All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love)

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All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love) Page 17

by Hart, Lane

  "Technically it started in Vegas, but nothing really happened until last Friday night," Dylan told him.

  "Vegas? A year ago?" he asked.

  "Ah, yeah. You came back to the room and interrupted us," I told him. He scowled as he rubbed his face and thought it over.

  "So Friday night, you lied about being with some sorority chick, and Saturday night … Jules was at your place all night?"

  Dylan smiled. "Yeah. She was still there when you called both of us Sunday morning."

  "Hold on. You fucked my sister on an elevator with a random ass man watching?" he yelled, his face red and furious. That is not a story I liked my brother knowing about me.

  "The man lives in my building, so he can't be that bad. You know we do background checks and all that shit on our tenants."

  "You own your whole freaking apartment building?" I asked in shock.

  "Ah, well, yeah. Rent is outrageous, so it's a great investment," he explained like it was nothing more than buying up a property in Monopoly.

  Will made an impatient, annoyed sound. "Does anyone else know?" he asked.

  "Oh yeah. Caleb, Lauren, Tyler, and Jess figured it out Sunday. My dad. Both of your parents."

  "Your dad? Our parents know? How'd they find out and I didn't?"

  "It was pretty obvious to your parents and all our friends. I started seeing someone at the same time Jules went missing, seeing someone. We acted differently around each other, and they noticed," he shrugged. "That's why your parents were messing with you at dinner the other night because you hadn't figured it out. And my dad has a key to my apartment, so he found us in the hot tub together when he let himself in the other day."

  "You got a hot tub? Wait, how'd you get it up the elevator?" Will asked, then shook his head. "Forget it. Jesus. I can't believe I'm the only one who didn't notice."

  Dylan turned back to me. "You want me to stay with you tonight or do you want to go home with me? Or should I just leave you alone?"

  "I'll go with you for Steph's sake," I told him. "And your bed is so much nicer than mine." Dylan smiled and leaned forward to kiss me.

  "Damn it, I don't want to know or see this shit," Will said. He ran his hands over his face harder, like he wanted to claw his eyeballs out.

  "You still going with me to the game tomorrow?" Dylan asked him.

  "Hell yes. Even if I hated your guts I'd suck it up for those front row seats."

  "Good, and I know it'll take some time before you believe me, but I swear I'm not just screwing around with Jules. You said it yourself, I'm whipped and I've never ditched you for a girl before."

  "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You gonna take her car to your place?"

  Dylan nodded. "And don't worry, I'll drive."

  "What time do you want to leave tomorrow?" Will asked with a sigh.

  "Around ten-thirty? I can drive us in my car."

  "Oh shit, who are you and what've you done with my best friend?"

  "I don't have to hide the money anymore because I'm not trying to date."

  "Doesn't mean the gold diggers won't be out in full force."

  "Fuck. Them," Dylan said vehemently, before he kissed me.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After listening to the rules and requirements of the Tri Sigs for several hours I'd had enough, and was seriously reconsidering my decision. Especially since Dylan and I were actually a couple now. Steph still wanted to rush, so she had talked me into coming with her after Dylan dropped me off at the dorm this morning. Last night had been amazing, and even though I only got a few hours of sleep, I was too happy to care.

  Although, I really didn't like the way Megan had been looking at me all afternoon. From the way the girls with her turned to look at me too, I knew the bitch was talking about me.

  "Steph, I'm sorry, but I don't know if rushing is worth this mess," I told her.

  "Oh come on, Jules! It'll be fun."


  "So Julie, is it true?" Megan asked loudly from across the room.

  "Is what true?"

  "That Dylan's dad owns Daughtry Brewing."

  "Yeah, he does." No reason to lie about something an internet search will tell you.

  "His family donated millions to Madison. It was sweet of him to do that for you," she said with a smirk.

  "Do what for me?" I asked in confusion.

  "Bribe them to let you in, then pay your tuition since you couldn't afford it," she responded.

  "He's not. I'm here on an academic scholarship," I corrected her ridiculous accusation.

  "Yeah, the Daughtry scholarship for poor people," she laughed, and all the pieces started falling into place.

  God! Why hadn't I seen it before now? I am such a freaking fool. I thought I'd earned my way in and my fully paid tuition … but it'd been him the whole damn time! That's how he knew I'd changed my major. They kept tabs on me because they were paying a fortune for my education.

  I walked out of the sorority house in a daze trying to think back to when I'd received the letter in the mail during high school. It'd arrived a few weeks after my acceptance letter. There was nothing that gave him away. The school acted like it was their normal academic scholarship. But no, I'd been a charity case, and received preferential treatment because the Daughtrys were one of their biggest donors. I hadn't earned a fucking thing. For more than a year the joke had been on me. Every time I've seen him, every conversation we'd had, every time we'd been together he'd been keeping this from me. Other than my family, the most important thing in my life has always been academics, because that was all I've ever been good at. That's all I had, and now I knew being here, my hard work … it was nothing but a lie.

  With a shaky hand I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my brother. If he knew about this and didn’t tell me …

  "Hey, Jules," he answered. "We're on the way home. Did you hear? The Wildcats won."

  "Did you know?" I asked through the tears.

  "Know what?"

  "About my fucking scholarship!" I yelled.

  "What about it?"

  "That it's the Daughtry charity case scholarship."

  "What? No. You don't mean …" Then Will didn't know either. "Dylan, what the fuck?" he asked and I hung up as my world fell apart.

  Chapter Sixteen


  As soon as I heard Jules yell the word "scholarship" through the phone I knew she'd found out. Goddamn it.

  "Dylan, what the fuck?" Will asked. "Shit, she hung up. Is it true?"


  "Wow. Do you have any idea how much you've hurt her? She thought she'd earned it, and this whole time …"

  "She did earn it."

  "But even worse is making her, making us, your fucking charity case."

  "You know, I really hate the fucking money. If I'm not being used for it, then I'm pissing people off with it. We make billions, Will. Billions. Why can't we pay a hundred thousand in tuition for the smartest, most deserving person I know? What would have taken her ten or more years to pay off we make in an hour."

  "Because to most people, earning the shit they have is more important than just having it handed to them. You buying it for her makes it completely worthless," he said. He didn't speak to me the rest of the hour drive home.

  After I dropped Will off at his apartment I headed to campus, having no fucking idea how to fix this shit. She'll never forgive me, but I still had to beg her to anyway. Of all the women in the world, why'd I have to fall in love with the only one that wouldn't accept a fucking penny from me?

  I parked and headed to her dorm, having to wait until someone came along and let me inside. I knocked on her door and … nothing.

  "Jules, please open the door."


  "Fine. I'm going to sit here until you talk to me."

  I sat down on the floor and started texting her - I'm so sorry we kept this from you. Please open the door. Please just let me explain. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes for you to forgi
ve me. Still nothing. A few minutes later Steph walked up.

  "Do you know how she found out?" I asked as I jumped up from the floor.

  "So it is true. Damn, Dylan. Megan embarrassed her in front of the whole sorority."

  "That fucking bitch."

  Steph was at least going to let me in their room and not tell me to fuck off. When we walked in Jules wasn't there, which explained why she didn't come to the door. But all of her shit was gone too, leaving nothing but an empty bed. Fuck.

  "Oh no!" Steph said, covering her mouth while her eyes watered. "She's gone. I should've come back with her but I thought she'd want to be alone. You better fix this, you jackass. She can't just quit!"

  "I'm going to kill that fucking bitch!" I yelled, as I started for the sorority house.

  With every step I took my anger grew. I went in the house without knocking and found her with the other sluts in the living room.

  "Hey, Dylan-" she started before I interrupted her.

  "Shut the fuck up. That was none of your business or anyone else's. So I just came to warn you. You know what one good thing about having billions is? I can do whatever the fuck I want, and what I want is to pay you back for the damage that can’t be undone. So get fucking ready for it," I told her, and turned to leave. Clenching my fists I repeated the mantra "It's unacceptable to hit women" over and over again.

  "You know she was only with you for your money," the bitch had the audacity to say. I threw my head back and laughed bitterly.

  "Right. And that's why I may have lost her for good, because I spent a few thousand on her without her knowing. You really are a stupid fucking bitch." I slammed the door behind me as I headed for the parking lot.

  Jules had to have gone to her parents' or Will's. Will's was closer so I headed there first, but didn't see her car. I went to her parent's house and found her car and Will's truck both parked out front, thank God. I ran up the steps of the porch and prayed he'd let me in. I'd barely knocked before Will yelled for me to go away.

  "Fine, I've got all the time in the world," I said, than sat down on the welcome mat. "You'll have to leave sometime."

  I slammed the back of my head against the door over and over, trying to figure out how I could ever apologize or make this up to Jules. I'd do anything for her.

  "Stop banging on the fucking door!" Will yelled.

  "Then open it."

  "Don't make me call Tyler and have him come arrest you."

  "Ha! Might as well. He'll probably be arresting me for murder soon. Don't be surprised if a slutty blonde bitch turns up dead. No, that'd be letting her off too easy. I'm going to figure out a much slower, painful way for her to go. Something really embarrassing."

  "Shut the fuck up!"

  I smiled, because despite everything he was at least yelling at me. When people go for the silent treatment that's how you know they're really pissed. Too pissed to even yell and curse at you.

  "Maybe I should sing some type of romantic serenade. I could go get one of those old school boom boxes for accompaniment. It seems to work in all those chick flicks. Please forgive me," I started crooning the lyrics. "I know not what I do. Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you. Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through. Please forgive me, I need you like I do." Bryan Adams was all that came to mind for this particular situation.

  The door opened unexpectedly and I fell backwards with it.

  "For the love of God, stop fucking singing," Will scowled from above me.

  I didn't bother responding. I jumped up to head through the house looking for her. She was locked in her bedroom, so I sighed and sat down in front of it to wait her out. I hadn't seen her parents, and I wasn't looking forward to having to face them either.

  "Jules? Did you get my texts?" I asked through the door. "I was sitting outside your dorm room when I sent them. I thought you were in there and then when Steph came home and let me in I saw all your things were gone … fuck, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. If I had you wouldn't have accepted it. I know why you're upset, and I don't blame you. But we did it because we love you and thought you deserved it more than anyone else. It was my mom's idea, and I should've told her no, but she said you'd never find out. The school swore to us that no one would ever find out. I don't know how that bitch did, but she's going to pay for it. I'm sorry she embarrassed you, but she's just jealous. You're smart and beautiful, and she knows that I love you. This is what she wanted to happen - for you to hate me because I want you, and not her. Please Jules. I told you I can't live without you and I meant it. I'd gladly trade every single dime I have for you if that's what it takes. It's all worthless at the end of the day when I'm sleeping alone in my bed, wishing you were there with me. Being with you is worth more than anything all the money in the world can buy."

  I looked up from my monologue and Will was holding out the push key to unlock the door.

  "Good luck," he said with a sigh. "You're going to need it."

  "Thanks," I told him, glad he was on my side and not kicking my ass.

  Getting to my feet I debated if she'd be even more pissed if I barged in, but I had to see her. The lock made a loud pop so she had to know I'd opened it.

  It felt like someone had kicked me in the gut when I saw her lying face-down on her bed, crying. I climbed up beside her and ran a hand down her back. When she didn't yell at me to leave, I pulled her against my chest and wrapped my arms around her, telling her over and over again that I was sorry. The wetness of her tears on my shirt stung so bad it felt like they were burning a hole through me.


  The next thing I knew, the sun was shining through the window waking me up. It took me a second to remember where I was, and what was going on. Jules was still pressed against me, but at some point during the night she'd shifted to her side, putting her back against my chest. Someone, probably her mom, had covered us both with a warm blanket.

  I shut my eyes and laid still, just thinking over everything and waiting for her to wake up. When she finally did I felt her roll over to face me. My eyes flashed open in surprise when her fingertips glided along my jaw. She looked at me a second with red rimmed eyes before pressing her lips to mine. I'd never been as relieved as I was at that moment. The tension of the last couple days, or really the last year I'd been keeping it from her and Will, melted away.

  "I love you, you rich bastard, but you better not do anything like that ever again," she pulled back and said.

  "I won't, and I won't let my parents either. There’s a few small things I should probably tell you, just so it's all out there."

  "What is it?" she asked with a sigh.

  "Last year I bought your round-trip plane ticket for Vegas. I wanted you to come with us, and I knew you wouldn't if you thought we were short a ticket."

  "You did?"

  "Yes. But I'm a selfish bastard. I lied and said the hotel was full instead of paying for another room because I wanted you to stay in our room with us."

  "Okay, that's not so bad. It's kind of sweet," she said with a smile. "Anything else I need to know?"

  "Ah, well, I may have also paid off your car, Will's truck and um, your parents' house."

  "What!?" she jerked away from me and asked.

  "Yeah the monthly payments go into a savings account while I try to figure out how to tell you or reroute it back into your accounts without you noticing."

  "Oh my God," she said, covering her face with her hands. "Why? Why would you do that?"

  "Because it's the least I could do. You and Will always drive me everywhere, and I felt like I owed your parents for me always being around, and for all the meals they've fed me over the years."

  "I can't believe you," she muttered, shaking her head.

  "Jules, I know you don't like me spending money on you, but if we're going to be together you're going to have to get used to it. I have lots of it, and I'm going to spend it on stupid things, on fun things, and on the people I love."

  "Fine, I get that as lo
ng as it's reasonable and you don't hide it. But you can't pay my tuition. That … that crossed the line. I've wasted a year at Madison when I could've gone to another school, one where they wanted me and offered me a legitimate scholarship, even if it wasn't a full one."

  "I know, and I'm sorry. We should've told you." I kissed her softly and couldn't help but worry what would come next. "What do you want to do now, Jules?" I asked her.

  She sighed and shook her head. "I don't know."

  "Move in with me, and go back to school," I said, when the idea suddenly came to me like an epiphany. I knew without a doubt that was what I wanted more than anything.

  "What? Are you crazy?" she asked.

  "I want to see you every day."

  "But we barely even started dating."

  "So? I've known you for thirteen years." She didn't look convinced. "Do you like staying with me?"

  "Yes, but-"

  "No buts. At least stay with me for a few days or weeks, and if it works out then you can start bringing more of your things over."

  "I don't know, Dylan. It's just too soon."

  "Would you rather be here with your parents, or with me?" I asked.

  "With you," she said softly.

  "Then stay with me. Every day and every night."

  "I guess we can do a trial run," she finally agreed with a smile.

  "Hell yes. Thank you. I've never been as happy as I am when you're in my arms."

  "It is pretty nice," she admitted. "And your bed is better than mine, and the ones in the dorm rooms."

  "Go back to school, Jules."

  She shook her head. "I can't. Not at Madison."

  "I'm sorry," I told her again.

  "Did you … did you convince them to let me in?"

  "What? No! I swear to you, we didn't have anything to do with you getting accepted. That was all you."

  "I guess that's something, at least," she said sadly.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I didn't want to, but I left Jules in her bed. I gave her a key and told her I had a few errands to run, and that'd I'd meet her back at our apartment later. Our apartment. God, I hoped she'd make it hers too.


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