Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale

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Vhadrah- Evolution of HiSkale Page 14

by Ambear Shellea

  As an advocate for the Holy City, I was the higher authority in this case, not the other way around. I let him rattle on without pointing it out. My need was for answers, I could forgo the politics to get them.

  “You see, we had a real issue a while back. The chaos outside had caused an unrest within the walls. Jankin ignored it for a while, tried to lull those within with tales of a great city coming to our aid. For months, no aid reached these walls, and people were more fearful than ever. Skirmishes, between HiSkale and the Army of Darkness could be heard, in the late hours, outside the walls.

  Blazing fires, and deadly smoke trailed in like an unseen enemy, while people slept, taking innocent lives. Disease came next, carried on the wings of wind, snatching at the old, and young. Jankin, again reached out to the Holy City. No aid came.

  Late in Summer Last, one such disease took Jankin, and left the Outpost without leadership. I was his right-hand man, therefore, everyone looked to me. I did not want this role, nor did I plan for it, but it fell to me anyway. I have been doing what I feel is best, for the Outpost, and those in need of us.”

  I sat for moment, trying to make sense of senseless. Times were crazy and uncertain currently, it was true. However, his tale was shaping up more like Swiss cheese rather than the truth.

  Was now the time to point that out? Could I get the truth by calling him out, or by playing along?

  My gut instinct told me this was a lie. There were many precautions put into place that he failed to mention. Which means, he was unaware they existed. Also meaning, he was not as close to Jankin as he portra

  Let's not forget that the indulgence of the Magi of Pirahious is forbidden. It was always, but in recent times, longer than this man has been breathing, it has been that way. Among other things, the presence of Miss Gold Eyes tells me this man is more than just indulging them, he is working with them.

  I had been silent too long. It was time to reply.

  “It is good the Outpost had such a man to step up and lead. Many don't have that quality, or courage. As an advocate for the Holy City, let me apologize for the lack of response, and aid to your plight. That is not the way I was taught or trained. It does not seem like the Holy City I remember...”

  As I knew he would, he wasted no time in stealing a moment to discredit them.

  “They are no longer a help to the people of the realm. They snub their noses to those in real need and refuse aid unless it benefits their politics. They have become corrupted. We sought another sovereign. The Magi of Pirahous have been the established body that has helped us regain our footing.”

  This was making more and more sense. That answered a lot of questions.

  I nodded, “At least there was help out there.”

  This was going to be a slow trek to the truth, but one that was already paying off.

  “Yes. The Outpost was lucky and have been grateful.”

  “How have they been able to aid you? Does this Outpost have plenty of supplies? Are your trade routes protected? Were they able to assist in helping to purify the water since the Ghustring Lake dried up?”

  He nodded. “Yes, all of that, and more. That is why the Creashuns are here. They have been traveling with our traders from post to post, gathering items and supplies. They have been remarkably successful in that endeavor.

  As for the water, the Magi of Pirahous built a tower, with an empty round top, filled with water they purified. They also ran lines to the main station’s wells within the Outpost that we can draw from.”

  I nodded as he spoke, giving the perception I believed him. “Good. Good. How do you refil that tower bowl? I know this Outpost doesn't have more than few hundred people, but that many is enough to deplete that source, quickly.”

  For some reason, this question took him unaware as he remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. Perhaps, this wasn't a frequent question he had a scripted answer for. I silently waited, giving him time to come up with a satisfactory answer. One he thought I might buy. No matter the answer, I was going to go along with it, for now. He had it quicker than expected.

  “The Magi of Pirahous have a small group of humans that work for them. They are in charge of maintaining it's efficiency, and levels of water. Have no fear, Dark Valkyrie, they take great care of the Outpost.”

  I had heard enough. It was time to leave, I would find no real answers here, only lies.

  “Thank you, Myan, for taking the time out of your daily duties to put my curiosities to rest. I can leave out on my errand, with a clear mind, knowing the Outpost is well taken care of. “

  He bowed, “You're always welcomed Dark Valkyrie. Please know, that though I have disconnected all ties to the Holy City for their lack of response in our time of need, I do not hold any ill will toward those, like you, from there. My issues are with the Cyrcle of Elders who council, and run, the Holy City.”

  I placed my hand over my heart, as if I had just heard some blessed news, “That is great to hear. I feel more comfortable knowing that. Thank you again, Myan.”

  Miss Gold eyes must have been listenng, she entered the room just after I spoke, waiting to escort me out. Myan motioned her forward and bid me a final goodbye.

  “Anytime, Dark Valkyrie. Please let it be known should you or your party need anything. The vendors here have already been informed that they are to supply your needs at no cost.”

  “That is most generous, we are very grateful.”

  With a final head bow, I turned to leave. I took two steps and turned back.

  “Oh, I'm sorry to bother, but could you tell me where Jankin was buried. I would like to pay my respects before I leave, as is customary.”

  “That will be impossible!” he said. His face was laced with a heartfelt sorrow, but his tone was laced with irritation.

  “My apologies, Dark Valkyrie, but due to deterioration of his body during his illness, we had no choice but to burn his body with the rest of the dead. It was the only way to contain the sickness.”

  I nodded, as if I understood. “That is normal protocol, I understand.”

  I stepped a bit closer than I needed to be. He took a step back and swallowed. In that moment, I knew. It was confirmed. He was but a pawn in this scheme, not the mastermind behind it. Which explained why he was smart enough to recognize my rank, and authority, but not enough to know proper protocols put in place to reach the Holy City should there ever have been trouble. Or the fact that I was part of the Cyrcle of Elders.

  “Myan?” I asked before departing.

  “Yes?” He answered.

  “You recognize me as Dark Valkyrie, but do you know my name? Every Dark Valkyrie has one.”

  His eyes bulged, confirming my suspicions. For a second time, he was at a loss for words. Again, I waited patently for the answer. It took a bit longer than last time, but soon enough his mouth moved, and an answer fell from his lips.

  He laughed a bit, “My apologies, I do not. There are so many of you, it's hard to keep up.”

  That was what I thought. This man, if he was one, knew nothing of real consequence. He truly was a but a pawn. His answer, 'there are so many of you' proved he knew little about Dark Valkyrie. We are not many, we are but a few.

  This also let me know, someone else was here, close, pulling the strings. This man was just the puppet, for show. Sadly, I already knew his fate, but I doubted he did. The tone, and conviction, in his voice was enough to alert me to that. Another shield to the those behind the curtain.

  “My name is Vhadrah. Should anyone ask who it was you spoke to on this day, be sure to inform them. Vhadrah. Death's right hand.”

  I turned to leave, but Myan spoke.

  “Vhadrah, we are aware how dangerous Dark Valkyrie are. You will need no introductions. You stick out like blood upon the sheep.”

  Blood upon the sheep, that was quite the phrase. To most it seems a harmless metaphor, but to me, I caught the insinuation. It was phrase use by the Magi of Pirahous to discredit the work, and value o
f the Dark Valkyrie. Dark Valkryie were resposnible for the slaughter of the sheep, or so they say.

  We are blamed for their madness, and deeds. The excuse they use. Dark Valkyrie's won't bow down, and let the Magi create weapons of war with no consequence. So, they destroy lands, animals, and towns, and say it's our fault.

  I turned my glance his way, “Tread carefully among Odin's flock, Myan. The ravens see the actions of the wolf, the sheep, and those who poison them. You cannot escape the eye of the raven, or the wrath of Odin, once you are exposed.”

  With that, I followed the golden-eyed girl to the door. Before crossing the threshold and leaving this place behind, I paused, and spoke to her.

  “You were blessed with a rare gift, be sure to embrace it, and use it wisely. Odin does not grant gifts half-hardheartedly. If he has touched you with this blessing, he has a purpose for you. Seek the sight of the Ravyn, for I believe you have much to learn.”

  I did not give her time to respond before leaving. I had been here too long, and there was much to do.

  Despair or Deceit

  As soon as my foot hit the dirt path through town, I spotted my friends sinking back into the shadows. I had passed safely through the door and was headed back to the Inn. At least, that was the perception I was giving.

  Along the way, I visited some of the vendors, as I passed. It was just as I feared, most were ran by Creashuns, instead of the humans. I also made note that there was a two to one ratio between Creashuns and Humans. More of them than the generations of humans we placed here.

  It wasn't just the lack of humans that worried me. The type of wares did too. The weapons were cruder, made more for torment rather than defense. The tailor's shop looked more like a shop for magi, than the common travelers.

  Instead of leather armor and hide, to protect you from the elements as you traveled, they stocked things to create the elements. There were pouches for powder, leather bound books with the Magi of Pirahous symbol sewn into the spine, and vision balls.

  I strolled onward, toward the Inn, determined to leave this place as I found it, for now, when I spotted a man trying to get my attention. I sidestepped around a group of folks and slid into a small alleyway.

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  He looked very much out of place with the others in town. His clothes tattered and torn. Dirt covered every inch of exposed skin and was matted into knots in what I assumed used to be a full head of hair. It was distrubing to see. He looked as though he a were walking, talking skeleton. I had seen skulls with more plumpness in their face than this man before me.

  I wasn't sure what the man would say, but the frequent glances into the shaodows, and the wringing of his hands, suggested it was info he wasn't supposed to give out. He was clearly frightened of something.

  When he finally started to speak, it was hard to make out due to a stutter, either from birth or fear.

  “Y... You...dan...danger...m..m... mag...magi...”

  I reached out to calm him, and he scrambled backwards as if I had struck him.

  “I'm not going to hurt you.” I whispered softly, taking a step back.

  Clearly, the man had been mistreated at best, tortured at worst. Either way, getting him to talk would take time I really didn't have. However, this man was obviously risking his life to speak to me, so I had to stay and hear him out.

  When he recovered, I made sure to keep my distance, and my movements slow and nonthreatening.

  “I will not hurt you. Please, tell me what you wish. If need be, I can protect you.”

  He shook his head violently, “No! They will come for me. They know what I do.”

  I was surpsied at his ability to speak prficiently, suddenly.

  “Who is they? What is it you wish me to know?”

  He searched the shadows once more. “Come, I will show you? You're in danger. The magi...” he dropped his voice, “The magi...You must come.”

  I took two steps and stopped. Something was off.

  “I know that you are frightened, but I will need to know more before I follow you.”

  “NO!” he yelled before dropping his voice, “They will see. They will know.”

  The man started to walk backward, beckoning me to follow. I did not. My suspictions were confirmed when I spotted Humberland and my sister, Vhaneal sneak in behind the man. They stayed quiet but did not move. When I caught the aroma of seawater and salt, I knew Captain Wexx was close as well, tough I didn't see him. If this had been a trap set for me, this man just fell into another. I was unaware of both.

  “Vhadrah, you must come. Your life is in danger. The Magi...they...have your sister.”

  I pulled my sword after he spoke. It was the final confirmation I needed. This indeed was a trap. Only two people in this Outpost knew my name, other than the ones i arrived with. One was just told a half hour passed, and my sister was standing behind him.

  I quickly stepped forward, the tip of my sword at the man's throat. “You will either spill what you know, or I will spill the blood that inhabits you. Your choice, the truth or your life.”

  “No. Wait.”, he stammered.

  I added a bit of force to the blade, indenting the skin at the center of his neck. I must have hit the unlock button, he began to sing like a bird.

  “It was Myan...”

  No surprsie there. I had figured that much out on my own.

  “He sent me.”

  “I gathered that much of it. Where were you trying to lure me?”

  His answer surprised me and pissed me off.

  “Nowhere. I was just supposed to keep you busy.”.

  Point for the bad guys. I was, indeed, currently busy.

  “Why?” I demanded.

  When he only smiled, I pressed a bit harder on the blade.

  “I have no fear of you, Dark Valkyrie. You have lost your power. You cannot kill me.”

  Pressing a bit harder, I made sure to knick the skin, tilting the blade so his blood would trail down the blade. When it reached my hands, I knew he could see it.

  “My power seems to be working fine. Are you so sure you want to test it further? Seems my lack of power does not interfer with killing you after all.”

  His eyes widened at the sight of it. I felt the blade move when he swallowed, but I did not relinquish it. I held it steady. I would either know the truth, or he would die withholding it from me. In this moment, reaizing they planned to use my compassion and love agaisnt me, I could slay this man with no remorse for his loss of life. He stepped into this battle, willingly, and his life, or the truth, will be his payment for it.

  “I have run out of patience for this little game, speak or die. The choice is yours, but I don't have time to waste.”

  I pressed a bit harder, emphaszing my point.

  “Alright.” he choked out.

  I eased up enough to let him talk.

  “Myan wanted to keep you busy long enough to reach your friends. He plans to capture them and use them.”

  “For what purpose?” I demanded. I was glad I had spotted my friends, or my anger, and fear would be more a bragaining chip than they realized. However, kowing they were but a few feet away, helped me stay calm and focused. I was intent on getting answers, I nudged the man at the end of my blade, to hurry with this answer.

  “To gain control over you. Having a Dark Valkyrie around is a powerful tool, and deterrent for those who oppose the Magi.”

  I sighed, “The Magi of Pirahous, you mean. Myan is just another puppet.”

  “No.” He explained, “He works with The Magi of Pirahous, not for them.”

  “What's the difference?” I asked.

  “Myan is a Magi of Pirahous. He assists with their cause, and they asssit with his.”

  I stared at the man before me. I knew he was telling it true, but it made little sense. How could they not have the same agenda? Especially if Myan was a Magi of Pirahous?

  “The Magi of Pirahous seek Darkness across the land, what is it Myan s
eeks, if not Darkness?

  “He seeks more than Darkness. He seeks to control it.”

  There were pieces still missing. My understanding was that the Darkness would consume the land, and all life.

  “If the Darkness consumes the land, and all life, what would be the point of controlling it? There would be nothing left.”

  “Fools! You know nothing of the Darkness, or the plans the Darkness has. Vhalos is close. Myan is close. Darkness is at hand. You cannot stop what has already won.”

  Before I could ask anything else, the man pushed himself upon my sword, ending more than the conversation. I had to use my boot to remove him from my blade.

  Smoke swirled around the body snaking its way my direction. My vision blurred, and the world went black.

  Blinked and Out

  I awoke to buzzing in my ears and pounding in my head. My vision blurred, I strained to see. The world around me spun, adding to my dizziness. It was difficult to catch my bearings. Flat on my back, sword still gripped in my hands, I turned my focus to that sensation. The feel of my blade in my hands.

  Muffled voices faded in and out. I opened my eyes. Flesh tones and eye color began to take shape. The beating of the hammer in my skull, weakening a bit. Images and sound forming a clear picture.

  Above me were the faces of my friends, and not my foes, as I had feared. I said a small prayer to Odin, thanking him for his protection. I decied to try my voice and ask the obvious question.

  “What happened?”

  “I blinked.” Answered Vhaneal.

  I turned to see her face, “If you blnked, why did I suffer?”

  “No, Silly.” She mused, “It's a spell I learned. Blink allows the magicker to transport up to ten people from one location to another. Although, the more people you have the shorter the distance you can travel.”

  Alright then. Little sister has quite a few tricks up her sleeve.

  “So, where are we?” I asked.

  “Right outside the Outpost.”


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