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SeductivePersuasion Page 13

by Frances Stockton

  “I’m doing a poor job of explaining my Abcynian heritage to you,” he said, sounding concerned. “I ask you to remain patient. I’ve never had to explain what I am to anyone, including my wives. They were not my mates.”

  “You didn’t bed your wives?” Unable to envision him being denied his marital rights and unwilling to think of him bedding other women, Aisley attempted to look away. He simply touched his hand to her chin and brought her face back to him.

  “I cannot claim such a thing. For Abcynians, mating binds a man and woman more completely than marriage and copulation. Once we marry, we will not be bound by the strictures of society. We will indulge in our desires whenever we want and no one will gainsay us.” Gently, his hand caressed upward from her elbow to her chest and pressed inward, her heart throbbing against his palm. “However, until we are truly mated sustenance is denied to you because it could make you ill if you drink it as you are now.”

  “My body will change after we lie together?”

  As primitive as it sounded, thinking of being mated to Garrick made the deepest part of her womb tremble with longing. The beating of her heart grew stronger, faster, deepening her breathing and thickening the blood in her veins until she could feel the pulse pounding in her throat.

  “Aye, as will your entire life, Aisley. You’ll be stronger, age slower.”

  “I fail to understand how that is possible.”

  “Nothing is impossible. Must we speak of sustenance when I’d rather tell you how pretty you look with candlelight reflecting upon your face and hair?”

  “Please do not mock me, I know what I look like,” Aisley said.

  Garrick lifted one noble brow, his warm gaze sweeping over her from head to toe. “Aisley, what must I do to make you believe in yourself as a desirable woman?”

  “I don’t know. The only man I’d thought I might marry when I was younger couldn’t accept my freckles. Mayhap others disliked the color of my hair or were deterred by my birthmark.”

  “Didn’t we discuss this?” Garrick took his hand from her chin and swept it upward to the twin coils wrapped about her nape. Slowly, he unwound them and brought each braid to lie over her shoulders and breasts. “You have a man standing before you right now and I think you’re beautiful.” Long fingers grasped the braids and brought her closer. “Your hair and your freckles complete you, little one, you wouldn’t be nearly so lovely without them.”

  Aisley wavered, trembling with awareness. This man, this mysterious, though good, man, found her desirable. But a sliver of doubt shimmered down her spine. “Were your wives beautiful? Do I compare to them?”

  “I compare you to no one.”

  “Mayhap it is best for you to leave,” Aisley suggested again. “We can talk again in the morn.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “I haven’t invited you to stay.”

  “You haven’t told me to go,” he said.

  “Did I not just say you should leave?”

  “You didn’t mean it.”

  “What if my chamber becomes too crowded?” she asked.

  “The doors are bolted. Your maid is ill.”

  “I was thinking about Sir Knight.” Pulling back slightly, she was hindered by his continued hold on her braids. “He comes to the window nightly and—”

  Releasing one braid, Garrick touched his thumb to her lips. “Sir Knight comes to you because I permit it. He’ll not come this night unless I’ve gone.” Etching his blunt nail across her bottom lip, he held her still while using his opposite hand to unravel a braid.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” she insisted.

  “You want me here.”

  With the right braid unbound, the waves fell in ringlets to her breast and he ran his fingers through the length. Taking his time, he murmured his approval, the sound a deep rumble in his throat. Only when he was satisfied with the fall of her hair did he turn his attention to the second braid.

  “I…oh,” she gasped. Garrick’s fingers grazed her nipple. Every thought flew to the tightening of her nipple when it became apparent the stroke had been deliberate. “Garrick, what—”

  “Shh, let me touch you.”

  Aisley tried to pull away, but her feet remained rooted to the spot. His clever fingers stroked her hair, abrading her nipples, pinching ever so slightly, circling and grazing, over and over. With each caress, her nipples became twin peaks of sensation and a hot tingle trailed to her belly, making the dewy petals protecting her woman’s entrance flutter again.

  She suddenly wanted to be kissed. Mayhap if she moved, the insistent ache that began within her womb would ease. “Garrick, would you kiss me?”

  “It would be an honor.” Granting her wish, he smoothed his hands down to her waist and brought her up against his big, muscled body. Her heart racing, he claimed her mouth.

  Aisley wrapped her arms about his neck. It was pure heaven to inhale him deep into her lungs. Enchanted, she sighed and lifted to her toes, relishing in the tangle of their tongues. He tasted of cinnamon and spices, a touch of wine and honey. His maleness surrounded her, making her feel wanted, tempting her in a way she didn’t quite understand.

  Reveling in their closeness, she nibbled his lip, his chin, the angle of his bearded jaw. She liked the slight abrasion, imagined allowing him to kiss her in the same places. Would he use his mouth on her nipples as he’d done with his fingers? The very thought sent flames of need throbbing low and deep in her belly.

  “Aye, Aisley, I want to kiss you everywhere you can imagine and some you cannot.” Garrick whispered kisses across her cheekbones, dotting each freckle with his lips and tongue. Desiring more, she arched her neck, offering him access to her vulnerable throat. His lips lingered over her pulse, a light nip sent tingles from her neck to her toes.

  “Everywhere?” she repeated. Oh goodness, his kisses succeeded in making her hotter, tempting her to demand him to remove her clothes. “Umm, could we open the shutters? I need some cooler air. “

  “I know what you need,” he promised, smiling down at her.

  He pulled far enough away to grasp the material of her houppelande. At first she caught his wrists, thinking to halt him. Their gazes met and she shivered. His eyes were such an intriguing mix of green and knowledge that, at times, he seemed much older than appearances told.

  “Let me,” he urged, tugging on her gown.

  With little resistance, she continued to stare up at him and freed his wrists. A breath later, green silk whisked upward, blinding her for a moment before the gown floated to the floor near their feet. It actually surprised her to break eye contact and find herself wearing only a chemise.

  “I’m scared, Garrick,” she confessed. She’d wanted this, but knowing she was almost naked frightened her.

  “I won’t rush you, Aisley.” He brought her closer and kissed her again, deeply, slowly, sending her heart racing. “Would you like to keep the chemise on?”

  He lifted his head, waiting for her response and she whispered aye.

  Taking her hands, he gently tugged her toward the bed. “Come and lie with me.”

  “I know what that means,” she said, stilling. “You want to…to copulate.” Saying that aloud, she refused to admit she was tempted.

  He brushed his fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her face. “Tonight I only want to hold you. If you permit more, more you shall have. If you say nay, I will wait.”

  “You promise?”

  “On my honor,” he said.

  Believing Garrick to be a man of his word, Aisley permitted him to lead her to the bed and assist her into the center. It didn’t take him long to stroll about the room and snuff all the candles save the one closest to the bed. Once finished, he withdrew into the corner and tossed his cote-hardie and gypon onto the floor.

  The light from the candle kept her from seeing if he removed his long hose, but as he neared, she saw his bare chest and torso. He still wore the hose, yet he looked magnificent. His muscles were defi
ned by dark hair that dusted his chest and narrowed down to his waist. Copper nipples peaked through the swirls, tempting her to brush her fingers over his chest in search of the puckered flesh. Were they as sensitive to touch as hers?

  “Very,” he said.

  “I wonder why I’m incapable of masking my thoughts. You told me they had to be given to you.”

  “In your heart, you want me to know what you’re thinking.”

  Teasing him a little, she said, “What am I thinking now?”

  “If I remove them, my promise will be tested.” Due to the substantial tenting of his hose, she returned her eyes to his face and refused to urge him to remove the hose.

  “Probably wise,” she said.

  Garrick stripped the bedcovers to the foot of the bed and climbed in beside her. A scuffle and a shuffle later, he turned, caught her about the waist and pulled her to his chest.

  “Lie still for a bit, little one,” he said.

  Trusting him, she eased into his embrace and rested her head upon his shoulder.

  “You’re beautiful, Aisley, thank you for letting me stay.” Garrick’s breath warmed her temples as he pressed a kiss near her forehead.

  “Am I really beautiful to you?”

  “You are.” Garrick shifted and touched his finger to her chin. Tenderly, he tilted her face upward just enough to lean down and kiss her.

  He broke the kiss first. While she resisted its end, she realized that lying with him like this was what she wanted tonight.

  In his mind, she whispered, I’m not ready for more, Garrick.

  “I understand, Aisley,” Garrick assured her with kiss to her brow.

  Finding him endearing, Aisley sighed, content, though concerned over where Sir Knight would spend the night.

  “He’s near,” Garrick said, hearing her thoughts. “Close your eyes. I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.”

  “Are you certain? This seems unfair to you. I can feel what you want,” she admitted, aware of his hardness tapping her thigh.

  “You needn’t worry. I will not ask for more than this tonight.”

  Pleased, she snuggled further into his embrace. As they reclined together, she listened as he revealed the problems he’d faced during the day. Proud that he’d dealt fairly with a tenant who’d been caught stealing bread, she found herself genuinely liking the Earl of Danford.

  Aye, he was a good man and his cinnamon scent was becoming a part of her soul.

  * * * * *

  Garrick awakened feeling rested and content, something which had eluded him for most of his four hundred and fifty years. Having never slept an entire night with a woman in his arms, he’d found a true treasure. Aisley was soft and sweet. Her scent was on his skin, hair and the bedclothes.

  Just as he felt the warmth of pending sunrise, his erection throbbed to the point of pain, warning that morning had come. As much as he wanted relief, he knew it would be wrong to awaken Aisley by taking her. He wanted her full consent before breaching her virginity.

  Smiling in the darkness, he nudged her ear. “Aisley, open your eyes,” he whispered.

  “Too comfortable,” she mumbled. Lightly shaking her head, she snuggled closer. Unbeknownst to her, her shifting made him harder. “I love when you rumble like that.”

  “I’ll do more than rumble if you fail to wake soon,” he warned.

  To his disappointment, and relief, she shifted and turned until she faced him. Garrick could see her clearly despite the darkness of the room. Her brown eyes were softened with sleepiness and she had to blink a time or two to remain awake.

  “Is something wrong, Garrick?”

  “I wanted to kiss you before I leave.”

  Aisley frowned and shook her head. “Stay, it’s still dark.”

  “I wish I could, little one. Sleeping with you was a special gift. One I wish to experience again tonight.”

  “You were a gentleman through the night,” Aisley said. “I’ve never slept so soundly…oh dear.” Alarmed, she attempted to sit up, but he held her still. “You slept here the entire night?”


  Aisley struggled in earnest. Unwilling to hurt her, he let her go. “Garrick, we cannot do this again. We were fortunate to have had privacy during the night, but Elethea will not be ill for long.”

  “Then I’ll take you to my quarters.”

  “It wouldn’t be right.”

  “It would be wrong to deny ourselves something we both want. Can’t I persuade you to enjoy this with me as often as we can until we are wed?”

  Aisley shook her head, nibbling her lips to avoid accepting. Refusing to let her say nay, Garrick claimed her mouth and slid his tongue between her lips, pressing her back against the mattress. Positioning her so she couldn’t fight him, he eased onto one elbow and kissed her jaw.

  “Aisley, don’t you realize how much I want you? How much I know you want me? I can respect your wishes to wait,” he said between kisses. “I was able to honor my word because I was holding you in my arms. I’ve never known such peace or slept so well until I felt your body pressed against mine. I’d like to find that again. Permit me to sleep with you at night.”

  “Will the temptation become worse if I agree?” she asked.

  “It will. I want to hold you nonetheless.”

  “Would you allow me to think on this throughout the day? I’m just not sure.”

  “All right, you may give me your answer over chess in the solar this eve.”

  “Very well, will I see you before then?”

  “I’ll meet you in Angelica’s chambers soon.” Garrick kissed her gently and pulled away. Leaving her while she looked ruffled and soft and so deliciously tempting was difficult, but he crept from the room before anyone learned where he’d slept during the night.

  Chapter Thirteen

  While Garrick’s duties kept him away from the manor, Aisley spent most of the morn with Angelica, met with Jerold to discuss treatments for the villagers, and had nuncheon with Angelica and Judith. Afterward, she’d spent hours with Lady Hunter, learning to write her letters and speak more appropriately.

  Aisley knew she spoke well for a villager, but Lady Hunter insisted that Garrick would want his mate to be fluent in other languages and to be able to speak to nobles as if she were born of the nobility. Sir Lucien’s wife needn’t have worried that Aisley might balk at the chance to learn. She knew she was granted a rare privilege for a woman to be able to read and write.

  But as much as she enjoyed learning, Aisley took the most pleasure in watching Angelica blossom into a sweet, loving child. It would take great patience to overcome the girl’s limitations. However, Aisley was willing to help her because Garrick would be with them.

  Mayhap his way with Angelica convinced her to permit him entrance into her room at night. Mayhap she was curious to learn more about him or to rediscover the peace she’d felt as they’d slept last night. She didn’t know. She only knew that she’d decided that she wanted Garrick to come to her at night.

  Whatever the answer, it seemed as though she wouldn’t have to worry about it tonight. Darkness had fallen and he’d yet to return.

  “Are you all right, milady?” Lady Hunter addressed Aisley.

  Sir Lucien had returned a short time ago and stood by his wife with a chalice in his left hand. Several times he offered it to Lady Hunter. It seemed such an intimate thing that Aisley longed for the day when she would be permitted to drink sustenance from Garrick’s goblet.

  “I’m fine. I was just wondering at some of the secrets you keep,” she said to cover her musings.

  “You know all that you need to know at the moment,” Lady Hunter said.

  “Pray forgive me for being too forward. You are my betrothed’s closest friends. I meant only to learn more about you.”

  Sir Lucien straightened and handed the chalice to his wife. “There’s nothing to forgive. My wife and I look forward to answering any of your questions after you’ve accepted Garrick.”

>   “I beg your pardon, milord, I have accepted him. We are betrothed.”

  “You’ve accepted him as your intended husband,” Lucien said. “It is whether you can accept all of him that is in question.”

  “I thought Lady Hunter had been assured of my loyalty days ago.” Aisley stood up from behind the chessboard. “I admitted to her why I’d fled.”

  “You misunderstand. There are matters regarding all Abcynians that will require faith for you to accept as the truth,” Lucien explained. “When you discover them, all that you’ve ever believed in may be tested. You may become even more afraid than you were a few days ago.”

  “I am stronger than you think, milord. Strong enough to insist that any concerns regarding the servants and my lady’s maid are addressed to me,” she went on, turning her eyes to Lady Hunter. “I wish to show all of you that I intend to honor my commitment to Lord Danford and take initiative when it comes to instructing the staff. I’ll not leave again.”

  Lady Hunter frowned. “A countess must make sure her servants perform the tasks they are given. You need to remember that they’re not your friends, Aisley. They need to know their place.”

  “Catarina,” Sir Lucien gently admonished, causing his wife’s eyes to narrow.

  “In defense of the servants,” Aisley said. “The maids keep everything clean and presentable. Judith cares for Angelica well. The kitchen staff keeps everyone fed and the livery cupboards full. Everyone performs their tasks well. If I choose to converse with one of them, to ask about their day or decide to do something for myself, so be it. I am to be the lady of this manner. I wish to earn their respect.”

  “They already like you, Aisley,” Lucien said. His wife frowned. “Sorry, my love, I agree with her. Let her handle the staff as she sees fit.”

  “Very well,” Lady Hunter murmured. “It seems I owe you an apology, Aisley. I shall honor your request and leave the servants to you.”

  “I hope that doesn’t mean you’ll cease instructing me on the duties of a countess?”

  “You’re learning. Garrick is teaching you about the accounts. You’ve developed a rapport with the steward. You are learning how to plan festivities and are overseeing Angelica’s lessons. You will be a good countess. I am certain of it.”


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