Ella and Her Shifters: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Once Upon A Shifter Book 1)

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Ella and Her Shifters: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Once Upon A Shifter Book 1) Page 8

by Aria Winter

  “Yes. He paid handsomely for it. So I’m sure it will be a beautiful design.”

  I scan the shop, watching for any danger as Ella goes off to find Rina. A woman comes from out of the back a moment later. My eyes widen slightly as soon as I see the peacock shifter.

  Devon told me what she was, but it is strange to see a fellow shifter on this side of the veil. No wonder these dresses are so in demand. Only a creature of great beauty could create such gorgeous designs in turn. Rina hands her a package, and Ella places it in one of the many bags she is already carrying for her stepfamily.

  It disturbs me how terrible they treat her. Even more troubling is how Ella accepts it as her life. She must have endured many things over the years. I wish we had been sent to her sooner.

  Ella loses her grip on one of the bags, and it slips to the floor. Her stepmother slaps her hard across the cheek. “Clumsy girl! Mind what you are doing!”

  My hands curl into fists at my side as anger rolls through me. I wish we could take Ella away from all this to our cottage in the woods. But it is forbidden to take a human beyond the veil. If we were discovered, the punishment would be severe.

  I shake my head. The price is too high. We cannot risk taking her there.

  Besides, I think to myself bitterly, she will catch the eye of the prince this night. And once she does, she will be royalty, and no one will ever harm her again.

  Her stepmother raises her hand again, and I step between them, wrapping my hand around her forearm, stopping her abruptly. “Do not touch her,” I grind out.

  Anger burns through me like fire as I stare down at her.

  “I—I... she’s my stepdaughter, sir. I was only disciplining her.”

  Holding her gaze, I lean down and whisper in her ear. “Do it again and you shall discover I possess a wrath like none you could possibly imagine.”

  I relinquish my grip on her forearm, and she pulls away, her entire face completely pale. “Of—of course,” she says, and turns quickly to head back to the carriage.

  Ella casts a glance at me over her shoulder, and I give her a bright smile. I know she did not want us to do anything unkind to her stepmother, but I also know she could not possibly have heard what I whispered in her stepmother’s ear.

  And to be honest, even if she had, I would not take it back. I cannot stand to watch that woman abuse Ella. None of us can, and it ends now. I know Ella does not want us to interfere, but we are her guards, and we will protect her even if it means protecting her from her so-called family.

  When we finally return to the estate, I fly up to the window ledge and watch as Ella struggles to unload all the parcels and packages. She carries them up the stairs of the estate and to her stepfamily’s rooms.

  Her stepsisters make her dress them and fix their hair. All the while they make comments about her tattered clothing, bragging to her that they will enthrall the prince this evening with their feminine charms.

  I’m not sure what they are speaking of because there is absolutely nothing charming, feminine, or beautiful about either of them. There is a reason why they are still eligible.

  She helps her stepmother ready herself as well, and by the time she returns to the tower, it is easy to see she is exhausted.

  Having observed how she readied her stepfamily, each of us decide to do the same for her.

  “Please.” I bow low. “Allow us to help you get ready for the ball.”

  She smiles. “Thank you. That would be lovely.”

  When she opens the package with her dress, her eyes widen, and she beams across at Devon. In this moment, I am utterly jealous that she directs her gorgeous smile at him. How will I bear it when she looks at her husband, the prince, in this way?

  “It’s perfect, Devon!” she exclaims, and then wraps her arms around him in a hug. “I absolutely love it. The prince is sure to notice me in this.”

  His expression falls slightly, but he quickly recovers and bows low. “I am pleased you like it.”

  Cash and Finn draw her a bath, filling the old washtub she has in the corner. I hate that this is the best we can offer her. With no way to heat the water, I’m certain it must be cold, but she does not complain. Instead, she thanks us from behind her room divider.

  I was glad to note, however, that the poultice worked. The marks on her back are now completely closed.

  When she emerges wrapped only in a towel, her long silken hair is wet and clings to her body. Tiny rivulets of water run down her neck to the valley between her breasts, disappearing beneath the fabric of the towel, which seems to hug and accentuate every curve of her form.

  She takes the slip gown from my hands and goes behind her divider to dry off and change into it.

  When she emerges, it takes all my effort not to gape at her. The slip, although it covers her body, only comes down to mid-thigh. It is made of fine white silk to go beneath her dress, but the fabric is so light it is almost completely sheer.

  My hands ache with want to touch her. I have never been with a female. None of my brothers have either. It is easy to see in their gazes the same desire and longing I’m sure I express in mine. I force myself to look away as I gather her dress.

  She is not mine.

  She is ours to protect and defend, but that is all. We can never be more than this to her.

  I do not know him, but I already dislike the prince. He had better treat her like the great treasure that she is and never take her for granted as royalty is oft to do when given something so precious. If he does not, he will answer to us.

  The sound of a carriage below draws my attention as a shrill voice cries up toward the tower. “Don’t bother waiting up for us, Ella!” one of her sisters mocks. “I’ll probably call for you in the morning after I’ve married the prince!”

  Ella’s eyes lock onto mine. “How will I get to the ball without a carriage?”

  Nyx bows low. “Leave it to us. We will get you there. Do not worry.”

  I love that she trusts us enough not to ask anything further. She accepts what we tell her to be true. It is good that she has this deep connection to us. I’ve heard that it can take guards and their female many moons to form a bond as strong as this. The fact that we have one already means fate was wise in choosing us to be hers.

  Chapter 11


  I stare at Ella as Nyx fixes her hair. He pulls it up into an intricate design of twists and braids atop her head, leaving half of it down to cascade over her back and shoulders. The dress, made of fine silk, is light blue and seems to sparkle and shimmer like pale starlight.

  Her shoulders and neckline are bare and exposed as the fabric dips to the “V” of her breasts, accentuating the soft, creamy mounds that peak over the material. My fingers ache with the want to touch her delicate skin. But I must quell this hunger and desire that burns brightly in me because she will never be my mate.

  The clip-clop of hooves downstairs draws her attention, and she turns back to us with a questioning gaze.

  Devon steps forward. “I have procured a ride for you to the castle, along with two chaperones.”

  She gives him a puzzled look and starts for the stairs, but he stops her abruptly. “I have something else for you as well,” he adds.

  “What is it?”

  Closing his eyes, Devon calls upon magic to materialize his possessions. A pearl necklace appears in his hands. He smiles and offers it to her.

  “This is for me?” She stares at the necklace in wonder. “It’s too much. I—I cannot accept this, Devon.”

  “Please.” He bows low. “I want you to have it.”

  She hesitates a moment, and then turns her back to him. Carefully, she lifts her hair from her shoulders. “Do you mind putting it on me?”

  Does he mind? That sly cat. I should’ve known he would take this opportunity to show off with such lavish gifts. He probably anticipated this exact request, knowing he’d be allowed to touch her. Red fills my vision as his hands linger a bit longer than necessa
ry at the nape of her neck.

  To my surprise, Cash and Finn offer her a pair of earrings to go with it. Those devious chipmunks must have collaborated with him on these gifts.

  They confirm my suspicions a moment later when they smile and then dip their chins at him, and he does the same in return as she clips the earrings on.

  Never one to be outdone, I glance down at her shoes. These will not do for such a fine gown. I summon my possessions for the items I’ve been saving for my mate. I know now that I will never have one, because no one else will ever compare to Ella.

  I hold out a pair of glass slippers to her. She stares at them in wonder. “Are these made of glass?”

  “Not just any glass,” I tell her. “Enchanted crystal. It will mold to your foot and allow you to move with ease as you walk.”

  I kneel beside her, and she carefully lifts her skirt just enough to extend her delicate feet out to me. Shamelessly, I cup her calves with one hand while I fit the shoes with the other.

  Her skin is soft, supple, and smooth beneath her silken stockings, and I long to skim the tips of my fingers up her legs to her thighs and—

  “They’re lovely,” she exclaims, pulling me back from my errant thoughts. “Thank you, Kai.”

  Cash and Finn narrow their eyes behind her, for they know I have outdone their gift by far.

  While I am happy to give her gifts, I can hardly bear to think that the things we offer her are to help her catch his eye. It feels wrong to lead her to the prince in this way, especially when everything inside me screams that she should be mine.

  I look to my bond brothers. No. She should be ours.

  I force myself to focus. It is Ella’s destiny to marry the prince. Not us. “We must leave,” I tell her and usher her to the door.

  When we reach the carriage downstairs, I smile in greeting to the peacock shifter, Rina, and her mate, Malen. “Thank you for helping us,” I tell them.

  They bow low. “It is our honor to help the Chosen One.”

  I help Ella into the carriage, and we all climb in beside her. We are fortunate it is large enough to accommodate us in our human forms so that we may ride with her in this way.

  As we bump along the road into town, I study each of my bond brothers. Concentrating on the connection between us, I want to make sure Ella cannot hear me before I reach out to their minds.

  I gaze at Cash and Finn, the twins looking more somber than I’ve ever seen them before. “Tonight, if all goes well, everything changes. You all understand this, right?”

  “Yes,” they each respond, although I note Cash and Finn are a bit hesitant in their reply.

  “I know it has only been a few days, but it seems we are not immune to the pull of the bond. We are not the first guards to feel possessive toward our female as if she were our mate.” I pause. “But the prince is human. They do not tolerate other males being so familiar with their wives. We are her guards, and that is all that we are. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” they each reluctantly agree.

  Chapter 12


  I look out the carriage window, marveling at the grandeur of the castle before me. Tall towers capped with silver peaked rooftops reach up toward the sky. The whitewashed stone seems to gleam beneath the last of the golden rays of the sun. If everything goes right this evening, soon this will be my home.

  But as I glance at each of my guards, I can’t help but feel a sharp pang of sadness in my chest. I don’t know if it’s the bond that makes me feel this way, but I would not choose the prince if I had the choice. I do not want to give up the close relationship I have already formed with my guards.

  They claim it’s my destiny to marry the prince and unite our two kingdoms. Perhaps I would have been excited by the prospect before I met my guards. But now that I have them, I can’t deny the deep longing I feel in my heart when I think that I’ll soon be married off to the prince. That I’ll never sleep surrounded by my guards. Never touch them. Never...

  I shake my head to clear my thoughts. They probably wouldn’t want me anyway. I’m human, and they’re shifters.

  With a heavy sigh, I turn my attention back to the window. We are almost inside the palace gates. I’ve never been this close to the castle before. It’s much larger than I thought, and as we circle into the courtyard, I notice all the royal guards dressed in their fine black and silver uniforms standing sentry just outside the massive glass and silver doors.

  Golden light spills out from inside, casting a soft, ethereal glow to the gardens that surround the entire space. Fine carriages with gold and silver trim line the drive, and I watch in wonder as ladies dressed in elegant gowns line up outside the doors, waiting to be called upon to enter.

  I look to my guards. I wish they were coming with me, but Kai says they will guard me from hidden positions throughout the ballroom. He doubts any of the wolf shifters will come for me here, but he wants to remain vigilant just to be certain.

  My gaze drifts to Cash and Finn. Although I understand the bond makes me feel close to each of the bonded brothers, I feel much closer to the two chipmunk shifter twins. After all, they were the ones who found me. The ones who have lain by my side for the past few nights. Before I met them, I probably would have been thrilled to be here now and excited to think that I might marry the prince. But now, I find myself wishing I could just live a quiet life somewhere in the woods with my guards, away from everything else.

  Finn leans forward and takes my hand, squeezing it gently. His green eyes stare deep into mine as he gives me a faint smile. “The prince is sure to notice you right away. You are beautiful, Ella. He will surely seek you out immediately. And once he does, after speaking with you, he will know what a beautiful mind you have, and he will become completely enraptured with you.”

  Tears sting my eyes, but I blink them back. “Thank you, Finn.” I allow my gaze to travel over the rest of them. “All of you will be inside somewhere with me, right?”

  They nod, and I do my best to give them a smile despite my nerves. “Give me some sort of sign so that I might see you, all right?”

  “We will,” Nyx says.

  Devon’s eyes are downcast, and his expression is stern. I reach across and place my hand atop his. He lifts his gaze to me, and something akin to sadness flickers behind his green cat eyes. “The dress is lovely, Devon. More beautiful than anything I’ve ever worn before. Thank you.”

  A faint smile tilts his lips. “It is you who makes it so, not the material.”

  I squeeze his hand. “Thank you.”

  With that, I turn to Rina and her husband. He helps me out of the carriage. As I step onto the courtyard pavers, I notice my guards’ small shadows as they exit the carriage in their animal forms.

  We line up at the door with everyone else. It feels like forever until we’re inside, and as my gaze travels over the grand ballroom, I stare at everything in wonder.

  The high dome ceiling covered in silver and gold finishes reflects brilliantly in the light. Several crystal chandeliers hang overhead, the largest one with twelve rows of glittering lights that sparkle like gems.

  Couples dance across the floor, the voluminous skirts of the elegant women swaying around them as they keep time with the music, whirling and spinning in a lovely display. But it’s the man across the way that catches my attention.

  Standing at the top of a winding staircase, he gazes down at the dancers below. Dressed in a deep blue coat and pants, lined with a silver and gold hem, he appears somewhat detached from everything happening around him. The light reflects off his short-cropped hair, making it shine like fine spun gold. As soon as we’re announced, he lifts his head.

  My name is changed, of course, so as not to alert my stepsisters I am here. I am introduced as Lady Rella, adding an R to my name to keep as close to the original spelling as possible.

  His gaze seems to zero in on me as we move on and continue toward the long table full of sparkling goblets of champagne. The strange ma
n starts down the stairs, his eyes locked on me.

  “Rella?” Rina’s soft voice draws my attention. “Would you like a glass?”

  I nod and accept it from her. I take a small sip of the bubbly drink. The sweet and citrus flavor rolls across my tongue, and I’ve never tasted anything so wonderfully delightful before.

  I finish one glass and then drink another. My entire body flushes with warmth and suddenly, I’m no longer quite as nervous as I was before.

  A hand on my shoulder draws my attention, and I turn to look up into deep blue eyes. They stare down at me with an almost predatory gaze as they rake over my form. He bows low, his expression stern and unreadable. “Good evening, my lady,” he says in a low, smooth voice. “I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of accompanying me during the next song.”

  The entire room grows silent. Only the sound of stringed instruments from the orchestra fills the air. As his gaze holds mine, everything else falls away as he extends his arm out to me, offering his hand.

  Cautiously, I reach for it, and he pulls me toward him. He stares down at me intensely, and my heart slams in my chest as he licks his full perfect lips then drags me even closer until I’m completely flush against his front.

  I only have a moment to wonder who he is before hushed whispers sound around us. “The prince,” someone says. “He’s going to dance with that girl. Who is she?”

  Several more voices speak in whispered tones asking similar questions.

  “Are you the prince?” I ask because I want to be sure.

  His mouth curves up into a devastatingly handsome smile. “Yes, I am. And you are Lady Rella, is that correct?”

  I nod. “I... I go by Ella, your grace.”

  “Ella, then,” he says.

  His arms band tightly around my waist while his other hand grips mine firmly, entwining our fingers. Deep blue eyes stare down at me, and I blink up at him, unsure what to do.

  As if sensing my nervousness, he grins. “Trust me and just follow my lead, Ella.”


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