that! The Earl of Danford was tickling the girl and he was beaming as though he’d won a major battle against the French.

  “I’m amazed at how she is with you,” Aisley said, whispering in Garrick’s ear while reaching up to stroke her fingers through Angelica’s hair when the girl stilled.

  “Are you upset?” Garrick asked.

  “Nay, why would I be? This is a miracle.”

  “It is,” he agreed. I heard your thoughts when Angelica first spoke, little one. Do not admonish yourself for what happened yesterday. You are here now. That is all that matters.

  As if sensing Aisley’s momentary distress, Angelica looked at her, smiled and whispered, “Aly,” then finally settled her head onto Garrick’s shoulder.

  “Might I speak, milord?” Judith strolled closer, a smile
on her heart-shaped face and a twinkle in her blue eyes. “I believe Angelica’s progress this morn has to do with your presence in the manor, milady. She feels safe with the two of you.”

  “I pray that is true,” Aisley said.

  “Angelica, would you like to break your fast with your mother and father?” Garrick invited, shifting her on his hip.

  Angelica nodded, her understanding clear, thrilling Aisley all the more.

  With little ceremony, Aisley and Garrick carried Angelica out of the room and headed for the kitchens. For the first time since her mother and father died, she felt a sense of peace, a part of a family.

  * * * * *

  “I was wondering about something, Haywood,” John Brewster said, breaking Sedgewick’s concentration.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask what you’re thinking,” Sedgewick confessed. “I told you last night, I do not wish to return to Danford.”

  “Are you certain?” John kept the reins of his palfrey steady and his eyes on the trail. “Several times I heard you complain about the witch ruining your means of living.”

  “We do not know if the healer is a witch.”

  “We suspect she is, but you can rest easy, Sedgewick. I was not thinking of the healer. I was thinking about the child she stole from you.”

  “You were, why?”

  “The girl wasn’t yours, yet you managed to obtain her from her mother. How is that, I wonder? Even if she’s afflicted, I cannot fathom a mother relinquishing her child to a stranger,” John said.

  “Truth be known, the child’s mother died before I had chanced upon her.”

  “You paid someone for her.”

  “Aye, a good amount too. Now I’ve lost everything.”

  “Who did you pay?” John lifted his eyes off the trail and looked at Sedgewick.

  “I think it was the child’s aunt,” Sedgewick recalled. “She was young, penniless, and incapable of taking care of any child, much less one born of a werewolf.”


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