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SeductivePersuasion Page 32

by Frances Stockton

  Lucien stepped close to Aisley. “They protect Grayson’s secret,” he confided for her understanding.

  “The leopards saved us again,” another cried in triumph. “They always come when we need them.”

  “Aye, a better weapon than a wolfhound,” Sir Brandon contended.

  Unified shouts praised the leopards, fear nonexistent. The soldiers obviously knew their purpose. Relieved, Aisley breathed inward, truly grateful for being able to breathe without the fear of being accused of evil. Evil resided within the body of the man that called himself John Brewster. Somehow he’d stolen a barony from an old man in the fortnights since she and Garrick married, and she was pleased that the true Baron Welford had been avenged by the death of the man who had taken his identity.

  Needing to be with her husband, Aisley broke into a hobbled gait, gaining momentum as she moved. Garrick strode fast, catching her about the waist and lifting her into his strong arms.

  “Your clothing is ruined, yet your face is still perfect,” she beamed, framing his jaw with her fingers.

  “The rest of me as well, I assure you,” he teased. “I should punish you for putting yourself in danger, but I shall have to think of something appropriate another time. Instead you may kiss me.”

  “How dare you suggest a kiss after threatening me?” she lightheartedly rebuked.

  “You know I’d never lift a hand against you, little one.” Garrick’s expression softened as he lowered her to her feet, leaving Aisley feeling dizzy staring up at him. “All that matters is that we’re safe.”

  “Praise God,” she said.

  “Aye, much praise indeed. Now will you kiss me?”

  “It would be my pleasure, my lord.” Aisley lifted to her toes and pressed her lips to his. Alternating between sweet and devouring, they kissed as long as they dared, ignoring the shouts and whistles from their allies.

  It was Lucien who reminded them where they were. “Lord Danford, we need to continue on to London.”

  Breaking free, Garrick hugged her as though he couldn’t bear to free her. “Ah, my love, I am sorry to say that I must go. Colton is still in London.”

  “Won’t you take me with you? I need to know what’s happened to your brother and Jillian.”

  Sadness marred Garrick’s features. Gently, he brushed a hand through her tangled hair, cupping her nape to draw her into the crook of his arm. “It is my wish for you to return to Danford and watch over Angelica. I cannot face what may have happened in London if I’m worrying about both of you.”

  “You think Colton is in danger?” she asked.

  Garrick scowled, a deep sorrowful rumble emerging from his throat. “I think our victory over Zotikos came at a price too difficult to contemplate just yet.”

  “Garrick, you don’t believe…” Aisley couldn’t let herself think Garrick’s youngest brother had died, although she sensed the possibility deep in her heart. She sensed it because her husband knew and it was making him very sad during a time when they should be pleased. They’d defeated Zotikos and Sedgewick, yet the victory came with a great sacrifice. Many had died, she realized, suddenly wanting to cry at the unfairness. “Then you were justified in ridding England of Zotikos! I’ve never known such a vile, cruel man. Sedgewick obeyed him and the men from Welford saw him as a wealthy baron.”

  “Have you not learned, Aisley? Zotikos can appear to be anyone he chooses. To the men of Welford and younger Saturians, he is a man of wealth, standing and position. They see a charming gentleman. You saw what Abcynians see when he is near.”

  “He was decaying before my very eyes. He looked like a living corpse.”

  “That is what he is. His soul possessed another man’s body and the host rots from the inside out. Once Zotikos is rendered powerless, his body decomposes quickly. We have you to thank for having the fortitude to prompt Edwina to send him away. By doing so, you broke his spell over the men and his wife.”

  “While I’d tended to her scrapes and bruises, I learned that she could barely put two words together.”

  “Zotikos controlled her speech.”

  “I feared as much. She will need to be tended to and given a place to live now that her husband is gone.” She wasn’t certain Edwina would want to live in Danford, but Aisley would see to it that Edwina was not left alone now that she knew the truth about her former husband.

  “In spite of all that’s happened, you have remained kind, Aisley. For that I am proud of you,” he complimented.

  “Garrick, I must know something before you leave.” Staring up at Garrick, she gave him her thoughts. Can Zotikos return in another’s body?

  He nodded. “He can return. It’ll take him a long time to find another person willing to house his soul. When he does, you will always know him for what he is.”

  “Then we shall be vigilant and together we will continue to defend Englishmen and Abcynians from the likes of Zotikos and his followers.”

  “Aye, we will.” Leaning close, he kissed her soundly, reluctantly drawing away. “Sir Brandon, Valiant, you may escort the Countess of Danford back to the manor. You will also see that my brother’s men take care of the leopards,” he added.

  “What of the villagers?” Sir Brandon asked.

  “For their willingness to place themselves as Lady Danford’s guards, they shall be knighted. White, Burkett, before returning to Danford, I ask that you accompany Edwina back to Welford or take her to Fernley, whichever she wishes. See that she is given a job and has a place to live,” Garrick commanded.

  “As you wish, milord,” Burkett said.

  “Once you are done, return to Danford and inform Aisley as to Edwina’s circumstances and I shall see that compensation is made to her landlord.”

  “We are your servants, milord,” White responded, bowing in respect. Neither man said anything about the leopards.

  With that, Garrick caressed Aisley’s jaw and smiled. “I’ll return soon, little one, do not worry for me while I’m gone.”

  “I shall not,” Aisley promised. Believing he would be safe, she caught his hand and held it firm, her palm flat to his knuckles. “I love you, Garrick, remember that when you reach London.”

  “I will always remember, my lady.” Interlacing their fingers, Garrick kissed her knuckles and lowered their hands.

  Reluctant to watch him go, Aisley held herself erect when he finally walked away. Surrounded by his most trusted men, Garrick was given proper clothing and took a destrier’s reins. Soon the men rode off, a cloud of dirt and grass left in their wake.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “I’ve summoned all of you here to announce the Earl’s return on the morrow,” Aisley told the servants gathered in the great hall. “It’s been more than a fortnight since he’s been gone. I want to be certain all is in readiness.”

  “You needn’t worry, milady,” the steward said. “We’ll not disappoint you upon his lordship’s return.”

  Softening, Aisley drew to a halt. “You’ve all been loyal to him, despite your previous fears.”

  “If I might say so, it was you and little Angelica that eased them.” Elethea stepped forward.

  “He’s become a husband and a father,” Byron, Garrick’s chamberlain said, receiving murmurs of agreement. Aisley was relieved and pleased to know Danford Manor’s staff had come to trust and respect Garrick.

  “Go on, I shall see you all in the morn,” she released them, turning about to find Judith and Elethea standing near. “Elethea, I’ll not need you until dawn. Judith, will you follow me?”

  “Aye, milady,” Judith accepted. “Might I take a moment and thank you for convincing the Earl to allow me to keep my bracelet?”

  “You’ve done so by honoring your word to wear it only when Lord Danford or I are not near.”

  “It seems a bit strange that you have developed his aversion to gold,” Judith commented. “It matters not. My concern should be for Angelica, whom I believe is aware of her father’s expected return and has become more p

  “Mayhap she knows. I’d guess part of her playfulness comes as a result of Rachel Burkett’s frequent visits. With her father becoming part of the Earl’s guard, she’ll continue to do so.”

  “Angelica does prosper when Rachel is near,” Judith said, causing Aisley’s womb to throb with thought of having Garrick’s child.

  “I believe Daniel Burkett’s daughter should become a lady’s maid when she’s older.”

  “She’s not highborn.”

  Aisley shrugged as they walked, unconcerned. “Neither was I before I married Lord Danford. I shall speak to him about the matter once he’s settled. Do not forget that my husband has said he would have Daniel Burkett and Andrew White knighted for their bravery the night they came to our aid and fought with the Earl’s men.”

  “Then I am certain Rachel will make a fine maid for Angelica,” Judith replied. “Mayhap someday I shall have a babe to befriend your daughter as well.”

  Aisley would like that as well, for she knew that Sir Brandon Mathews had been trying to woo Judith since his return to Danford.

  Angelica’s sweet giggle reached the hallway, distracting Aisley from the conversation. “Angelica’s laughing. She must be enjoying Rachel’s company.”

  Judith halted. “You can hear the child from here?”

  “A mother’s gift, I suppose,” Aisley said.

  Judith accepted the reply and continued on. In the room, they found Angelica playing a game with Rachel.

  “Good eve to you, Lady Angelica, and to you, Rachel,” Aisley greeted, rushing to her daughter’s side.

  Garrick would be amazed at how much Angelica had grown since he’d been gone. With Rachel’s assistance, Angelica learned to speak better, as she often repeated Rachel’s words.

  “Good eve, milady,” Rachel said. The girl clutched a very old, slightly scorched doll in her hands.

  “Rachel, what happened to your doll?” Aisley asked.

  “She was burnt in the fire,” Rachel answered. “The big cat saved her for me.”

  Swallowing, Aisley stared at the girl. “You saw a big cat?”

  Rachel nodded and grinned. “It was black. I was scared at first, but it didn’t hurt me or Penelope,” she confessed, looking at her doll.

  “Rachel, cats cannot rescue little girls from fires,” Judith said.

  “This one did,” Rachel stated. “I overheard Papa tell my Mama about two black cats fighting the men who tried to hurt Lady Danford and the Earl. He believes the cats are better than a hunting dog.”

  “Rachel, you do realize they will never hurt you or any child in Danford?” Aisley asked.

  “If Papa likes them, I do too.” Still clutching her doll, Rachel smiled up at Aisley and Judith.

  “Good,” Aisley returned, grinning. “Now, I simply wanted to check upon the two of you before I go to my room. I trust you’ll both respect Judith?”

  “Aye, Mama,” Angelica answered, so easily it seemed she’d spoken all along. “Be good,” she added, pointing in a very adult manner.

  “I shall, angel, I shall!” Aisley gathered her daughter into her arms and kissed her silken cheek. “Night for now,” she murmured. Angelica looked up at her, her sweet brown eyes shining with love.

  Straightening, Aisley nudged Angelica closer to Rachel. “I’ll see you in the morn, Judith,” she bid, heading for the door.

  In the hallway, Aisley was taken with the need to hurry to the master chambers. Trusting her leopard’s instinct, she caught her gown at the hips and ran.

  She soon reached the tower and made for the chamber. Cinnamon tickled her nose as she opened the door. Dark as the room was, she instinctively looked at the bed. The curtains had been parted earlier by a maid, exposing the mattress from all sides. Sir Knight was curled upon the bed, looking very much the giant housecat.

  “Garrick,” Aisley cried out, so relieved to see him tears started to fall. “You’ve come home!”

  Aye, I am here, little one. Come close for a moment, Garrick requested with his mind.

  Hurriedly, she sat upon the bed and wrapped her arms about the big leopard’s neck, her fingers grabbing the chain that symbolized their pairing. It pleased her to know he hadn’t removed it before he changed form. “Oh, how I missed you. Dare not stay away so long again, Garrick. Promise me you won’t,” she said aloud, adoring the feel of the leopard’s plush, sable fur on her fingertips.

  I’ll not.

  Feeling Garrick’s need for comfort, Aisley continued to hold him close. For awhile, they sat upon the bed, she holding the leopard, he roaring deeply, his whole body trembling.

  “I am sorry.” Trying her best to console him, she stroked his feline face. “I know only a little of what happened to Colton, won’t you confide in me?”

  You deserve to know everything. I should have returned before now, but I had to…Garrick’s voice faded, his roar alternating with his familiar rumble. I cannot speak to you like this, Aisley. Turn away and I’ll change.

  “Nay, I want to watch.”

  The leopard rose, disengaging her hold. Scooting back on the bed, Aisley gave him room to leap to the floor and amble to the center of the chamber. Almost immediately, pain coursed down her spine, warning of what was to happen, but she used her leopard’s strength to endure it.

  The change began with the leopard’s dark fur retracting beneath Garrick’s skin, and his four legs became the limbs of a well-formed man. His face soon blurred into a muddle of contortions, seeming the most painful to bear. Unable to watch further, she closed her eyes. Then, finally, the gnawing pain in her bones eased. When next she looked, Garrick stood before her, naked save the cord around his neck.

  “Oh, Garrick, it is wonderful to see you!” Aisley leapt from the bed, regardless of her aching limbs.

  Garrick met her halfway, wrapping her close to his sweating, naked body. Her husband had returned, and though he was safe and sound, he trembled with remorse.

  “You’re trembling,” she said.

  “I always do right after changing.”

  Aisley held him closer, not at all offended by the leopard’s lingering musk. “My love, don’t you know I can feel your pain? Again, I tell you how sorry I am about Colton. I’d only begun to know him. It may help to ease your pain if you talk about it.”

  “How do I accept failing to save him?” Garrick rebuked himself, shaking in earnest now. “Had I sensed something was wrong earlier, I might have changed what happened in London.”

  “Garrick Forrester, I’ll not hear such words from you. Love never fails. Colton has gone to heaven. He knows you love him. You did all you could to reach him. Have faith that he knows that too. Won’t you tell me what happened? You wrote that there wasn’t a trial. I know little else.”

  Garrick drew back enough to tuck his hand beneath her chin. “Forgive me for being elusive in my missives. I hadn’t much time and I didn’t trust the missives to arrive unopened.”

  “I understand. Tell me, Garrick.”

  “The message we received was real. It arrived late, as we’d known,” he began.

  “We know who’s responsible for that.”

  “It is fortunate Haywood is awaiting trial in London. Otherwise, I’d plunge my sword through his heart for helping Zotikos orchestrate my brother’s death. All because he could no longer use Angelica to earn his coin, but who can say what will make a man seek vengeance?”

  “Justice will be dealt to that man. We’ve Lucien to thank for making certain of that. Why weren’t Jillian and Colton tried? Was the Church or the King sympathetic?”

  “Henry wasn’t in London at the time of their arrival. He’d been advised of the situation in Wolcott and sent men to investigate. Once he knew, missives were sent to me and Grayson, along with word to the Church. They were to hold Colton and Jillian in London until he or I arrived.” Garrick stalled, clenching his jaw. “Colton gave his…”

  “I’m listening, Garrick,” she assured, pressing herself against him and resting her
head against his massive chest. His arms encircled her and she felt him tremble with remorse.

  “He was helping Jillian escape when he was killed by prison guards. He gave his life for her. As a result, the Church heard Jerold’s plea for Jillian’s innocence and set her free.”

  “Thank goodness he was willing to help. But I don’t know what to say to comfort you. Just know that I love you and that I am here for you.”

  “You don’t need to speak. Just hold me, Aisley. Don’t let go for awhile,” he whispered.

  “I’ll hold you for as long as you need.” Aisley gathered him to her, clinging as tightly as she could, offering all her love.

  A long time later, she pulled back and spied tears edging the corner of his eyes. “Let them fall,” she urged, reaching to caress his cheek. “You told me I was the keeper of your heart. Let me keep your tears.” Using her thumb, she caught his first tear. As soon as she did, more began to flow. Before now, he likely hadn’t felt safe showing how deeply Colton’s death affected him. Knowing he trusted her enough to cry, Aisley caught each and every tear upon her finger tips, hoping she gave him comfort.

  Hours could have gone by and she’d not have moved. Only when his tears dried could he speak again. “We’ll need to go to Wolcott in a few days. There’s much to handle regarding Colton’s estate.”

  “We’ll discuss it on the morrow. Come and lie with me,” she invited, gently pushing him toward the bed.

  To her surprise, he laughed. “I should call my chamberlain and bathe before we lay down.”

  “Nay, I’ll prepare a bath for you in a little while.”

  “Are you certain? I’ve no wish to offend my lady.”

  Using her increased strength, Aisley grasped him by the shoulders and held him at her mercy. “Garrick Forrester, I’ll not stand for such wavering from you. Get into bed, now!”

  Pleased to see him smile, she turned him about and nudged him forward. Aisley meant to push him further, but Garrick caught her unaware, dragging her against him.

  “I warn you now, Aisley. I offered to bathe because once we’re in bed, I don’t intend to let you go for a very long time, mayhap not until morn. I need you to make me whole again.”


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