The first cry of the bald eagle
echoes across silent lakes
still locked in Winter's ice
as it circles endless space
high above a living canvas.
Winter's icy grip weakens
as the northern forest awakens:
delicate flowers bloom timidly,
shivering in the cool breezes.
Their splashes of sudden colour
livens up the forest floor.
Spring's greenery emerges,
softening bleak open spaces:
leaves and fresh grasses spring to life
becoming forage for deer and elk.
Spring's sun brightens a pastel sky,
warming meadows and rolling hills,
melting away the last hidden snow
to the happy songs of robins
bathing in moss-lined pools.
On The Brink
The world we know was always able
to sustain nature's simple needs,
but not designed to fully explain
the life journey of the human soul:
now a new force has been unleashed
suddenly, relentlessly moving man
forward to the new dawn
beyond the edge of time.
Many are those who fearfully resist
this unexpected change;
who will fall to certain death
never having walked upon,
perhaps never even having glimpsed,
that ghostly distant shore
hidden beyond the misty veil.
Awakened with a rush of life
by the light of a new morning,
they see the edge of a canyon,
a chasm too wide to cross:
afraid to jump into the unknown
they huddle fearfully
on the brink looking down at death.
How I long to tell them not to fear,
to leap! to jump! across this canyon
however deep or wide it may appear
for things are not what they seem
in these times of changing thoughts;
that the life energy will carry them
across the fading greying mists
to a mountain leading above the clouds,
to a paradise I've seen and touched.
Orange Peel
Like a moldy orange peel,
our earth is cloaked
in a dying system
based on repression.
She waits patiently
for people to awaken
or some space alien,
or god to return
and gently peel away
the old skin, uncovering
her new identity.
Shore Of Mystery
Your wraithlike dance
on the ocean's stormy shore;
your graceful steps along the surf;
your long hair blowing in the wind;
your swaying body
shrouded in time's mystery;
reveal the coming, the strength,
the growing passion of my love.
The ocean's ageless song
uncovers love's desire
as dwarfed by restless waves
I watch your image dimmed
by the mist in my eyes.
Song Of The Cedars
Above a quiet mountain lake
deep in the Summer of my visions,
I saw a man dive off a cliff,
to the blue waters far below,
yet before he hit the waters,
I saw him turn into a majestic eagle,
and as he spread his wings
transform himself into a Goddess
of golden hue...
I watched as she floated to the sand,
and stretched her arms to the sun:
Then I recognized her
as her hair came tumbling
and she danced along the shore.
singing her song from the clouds:
It was Tara,
calling to me again!
and I went to her
soaring upon the mountain breeze,
bringing her the song of the cedars;
and there within her gold,
on white sands, under blue skies
shimmering in the Summer's heat
the Goddess and I
touched heaven.
The Wish
Were I to be granted one wish --
no quid pro quo, no restrictions, no limits --
infinite possibilities turned to reality,
what would I wish for?
Better to begin the quest with:
"What would I choose not to wish for?"
for how else would I know to make the right choice?
(and so it began.)
Immortality --
To live forever, forever the same
amid the changing seasons and currents of evolution;
helpless in the passage of time --
The curse and ultimate madness of the gods.
Omnipresence --
To be aware of all things without confusion
sitting at the centre of the All Thing
but what would I be doing there? Nothing --
Just another all-seeing voyeur in boredom.
Omniscient --
the All-knowing walking through the All Time
no secrets, no surprises, no mistakes even;
all knowledge mine, all hints of possibilities: certainties --
Nothing ever new under any sun.
I've thought this through carefully --
yes, since I was a Child I've considered this Place
knowing one day I'd arrive here.
Crawling, walking, running, now flying,
I've come, ready or not, to the Portal of Decision --
The Sphinx is about to ask His Question and
I can have my wish now --
no one will gainsay my choice.
What do I wish for?
Hear this well, you who now have a share in life;
who see death as a reprieve, or as an end;
who would rely on hope and on faith
to see you through these darkening days:
Chaotic Thoughts Page 5