Valdemar 09 - [Mage Winds 01] - Winds of Fate

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Valdemar 09 - [Mage Winds 01] - Winds of Fate Page 30

by Mercedes Lackey

  And not just the Old City, but the oldest part of the city. The city swallowed them, wrapping them in a blanket of sound and lights. Kata‘shin’a‘in did not sleep in trade season; business went on as usual after nightfall, although the emphasis shifted from the general to the personal, from the mundane to the exotic. In the bazaar the perfume sellers, the jewelers, the traders in mage goods would be doing brisk business. In the Old City, within the inn walls, food, drink, and personal services were being sold. Kra’heera wondered if his apprentice felt as odd as he did, moving silently between walls, with the sight of the land and much of the sky blocked out by masonry. The wind could not move freely here, and the earth beneath their feet had been pounded dead and lifeless by the countless hooves of passing beasts.

  Yet the Shin‘a’ in had once known cities—or rather a city, one that had once stood in the precise middle of the Dhorisha Plains. Once, and very long ago, that had been the home of the Kaled’a‘in.

  Kra‘heera led the way confidently between the walls of alien stone, through the scents and sounds that were just as alien, the evidences of Outlanders conducting further business—or pleasure. He moved without worry, for all the fact that he wore a sword at his back, for the rule of the bazaar did not apply to Shin’a‘in; not here, in their own city, where they only visited, but never lived.

  The deeper they went into the core city, the darker and quieter it became—and the stranger grew the scents and the sounds. Voices babbling in chaos became voices chanting quietly in unison; raucous song became the sweet harmony of a pair of boy sopranos. The mingled scents of perfume, wine, and cookery gave way to the smoke of incense and the fragrance of flowers. This was the quarter of the temples, and the doors spilling forth yellow light yielded to those with lanterns on either side, held invitingly open for the would-be worshiper.

  Yet these were all Outlander places of worship, not places that belonged to the Shin‘a’in. Kra‘heera continued past them as Tre’valen gazed about in interest. The lanterns at the temple doors became fewer; the doors, closed and darkened, until there was no light at all except what came from the torches kept burning at intervals along the street. Sound faded; now they heard the dull scuff of their own boot soles along the hard-packed dirt of the street.

  Finally they reached their goal, near where the street ended in a blank wall; a single, closed door, with a lantern burning low beside it. Kra‘heera knocked in a pattern long familiar to his apprentice as the beginning of one of the drum chants.

  The door opened, and Kra‘heera again hid his amusement to see Tre’valen’s shock. She who opened the door for them was Kal‘enedral, Swordsworn—and at first glance, she looked to be garbed in black, the color of blood-feud.

  A closer look as she closed the door behind them, however, showed Tre‘valen what Kra’heera already knew; the color of her costume was not black, nor brown, but deep midnight blue.

  Which was not a color that Swordsworn ever wore.

  “What—” said Tre‘valen.

  “She is special,” Kra‘heera said, anticipating his question. “She is Sworn, not only to the Warrior, but the Crone as well. She bears her blade—but she uses it to guard wisdom. There are a dozen more like her here, and this is the only place where you will find them.”

  The Kal‘enedral led them down the corridor, into a single, square room, with a roof made of tiny, square panes of glass set in a latticework of lead. The full moon had just begun to peer through the farther edge of the window-roof. Tre’valen stared at it in fascination; glass windows were a wonder to a Shin‘a’in, and a glass roof a marvel past expectation. He almost stumbled onto the weaving carpeting the floor of the room; Kra‘heera caught him before his foot touched the fragile threads, and steadied him as he looked down in confusion.

  “It is too old to hang,” he explained. “And besides, as you know, there are things that need the moon to unlock.”

  The Kal‘enedral slipped out of the room unnoticed; Kra’heera took a seat on one of the many cushions placed around the woven tapestry at the periphery of the room. After a moment’s hesitation, Tre‘valen joined him.

  “You know the story of our people,” Kra‘heera said softly, as he waited for the moon to sail above the walls, shine down through the window, and touch the threads of the weaving. “Let me remind you again, to set your mind upon the proper paths.”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tre‘valen nod, and waited for a moment, absorbing the silence—and the dust of centuries rising from the weaving.

  “In the long-ago time, we and the Hawkbrothers were one people, the Kaled‘a’in. We served and loved an overlord, one of the Great Mages, and when he became drawn into a war, so, too, did we. The end of that war brought great destruction, so great that it destroyed our homeland. The mage himself had great care for his people, and he gave the warning and the means for us to escape before the destruction itself was wrought. It took us many years to return from whence we had escaped; when we came here, to this very spot—”

  The moon crept through the roof-window; it had been edging down toward the weaving. He had paced his words to coincide with it reaching the first threads of the border, as he reached with the power She gave her shamans, and invoked the magic of the weaving.

  “—this is what we saw.”

  Shaman Ravenwing passed her hand over her eyes, wishing she could change the reality as she blotted out the sight.

  The debris that they had encountered on their way here, the flattened trees, complete absence of animal and bird life, the closer they came to the site, had given them some warning. The ridge of earth they had approached had told them more. But nothing prepared them for the reality.

  There was no homeland. Only a vast crater, as far as the eye could see, dug many, many man-heights into the ravaged earth. So intense had been the heat of the blast that had caused it, that the earth at the bottom had been fused into a lumpy sheet of glassy rock.

  Ravenwing took her hand from her eyes and looked again. It was no better at second viewing, and Ravenwing reached out blindly for the two Clansfolk standing beside her. She stood with her arms about their shoulders, theirs about hers; and her eyes streamed tears as she forced herself to face the death of all she had ever known.

  She sat inside the hastily-pitched Clan Council tent, erected to provide shade—and to block the sight of the destruction. With her sat the shamans, the Clan Elders, every leader of every Clan of the Kaled‘a’in. They were here to make decisions—and possibly, to settle a rift that was threatening to split the People in twain.

  The dispute centered about magic. Five of the Clans used it, four did not. Traditionally, the four who tended and bred the horse herds were the Clans which avoided the use of magery; Hawk, Wolf, Grasscat, and Deer. The five Clans which—among other things—actually manipulated the breeding of the horses, as well as other creatures, did so by means of magic. These five had fielded many mages and Healers to their overlord, Mage Urtho. Falcon, Owl, and Raven Clans were protesting that they were not going to give up their powers, as the previous four were insisting. Two more Clans, Eagle and Fox, were ambivalent, but were disturbed by the idea of sacrificing something so integral to their lives.

  Ravenwing’s own Clan, Taylesederin, was foremost in demanding that magic be eliminated from their lives.

  “Our warsteeds are everything anyone could wish; there have been no changes made to them for generations. The bondbirds are not entirely all one could wish, but is it worth holding such a dangerous, double-edged power simply to improve them a little more? ”

  That was Ravenwing’s Clan Chief, Silverhorse, the foremost opponent of magic in all its shapes and colors.

  Firemare Valavyska, Elder for the Owls, widened her eyes with contempt. “What, you think that is all magic does? Precisely what do you intend to do about those who do not share your scruples, our enemies who would use any weapon they have against us? Who will protect you from the attacks of mages if you banish magic from our lives?�

  “Who protected us this time?” Silverhorse shouted, gesturing wildly at the desolation beyond the tent flap. “Is it worth a repetition of that simply to have a little more power?”

  “Magic protected you this time by giving you the means to escape, little brother, ” rumbled Suncat Trevavyska, of Falcons. “Magic has saved you before, and it will again. Besides, how do you propose to cleanse this land if not by magic? Only magic can undo what magic has done. ”

  It was but the opening blow of a dispute that was to continue for days....

  The last member of the Five Clans vanished into the north, and Ravenwing dried her eyes on her sleeve, swallowing the last of her tears. In the end, the dispute could not be healed, not by the softest words of the most reasonable and coolest heads in the Clans nor by any appeals to brotherhood and solidarity.

  The Five Clans—now calling themselves “Taylesederas, ”or “Brothers of the Hawks, ”for their association with the corvine and raptor bondbirds they had been developing—had determined to split from the Four Clans who wished to banish magic from their lives for all time. The Four Clans had no name for themselves at the moment—and no home, no purpose. Their only plan had been to do away with magery. Now that was done, and they had no idea of what to do next.

  But Ravenwing and her fellow shamans—from all of the Nine Clans—had been in separate consultations after they had determined that there would be no compromise. And Ravenwing had been chosen to present their thoughts to the Elder of Hawks.

  Silverhorse stared after the departing ones long past when the last of the dust had settled. His face was blank, as if he had not truly expected that the People could be sundered. It seemed as good a time as any to approach him.

  “Well?” she asked, jarring him from his entrancement. “You have succeeded in this much; there is no longer magic among the People, other than that She and He give the shamans. Now what is your plan? Where do we go? What do we do? Will we find a homeland? Do we seek a new overlord ? ”

  He turned eyes upon her that were bleak and sad. “I do not know,” he confessed. “This land is torn and poisoned by magic turned awry; there is nowhere for us to go that we may claim without displacing someone else. Yet we cannot remain here—”

  “We could,” she offered. He answered with a short bark of a laugh.

  “What? And eat rock? Drink our own tears? Watch our little ones warped and changed by the magic gone wild and twisted in this place?” He laughed again, but the pain in his laughter tore at her heart. “Is that all you can offer me, shaman of the Hawk?” He continued to laugh, but it was becoming wild and hysterical.

  She silenced him with a single, open-handed slap. He stared at her—for in all her life, she had never once raised her hand to anyone, Clansman or not. She had been known as one of the softest and gentlest women in all the Clans—certainly among the shamans.

  But the past days had hardened and toughened her; and the days to come would only mean more of the same. This she knew, though she was no Seer.

  “You told me when you urged that we forsake magic, that we must trust in the Powers for our protection. Are you telling me now that you no longer believe that?” She let the acid of her words drip into the raw wound of his soul without mercy. “If that is true, then perhaps I should take my beasts and ride out after my Sundered brothers!”

  “I—” his mouth worked for a moment, before he could produce any words. “I believe that... but... ”

  “But what? ” Ravenwing looked down her long nose at him, from beneath half-closed lids. “But you do not believe They would answer if we called on them? Or is it that you are not willing to pay the price They might put on our aiding?”

  “Would They answer?” he asked, hope springing into his eyes. “Have you done a Seeking, shaman of the Hawk?”

  She nodded, slowly. “I have done a Seeking and a Calling, and I have been answered. But the price of Their aid will be in blood. ”

  He took a deep breath. “Whose?”

  “The Elders of each Clan that is left,” she replied with authority. “Yours, and the other three.”

  She watched his face change as her words struck him. It was not an easy decision that he was being asked to make. He was a relatively young man; as yet unmated, with all of his life before him. And that was part—and no small part—of the sacrifice. Yet when he had taken the Oath of the Elder, he had pledged just this thing; to lay down his life for his people at need. But he had, no doubt, thought if it came to that, it would be in the heat of battle—not the cold loneliness of self-sacrifice.

  His eyes widened in a glazed shock, turned inward, then focused on hers again. She nodded as she saw his attention return to her.

  “It is not an easy question, ” she said quietly. “Your three brother and sister Elders are being posed the same question even now. We do not expect you to answer at once—but it must be soon. The People, as you pointed out, cannot remain here long. ”

  “And if I decline this—honor?” he asked, with a touch of painful irony.

  “Then I spill my blood in place of yours,” she replied steadily, having faced this possibility herself, and made her own decision. “It must be one or the other of us. ”

  “Leaving Hawk without a shaman. ”

  She shrugged. “It must be one or the other of us. That is the Price the Calling named. We four chief shaman have spoken, and agreed. All of the apprentices have promise, but none is fit or trained to function on his own. If any of the chiefs must go, that Clan must live without a shaman until an apprentice is ready.” She stepped away from him, and turned to go. “I will leave you to think on this. Come to me by moonrise with your decision.”

  He touched her shoulder as she turned away, stopping her.

  “I do not need until moonrise,” he said, in a tone that made her heart sore. “It is not all that difficult a choice to make, after all.”

  He smiled, a smile sweet and without fear, and she held back her tears.

  “When will you require me?” he asked.

  It had taken a full moon for the Clans to position themselves about the glassy crater that had been their homeland, one to each prime direction. It had been hardest for Cat Clan; they had to make the half-circle around the rim to position themselves in the West.

  At sunset—in whatever manner they chose—the four Elders gave themselves for their people. Silverhorse had simply stepped off the top of the ridge, vanishing into the darkness of the crater without even a sigh. Now Ravenwing stood above the place he had fallen, her arms spread to the sky, calling on the Powers with every fiber. Behind her in a rough half-circle stood the rest of the Clan, from the infants in arms to the oldest grandsire, adding their prayers to hers.

  And with the moon, She came.

  Her face changed, moment to moment, from Maid to Crone, from stern Warrior to nurturing Mother, and back again. She filled the sky, and yet She stood before Ravenwing and stared deeply and directly into the shaman’s eyes.

  She spoke, and Her voice filled Ravenwing’s ears and mind so completely that there was room for nothing but the experience.

  “I have heard your prayers,” She said, gravely, “as I have heard the prayers of your Sundered brothers. There was a price to be paid for what they asked, and there is a price to be paid for what you ask. ”

  “In blood?” asked a quiet voice, which Ravenwing recognized as that of Azurestar, shaman of Cat Clan. A tiny bit of her was left to wonder that she could hear the voice as clearly as if Azurestar stood beside her.

  She shook Her head. “Not in blood—in your lives, all of you. I shall give you back your homeland, but the price is vigilance. ”

  She held out Her hand, and cupped within it was the crater. In the center of the crater, and scattered about it, beneath the slag and fused stone, were shapeless things that glowed an evil green.

  “Three things destroyed the homeland,” She said gravely. “The destructive spell of an enemy, the self-destruction of the Gate that you
fled through, and the Final Strike of your master Urtho’s death by his Champion, meant to remove his enemy as he himself died. Yet despite all this, there are many weapons of Urtho’s making that-still remain and could be used, buried beneath the slag and rubble. There are weapons there that are too dangerous even for those with good intentions to hold. But you have forsworn magic for all time—they will be no temptation to you. ”

  Ravenwing nodded, and felt the agreement of the rest.

  “Here, then, is the price. You must guard your new land, which you shall call the Dhorisha Shin‘a—the Plains of Sacrifice, and yourselves the Shin’a‘in—the People of the Plains. You must keep strangers out at all cost, unless they pledge themselves into the Clans, or are allies that you, the shamans, must call on Me to judge. Those will be marked in ways that you will recognize. You will never swear to any overlord again, but will remain always sworn only to each other and to the Powers. You have forsworn magic, and you must keep that vow. Any of your children that are born with Mage-Gift, you must either send to your Sundered brothers, bring into the craft of the shaman, or permit the shaman to block the Gift for all time. ”

  It was a sacrifice indeed; of freedom, and to a small extent, of free will—and not just for them, but for all generations. They would swear to an endless service, an endless guardianship.

  But the gain was their home.

  She felt the assent of her people, and added her own to it.

  The Goddess smiled. “It is well,” She said, and spread out Her hands, stepped down into the crater, and began to walk.

  Where Her feet touched, a carpet of flowers, grass, and trees sprang up, and spread, flowing over the ruined earth like a green flood, as She walked westward....


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