The Challenger

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The Challenger Page 54

by Harlon Banks

  "Watch out!" A man's voice cried in vigor! Jonath and this man skidding across the floor as crates exploded into splinters spilling their contents and tossing sawdust and dust into the air. A thick cloud of disturbed residue fuming over the shed, no doubt that noise drew attention with how loud it was. Great, now people were going to think Jonath was the reason for that accident... What a surprise. Groaning while he sat up rubbing his scalp with pale right hand, Jonath grimaced in expression. One eye open and narrowed as he stared into space for a moment. That fucking hurt...

  "It's like I can't catch a break from my bullshit luck... Ow!" He groaned still staring at the floor between his outstretched legs. A light-colored hand suddenly moving into his field of vision from the left, Jonath noticing extremely long strands of... Dark purple hair too? What the hell?

  "Sorry about tackling you; it just kind of happened. I doubt that falling cargo would have killed a Nightborn but it'd still hurt like crazy, am I right?" That voice spoke to him again, sounding lively and different from the tones Jonath was used to hearing from people at this point. It reminded him of Kelarin for a moment... The amnesic blinking to collect his bearings and glancing up to a tall man with slim frame, chiseled musculature and lightly tanned skin tone. His long dark hued hair that caught Jonath's eye a moment earlier tied back into an extremely long pony-tail that came to his knees, kept together with a silver ornament. The front of his hair short and spiky and jutting out haphazardly over his forehead and accentuating that all too familiar at this point, 'pleasing' aesthetic Melissa talked about that Nightborn possessed. His attire a simple shirt that matched his hair color exactly and blue jeans with sneakers.

  Jonath's pale eyes stared at the sapphire blues of this stranger, still out of it a bit. He wondered where the hell this guy just came from, let alone why he'd never seen him before among the Nightborn. Wait, he was a Nightborn, wasn't he? Seeing how the silver-haired amnesic just continued to stare confused, the new arrival withdrew his hand and took a few steps back to give him space. Not seeming at all offended or repulsed by the lack of acceptance of his help. He guessed he should introduce himself to make things less weird.

  "Oh ya forgot my manners given the situation that had just happened. My name is Thrain, nicknamed 'The Painter'! What do you say we go ahead and bail out of here before the soldiers come thinking you made this mess yeah?" He cracked a wide, goofy smile at Jonath. The amnesic still on the ground just staring confused.

  Who was this guy!?

  The Painter's Reveal

  The Challenger Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Painter's Reveal!

  Jonath and Thrain walked through the multi-structured facility as a pair, most of the back ways empty and sparse. No soldiers, no Nightborn, nothing. Though it made sense in hindsight given how well secured this place was fundamentally coupled with its hidden away site. Odds of some random seige were borderline non-existent. Still, it was a bit jarring how there were so many blind spots with the cameras and searchlights all around. No wonder Melissa tried to flat-out murder him behind the barracks a couple of days ago.

  The air was pleasant against the skin... The night was long...

  Regardless of that unpleasant interaction, Jonath had to deal with the guy walking next to him now. Slightly panning his soft hued eyes over to Thrain as they walked. The stranger casually humming a tune to himself while hands stayed in his pockets and his step remained carefree as ever. Jonath couldn't erase the question from his mind of why he'd never seen this guy around until now. They looked around the same age, maybe Thrain was physically a tad older. His appearance was rather estranged from the usual too so he most likely was a Nightborn. His eyes then quickly noted the man's strange skin tone. Tanned skin? in a land cursed by an eternal night? Was he a foreigner? He had to be; the moon didn't tan skin as far as he knew.

  "You said earlier you were on your way to see Min too, right?" The amnesic asked with a slightly curious inflection to his calm tone. Thrain glancing sapphire blues over at him for just a split second and nodding twice, keeping that friendly smile. Jonath hoped he didn't have to get used to being around this guy. That smiling and all around friendly attitude felt kind of off to him. Especially considering how everyone else he's met here had a much more, solemn or relaxed vibe about them. Well except for Kayda but she wasn't acting like Thrain, or well, she didn't overdo it. Then again Thrain probably didn't mean to overdo it either. Why was this such an odd interaction Jonath didn't even really know himself.

  "That's right, been meaning to meet up with her so she could introduce me to the people I'd be on a mission with soon." Thrain responded crossing his arms over his chest while they walked. Jonath suddenly stopping cold in his tracks, pale eyes sharpened in the wide stare of disbelief they had on Thrain's backside now. Thrain not noticing Jonath had fallen behind in step until he just so happened to see his dark purple ponytail end tap at his knee. Looking down rather confused for a moment, grabbing the extremely long hair and holding it up to eye level with a squint next.

  "... I need to snip this a bit. Used to be mid back length now it's really at my knee. Can't believe I haven't really paid attention to this yet haha!" He chuckled, crystal blue eyes looking next at a silver-haired amnesic's shell-shocked stare into space. "Uhh, you okay?" He quipped questioningly. Jonath snapping out of his trance of revelation and quickly hand waving what just happened with him using a forced, closed eyed smile and a unnerved tone.

  "Oh yeah yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine." He insisted as another breeze whistled through the air and blew their bangs with the wind. Thrain blinking twice, then shrugging and gesturing they get back to it. His long hair sweeping back down to his knees while hands went back into pockets and he looked away. Jonath couldn't believe his luck; whether that luck was good or bad though he didn't even know. Mission, was he talking about...

  Jonath just kept quiet, calming his nerves while keeping hands in pockets too now. Taking a few deep breaths and just trying to relax.

  "Melissa, Kelgard, Thrain... and me... Are we the four Black label candidate's Min had in mind?"

  That question floated in his mind as he followed Thrain. Only halfway paying attention to the older man's comments towards him that equated really to just small talk to try and make things less awkward. What a strange guy this one was.

  A few minutes later...

  "Here we are! At least, I think it is the tent she said she'd be at? All these things look the same sometimes." Thrain scratched his chin with furrowed brow. The two standing outside of a large dark-colored camo military tent on the other side of the campus and surrounded by cargo crates and cases. The search lights flashing over the two momentarily as they cut a path across the grounds. Jonath glancing here and there taking note of the few soldiers chatting and walking about taking it easy. Sometimes this place really felt more like a high security military base over a rehabilitation center. Then again with the amount of Nightborn here that could start a riot on a whim, it made much more sense why these grunts were packing assault rifles. Even made more sense now why Min was always strapped with multiple pistols to her legs and chest. Kind of badass of an image too, he supposed.

  "You two can come in. No idea why you're both standing out there like idiots." Min's familiar voice cracked the ambient sounds of the night. Jonath and Thrain exchanging glances with opposing expressions before the latter haphazardly poked his head into the tent. The amnesic almost face palming... Ugh.

  Stepping into the cozy tent the two young men would be met with Min sitting on top of a large metal table dead center of the interior. The tent sparsely furnished and lacking any chairs. Dressed in typical militia attire as usual with her arms resting over crossed legs, looking pleasantly surprised to see the two. Jonath in particularly getting a look from her before she casually shifted her attention back to Thrain.

  "Color me surprised to see the both of you have met before I had the pleasure of introducing you myself." Her words were fluid and nonchalantly content. Thrain having a small r
evelation in his head before stealing a glance towards Jonath. His features soon creasing with a disbelieving smile! It all made sense now!

  "Oh darn, you are one of the ones I'm going to be working with after all huh? Neato!" He exclaimed keeping his overly friendly undertones. Jonath groaning a bit inside his mind, nodding next at Min in a way that gave the impression he kind of didn't want to go through with this anymore. The bronze-skinned overseer chuckling loudly finding their entire dynamic quite humorous to view. Gesturing with her hand over to Thrain while she assured Jonath the man's intentions were good.

  "I know he's a bit of a phenomena given the types you've interacted with here in the short time you've been around, but Thrain is good people. Having him around on your mission to the ruins would be a great asset and keep things from feeling too depressing and grim yeah?" She flashed a warm smile towards Jonath. That simple gesture throwing him off again, yet not in the same way as Thrain. Her smile felt... genuinely comfortable. Did she really have that much trust in this man? Compared to how she acted when talking about Kelgard this indeed hinted at her having very different expectations of her disciples.

  "Anyway..." He trailed off a few seconds while pale eyes looked over at an empty, open steel container along the wall. "I've decided that I'm going to tag along and join the expedition too after all." He added on when he made eye contact with Min again. His words sparking a glint of excitement in her eyes never shown before, seems she enjoyed hearing that. Before he could say anything else though that was when she hopped off the table. Hands pushing against her lower back applying pressure while her head tilted back as well and she stretched.

  "I'm so glad you said that! Because now I can finally move on with part two of the set up on sending you all out." She sounded relieved to finally be able to move on now that she had Jonath's answer. Never was the type to like having everything settled last minute.

  Her words made Jonath furrow a brow and sort of regret his answer. What did she mean by that? The woman's golden eyes fixating on his again, hands reaching up to push back raven black bangs of hair from her mature and pretty features. Thrain keeping that same smile and quietness while he crossed his arms over his chest. Turning sapphire blue eyes to look at Jonath with anticipation. Min cocking a finger up in the air as she elaborated with that same smile she shot him earlier across her lips.

  "Word came back an hour or so ago from the Mercenary Group. We had a couple of their more powerful members go scout out the entrance of the ruins at the foot of the Astral Mountains to see how dangerous it was. Didn't want to send you all to your untimely deaths you know?" She chuckled continuing on before either of the boys could answer her rhetoric. "Since we already called dibs on exploration thanks to Wren they couldn't go too far into the ruins but... they did discover some hostile company waiting for them." Her tone grew rather serious near the end, eyes showing all casual intent earlier having faded. Jonath narrowing his eyes in return at her, a few seconds of silence...

  "What kind of hostiles did they find?" Thrain asked in a more serious tone of his own while still maintaining the demeanor of everything would be okay either way. Min shooting him a quick glance as she responded.


  Jonath's heart nearly skipped a beat and the room's entire vibe darkened. What!?

  "You mean like zombies?" Thrain furrowed a brow in disbelief. Min giving him a so-so gesture with her hand and continuing to explain. "If so that's nothing to be concerned about don't you think?"

  "Yes they are in the sense of being undead. However they are not slow lumbering idiots of the type you read in stories or see in movies. These undead are vicious and quite dangerous. Granted they were dealt with easily by themselves with the experienced mercenaries we had check it out they got exponentially more troublesome when they were in groups." She paused, canting her head in thought before shrugging with arms raised up momentarily to reassure the two. "The bulk of them were slain and purified by Emala Sadowyn of the Mercenary Group. I'm sure you know who that is Thrain?" She asked. The lavender haired Nightborn nodding promptly while Jonath just blinked. Emala? Was that someone else he'd meet in the future?

  "Yeah I've heard of her. So I'm guessing we had a bit of a load taken off our hands with her and hers clearing out most of the undead?" He inquired.

  "Aye. The entrance and a bit further in isn't as dangerous as it was before after they cleaned house, but they didn't go too far in. Remember this is a rehabilitation operation before it is an expedition for us. We want to show that ours have control and capacity just like those of the Mercenary Group and the Royal Guard. If we manage to successfully clear out this place and retrieve something valuable for Wren the Nightborn here will have that much better of a reputation." She snapped her fingers. Thrain closing his eyes and nodding sagely as he kept crossed arms.

  "Yet you still want to make sure you aren't putting us in too much danger by sending us out there. I can respect you for that miss Min. I believe me and the crew can get the job done even if it's just the four of us eh Ghosty boy?" Thrain smirked nudging Jonath in the side. The platinum-haired Nightborn glaring at him suddenly in clear distaste. Did he just call him...

  "Ghosty boy? The hell?" He growled annoyed. Min couldn't even fully stifle the abrupt snort that came after hearing such a ridiculous nickname. Thrain shrugging as if what he said was an honest attempt at being friendly.

  "What? You don't like it? I mean you have the spiky silver hair, pale skin and vague glowing eyes and you wear all black. You're a ghost boy!" He nodded matter of fact again. Jonath's left eye visibly twitching as he stared at him irritated. Min covering her mouth now trying not to laugh and keep some professional attitude but it was getting too much. Ghosty boy was so ridiculous to even think about let alone say it aloud.

  "How about you don't call me that? My name is Jonath." The amnesic growled pinching the bridge of his nose. Ugh... What was it with people trying to give him nicknames. Thrain tilting his head a moment, staring at Jonath and in thought before he shook his head in disagreement.

  "That name sounds rather badass I won't lie but I like Ghosty boy more. However in respect of you I won't call you that. How about Pasty Boy since you're pale? Or Edgy Boy since you look like the brooding type? Give me something to work with?" He looked back at him again. Jonath visibly gripping clumps of his hair in quiet, yet growing exasperation. Why was this guy such an irritant to him he didn't know... He was starting to get a pretty clear hint though.

  "No. If you don't want to call me Jonath you can call me Jon. That's what everyone else does." He groaned in heavy sigh. Thrain quiet again, then giving the thumbs up.

  "Jon sounds good then too. You can call me The O if Thrain doesn't float your boat too." He cracked a smug smile.

  Min lost her humored expression and just shot Thrain a straight face. Jonath had a massive deadpan across his features too. If only Thrain could feel the disappointment that ran rampant through the minds of those two.

  "I think I just had an aneurysm." Min said pinching her nose in disgust.

  "Likewise." Jonath responded.

  "Pfft oh come on I know for a fact you internally at least got a giggle out of that!" Thrain huffed a bit insulted. Min shooting him a dry stare of denial before just shaking her head and forgetting about it. Time was of the essence and they had to get back on track. Sensing the change of her attitude again, both the Nightborn cut the banter and regained their composure. Min clearing her throat and putting hands on hips while continuing where she left off.

  "Anyway as I was saying, we need to make sure you all are capable of handling the task at hand. I know you and Kelgard are capable of handling yourselves just fine given your history... However..." She trailed off again and looked at Jonath. The amnesic swallowing his growing anxiety while eyes remained sharp and unmoving and posture lax. Couldn't show them he was second guessing himself again...

  "Melissa has shown she's worth some salt as a Black label in her fight against Wrain, however I want
to do a quality check on her and you as well. Don't want to give her too much faith off that surprise outcome in the sparring match and I don't want to put you in a place where you may not be as capable as I imagine yet. You both need a bit more in the way of field exposure."

  Jonath didn't like where this was going...

  "I need to make sure you both are capable of being up to par with Thrain and Kelgard in the long run on this mission. So I plan to let them both be the judges of it for me." Min glanced again at Thrain whom nodded calmly at her in acknowledgement. Golden eyes then looking back into Jonath's as the amnesic decided to just go on and get her to say what she were getting at.

  "So what do you have in mind?" He asked, already dreading the fact he could guess the answer already. Min confirming his fears when she smirked and gestured with outstretched arms in welcoming to his question.

  "One final spar and a show of your potential for teamwork! A tag team battle between of you and Melissa versus Kelgard and Thrain!"


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