The Protectors: The Blood Bar Chronicles, Book 2

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The Protectors: The Blood Bar Chronicles, Book 2 Page 7

by Chellie Edwards

  Fuck. “What’s happened?”

  “Malachi released his siren song on a table of human ladies. It appears they need to orgasm to break the spell.” Derrom grinned to himself. “As you can imagine things got a little out of hand for a while,” Dev continued. “But it’s all under control now. The bar’s intact and vacated successfully, and the women are being attended to as we speak. All are accounted for except one. Tavvy, I think her name was.”

  So my senses hadn’t mislead me. Malachi had been his usual meddling self. Was Tavvy only responding to us because of that? No, she’s got a cold; she’s has to be interested in us surely? Never before had he been so unsure of a situation. Or, he accepted, had something meant as much to him, as knowing Tavvy wanted them, for them not because of outside interference.

  “She’s the reason I was calling down. She’s with us, but left some of her belongings at the table. Are they still there?”

  “Hold on, I’ll check.” There was silence, and then Dev’s voice again. “Yep, got a coat and a scarf.”

  “Could you put it in the cupboard at the bottom of the stairs to the flat, then lock up for Ehrst? He’s a little busy at the moment.”

  “I bet, if you have that Barbie look-alike with you.” Dev laughed. “You lucky buggers. Yeah sure, no problem.”

  Derrom ended the call, threw the phone on the worktop, and got the eggs out.

  He had just picked one up to crack on the side of the bowl when Tavvy’s hoarse and panicky voice came to him. “Oh, my God. Derrom, come back!”

  He slammed the egg into the bowl, uncaring of the mess that splattered all over the worktop, and sprinted into the bedroom so fast he nearly had an accident with the doorjamb.

  “What?” He looked at the two lying in bed, their bodies touching. Ehrst was pale and unmoving, his lashes dark across his skin, his hair brushing Tavvy. “What’s up?”

  Tavvy stared up at him, her eyes wide. Her mouth slowly curved into a wicked grin. When she spoke, there was no hint of panic in her voice. “He is.”

  Huh? He stared in bemusement. Tavvy was laughing, her breast jiggling as she did.

  “He’s hard again. I thought he was resting, you know, going soft. Then he sort of shuddered, and well!”

  He dipped his head and kissed Tavvy full on the lips, before slipping his tongue inside, deepening the kiss until he heard her moan far down in her throat. Reluctantly he slowly drew away. Hell, what he wouldn’t give to be inside her now, feeling her tight, warm, and climax-inducing pussy snug around him. He sighed. All he could hope was his time would come soon, and so would he.

  “That’s good,” he said. “Might be sore for you, but it means he’s getting strength from us. By being in you, that’s giving him more.” He saw her doubtful face. “No, I’m not spinning you a line. Word of a vamp. It’s something from my non-vamp heritage I’m able to do. I can help you help us to pass the gift of life like this. If you can try to get him to come again, or at least keep him hard, I’ll cook, and then take over while you eat.”

  She nodded. Derrom could only thank his gods that whatever, whoever she was, she was prepared to help. He knew he couldn’t have saved Ehrst on his own.


  How many times had he felt himself filling and spilling? Ehrst knew what was happening—hell, he was enjoying what was happening—he just wished he could add more to the mix rather than just lying there. Well, he pondered, not just lying there, but his active participation was limited to his cock. He was so frustrated; hearing, understanding, wanting, but not able to say so. Instead under its blanket of repair and healing smog, his mind whirled. What, why, who, how? Was he a target? Why? From whom and why now? And how the hell did he know Tavvy? He’d known she seemed familiar when Derrom pointed her out in the club, but if only he could remember how. None of his questions were answered, either by him or by divine intervention. He groaned and hoped the noise was only in his mind. He didn’t want to worry any of his partners unduly.

  Ah, well, his body began to adjust as he felt his cock slip out of Tavvy and her warmth leave him, and then the equally exquisite sensation of Derrom gently filling him, his body covering his back. Through his fog he heard that well-loved voice.

  “Okay, love, this is me. You know I’m filling your sweet ass. I’m going to make us both shudder and come. It’ll be my cock in you, my hands on you. Me you hear shout as I fill you. You’re getting there; we’re both here for you. Tavvy is eating to keep her strength up. She’s a real asset, a great partner for us.” He felt a short sharp pain as Derrom’s fangs sank into him, and then that sweet, unthreatening suck; the warm gush of life-giving blood, as somehow blood was passed to him with that bite. Ehrst didn’t know how it was done, just that he was damned glad it was. How many times had he felt Derrom passing strength to him with this amazing nip? He’d lost count. Just as he no longer knew how many times he’d come. If he could keep it up like this when he was awake, he’d be in the Guinness Book of Records.

  Derrom was speaking again. Ehrst tried to clear his mind of his sexual haze to listen. “Tavvy? I tell you, love, she’s a keeper.”

  He felt that slow, helping movement of in and out as Derrom set up an unhurried, giving pace.

  Keeper. Fuck, why did that ring a bell? No, no, not keeper, but something like it. Deeper? Leaper? Sleeper? Fuck, bloody fuck. If only his mind wasn’t so woozy, if he didn’t feel like falling asleep, he might grasp the thought and understand it…

  Suddenly he knew. She was a sleeper. Not like him, who watched and waited as he monitored the bad guys. No, she was different; she was a dangerous one. Ehrst knew he had to tell Derrom and warn him about Tavvy. Then they could ask her what the fuck she was playing at.

  He began to struggle. He had to fight his way up and break out of this fog. Get to his lover, show him, and tell him…

  He felt Derrom increase the pace, felt himself swelling, and felt magic fingers, touch, arouse, and amaze him. Maybe the wakening could wait.


  The food certainly hit the spot. If anyone had told her she’d sit naked in any kitchen, let alone someone else’s, she’d have laughed. But there she was, eating an omelet as if she hadn’t had food for a week, and—Oh, fuck!

  “Where’s my phone?” she called to Derrom. She hoped he wasn’t at too crucial a point in his lovemaking, sex therapy, or whatever it was, but she needed her phone. She had to call her employers.

  “Bed…side…ta…ble. Why?” His words were obviously punctuated by thrusts.

  “I need to phone my employers.” She walked back into the bedroom and looked down at the two men in bed. She was no longer shocked, or surprised, but compassionate and well, yes if she was honest, growing excited

  “Why?” He grunted. “Hold on.”

  She stared, mesmerized by the play of his muscles as he moved, effort showing in each taut sinew, concentration showing on his face. He seemed, she thought, to be looking inward, not seeing her, just the man he was loving.

  “He’s struggling, and I don’t know why.” He looked up. “For fuck’s sake, Barbie, give me a hand, will you? Or a cunt. Hell, your ass will do if we can thread him in there.”

  “What? Oh, for goodness sake.” It was hard to stay annoyed when Derrom waggled his eyebrows and grinned, never once missing a beat in his steady in-out movement. “Where and what?”

  “Whatever, however, just let him have you. Please,” he added, almost as an afterthought.

  Her phone call would have to wait. She’d be in enough trouble as it was for not checking in, so another half hour or so wasn’t going to matter. She hoped.

  Tavvy pulled back the duvet that was tangled around both men’s legs.

  Oh, well, I’ve come this far. No point in pretending to be shy and retiring. In all honesty, she’d done nothing she didn’t want to or not enjoyed. The fact that anything she did might help Ehrst was an added bonus. She might have been sent to see what he was doing, to see if he was the traitor he was being made out
to be, but that hadn’t stopped her fantasizing about him. The fact he might not pull through whatever it was affecting him, she wasn’t going to think about.

  She settled herself on the bed facing both men. “What would be best?”


  “No, you prick, I’m asking so I can say no,” she snapped, exasperated. What was it with men? “Of course, truly. Otherwise why would I ask?”

  “Let him come in your ass.”

  “Er, why in, um, there?” She saw the comprehension in his eyes and blushed. Okay, it was something new to her. Yes, she had often wondered, but wondering and finding out were two very different things. “Well,” she said defensively. “I’ve never found any one I’ve wanted to take back there.”

  Derrom smirked, a wicked grin on his face, his eyes flashing with his amusement. “Oh, Barbie, when this is all over, it won’t be case of wanting to take back there. It’ll be a case of demanding back there, over and over again.”

  He thought? Ah, well, Tavvy turned her back and felt Ehrst’s cock nudge at her. Could she really do this? She could feel herself tensing up, nervous of the pain she felt sure would happen.

  “Relax, love.” Derrom’s voice flowed over her like a gentle spring rain shower. “I’ll lube you and guide him in. Just imagine how marvelous it’s going to feel the day you have us both inside you at once.”

  What? He was seriously deluded if he thought that was going to happen. “In your dreams.” Tavvy was definite about that.

  It seemed so was Derrom. “In your dreams and in your reality, love. We’ll do it; we’ll love it. All of us. You’re part of this equation now. Right, this is cold and slippery; breathe in and out, nice and steady. Copy my thrusts with your breathing. Feel how good that is.” He was crooning, his voice low, his finger probing as it slipped around Ehrst and began to gently push into her.

  Tavvy yelped. “That’s bloody cold.” And exciting, she thought, but decided not to mention that.

  Then she gasped. “Uh, it hurts. I don’t know if I can, Derrom. It’s so, so…Oh, my, um…” The sharp sting had changed to a softer, pleasure-pain as he reached farther inside her. She melted; the thought of taking either one of them like that, now even more exciting, as she realized just how pleasurable it could be.

  “Oh…” She was incoherent. Luckily Derrom seemed to understand because he inserted a second finger, murmuring to her as he did so.

  “That’s my love. Ah, Ehrst will love being here, cocooned deep inside your ass. You’ll hold him so tightly, he’ll have to work to come. It will be so sweet, so good for you both.”

  She was beginning to think Derrom was right, though how he was going to manage it, she had no idea.

  “Leave it to me, love, or to Ehrst should I say. He’ll manage. I think we’re turning the corner. Just lie there and try to relax.”

  “Dammit,” she said semi-indignant. “Will you stop reading my mind like that? Oh,! Oh, Derrom, that feels so good.” His fingers were moving inside her, creating new sorts of friction and pleasure.

  “Can’t help but read you. You’re so receptive, love. Now let’s see if we can shake this body and get Ehrst back to us, okay?”

  She nodded before realizing Derrom wouldn’t be able to see the gesture easily. “I think so.” Damn, she felt his fingers slowly pulling out of her, and it made her feel empty, but not for long, though. The hard, throbbing cock that had been rubbing against her was now probing, seeking entrance to her.

  Tavvy immediately, instinctively, tensed.

  “No, love, relax. C’mon on now, you can do it. He’s all raincoated; it’s all safe. Think how good it’s going to feel with that beautiful cock tight inside your ass. I tell you, I’m jealous here.”

  She laughed, relaxed, and felt the satiny smooth cock move farther into her, pressing, demanding entrance, past those tight muscles, across the pain and into pleasure.

  “Okay?” Derrom asked, his voice, velvet and chocolate, rounded, rich, and yes, she thought, loving. How all that could be conveyed in one small word, she had no idea, but it was.

  “It’s good,” she said. “Understatement. It’s more than good, and yes, now I’m beginning to wonder…” Her voice faltered.

  “How it will feel when we’re both in you?” Derrom supplied. “Amazing, hot, arousing, loving. Perfect. Just totally right for all of us. Now though, it’s time to get our lover up and running. Set a pace if you can, pull him, hold him, make him move. I’ll follow your lead.”

  That was easier said than done; after all, she was new at this. However, she did her best, relaxing and clenching muscles she didn’t know she had until then. If only someone was caressing her nipples, touching her clit, it would be perfect. She could feel the heat building inside her, and feel his hardness growing as he pushed into her until she felt his balls touch her ass.

  “He’s right in,” she said breathlessly, and then felt a small, almost unnoticeable movement. “He’s moving, only just, but moving. Or are you doing it?”

  She could hear the laugh in Derrom’s voice again. “How could I be doing that, love, when I’m fucking his ass, not playing with his cock? That’s you two.”

  That movement again, more positive, more assured. “Ehrst is moving more now, and, ahh, Oh.” She was crying in pleasure and relief. “Oh, Derrom, Oh, love, he’s, he’s…” She was almost babbling.

  “He’s what? Fuck it, Barbie, he’s what? Tell me. I’m at the back here. All I can see is Ehrst’s back.”

  “Touching me.” She was sobbing in earnest now. “Oh, God, Derrom, he’s got one hand on my clit and one on a nipple. How the hell can he manage that? I know he’s got one arm under me, but, Oh, my! I was just wishing I was being touched and then, just like that, I am.” She sniffed, very inelegantly, and a thought struck her. “Unless somehow it’s you.”

  That lover-like touch tightened, and then continued its nips and caresses.

  “Nope, not me. Sadly I have my hands full.” His voice was anything but regretful. “You know what that means, don’t you, Barbie?”

  “That next time you call me Barbie, I’ll cut your balls off?”

  “Ouch. I’ll remember that, love. That apart, it means we’re winning. He’s going to make it, and I reckon sooner rather than later, he’ll come around.”

  That amazing cock was doing things to her, making her want more, stretching her, arousing her. Those clever hands plucking and teasing had her at fever pitch.

  “I don’t know about him coming around, but I’m going to. I’m so turned on I can’t hold back, and, Oh, shit, Derrom, he’s going to come, I’m sure of it.”

  “Go for it, loves, both of you. C’mon now, let’s go together.” Derrom’s voice was honey and sex, love and romance, and like a warm breeze as it flowed and enveloped her. “Feel. Feel how beautiful all this is; let go. Let go.”

  They did. A roar from Derrom, a sigh and a sob from Tavvy, and a soft, sweet “Ahh, good, so good” from their lover between them.


  Ehrst felt himself come. Had a climax ever been so welcome? So overwhelming? He didn’t think so. The farther Tavvy drew him in, the more power he began to feel.

  At that first probe in his ass from Derrom, he’d begun to feel something more, something elemental drawing him upward and into the light of everyday being. When he felt Derrom guiding his cock into the warmth, he had been puzzled until realization had struck. It was Tavvy’s ass he was seeking, her warmth given to him.

  His hands had moved; seeking to touch, to show her he was aware of the gift being given to him. As she clenched around him, he knew she was about to come. Derrom was thrusting hard and fast, and Ehrst using his hands to arouse Tavvy more, as he recognized her respond had been enough for him to come in a shuddering awakening.

  Shit, he thought, was that thready voice really his? What the fuck had been going on? Something about being hit, Derrom sucking him, both Derrom and Tavvy fucking him, and a keeper—no, a sleeper. He could feel the fog sh

  “Any chance of a cuppa?”

  He felt Tavvy laugh, and his cock being pushed out with the repositioning of her body.

  “I’ll make one,” she said, and he felt the bed dip as she moved. Through the ever-lifting haze in front of his eyes he admired the sway of her body as she left the room.

  “Nice ass,” Derrom said, his tone one of admiration. “Nice girl. What I’ve asked of her this night would have fazed even the most experienced, which she isn’t. Not by a long shot.”

  “Not in sex maybe, but you don’t know the half of it. Look, she’s a spook.” Ehrst hoped Derrom could sense the urgency in his voice. Damn, how long did it take to make a cup of tea? Probably not long enough.

  “What do you mean a spook? You’re the spy. Hold on—shit. Sex has dulled my senses. Yeah, she said something about ‘our’ bosses earlier. Not hers, but ours.”

  “So is she. She’s a sleeper. You talking about keeper when I was out of it sunk in, stuck, and reminded me where I’d seen her before.” Ehrst sighed. “Ages ago, when I was in Singapore. She used a different name, though. I hope it comes to me. She was working as a receptionist in the hotel I was staying at as a sleeper for the organization. My organization, working for my bosses. Now she’s here and watching my bar. Watching me, or who else, I wonder? What the fuck is it all about, and who hit me? Because it’s not a bullet I’m guessing? And seriously why me? I’m no supe, so why target me?”

  “Hey, you might not be a supe yet, but I live in hope. And why you? Well, think about it: maybe you’re the one between them and whatever they want. So, nope, not a bullet; something worse. Someone has got it in for you, my love. We’ll get to the bottom of it somehow. I had to use everything in my powers—all of them, all my heritages combined—to combat it.”

  “So, am I a vamp now, then?” Ehrst asked lazily.

  “Nah. More’s the pity. You just might find yourself—shall we say, able?—in certain areas. I grazed and marked you to draw out their potion, poison, whatever you want to call it. Tavvy and I gave ourselves to pull you through. You can’t take that away from her, love.”


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