My Baby Is a West Coast King

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My Baby Is a West Coast King Page 23

by Shvonne Latrice

“Yeah, I guess. Shit, I don’t fuckin’ know, aight? I just know I don’t want to be yo’ man or anyone else’s right now.”

  Brooke was beautiful until you got to know her ass. She was light skinned, kept her hair in some long ass braids, and her body was crazy, even with that big ass belly. I thought I could love her ass one day but shit was just too damn rocky, and my dick was too friendly.

  “You just don’t want me because you’re about to get a record deal.”

  “Okay, Brooke.” I sighed and grabbed my keys and iPhone from the coffee table. “I don’t have the energy or time for this bullshit. Call me if you need me. If not, I will see you for the next appointment.”

  “Fuck you! And you better hope I don’t catch you with another bitch!” she barked and slammed the door behind me before I was even past the threshold good.

  “God, if you can find me a way out of this shit without killing Brooke or my son, please help,” I prayed under my breath as I walked to my car.

  When I got inside, I texted Cassie to find out what she was doing. Every time I tried to take her ass on a date, she claimed she was busy. Today I wasn’t having it; she was gon’ spend some fucking time with me.

  In all of my twenty-two years, I ain’t never had a woman do me like this. Usually, I didn’t even have to say shit but nod to say what’s up, and the bitches would be spreading their legs for me. But Cassie, she acted like I was a damn burden that she didn’t want shit to do with. Shit low-key turned a nigga on, especially because I knew she was walking around with that fire ass pussy between her sexy thighs.

  Cassie: I’m at my mother’s… busy.

  Me: You ain’t busy. What’s her address?

  Cassie: What? Why would I give your ass my mother’s address so you can come over here and try to smash my mom.

  Me: You ain’t funny.

  Cassie: Lmao. My bad I thought you were Kordell Benjamin, the hoe.

  Ignoring her rude ass, I changed the subject.

  Me: If I find out where your mother lives, will you go somewhere with me?

  Cassie: Yeah sure.

  Little did she know, I already knew where her mom lived because I followed her ass there from the park one evening. I only did it because I wanted to see if she was still fucking with Melody’s father. I wasn’t sure why I cared since I didn’t want a girlfriend, but the thought of her playing house with that nigga had me feeling slightly salty.

  Dropping my phone into the cup holder, I sped off Brooke’s street so I could get to Cassie after making one little stop.

  When I pulled up to Cassie’s mother’s house in Long Beach, not far from my own apartment, I saw her sitting on the steps with Melody. She looked fine as fuck in them small ass jean shorts, a top that looked like a bikini bra, and some white sneakers. Melody was playing with some doll in a stroller. I watched them both for a moment, admiring the way Cassie threw her long hair over her shoulder and smiled at her daughter warmly.


  I hit the horn on my Dodge Challenger, making both Cassie and Melody look in my direction. Rolling down my dark tinted passenger window, a grin spread across my face when I saw Cassie’s jaw drop just before she rolled her eyes like I was acne that wouldn’t go away.

  “Delly!” Melody hollered, running towards my car. She couldn’t pronounce my name in full so she chose the easiest part.

  “Melody, come here!” Cassie called after her, jogging with her sexy ass.

  I reached across and opened the passenger door, before pushing it. Melody tried to climb inside so I helped her, and she hugged my neck tightly. I’d only spent time with her once at the park, but I’d clearly made an impression on her, and vice versa. I guess the hours I put in with her and that jungle gym paid off.

  “Look what I got you.” I reached into the back seat for the Toys R’ Us bag, and handed it to her. It was bigger than her, so I helped retrieve what was inside.

  “Ahhhh!” Melody screamed in excitement just as Cassie walked up.

  “Really, Kordell?” she frowned.

  “Open! Open!” Melody chanted, hugging the princess vanity mirror top I bought her. She kept calling herself a princess, so when I saw the commercial earlier, I decided to buy it for her.

  “No, baby, you can’t keep that. We have to give it back to him,” Cassie replied.

  “Nooooo!” Melody started to cry. I mean two seconds hadn’t passed and tears were already in her eyes and dripping down her small cheeks. Damn, I couldn’t have a daughter because she wasn’t even mine and I was ready to give her the world over that face.

  “Why she can’t keep it? I bought it for her.”


  “Come on, I wanna take y’all to get something to eat. Please?” I placed my hands together and looked out the car at Cassie. She was frowning and the light wind blew through her hair as she stood there with her hands on her hips.

  Down boy, I silently told my dick.

  “Fine.” She was about to get into the car but I stopped her.

  “Go put a real shirt on.”

  “This is a shirt. It’s called a bralette top.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if it’s called a button-up. It’s showing too much and niggas will be looking at you. I like to prevent bad situations before they happen, so please go get a real shirt.”

  “I can’t stand you Benjamin niggas!” she hissed. “Come on, Mel. Mommy has to put a shirt on and then we can go with Kordell.”

  “Why can’t she stay in the car?”

  “Because you may be some pedophile, nigga. I don’t know you that damn well yet.” She turned her lip up at me, and then looked back at her daughter. “Melody!” she snapped. Melody climbed out and took her mother’s hand so they could go inside.

  Although she’d sort of insulted me, I liked that she looked out for her child. She was right; I could have been some weird ass nigga.

  I turned up my music and started bobbing my head for a little bit, before I spotted Cassie coming back out with a sweater on and carrying Melody. I hopped out to open the door for them both, and once they were in, I jogged around to the driver’s side.

  “Do you have a taste for anything specific?” I quizzed her.

  “Take us to Joe’s Crab Shack,” she giggled for some reason.

  “Why is that funny?” I pulled off down her mother’s street, trying to figure out which way was best to get to Joe’s Crab Shack in the Marina.

  “They’re pretty expensive you know.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been. You just gon’ pay this time and I’ll get y’all when we go to McDonald’s.” I made sure there wasn’t a smile anywhere on my face when I spoke, and I could feel her staring at me. “I’m kidding. A nigga ain’t rich yet, but I can take you to eat at Joe’s, Cass.”

  I picked up the speed once I had my route planned in my head.

  During the drive, I had to turn down my music some because Cassie bit my head off claiming it would burst Melody’s eardrums. It was crazy seeing her be so young but acting like a thirty-five-year-old mom around her baby.

  It was dusk by the time we got there even though it didn’t take long, which made the water nearby a nice ass dark blue color. I let both Cassie and Melody out, but since Melody was walking too slowly with her small legs, I carried her.

  “Adorable family,” the hostess grinned once we stepped inside the shack like restaurant.

  “Thank you,” I spoke up. I glanced down at Cassie who smiled shyly and looked away as she pushed her hair behind her ears.

  “Mommy, shirt!” Melody pointed to the area full of trinkets and shirts.

  “I know, baby. We have to eat first though.”

  We were seated for a few minutes before a waitress came over and took our drink orders. We got an appetizer, and then took some time to look over the entrees. I already knew I was gonna get one of them damn buckets, because anything else would have a nigga starving still.

  “That is so much food,” Cassie commented once I told her what I was g

  “It’s fire. You should try it for real.”

  “It’s like thirty plus bucks, Kordell.”

  “So what, you think a nigga is broke or something?”

  “No, I know you’re not broke, but you already bought her a toy that cost a lot, and now this dinner. I can’t—”

  “Ain’t you ever had a nigga just be nice to yo’ ass before? If not, let me be the first. I need you to just chill for the day, Cassie. Eat some good food, enjoy my handsome ass, and let your daughter have fun with her new toy. Can you do those three things? For me, please?”

  She shook her head, smiling before saying, “Fine. Alright.” She inhaled and exhaled as if doing what I’d asked her to would really be a challenge.

  When the waitress came back, we placed our order and Cassie got what I’d told her to. She ordered Melody the fish and chips, but I think she was gonna fill herself up with the appetizer. When the food came, we tore into that shit, and then shared a dessert since Cassie claimed she was too full and didn’t want her own… yet still wanted dessert. The fuck?

  I paid the $105 bill, and then we left out and got back into my car.

  “She has to get to bed,” Cassie said, placing her hair into a round ball on top of her head.

  “Aight, I will take you to your mother’s. Can I come in or are you done with me for the day?” I looked at her briefly, before putting my eyes back on the road. Leaning over since we were at a red light, I kissed her cheek and then the corner of her mouth.

  “Yeah, you can come in,” she responded softly.

  Once I made it to her mom’s, she instructed me on where to park so I wouldn’t get a ticket or towed, and then she carried a sleeping Melody up while I held her toy. I stayed put in the living room, looking around as Cassie got Melody ready for bed in the back. When she returned, she cut the TV on and the light off.

  “My mom had a date tonight so no telling when she will be back.” She plopped down next to me and started up Netflix.

  When she did, I pulled her closer and kissed her exposed shoulder, since the large sweater had fallen down off it some.

  “Can I ask something I’ve been wanting to know?” I pecked the side of her neck as my arms stayed wrapped around her mid section. She had her legs stretched in the opposite direction across the couch.

  “I guess.”

  “You still fuck with baby girl’s daddy?” Picking imaginary lint off the knee of my dark denim jeans, she shook her head ‘no’. “Cool.”

  She pressed play on the movie she was about to force me to watch, and nuzzled her body further into mine, resting her arm on top of my arm since it was locked around her body.

  “Thank you for today,” she exhaled, laying her head back on my chest.



  I was still pretty furious with my aunt for allowing my mom to be here when I visited, but at this moment, I had to put that anger aside and get some advice. I felt like shit every time I was around Laine, especially when she would make certain comments about our relationship. I just knew she could see my heart beating out of my chest when she was interrogating me about that missing condom.

  It was like I saw this shit coming when we first started talking, and it was the main reason I didn’t even want to enter into a relationship with her. However, I couldn’t stand the thought of another nigga with more maturity, scooping her up and me never being able to have her again. As selfish as it may have sounded, I wished she were the type of bitch who would have just waited around for me to get it together. Then again, I loved that she wasn’t the doormat type, and gave me an ultimatum.

  “I’m losing my mind,” I told my aunt as she sipped her tea, smirking at me. “What?”

  “You really like this one, Mischief. You have never come to me for advice.”

  “Well, you’re the only woman I know outside of Laine that has some sense. I need you to help me, for real.”

  “I’m guessing you cheated on her.”

  “Don’t say it like that, please.”

  “I’m just being honest here. I know you, Mischief. I’ve known you longer than you’ve known yourself and you’ve never been able to have a girlfriend.”

  “Because I didn’t want one.”

  “Because you’re greedy. You want every pretty girl you see, and be able to have something to come home to as well. It doesn’t work like that with certain women. What I will say is you do have more discipline than most young men your age, just not enough.”

  “So what now? If I tell her, she’s gonna leave and that’s not an option for us, so what else can I do?”

  “You know for a fact that she’s gonna leave?”

  “Yes, D,” I nodded with my eyes closed, before reopening them.

  “You have to be honest with her, and let her go. Give her some time to process it, and then start working on her, in hopes she comes back.”

  “But that’s the thing. She ain’t one of those girls that forgives niggas. She told me that already. Her first nigga cheated and she ain’t looked back since.”

  “Tell her regardless, honey. If she never takes you back, then so be it. But you will have learned your lesson, right?”

  “Well thanks for nothing, D.” I stood up and adjusted my hat. “I’m not gon’ just tell her so she can bounce on me. I’m not interested in learning my lesson for the next bitch. If I ain’t gon’ be with Laine, then I’m gonna stay single and stick my dick where I want it and when.”

  “Mischief, I’m telling you to be honest with her. She’s gonna find out either way, and if it’s not from you, the outcome will be worse.”

  “No,” I shook my head repeatedly. “She ain’t gonna find out. Shit didn’t even mean nothing! She was a stripper!” I hollered even though I didn’t mean to. I was frustrated as fuck.

  “I know, I know, baby, but still. Whether you think she will or not, somehow, she will find out the truth. So be a man and tell her what you did.”

  “I have to go.”

  I left out and got in my whip so I could go pick up Laine. This artist I worked with named Yen was throwing a party at this crib, so we were gonna hit that up tonight. I was a little on edge because I knew a slew of the bitches I fucked would be in there, plus a few foes. I just prayed I didn’t have to shoot a muthafucka.


  As I opened the door for Laine so she could get out of my car, I realized I hadn’t paid attention to her outfit. She looked good, but too sexy, and I knew these bum ass niggas in the party would be looking. I guess it would be a test to see how well I was dealing with my temper. May need to give that fucking therapist a call.

  “Is that a nightgown?” I questioned as I closed the door and hit my alarm. Her dress was short and silk, with thin straps.

  “No, but it’s supposed to look like one.”

  “And what is that on your legs? I’ve never seen that shit but I like it.” I took her hand into mine as we crossed the street together.

  “Thigh chains.” She moved her dark wavy hair from her face and smiled up at me. I couldn’t help it so I leaned down to kiss her full lips.

  “You’re beautiful as fuck, you know that?” I bit my lip, admiring her glowing caramel complexion while inhaling the scent of her sweet perfume.

  “Sometimes, but I like that you never let me forget.”

  When we entered the mansion, I closed the front door, and then put Laine behind me while I scoped the wild ass scene, making sure it was safe. I pretty much knew everybody here, with the exception of a few of the women and random niggas. When I spotted my brothers, Cassie, and cousin Ishmael, I led Laine over, while keeping an eye on the niggas who looked her way. I heard a couple ‘damns’ and ‘she’s fine as fuck’ but I inhaled and exhaled slowly like my old therapist told me to in order to calm myself.

  “What’s good?” I dapped my brothers up, and then my cousin, before hugging Cassie. She and Laine immediately got to taking pictures as we all sat on the huge ass sectional. />
  “Last Time” by Gucci played loudly through the speakers, as people danced, talked, smoked, played dice, and got drunk. It was the usual shit, and right now, everyone was having a good time.

  “Mischief from 300 block!” my homie Bonds walked up and dapped me up. “What’s cracking?” he grinned.

  “Nah, it’s what’s brackin’, blood, quit playing,” I joked back with him as we chuckled.

  “Damn! Who is this? Please tell me you brought her for me.” Bonds looked down at Laine as she smiled with her pretty ass.

  “Nigga, you see my arm around her. This is all me right here,” I grinned.

  “I tried to get Daley to come over here and speak to you but that nigga didn’t want to.”

  “Oh, he still mad I smashed his baby mama in the back seat of the homie’s whip I guess.” Bonds and Kordell started dying laughing as Daley glared at me from afar. “She literally just stopped sending me pussy shots since I told her I had a girl.”

  “Shai!” Laine gripped my jaw in her small hand.

  “My bad, baby.”

  “Nigga, fuck you!” Daley barked as he started towards me.

  “What’s up?” I stood from my seat on the couch in the big ass living area. “You want yo’ ass beat in front of these new bitches you mackin’ on? Or do you wanna sit yo’ ass down somewhere and save what little pride you got left, bruh?”

  Daley stared up at me for a few, before turning on his heels and walking off into the party. I sat back down, and draped my arm over Laine again like nothing happened.

  “Aight, I’ll holler later, Mischief. Got a couple honeys waiting on me,” Bonds said and slapped hands with me again.

  “Please don’t get us shot in this party,” Chaz chuckled as he lit the blunt in his hand.

  “Who is that guy?” Laine inquired.

  “Nigga from BBC that’s mad because his baby mama pushed up on me and got fucked.”

  “Oh my goodness.”

  “I’m only fucking you now, though,” I kissed her, making her head bend back a little.

  “You better be.”

  The party continued with no problem, and I even got a nice amount of lap dances from Laine. She had a nigga’s dick harder than a calculus test. I couldn’t help but notice some of my old hoes watching, but they knew better than to speak to me with Laine here.


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