All it Took Was You

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All it Took Was You Page 24

by Ali Vali


  I know it’s a little dirty and it needs a little work (that’s what the checkbook is for), but I saw this place and it was as close to perfect as I was going to find. The seat you are swinging on now was the clincher for me, sort of like fate or destiny.

  People come to me and expect me to fix what ails them, and every so often I am able to pull a rabbit out of my hat of tricks, but there was only one cure for what ailed me for the longest time and that was you. You complete the person that I am, and no material thing I could ever buy you, could repay you for that. My wish is that you fix this place so that it becomes a reflection of who you are, a place that will give wings to the dreams you have inside. Whatever it looks like in the end, I’m sure that it will pale in comparison to the beauty you have both inside and out.

  Have fun always, and always know that whatever you try in life, no matter how scary, look right behind you and there you will always find me. Thank you baby for what you have brought into my life, I love you with all that I am and that will be the one constant in my life.

  The name of the place I will leave up to you, just as long as it’s not Tony’s Place so tell him to forget it. Now get busy, there are some people in the front who want to meet you. Oh, one more thing, happy birthday my love.


  Desi wiped her face but was still having trouble seeing past the tears in her eyes. With the letter clutched to her chest with one hand she accepted the tissue Stephen was holding out for her with the other. "Thanks."

  "You’re welcome. Could you tell the good doctor that less dust next time would be better for my allergies?"

  "Hey, aren’t you supposed to be fixing my roof?"

  "I’ll be fixing your roof, remodeling your house, bringing this place back to life as well as a couple of other projects Harry has lined up for me. By the end she’ll accuse us of having an affair we’ll be spending so much time together."

  "Not a chance buddy."

  "Can’t blame a guy for trying." Stephen laughed as Desi folded her letter and tucked it into the book Harry had left for her. The two talked as they walked back to the front so that Desi could sign some papers Georgia had ready for her.

  "Will the landlord mind if we make extensive renovations?" Desi asked Georgia as the other woman pointed out places for her to sign.

  "I don’t know, will you?"

  "Will I what?"

  "Mind making extensive renovations?" Georgia smiled waiting for her statement to sink in.

  "I’m the landlord?"

  "Only technically if you rent to someone else, in our business you are called the owner. Well, you will be called the owner as soon as you crack open that checkbook and write me a check. I believe Harry filled it out for you, but it needs your signature to make it valid." Georgia pointed to the large binder under Desi’s arm. The bank called a couple of days later to verify the signature since Desi’s hand was shaking so badly, but Georgia handed her the title as soon as she had signed granting her ownership of the building and the swing.

  They spent the rest of the morning going over just the basics of what had to be done on both places before June and Bobbie stopped by to pick up Jack for a four-hour baby-sitting job. Harry’s parents had wanted to take them all out to dinner as a celebration, but understood when Harry had told them her plans for the night.

  Desi dropped her parents off at their hotel with Jack and all his stuff before heading to the hospital to pick up Harry. She slid over to the passenger side when she saw Harry coming out the emergency room entrance. Her partner had changed back into the jeans and sweater she had left with that morning, adding only one thing to her outfit. In one hand she carried a long stemmed pink rose, the shade that was Desi’s favorite.

  Harry hadn’t gotten her door all the way closed when Desi launched herself across the seat and kissed her until Harry’s lungs were burning. "Gosh if this is how you react when I buy tons of real estate, we may have to go apartment hunting tomorrow."

  "Doc have I ever told you, you are the most romantic person in the world?" Desi asked the question as she ran her index finger along Harry’s bottom lip. It wasn’t six weeks yet, but she didn’t care if she ruptured something, Harry was getting lucky tonight.

  "I believe no, you have not told me that before, but hold that thought, you may change your mind." Desi frowned not wanting to do anything not fun before they had to go and pick up Jack.

  Harry drove them to the new house they had purchased that morning and walked Desi to the front door. After Desi had unlocked it Harry swept her up into her arms and carried her across the threshold. She indicated for Desi to lock it from the inside before they ventured further into the house. In the master bedroom there was a mattress on the floor covered in pink rose petals, an iced bottle of apple cider next to it and dozens of burning candles sprinkled throughout the room.

  "You expected me to change my mind?" asked Desi going back to their conversation in the car.

  "I was shooting for universe, but if the world is as good as I’m going to get, I’ll have to settle." Harry let her down slowly until Desi was standing on her feet again. She pulled off the leather jacket Desi had on slowly and dropped it to the ground. Harry stood behind her and ran just her fingertips up Desi’s arms in a slow soft touch that left goose bumps in their path. "I want so badly to touch you."

  "Yes." It was an answer as well as a plea from Desi. Harry moved her hands from her arms to her stomach, sliding them up just as slow until they cupped breasts that were full and heavy to the touch even though Desi had just fed Jack. When she gently pinched the nipples that had become erect, Desi fell back against her. "Please Harry, touch me."

  It seemed like it had been years since they had been together but Harry wanted it to last so she undressed Desi with gentle unhurried movements. For every piece of clothing she would take off her partner, Harry would remove one of her own until she got to her pants. When Harry reached to undo her own belt, a naked Desi turned around and pushed her hands away. "No let me baby." The tone of her voice and the sureness of her hands told Harry what Desi wanted.

  Desi followed the pants and underwear to the floor until they pooled at Harry’s feet. She didn’t want to wait any more so she pushed Harry back until she landed flat on her back on the mattress. The force of her landing made the rose petals fly up momentarily making Harry laugh as Desi unlaced her shoes. The laughter ended abruptly when Desi buried her head between Harry’s legs and sucked in a very alert part of Harry’s body without warning.

  "Oh my god." You can lie to yourself and say you can do without the touch of the person you love when it isn’t possible for them to provide it, but it doesn’t mean you don’t miss it. In that first touch Harry knew how much she had craved it. With long steady strokes of her tongue, Desi was driving her crazy. When she added her fingers into the mix, Desi held on to one of Harry’s ankles for the ride of a lifetime. She could feel the orgasm start as the warm walls surrounding her fingers tightened their hold and Harry was beyond words. At the end Harry just grabbed a fistful of short blonde hair and held Desi in place.

  As ripples of excitement were still coursing through her body Harry flipped Desi onto her back and pinned her to the bed. When she pressed her lips to Desi’s mouth she could taste herself there and it only drove her to want to do the same to her partner. "Please baby now." Desi wanted Harry to touch her but she felt so good stretched out over her like she was. She could feel the hours Harry had spent in the gym trying to pass weeks of time where she couldn’t be doing this in the muscles rippling through her back and butt. Desi kept her hands on Harry’s body as it moved further south on the mattress then let out a small moan when Harry had found her mark.

  "I want you to go inside lover." Harry’s tongue felt great but it was time to feel all of what she wanted. Desi was climbing to the place Harry had just been, and the doctor only pushed her up higher when she took the hard nub and sucked it into her mouth as far as it would go before stopping.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Harry honey, this isn’t a really good time for me to stop and have a conversation with you. You’ll just have to trust me on this one, and do whatever I tell you to. Do that, and you won’t get hurt." Harry went back to where she was before she stopped slowly running her finger around the slick opening that was trying to do some sucking in of its own. "Please don’t tease me Harry, I’ve waited long enough."

  Harry went slow, controlling the pace no matter how much Desi wanted to speed them up. Desi was still healing, so Harry kept her touch slow and gentle while her tongue and lips were anything but. It was the combination of the two that drove her to come with such force that it reduced her to tears. Harry always worried when that happened, but Desi assured her they were just an overload of emotions, good emotions.

  Being careful, Harry crawled back up to Desi and gathered her up into a hug. "I love you baby."

  "Even after the last couple of days we’ve been through, I am so happy. Having you love me does that for me, my goal is to love you a little more every day."

  "I can’t ask for anything more than that."


  "Just one thing." Harry picked up one hand and held a finger in the air.


  "I want you to name a bowl after me." Desi laughed so hard that it started her tears over again. It was one of the best things about being Harry’s lover. She could take you from mind numbing orgasms to laughing over stupid things in a matter of minutes. In all their time together, Desi had always looked forward to this part of their relationship. The special part that made them unique, that was theirs alone not even shared with friends. Here she got to know a Harry that no one else saw, it made Desi feel special in that, it was a part of her partner belonging only to her.

  "Is that all you want?" Desi sat up and straddled Harry leaning back on her upraised legs trying to give her other ideas that did not involve bowls.

  "I don’t know, something is starting to come to me." Harry ran her hands up Desi’s legs until they came to rest on her hips. Desi looked down into smoky blue eyes before putting her own hands under her breasts.

  "They sure do miss you."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Harry, I know you’ve been dying to try, so go for it." Desi felt the abdominal muscles she was sitting on tighten as Harry folded her body into a sitting position to accept Desi’s invitation. "Well?" She asked after Harry had brought her nipples to rock hard attention.

  "My boy’s got good taste. It reminds me of the sauce they pour over the white chocolate bread pudding at the Palace Café." Desi smiled at the analogy knowing that in a few years Harry would introduce Jack to plate licking after dessert just like she had with Serena’s son Butch.

  "I’d like to think I have good taste as well honey, and I’m in the mood for something other than bread pudding."

  "Really, do tell?" Harry gave the left nipple a soft bite before lying back down. Desi didn’t verbally answer as she positioned Harry’s hand under her. She got on her knees for a moment so when she slid down, Harry had filled her up.

  "Move your thumb over a bit honey."

  "With pleasure my love."

  "You have no idea." Desi bit her bottom lip as Harry positioned her fingers just right making her want to move. Harry held her other hand up and Desi entwined their fingers, leaned forward and continued the slow torturous rocking of her hips. She wanted to enjoy the exquisite feeling while she could, even though in the end Desi knew she never could hold out.

  The position allowed Desi the freedom to move at the pace she chose, but feeling Harry in her and under her always drove her to a frenzied pace at the end. The end that was coming way too soon, but still felt just as good.

  "Harry do you have any clue how good you are at that?" Desi had been lowered slowly back onto Harry’s chest by big comforting hands, and it had taken her a while to get her breathing back to normal.

  Harry kissed Desi’s damp forehead and pulled the blanket over both of them. The candles were putting out a good amount of heat but she didn’t want to take the chance Desi would get sick. "I’m glad you think so baby."

  "What happens now honey?" Desi’s head was propped up on her laced fingers so she could look into Harry’s eyes while she talked to her.

  "We move in here for as long as the house takes, you and Tony work on the gallery and we go back to that living happily ever after thing we had going."

  "Are you happy honey?"

  "Yes, I am. I was thinking about that as I was pounding on Byron." Desi laughed and arched her eyebrows up after what Harry had said. Thinking about happiness and breaking someone’s bones didn’t make sense to her.

  "What were you thinking about during all that lover?"

  "I’m confident that you don’t think I’m a violent person unless my family is in danger." Desi nodded her head in agreement so Harry would continue. "The thought of how wonderful you are to me and how happy you make me, made me want to hurt him for making you so miserable. It would have killed me if you had found what we share with someone else, but my head would have known you were happy."

  "But not your heart." Desi tapped the chest below her.

  "That’s right, not my heart. Byron, had he really loved you, would have let you go to find your happiness. That’s what I try to do and it makes me happy in return. I want a life with you where we are both free to grow and continue to do the things we love to do. That way, when we blend those together it will always provide a firm foundation to whatever life we build together."

  Desi kissed Harry’s chest over her heart not needing to add anything else. It wouldn’t matter what happened with Byron, the house or anything else, she had Harry and that balanced the scales.

  Comments to: [email protected]

  * * *

  All It Took Was You


  Ali Vali

  Part 9

  The resident could feel it. If she kept looking at him, he was going to break out into a sweat. His contemporaries were praying silently that Bruce would come up with the answer to Harry’s question before the blue fierce stare was turned on them. They were standing around an unconscious Diana and while reviewing her file, Harry had asked some obscure question that had nothing to do with the patient’s case.

  "Dr. Butcher, do you know the answer, or are you waiting for Ms. Lagrie to wake up and whisper it into your ear?" Harry started writing in the chart not looking up to see the first beads of moisture appear on Bruce’s lip.

  "I don’t know the answer, Dr. Basantes, I’m sorry." The groan from the other five was audible in the quiet room.

  "Care to try another one?" Harry read over her orders concerning Diana’s care before initialing the bottom of the page. When she looked up again she could almost sense that the others wanted to take a step away from Bruce so there would be no chance of them getting caught in the crossfire.

  "Do I have a choice?"

  "No, doctor, you don’t."

  "Then please, ask away, doctor." The kid’s got moxy, I give him that, too bad he doesn’t read enough. Harry tried to tame down the smile that wanted to escape after the young man’s answer.

  "Why does a person with the last name of Butcher, want to become an orthopedic surgeon?" If Harry hadn’t cocked her head to the side as a genuine sign she wanted to know, Bruce would have laughed.

  "My father thought it would make me memorable."

  "He’s right, so my one piece of advice to you doctor is that you always try and be prepared to answer questions. Juries in New Orleans love to bring in large settlements." It was Bruce’s turn to cock his head, only he did it as a sign he didn’t understand her comment. "With a name like Butcher, the plaintiff will be half way home before the trial begins." On a prescription pad Harry wrote the mane of the book and chapter where Bruce would find the answer to her question. Another resident brought his hand up trying to hide his smile over their exchange. "Since you find so much humor in this Dr. Shaw, perhaps you know t
he answer?"

  "Ah, no, ma’am, I don’t." Residents on other rotations knew why the Basantes students never showed emotion unless they were out of the hospital. Harry reminded them of a large shark that stirred not with the scent of blood, but with the scent of fear. And the only reason to fear her was if you didn’t know the answer to her questions.

  "What do you know, Dr. Shaw?"

  "That our patients is awake," the resident left the statement hanging almost like a question so that Harry would turn around. He had never felt like kissing someone so much in his life, like he did Diana Lagrie at this very moment.

  "Welcome back, Diana, try not to move around too much until you’ve had some more time to heal. How do you feel?" Harry leaned over the bed a little and took the woman’s hand to comfort her. The searching brown eyes scanned the room looking for the one person that had been on her mind since she had been wheeled into surgery.

  "Thirsty." Her voice sounded raspy from under use.

  "How about you guys go find Ms. Lagrie some juice?" Harry hoped her students got the message, leaving her alone with Diana. The last thing she wanted was Diana’s pain, and her personal life being new fodder for hospital gossip.

  Dianna watched all the young people in white lab coats file out of the room before looking at Harry. "He’s back in, isn’t he?"

  "Yes, but listen to what I have to say before you get upset. Tyrell traded his freedom to save my family, Diana, and if it takes me calling in every favor owed me, I will get him out. Your brother is an honorable man and there is nothing that I can do to repay him for what he’s done for me. Working to see that he gets justice is where I intend to start." Harry told Diana what had occurred in the three days she had been in a medicated sleep. The drug induced coma had been to keep Diana comfortable and still as her body started the process of trying to mend itself.

  "I’ve been asleep for three days?"

  "Yes, but you were that way on purpose, not because there was something wrong. Now that the surgery is over we begin the rebuilding phase, which should leave you stronger and pain free. Is there anything I can get you?" Harry squeezed Diana’s hand and smiled. The surgeon was going to stop by as much as possible to sit with Diana as she convalesced so she wouldn’t feel so alone.


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