The Challenger

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The Challenger Page 42

by Harlon Banks

  Her eyes widened when she laid sight on the gift Jack had presented, her gaze looking back up to his wide, friendly smile at a loss for words.

  Before her was a pristine, straight-edged blade of eastern origins. A gleaming silver, extremely sharp edge accompanied by a sleek, black metal hilt and an associated sheathe. Her eyes looking back up at him, confused as to how he acquired this. This sword looked expensive, significantly more expensive than the one Draven had supplied her when she first arrived. There was no way this man had enough money to buy something like this.

  "This is the type of sword you had before right?" The old man scratched the back of his head with a sheepish chuckle. "Hard to get specifics on the black market but yeah I'm pretty sure this is like the other one, it's a Ninjato yeah? You won't believe how hard I had to haggle and stress my favors to get you something this pretty looking." He started to ramble on...

  "Ninjato is the popular name for it." Liariana's quiet voice made Jack shut up and listen of his own accord to what she was saying. Liariana carefully lifting the blade up and admiring its craft with both hands delicately handling it as she spoke. Her eyes never leaving the blade as she analyzed it for flaws and impurities. "The real name for these styles of swords is Chokuto. Yakagura, my homeland favored straight-edged weapons like this over the curved swords such as the Katana, of which the clan we were at war with used time ago." She glanced over after pausing towards Jack, her eyes reflecting the dancing fires of the lantern beside her across the Melissaes as she watched him. The old man scratching his beard with a hum, clicking his tongue next as well before patting himself on the back.

  "Going to take that as a hint I picked the style of sword you preferred then aye? They had them there Katana back there too but those were really expensive. Eastern blades are far more pricey and harder to find over here in these parts considering most favor longsword or other heavier blades here. Meh!" He shrugged dusting himself off and standing up. "Glad you like it all the same! Took quite a bit of smooth talking on my part, and a little blackmail but I got it for much cheaper than I should have."

  Liariana lowered the sword back into the cloth that had wrapped it while looking up at Jack as he stood. While he spoke, her stare could only be described as gentle despite her monotone expression. The expressiveness her eyes displayed was something Jack seemed to have a soft spot for; he couldn't help but smile back at her. He hadn't seen eyes as profound as hers in a long time...

  "You really do remind me of my daughter, young lady. I don't know how to explain it but you just do." He said. Liariana blinking confused but not saying anything back to him, instead giving a very slight yet a thankful nod for his gift in return before looking back down to tend to her bandages. Jack wasn't going to press her for any conversation; she still seemed closed off and unsure about a lot of things, he could tell. Her nod of thanks though was all he needed to see that she was slowly warming up to him. Turning to head back out, he waved over his shoulder as he passed the threshold of the doorway. Liariana tightens the wrappings around her palms in silence as she listened to him depart.

  After he left, and she was by her lonesome again, Liariana would occasionally look from her wrappings to the sword gifted to her. Her features at peace with the blissful silence around her and the occasional chatter from the others outside the building. However sometime later she couldn't help but feel a growing sensation in the back of her head that made her feel uneasy, if only slightly. Like a bad feeling of foreboding were creeping up across her spine, her gaze turning to the window as she turned off the lantern. The full moon shining bright as ever, the dark skies cloudless and peaceful and the air gentle and serene. Getting up to go look out the window to try and ease the feeling of something upsetting her, she gazed out at the broken fountain in the courtyard while tracing the small scar left by Blade over the bridge of her nose.

  He gave his word he wouldn't pursue her again while she was within the city walls, Jack also had his community throw off any further mercenaries coming for her with rumors she'd left the city already too. Yet, why did she still feel like she should be on edge? This feeling wasn't from Jack despite her initial thoughts, he'd genuinely given the feeling he meant her no harm and could be trusted. Blade didn't seem like one to fall out of his word either, so why had she been suddenly feeling as if she were being hunted again? Her eyes staring at the sky, she eventually wrote it off as she were over thinking. Sighing quietly as she departed from the window to return to her cot and idle away the night again.

  If only she knew... of what was to come in the near future...

  "Wren, huh?" The stranger from the rooftop hummed to herself as she stood in a dark alley with arms crossed over her chest and predatory eyes focused on the sign welcoming all to the Archive Group. Her figure blanketed by the dark shadow of the complex cast over her, hiding her from view of the dispersing students of the Group clearing the courtyard to head home and emptying out the grounds. Her hood pulled away revealing beautiful features once more as she exhaled quietly, pressing off the wall as she disappeared into the alleyway to take a more indirect approach to her target.

  "Time to finally meet the man of the hour."

  To Catch a Predator

  The Challenger Chapter Forty-Four: To Catch a Predator

  Knock. Knock. Knock!

  "You may enter." Wren's raspy and decrepit voice echoed as his head remained lowered, focusing on the pages of a thick, black leather book opened across the enchanted table. His aged grey hair tangled and matted as it framed his narrow features, bland hued eyes of brown scanning text as porcelain pale features reflected the dim hued lights of magic floating above him like dancing embers. He was dressed in a long, baggy white hooded robes that looked reminiscent of a clergyman; frail and thin limbs and wrinkled skin a constant reminder of how old this man must be.

  The door creaked open upon hearing his acceptance; Dal stepping in politely and quietly and closing it behind her. Her long, pretty cyan hued hair tied in a messy pony-tail with stray locks still falling from it. Her same colored eyes reminiscent of Wrain's but a richer blue in color compared to his along with her hair being a more vibrant shade as well. Sun kissed and thin figured physique dressed in an overlying black cardigan, navy blue undershirt, dark Capri pants and laced boots; her eyes looking towards her Group Master while she closed the door behind her and cleared her throat.

  "All of the students have left and I cleaned up the library as you asked. Did you need anything else from me before I go?" Her voice lacked any hint of desperation to leave or annoyance at having stayed so long. In fact it remained genuinely warm and gentle, as if she were still willing to sacrifice her free time to aid the man reading before her. Wren glanced up briefly, their gazes meeting before he chuckled quietly and closed his eyes all while gently shaking his head.

  "Ah Dal, you truly are one of a kind among people. I highly adore your gentle nature and genuine compassion for helping this old man out. You are not needed to do anything else, go enjoy the rest of your time and then some." He responded turning back to his reading. Dal blinking a bit caught off guard by his show of gratitude, he was rarely one to just outright admire her as he did. Nevertheless the smile that came across her features though vague, expressed how much his words meant to her. It was like getting praised by the King himself in her eyes.

  "It is no problem at all! I'm happy to be a part of this Group and help you with anything you so desire." She bowed respectfully before waving and turning to take her leave. As her hand gripped the door handle to push it open however, Wren had one more thing to ask her. He had to pick her brain a bit to satiate a sudden curiosity.

  "Before you go, Dal, I want to ask you a very interesting question. Your response is of great value to me and I'm very interested in knowing your thoughts about it." Wren pulled his hands which supported his weight via leaning on them off the table; hooking them around his back as he traversed around the circular table to approach her. Dal shifting her head curiously and w
ithdrawing her fingers from the knob to turn and face him once more; her arms moving to rest within the confines of her cardigan as she responded.

  "Yes, what is sir?" She asked with an inflection of curiosity to her words. Wren stopping his walking once he were on the side of the table closest to her and resting his rear on the rim of the table. His eyes watching her carefully yet calmly as a few passing seconds of silence graced them, and he popped the question. His voice dry and cracked with each word.

  "Jonath and Liariana, what do you think about the two of them? Tell me your thoughts, don't be afraid."

  Dal blinked, her gaze showing such a question indeed out there and spontaneous; she didn't know how to even collect her thoughts to give a correct response off the bat. However this confusion settled and faded sooner than later; Dal now cupping her chin with her left as she hummed in thought briefly. What did she think about Jon and Liariana, why did Wren seem curious about this?

  "You've really been interested in the both of them ever since they came for that contract haven't you? I've never seen you so curious about people before off the bat like this." She said in a formal and cordial tone of voice lowering her hand back to its pocket. Her soft hued eyes widening slightly in recollection as she looked off to the side focusing on that artifact Liariana gave Wren. It was still off in the corner, encased in an enchanted glass prism marked with strange symbols like an art project. Liariana's visage appearing in her mind first, the image of the Yelkath warranting a suddenly narrowed and hesitant furrow. That woman was...

  "Liariana is a Yelkath, right? I can't say anything much about her as I don't really know her, but from the vibes she gives me I feel she's a bit of a colder existence. Her eyes, that gaze of hers gives that feeling of emptiness that just rubs me the wrong way. Like I'm looking at a doll void of emotion. Make no mistake she is really beautiful from her hair to even her complexion and facial structure it's just her eyes... I feel as though she could kill with a look alone if she were mad." She felt uncomfortable just thinking about them the longer she mulled over it.

  "Her eyes just give a foreboding, ominous aesthetic that she has done some horrible things in her past and it's made her numb to the world. When she told us Jonath was dead it was as if she didn't care in the slightest nor felt like she even attempted to try to help him." She paused again taking a deep breath. Wren the entire time saying nothing, just watching her carefully with his thoughts unknown from his expression. A few more seconds passed, Dal shifting her weight to her right foot now as she thought about Jon.

  "As for what I think about Jon well... I can't say much on him either, we don't really know each other yet." She trailed off trying to find the right words to accurately describe him to Wren. "He's a bit of a lost one to me in all honesty though. He seems conflicted, I can tell it in his eyes when I look into them. Nothing but a swirling chaos of uncertainty and hesitation behind that calm, cool demeanor he tries to showcase when we talk. I'd compare him to someone who is just trying to follow everything in stride; he's a unique one, I suppose. I feel calmer around him than with Liariana. Kelarin seems to find his presence nice as well." She hummed again looking back to Wren with a calm shrug of the shoulders. "Why do you want to know this, if you don't mind me asking?"

  Wren quickly waved his bony right hand through the air dismissively as he exhaled the dry, stale air of the atmosphere around with a cough. Standing with a creak of his old bones to walk back around the table and fixate his eyes back on his text. Dal craning her head perplexed by him, he was strange as always. What went on in his head was always puzzling to try understanding. Cryptic questions and responses a staple in his speech patterns.

  "No important reason, dear." Wren said nonchalant, flipping a page as he did. "Was just curious about them. As you've noticed it's rare that I find such people as interesting as them; I can't help but crave knowing the impressions they give others. As always though your knack for discerning the vibes of one person just by gazing into their eyes is a fine gift indeed. Are you certain you aren't a Nightborn with a power for this?" He chuckled which brought about a light smile from Dal along with a disagreeing head shake.

  "I'm honored you think so highly of my thoughts sir. However I'm afraid I'm not a Nightborn so I can't possibly be as interesting as those two in your eyes." She joked playfully brushing off her lack of any special powers. Wren scoffing at the thought of her berating herself as he looked up from his text with a disbelieving glare. Dal immediately sensing his disapproval of her words and sheepishly looking away from him, avoiding eye contact like a child who knew they were in trouble.

  "Come now child, do not belittle yourself as you do. I value your existence just as much if not more than either of those two. You have been a favorite of mine ever since we met all those years ago. Do not undersell your importance to me." His words riddled with a slight scolding tone that Dal immediately discerned and silently acknowledged. Correcting herself with a clear of the throat and another formal nod of submission. He was right, she shouldn't talk like that.

  "Right sir, I do apologise, I was merely trying to stay humble." She said softly, opening her eyes once more and pulling hands from pockets to play around with the bangs that framed her face momentarily. "At any rate, you said that I am free correct? I do not wish to further distract you from your reading. I know you have an important contract coming up again yes?" She paused. Wren nodding briefly without looking up again.

  "Yes, this one will be much more crucial than the last that I sent those two on. We'll need more people to help with security and escorts, more capable people, mind you. I do not wish to receive help from the Mercenary Group this time, however." He cupped his chin in his right as he spoke, his eyes scanning the text while he talked. "I've decided to give another group a chance at showing some promise; one more catered to the kind that I find most interesting." He couldn't help but smirk as he thought about the future events to unfold. Dal staring momentarily lost before catching wind of where he was getting at.

  "You mean Nightborn? Are you referring to the Blackwater facility?" Dal asked with a tilt of her head. "Isn't that place more like a rehabilitation center for those who have delinquent histories or orphans and the like?" She asked a bit wary of his decision. Blackwater to her knowledge was more of a wild card than a shoe in when it came to contract success. It's why most people usually go to the Mercenary Group when they need hired muscles. Not all of them are Nightborn but they're a lot more reliable and consistent in their duties. Then again, the Nightborn that were a part of that Group were usually too busy to play bodyguard to a lowly scholar.

  "One can not show they have been properly repaired if they do not have the means to prove so child. I have high hopes for these candidates I will be receiving in due time for our little expedition. I already know who I'm going to send personally to look at these ruins too." The old man said in a much more calm, yet honed tone. Quietly looking up from his book again, staring at Dal or more so, the direction of Dal. His sudden narrowing of brown eyes at her direction made the young woman think she did something wrong. Her suspicions brushed off when Wren cleared his throat and once again gestured she was free to go.

  "At any rate, everything will be fine. Please now child, go enjoy your night in peace; have much work to do." He said a bit more urgently. Another short pause, Dal nodding slowly before waving slightly and turning to take her leave. The door creaking open as she stepped out and turned to face him again while pulling it closed.

  "Well, I'll see you tomorrow sir. Please don't work yourself too hard, remember you're still kind of old." She said concerned before the door closed and the man was left all by his lonesome at long last. He listened to Dal's footsteps fading away into nothing for the longest; only exhaling when he was sure she was completely out of the building and off the grounds. Calmly, and quietly, he reached his hands out to the black textbook on the enchanted table and closed it. Dust blowing off the leatherback cover as he stashed it away under the desk and stood erect wit
h a calm inhale and exhale. Eventually, he'd turn around with his back now facing the table and by extension the double doors that allowed entry to his study. Eyes closing and hands locking together over his lower area in stride, he awaited in the silence.

  It was good that Dal left when she did. Who knows how long they would have kindly waited...

  The doors creaked open ever slowly, almost foreboding in movement. A figure, tall and beautiful garbed in a black hooded robe stepped in closing the door behind her. Unlike when Dal left, not a single sound was heard from this stranger as she made her way up the stairs to his domain. How polite that she had waited until Dal had left the premises.

  The door shut with a soft thud, silence settling as this stranger stared across the room from the confines of her hood at him. Her long, lustrous black hair darker than a starless night as soft glowing, slit red eyes gave a nonchalant, yet predatory stare as pale features barely could be made out under the guise of her garb. Without a doubt, she wasn't invited, the bifurcated Eastern blade attached to her back remaining in its sheathing. This raising a bit of curiosity in Wren as he cleared his throat to speak to the foreigner.

  "I was aware one was stalking me, this building is of course enchanted with sensory runes of the finest calibre. What I didn't expect, however, is that you would not only be kind enough to wait for my pupil to leave safely... but you would not assassinate me even when my back's turned?" He couldn't help but chuckle amused at the weirdness of the situation he was in; turning to lay his gaze upon the beautiful young woman whom now had reached up to pull off her hood and show her eerily familiar features. Those glowing, primordial red eyes, ghostly pale skin and long beautiful spiky and disheveled hair that trailed down to her waistline. The relationship was immediately noticed, a smile etching across Wren's features as the cold and apathetic gaze of this woman met his own. Said woman reaching up to brush away the thick bangs that threatened to shroud the right side of her features from view. Her beauty was intoxicating... just like...


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