The Forsyte Saga, Volume 1

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The Forsyte Saga, Volume 1 Page 63

by John Galsworthy

  For sheer emotional intensity had he ever – old as he was – passed through such a moment?

  The words: ‘Irene, I adore you!’ almost escaped him. Then, with a clearness of which he would not have believed mental vision capable, he saw Jolly lying with a white face turned to a white wall.

  ‘My boy is very ill out there,’ he said quietly.

  Irene slipped her arm through his.

  ‘Let’s walk on; I understand.’

  No miserable explanation to attempt! She had understood! And they walked on among the bracken, knee-high already, between the rabbit-holes and the oak trees, talking of Jolly. He left her two hours later at the Richmond Hill Gate, and turned towards home.

  ‘She knows of my feeling for her, then,’ he thought. Of course! One could not keep knowledge of that from such a woman!

  Chapter Four


  JOLLY was tired to death of dreams. They had left him now too wan and weak to dream again; left him to lie torpid, faintly remembering far-off things; just able to turn his eyes and gaze through the window near his cot at the trickle of river running by in the sands, at the straggling milk-bush of the Karoo beyond. He knew what the Karoo was now, even if he had not seen a Boer roll over like a rabbit, or heard the whiffle of flying bullets. This pestilence had sneaked on him before he had smelled powder. A thirsty day and a rash drink, or perhaps a tainted fruit – who knew? Not he, who had not even strength left to grudge the evil thing its victory – just enough to know that there were many lying here with him, that he was sore with frenzied dreaming; just enough to watch that thread of river and be able to remember faintly those far-away things.…

  The sun was nearly down. It would be cooler soon. He would have liked to know the time – to feel his old watch, so butter-smooth, to hear the repeater strike. It would have been friendly, home-like. He had not even strength to remember that the old watch was last wound the day he began to lie here. The pulse of his brain beat so feebly that faces which came and went, nurse’s, doctor’s, orderly’s, were indistinguishable, just one indifferent face; and the words spoken about him meant all the same thing, and that almost nothing. Those things he used to do, though far and faint, were more distinct – walking past the foot of the old steps at Harrow ‘bill’ – ‘Here, sir! Here, sir!’ – wrapping boots in the Westminster Gazette, greenish paper, shining boots – grandfather coming from somewhere dark – a smell of earth – the mushroom house! Robin Hill! Burying poor old Balthasar in the leaves! Dad! Home.…

  Consciousness came again with noticing that the river had no water in it – someone was speaking too. Want anything? No. What could one want? Too weak to want – only to hear his watch strike.…

  Holly!. She wouldn’t bowl properly. Oh! Pitch them up! Not sneaks!… ‘Back her, Two and Bow!’ He was Two!… Consciousness came once more with a sense of the violet dusk outside, and a rising blood-red crescent moon. His eyes rested on it fascinated; in the long minutes of brain-nothingness it went moving up and up.…

  ‘He’s going, doctor!’ Not pack boots again? Never? ‘Mind your form, Two!’ Don’t cry! Go quietly – over the river – sleep!… Dark? If somebody would – strike – his – watch!…

  Chapter Five


  A SEALED letter in the handwriting of Mr Polteed remained unopened in Soames’s pocket throughout two hours of sustained attention to the affairs of the ‘New Colliery Company’, which, declining almost from the moment of old Jolyon’s retirement from the Chairmanship, had lately run down so fast that there was now nothing for it but a ‘winding-up’. He took the letter out to lunch at his City club, sacred to him for the meals he had eaten there with his father in the early seventies, when James used to like him to come and see for himself the nature of his future life.

  Here in a remote corner before a plate of roast mutton and mashed potato, he read:

  Dear Sir,

  In accordance with your suggestion we have duly taken the matter up at the other end with gratifying results. Observation of 47 has enabled us to locate 17 at the Green Hotel, Richmond. The two have been observed to meet daily during the past week in Richmond Park. Nothing absolutely crucial has so far been notified. But in conjunction with what we had from Paris at the beginning of the year, I am confident we could now satisfy the Court. We shall, of course, continue to watch the matter until we hear from you.

  Very faithfully yours,

  Claud Polteed

  Soames read it through twice and beckoned to the waiter.

  ‘Take this away; it’s cold.’

  ‘Shall I bring you some more, sir?’

  ‘No. Get me some coffee in the other room.’

  And paying for what he had not eaten, he went out, passing two acquaintances without sign of recognition.

  ‘Satisfy the Court!’ he thought, sitting at a little round marble table with the coffee before him. That fellow Jolyon! He poured out his coffee, sweetened and drank it. He would disgrace him in the eyes of his own children! And rising, with that resolution hot within him, he found for the first time the inconvenience of being his own solicitor. He could not treat this scandalous matter in his own office. He must commit the soul of his private dignity to a stranger, some other professional dealer in family dishonour. Who was there he could go to? Linkman and Laver in Budge Row, perhaps – reliable, not too conspicuous, only nodding acquaintances. But before he saw them he must see Polteed again. But at this thought Soames had a moment of sheer weakness. To part with his secret? How find the words? How subject himself to contempt and secret laughter? Yet, after all, the fellow knew already – oh yes, he knew! And, feeling that he must finish with it now, he took a cab into the West End.

  In this hot weather the window of Mr Polteed’s room was positively open, and the only precaution was a wire gauze, preventing the intrusion of flies. Two or three had tried to come in, and been caught, so that they seemed to be clinging there with the intention of being devoured presently. Mr Polteed, following the direction of his client’s eye, rose apologetically and closed the window.

  ‘Posing ass!’ thought Soames. Like all who fundamentally believe in themselves, he was rising to the occasion, and, with his little sideway smile, he said, ‘I’ve had your letter. I’m going to act. I suppose you know who the lady you’ve been watching really is?’

  Mr Polteed’s expression at that moment was a masterpiece. It so clearly said: ‘Well, what do you think? But mere professional knowledge, I assure you – pray forgive it!’ He made a little half airy movement with his hand, as who should say: ‘Such things – such things will happen to us!’

  ‘Very well, then,’ said Soames, moistening his lips, ‘there’s no need to say more. I’m instructing Linkman and Laver of Budge Row to act for me. I don’t want to hear your evidence, but kindly make your report to them at five o’clock, and continue to observe the utmost secrecy.’

  Mr Polteed half closed his eyes, as if to comply at once. ‘My dear sir,’ he said.

  ‘Are you convinced,’ asked Soames with sudden energy, ‘that there is enough?’

  The faintest movement occurred to Mr Polteed’s shoulders.

  ‘You can risk it,’ he murmured; ‘with what we have, and human nature, you can risk it.’

  Soames rose. ‘You will ask for Mr Linkman. Thanks; don’t get up.’ He could not bear Mr Polteed to slide as usual between him and the door. In the sunlight of Piccadilly he wiped his forehead. This had been the worst of it – he could stand the strangers better. And he went back into the City to do what still lay before him.

  That evening in Park Lane, watching his father dine, he was overwhelmed by his old longing for a son – a son, to watch him eat as he went down the years, to be taken on his knee as James on a time had been wont to take him; a son of his own begetting, who could understand him because he was the same flesh and blood – understand, and comfort him, and become more rich and cultured than himself because he would start even better off. To ge
t old – like that thin, grey, wiry-frail figure sitting there – and be quite alone with possessions heaping up around him; to take no interest in anything because it had no future and must pass away from him to hands and mouths and eyes for whom he cared no jot! No! He would force it through now, and be free to marry, and have a son to care for him before he grew to be like the old old man his father, wistfully watching now his sweetbread, now his son.

  In that mood he went up to bed. But, lying warm between those fine linen sheets of Emily’s providing, he was visited by memories and torture. Visions of Irene, almost the solid feeling of her body, beset him. Why had he ever been fool enough to see her again, and let this flood back on him so that it was pain to think of her with that fellow – that stealing fellow!

  Chapter Six


  HIS boy was seldom absent from Jolyon’s mind in the days which followed the first walk with Irene in Richmond Park. No further news had come; inquiries at the War Office elicited nothing; nor could he expect to hear from June and Holly for three weeks at least. In these days he felt how insufficient were his memories of Jolly, and what an amateur of a father he had been. There was not a single memory in which anger played a part; not one reconciliation, because there had never been a rupture; nor one heart-to-heart confidence, not even when Jolly’s mother died. Nothing but half-ironical affection. He had been too afraid of committing himself in any direction, for fear of losing his liberty, or interfering with that of his boy.

  Only in Irene’s presence had he relief, highly complicated by the ever-growing perception of how divided he was between her and his son. With Jolly was bound up all that sense of continuity and social creed of which he had drunk deeply in his youth and again during his boy’s public-school and varsity life – all that sense of not going back on what father and son expected of each other. With Irene was bound up all his delight in beauty and in Nature. And he seemed to know less and less which was the stronger within him. From such sentimental paralysis he was rudely awakened, however, one afternoon, just as he was starting off to Richmond, by a young man with a bicycle, and a face oddly familiar, who came forward faintly smiling.

  ‘Mr Jolyon Forsyte? Thank you!’ Placing an envelope in Jolyon’s hand he wheeled off the path and rode away. Bewildered, Jolyon opened it.

  ‘Admiralty Probate and Divorce, Forsyte v. Forsyte and Forsyte!’ A sensation of shame and disgust was followed by the instant reaction: ‘Why, here’s the very thing you want, and you don’t like it!’ But she must have one too; and he must go to her at once. He turned things over as he went along. It was an ironical business. For, whatever the Scriptures said about the heart, it took more than mere longings to satisfy the law. They could perfectly well defend this suit, or at least in good faith try to. But the idea of doing so revolted Jolyon. If not her lover in deed he was in desire, and he knew that she was ready to come to him. Her face had told him so. Not that he exaggerated her feeling for him. She had had her grand passion, and he could not expect another from her at his age. But she had trust in him, affection for him; and must feel that he would be a refuge. Surely she would not ask him to defend the suit, knowing that he adored her! Thank Heaven she had not that maddening British conscientiousness which refused happiness for the sake of refusing! She must rejoice at this chance of being free – after seventeen years of death in life! As to publicity, the fat was in the fire! To defend the suit would not take away the slur. Jolyon had all the proper feeling of a Forsyte whose privacy is threatened. If he was to be hung by the Law, by all means let it be for a sheep! Moreover the notion of standing in a witness box and swearing to the truth that no gesture, not even a word of love had passed between them seemed to him more degrading than to take the tacit stigma of being an adulterer – more truly degrading, considering the feeling of his heart, and just as bad and painful for his children. The thought of explaining away, if he could, before a judge and twelve average Englishmen, their meetings in Paris, and the walks in Richmond Park, horrified him. The brutality and hypocritical censoriousness of the whole process; the probability that they would not be believed – the mere vision of her, whom he looked on as the embodiment of Nature and of Beauty, standing there before all those suspicious, gloating eyes was hideous to him. No, no! To defend a suit only made a London holiday, and sold the newspapers. A thousand times better accept what Soames and the gods had sent!

  ‘Besides,’ he thought honestly, ‘who knows whether, even for my boy’s sake, I could have stood this state of things much longer? Anyway, her neck will be out of chancery at last!’ Thus absorbed, he was hardly conscious of the heavy heat. The sky had become overcast, purplish, with little streaks of white. A heavy heat-drop splashed a little star pattern in the dust of the road as he entered the Park. ‘Phew!’ he thought, ‘thunder! I hope she’s not come to meet me; there’s a ducking up there!’ But at that very minute he saw Irene coming towards the Gate. ‘We must scuttle back to Robin Hill,’ he thought.

  The storm had passed over the Poultry at four o’clock, bringing welcome distraction to the clerks in every office. Soames was drinking a cup of tea when a note was brought in to him:

  Dear Sir,

  Forstye v. Forsyte and Forsyte

  In accordance with your instructions, we beg to inform you that we personally served the respondent and co-respondent in this suit today, at Richmond, and Robin Hill, respectively.

  Faithfully yours,

  Linkman and Laver

  For some minutes Soames stared at that note. Ever since he had given those instructions he had been tempted to annul them. It was so scandalous, such a general disgrace! The evidence, too, what he had heard of it, had never seemed to him conclusive; somehow, he believed less and less that those two had gone all lengths. But this, of course, would drive them to it; and he suffered from the thought. That fellow to have her love, where he had failed! Was it too late? Now that they had been brought up sharp by service of this petition, had he not a lever with which he could force them apart? ‘But if I don’t act at once,’ he thought, ‘it will be too late, now they’ve had this thing. I’ll go and see him: I’ll go down!’

  And, sick with nervous anxiety, he sent out for one of the ‘newfangled’ motor-cabs. It might take a long time to run that fellow to ground, and goodness knew what decision they might come to after such a shock! ‘If I were a theatrical ass,’ he thought, ‘I suppose I should be taking a horse-whip or a pistol or something!’ He took instead a bundle of papers in the case of ‘Magentie versus Wake’, intending to read them on the way down. He did not even open them, but sat quite still, jolted and jarred, unconscious of the draught down the back of his neck, or the smell of petrol. He must be guided by the fellow’s attitude; the great thing was to keep his head!

  London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared Putney Bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards. What a lot of ants, all with a living to get, holding on by their eyelids in the great scramble! Perhaps for the first time in his life Soames thought: I could let go if I liked! Nothing could touch me; I could snap my fingers, live as I wished – enjoy myself!’ No! One could not live as he had and just drop it all – settle down in Capua, to spend the money and reputation he had made. A man’s life was what he possessed, and sought to possess. Only fools thought otherwise – fools, and socialists, and libertines!

  The cab was passing villas now, going a great pace. ‘Fifteen miles an hour, I should think!’ he mused; ‘this’ll take people out of town to live!’ and he thought of its bearing on the portions of London owned by his father – he himself had never taken to that form of investment, the gambler in him having all the outlet needed in his pictures. And the cab sped on, down the hill past Wimbledon Common. This interview! Surely a man of fifty-two with grown-up children, and hung on the line, would not be reckless. ‘He won’t want to disgrace the family,’ he thought; ‘he was as fond of his father as I am of mine, and they were brothers. That woman brings destruction – what is i
t in her? I’ve never known.’ The cab branched off, along the side of a wood, and he heard a late cuckoo calling, almost the first he had heard that year. He was now almost opposite the site he had originally chosen for his house, and which had been so unceremoniously rejected by Bosinney in favour of his own choice. He began passing his handkerchief over his face and hands, taking deep breaths to give him steadiness. ‘Keep one’s head,’ he thought, ‘keep one’s head!’

  The cab turned in at the drive which might have been his own, and the sound of music met him. He had forgotten the fellow’s daughters.

  ‘I may be out again directly,’ he said to the driver, ‘or I may be kept some time’; and he rang the bell.

  Following the maid through the curtains into the inner hall, he felt relieved that the impact of this meeting would be broken by June or Holly, whichever was playing in there, so that with complete surprise he saw Irene at the piano, and Jolyon sitting in an arm-chair listening. They both stood up. Blood surged into Soames’s brain, and all his resolution to be guided by this or that left him utterly. The look of his farmer forbears – dogged Forsytes down by the sea, from ‘Superior Dosset’ back – grinned out of his face.

  ‘Very pretty!’ he said.

  He heard the fellow murmur:

  ‘This is hardly the place – we’ll go to the study, if you don’t mind.’ And they both passed him through the curtain opening. In the little room to which he followed them, Irene stood by the open window, and the ‘fellow’ close to her by a big chair. Soames pulled the door to behind him with a slam; the sound carried him back all those years to the day when he had shut out Jolyon – shut him out for meddling with his affairs.

  ‘Well,’ he said, ‘what have you to say for yourselves?’


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