The Challenger

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The Challenger Page 10

by Harlon Banks

  Know thy name, and remember thyself, Jonath.

  He needed answers to calm his spirit, and this seemed to be the quickest way to do it. He'd decided to play along, and hope that whatever potential Wren said was within him would show when the time came.

  "I'm going to assume you won't tell us aside from money what the reward is?" Jonath inquired and was obviously met with nothing more than a grin from Wren. Figures...

  "That'd ruin the mystery of it now wouldn't it? Rest assured I am fully aware of the seriousness of this contract you both are undertaking. Neither of you will be undercut in your reward, you have my word as Master of this Group of Knowledge." Wren assured them sincerity in his words. Liariana and Jonath staring at him for a few more seconds, and the former turning to take her leave. Assuming that this meeting and debriefing was over. As he watched her head to the door Jonath hesitated, he'd most definitely have to cooperate with her on this assignment yet knowing nothing about her was going to make that awkward. He contemplated asking Wren if he knew what a Yelkath was; but thinking it over he decided against it. This was already a lot to take in and he didn't feel like hearing more cryptic talking and dodgy answers.

  "You two will do fine. I have faith in your abilities. We shall contact you when the time has come and all of your materials are gathered so until then just try to relax your mind and steel your nerves. Farewell." Wren bade his goodbye as Jonath soon exited shortly after Liariana leaving him alone with his books and blissful silence. Arms hooking around his backside, head turned upwards and a deep inhale filling his lungs he held his breath... and finally exhaled.

  "Your existence is a peculiar one, Jonath. To think that I would have an enigma as perplexing as you walking in with a Yelkath, a bloodline all but the heavens have blessed me with fine specimens to study."

  As they exited the building and went their separate ways, Jonath couldn't help but turn back to look over his shoulder up at the top level of the main building of stone and mysticism with concerned and unsettled eyes. Liariana leaving the campus head lowered and eyes closed with empty thoughts and clenched fists as well...

  "This will be a fun endeavor to take part in... "Wren smiled.

  Wretched Things and Bloody Curses

  The Challenger Chapter Eleven - Wretched Things & Bloody Curses

  Beep... Beep... Beep...

  The steady beeping of the alarm beside the bed awoke a slumbering body. Vibrant almost luminous red eyes slowly opening and looking at the ceiling as moonlight washed over her face. Liariana resting under fluffy blankets of white and head lying on feathery stuffed pillows. The beeping that rang on her left ear especially eventually made her turn slowly to stare at the alarm. Her eyes empty and vacant of any real emotion or expression, merely staring more just in the direction of the alarm and not actually focusing on it. The window from afar having pulled back wispy white curtains that fluttered in the cool breeze that billowed through open window. The full moon showing in all its glory to her eyes like a queen looking upon thousands of loyal subjects.

  She reached a bare hand out to hit the black button atop the relatively new silver alarm. Her hand resting along the surface of the dark brown wooden nightstand moments afterwards as she took a silent inhale and eventually sat up. The sheets falling off her torso revealing a plain white half shirt and her brightened pale skin. Her hair caressing the tops of her shoulders as she lifted herself, thick black bangs symmetrically framing both sides of her face and brushing the crests of her powerfully crimson eyes and solemn features. The humming of the ceiling fan overhead sounding much more pleasant than the irritating loud ringing of the alarm... As well as the ticking of the grandfather clock over by the door.

  Staring at nothing for a few moments more, Liariana pulled aside the covers exposing her lower body. Legs exposed and firm, a pair of mid-thigh length black shorts covering her as she brought her legs off the bed and planted her feet on the cold wooden flooring. Her solemn eyes glancing over the apartment she resided in, courtesy of Draven. It was nothing fancy, a simple one bed and bath studio styled apartment with a small kitchen and living area accompanied by two windows that let moonlight in and a patio door atop the fourth floor. Lightly furnished and stocked with food as well as a small chest of money slid under the bed that he'd given her to get her started. This all looked so much different from home...

  She stood idle, the floor lightly creaking when she made her way to the kitchen. Fingers grasping the metal fridge handle and then pulling it open for her to grab a small can of strawberry juice from and pop it open. The door closing as she raised it to her lips and took a long satisfying drink. Blissful silence surrounding her, she who arrived all by her lonesome from a land Draven identified as war-torn and desolate now. Such profound words spoken by a man who knew nothing about her other than that she was what he'd been searching for...

  Liariana put the empty bottle in the trash and walked away.

  She was a Yelkath, just a prize to him. She was his puppet now...

  She sighs, and makes her way to the couch facing the patio and the wall with a small flat screen television mounted up on it. Sprawling out over the couch in blissful quiet as her left leg and arm slumped off the furniture to the floor underneath. The cold wood soothing to her fingers and primordial red eyes focusing on a single irrelevant spot on the white prickled ceiling.

  Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...

  She stared... Seconds turned to minutes...

  Tick... Tick... Tick...

  She stared... Minutes became a half hour...

  Tick... Tick... Tick...

  She stared... A half hour became an hour...

  Tick... Tick... Ti- Ring! Ring! Ring!

  The woman snapped out of her serene trance upon hearing her phone vibrate and ring on the coffee table beside her between the couch and the television. The moonlight halfway shining on its sleek black and teal design. Her left hand raising up to grab it but hesitating right before she picked it up. Staring, just staring at it vibrate and ring closer and closer to the edge of the table and fall into her hand as she caught it mid-air. Holding the device over her horizontal lying figure as black hair rested over face in stray strands. Her eyes looking at the name and scowling a bit upon recognizing it.

  Draven was calling... He didn't seem like he'd give up trying to contact her any time soon. For once the phone sent him to voicemail, he merely called again nigh immediately afterwards. The ringing almost as annoying as the alarm clock that had went off earlier. Her right thumb hovered over the green icon to answer, hesitating once again as it rang four times before she swiped right to take the call and sat up. Phone pressed to her ear while left hand brushed away bangs from her features and her expression remained desolate of any real emotion.

  "Hello?" She answered softly and simply. Draven responding shortly after with a friendly yet professionally indifferent tone; cordial only in voice almost.

  "Good morning, Liariana." He responded. The Yelkath not saying anything back and merely waiting until he got the hint and spoke again. "I'd say rise and shine the sun is sublime but well haha eternal night and all yeah? How are you doing? Sleep well?" He asked, though Liariana could sense the fake in his inquiring. He didn't actually care if she slept well, long as she was capable of doing the job he tasked her with he didn't really give a damn about her well-being. She delayed her response, wondering how she should reply to him. She felt for some reason a fake in his words, yet he assured her before he meant her no harm; so long as she did as he said. Fingers tightening around the phone, her eyes solemn and empty as she stared at the carpet between her feet.

  What a twisted salvation she'd received. To escape from one hell only to be dragged into another; and this hell wasn't even the one she was searching for to end it all.

  "I'm fine..." She said softly, "I assume you heard the news from one of your associates about me getting accepted? Just as you predicted."

  Liariana stood up and started walking around the moonlit, fan cool
ed and clock ticking room in a pace. Her figure going in and out of the moon rays pouring through the glass panel screen door as she walked around the studio apartment.

  "Yes. It was certainly pleasant news to hear." Draven's gruff voice could be heard after a puff from what could only be assumed as a cigar. "I heard also that you were the one of only two that were accepted into this job, correct?" He inquired. "Who was the second?"

  "A nobody." Izu replied calm and coldly, not giving Jonath any sliver of interest or thought as she walked about. "He's a non factor, don't worry about him." She assured. Draven humming to himself from over the phone, an audible tongue click following shortly after and then a cough.

  "Very well, I won't. However needless to be said I expect you to take care of him should he not die before you retrieve the artifact within the ruins. No witnesses. After he's dead lie and say that you barely made it out with your life alone and never got to see whatever secrets lied within. Simple enough right?" He chuckled.

  "How do you know what's within those ruins anyway is even something of value?" Izu responded with an exhale causing Draven to fall silent. "You told me before the ruins were overrun by beasts and bandits, yet Wren, the Group master implied even he didn't know what was down there and that a bunch of students went missing when they ventured in."

  She sat on the bed, lying her upper half across the sheets and starting at the ceiling with the phone pressed to her left ear. "There might not even be anything worth of value down there, just some monsters not wanting to be seen and you'd be wasting your time and my time." She said rather abrasive towards the end of her words. Not doing anything to hide the disdain she had for this manipulative man.

  "Worry not my dear Liariana. The Group master is only telling you just enough so that you aren't enticed to do anything with what's down there. We both know what really lies within those ruins, he just doesn't know you're a double agent. You'll be quite surprised when you see it as well." He chuckled.

  "So why not just tell me what is down there? Not like I can do anything with it given the circumstances you subjected me to upon arriving to this land I am unfamiliar with? There's no point in keeping me in the dark about something I'm possibly risking my life to retrieve." Liariana's response was quietly agitated as she got up; pacing again restless in her sleep wear. A disgruntled echo on Draven's side and he subsequently spit something out of his mouth; the sound rather gross to hear over the phone judging by Liariana's wincing cringe.

  "Doesn't matter what's down there, Yelkath. That part doesn't concern you. What does concern you is making sure you get that object for me with the best of your abilities. Failure is not an option if you want to keep yourself under wraps on your escape from the East." Draven said adamantly as if he were losing patience with this conversation now.

  Liariana clenched her grip around the phone, teeth showing from an irritable scowl...

  "Anyway all of that aside, I've sent a care package for you that'll help you on your endeavor into the ruins. Don't worry about requesting anything from the Group stashes. My wealth will supply you with better equipment, scrolls and whatever else you'll need. It should already be there, actually. Looking at the time now."

  Knock knock knock...

  Liariana turned to glance at the door.

  "Ah!" Draven exclaimed hearing the knock from over the phone. "It arrived right as I mentioned it! Go on, go fetch your stuff before it gets taken and I get really mad." He snorted half-joking half serious. Liariana pondered disobeying him, to just pretend to go over to the door and hope someone stole the package immediately after it were dropped off; red eyes just staring at the brown wooden door. A few seconds passed, vaguely calming herself as that monotone and empty expression graced her fine features once more and she walked to the door. Phone still pressed to her ear half obscured by thick black bangs of hair.

  Turning the knob and opening the door the woman casted her eyes down at not one, but three packages. There was a long metallic silver suitcase, a black duffel bag and a much smaller cubical container the size of a ring box all stacked atop one another in that order. Peering left and right down both sides of the halls seeing nobody, she perked up when she heard Draven's voice again.

  "Among one of the Yelkath's many talents were a particular affinity for the use of swords right? The Yelkath Clan were really well-known for their swordsmanship first before their natural talents for the supernatural came about during the Lunar Era yes?" Draven inquired.

  "I'm putting the phone down and on speaker so I can pick this stuff up out of the hallway." Liariana responded abruptly nigh shutting him off near the end of his sentence.

  "No need to do that, there's nothing else I need to say." Draven replied with a chuckle. "I have faith you'll know what to do with everything I've purchased for you. They are all imported from the East after all. Wouldn't want you feeling alienated too much now would we? At any rate, remember our agreement; I'll be seeing you soon."


  Liariana lowered the phone from her ear and just tossed it behind her. The device landing on the bed by sheer luck as she honestly didn't care if it'd smashed itself across the hard floor or the wall. Free hands grabbing the cubicle container first, still standing at the open threshold of her door in her undergarments as she rotated the container through her fingers. The casing was black with silver lining across every edge and ever corner and hinges in the back accompanied with a small metallic silver oval-shaped button at the front. Pressing the button caused the top half of the cube to flip open revealing a soft glowing luminous red jewel, uncut and jagged asymmetrical across all planes like it was taken straight out of a mine. Her eyes widening as the gem hummed with mystical energy and she quickly narrowed her eyes shortly afterwards. A small scoff leaving her lips.

  "An explosive fire crystal... A potent one at that. Can level a small house with one as amped as this." She muttered to herself closing the box and carefully placing it on the stand beside the door. Crystals like that were very dangerous, capable of bending the very elements in the same way some Nightborn do only with much more temporary and violent effects after their use. Crystals like that were crafted by those lacking powers in the east to compete with the rapid influx of those with powers beyond the normal.

  She grabbed the duffel bag next and then the metal rectangular case with her hands. The former felt rather light despite its size while the latter had some modicum of weight under it. Kicking the door closed behind her and moving to the bed, thinking about how soon she'll be out on the road to this ruin and the dangers that awaited. All over the greed of some wealthy man who targeted her like some prized game in the forest.

  The bags sat down, the duffel unzipping and opening up revealing a bunch of clothes much more suited for combat than what she initially intended to wear out. She could sense a faint energy from the woven fabrics and lightly armored pieces, no doubt having been ingrained with enchantments to increase survivability without the need for clunky heavy armor. Along with that were a couple of gold-colored gems also emanating magical energy that felt warm and soothing, no doubt healing gems. The rest was other miniscule things like healing spray bottles to ward off bacteria from cuts and bruises, bandages and other first aid supplies although she hoped Draven seriously didn't expect her to tote all this around?

  Zipping the bag back at she turned her attention to the long rectangular steel metal case. Fingers unlocking it and flipping it open before eyes furrowed in strangeness from what was before her. Her crimson red hues luminescent in the dim shadow of the room as they gazed upon a sword, a Ninjato to be exact. Black tang and hilt with a long straight and single-edged chrome silver blade that reflected the glow in her eyes back at her when she grasped the weapon and raised it up to look at. The craftsmanship was extremely exquisite, much more refined than the crudely made blades she'd seen in the poor man's market on her way home the other day. Finger running itself gently along the sharp edge, drawing blood as soon as flesh dragged across metal and stai
ning her finger red while she showed no hint of any pain.

  Placing it back down in the case and closing it Liariana picked up both bags and laid them besides her bed. Now sitting down on the mattress in thought to herself. Her eyes solemn and staring at the wooden flooring; mind swirling with memories that judging by her facial expressions seemed to haunt her. Left hand opening, palm facing her gaze while she stared at her paleish skin in deep thought. A small sigh leaving her lips and she closed her eyes and lowered her head.

  "I escape one life of wretched things and bloody curses... just to find myself on the cusp of falling into another anyway. Sometimes... I wonder if there's a god above all out in the heavens." She mused to herself quietly with a cold empty tone.

  Liariana stood up, walking to the bathroom to start the rest of her day in this eternal night.


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