Darkblood Academy: Book Two: Supernatural Slayer Squad

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Darkblood Academy: Book Two: Supernatural Slayer Squad Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  Drake’s jaw twitched and he pressed his arms against his chest, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

  “Thank you.” I glanced up at him, the sun illuminating his platinum hair until it practically glowed.

  “Don’t thank me yet. I didn’t bring you here just to hang out. We’ve got work to do.”

  I groaned. “Seriously?”

  “This is the perfect place to hone your water magic skills.”

  I’d seen what Drake could do with water, and it was crazy impressive. He could harness drops of moisture from the air, freeze them, and turn them into deadly projectiles. I couldn’t imagine what he could do with an entire pond at his disposal.

  “Fine. After we practice, then can I go for a swim?”

  He held his hand out. “Deal.”

  The afternoon passed in a blur, and by the time the sun began to set, I was soaked from head to toe and exhausted. But it had been totally worth it. The dwindling rays of sunlight caressed my shoulders as I sat beside Drake at the edge of the sparkling pond.

  I’d ended up going into the water with my tank top and underwear, and thankfully, I was almost fully dry now. A few months ago, I wouldn’t have been caught dead in my underwear with Drake Wintersbee, but after spending so much time with the supes, their relaxed attitudes on nudity had begun to rub off on me.

  He leaned back resting on his elbows wearing only a tight pair of boxer briefs. I couldn’t help my occasionally wandering eye from ogling the well-sculpted Fae prince. His skin shone like alabaster beneath the burnt orange and deep yellows of the fading sun. The typical tense set of his jaw had vanished, a whisper of a smile giving him an uncharacteristic, relaxed expression.

  “Do you come here a lot?” I asked.

  “I haven’t had much time this year—a certain human has been monopolizing most of my waking moments, but I used to.”

  “Sorry about that.” Maybe that’s why he’d been so grumpy since I met him. “You know, I could help you find him if you wanted. The person that killed your father.”

  He faced me, the most genuine smile I’d yet to see gracing the prince’s perfect lips. “Thank you. I appreciate that, but as I said before, I’ve moved on. I decided some things in life are better left unknown.”

  “You really believe that?” I’d thought the same thing about my birth parents. I’d convinced myself I was better off not knowing the truth, but now there was nothing I wanted to know more.

  He shrugged. “For now, I do.” His gaze dropped to the mark on my chest, and a slight tingle skimmed the surface. “How about you? Is your mysterious father still working on getting that removed?”

  “Yup. Cillian said he was on it.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me who your father is? It’s only fair after I spilled all my secrets.” His brows furrowed. “See what I mean… you humans have a gift. I don’t even know how you got that information out of me.”

  “Maybe it’s my secret power.” I winked and avoided answering his question all together.

  Drake sat up and leaned closer. “You know, I could get it out of you if I wanted to.”

  I inched back. I was sure he could. There had to be a truth-telling spell in one of our many textbooks. “Cillian and Ryder think it’s safer for me, and everyone else, to keep it a secret for now.”

  He grunted and sat back. “Fine. I won’t push—for now. The last thing I need is more demons to come after you. You’re becoming quite the full-time responsibility, human.”

  It could have just been me, but I swore the prince’s hateful tone whenever he used the word human had diminished. It didn’t sound so much like a four-letter word anymore every time he said it.

  I lay back and breathed in a deep breath of fresh spring air, determined to enjoy every last minute of warmth and sunshine before I was dragged through the frigid forest once more. Craning my neck to the side, I met Drake’s lilac irises. “You promise to bring me back here again?”

  “I promise.”

  Chapter 4

  Raine glared at me from across the barn as I brushed Zeus’s onyx mane. I wasn’t sure whose spiteful stare was more filled with hate, hers or my ornery unipeg. His mane was a tangled mess, and he’d already tried to gore me with his horn a few times since I started the tedious job of untangling it.

  Raine on the other hand—I had no idea why she was so pissed. Ever since I’d officially joined the Supe Slayer Squad and moved in with Scarlett, she’d been acting fairly decent.

  “Yikes, who peed in Raine’s cauldron?” asked Cinder as she sauntered up beside me.

  I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out. “I don’t know, but it wasn’t me. I didn’t even see her all day yesterday, and she’d been fine before that.”

  “Where did you disappear to anyway? Ryder came to my room searching for you in the afternoon. I thought he was going to lose it. His eyes were doing that crazy yellow thing they do when he’s about to demon-out.”

  A twinge of happiness swirled in my chest, but I shoved it down hard. I didn’t care about Ryder or his concerns for me. “I was with Drake practicing. Did you know about the hidden spring meadow in the woods?”

  She shook her head. “No…”

  I told her all about it as I continued to unravel the knots in Zeus’s luxurious mane.

  “It sounds like our greenhouse at Skye Lair back in Draeko,” she said when I’d finished. “We have this huge enclosed garden with hundreds of flowers, plants, trees and even a little bubbling brook. It’s my favorite place at home. My younger sister, Ashlin, and I used to spend every free moment there. I think it’s Kimmie-Jayne’s favorite spot too. Even though she doesn’t say it, she misses the warm California weather.”

  “Who wouldn’t?” If given the choice, I’d choose Los Angeles over New York and most definitely over the Winter Court.

  Cinder’s dark brows knitted. “Maybe that’s why Raine’s pissed. If you spent the whole day with Drake at some beautiful little hideaway, she could absolutely be jealous.”

  I laughed out loud. “Well, she has nothing to be jealous of. She can have her Fae prince. The only interest I have in Drake Wintersbee is a magical one. He’s actually a good tutor, and my powers respond really well around him.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you,” she said with a smile. “I better get Bella ready for class.”

  “Okay, see you out there.”

  I glanced over my shoulder after Cinder walked away. Raine’s bright green eyes were still locked on me. Just great. I’d need to clear this up soon because the last thing we needed was romantic drama tearing the team apart.

  Once I had Zeus saddled, I walked him over to the mounting block. While our relationship had improved, I still didn’t trust the bugger any farther than I could throw him. Thankfully, I got my foot in the stirrup and swung my leg around without any disastrous occurrences.

  I followed the rest of my classmates onto the weather-regulated field beside the stable and began to warm up, trotting Zeus around in a circle. Across the ring, a dark gaze caught mine. The good-looking guy grinned, a predatory smile showing off two pointy fangs. This vampire was definitely new to our class; there was no way I would have missed him. Besides those piercing crimson eyes, he was hot, and I wasn’t the only girl that had noticed.

  Apollo trotted up beside us, his dapple-gray coat shiny with sweat. Drake followed my sightline before turning back to me and twisting his lips. “Ugh, another Royal Vampire.”

  “Who is he?”

  “One of Carmen Rosa’s rescues.”

  The Royal Vampire Queen was Scarlett’s sire, and the most powerful vamp in Azar. Though I’d never met her, she seemed like a good woman from everything I’d heard.

  “So he was just turned?” My gaze flickered back and forth between the new guy and Drake.

  “That’s what I heard. Another sibling for Scarlett.” He chuckled, but it had a sinister edge to it. “It’s not only the demons that are causing problems in the human realm.”

He was attacked by a vampire in the human world?” I was sure my eyes were bugging out because Zeus tensed beneath me. The unipeg was extremely in tune with my emotions.

  “That’s right.”

  Mrs. Thornberry clapped her hands, momentarily drawing my attention away from the hot vamp. “All right, let’s take them up. A few laps around the arena to get started.”

  “Ad litem!” Drake called out beside me, and Apollo’s wings unfurled, revealing a rainbow of colors beneath.

  I followed his lead, whispering the same command to Zeus. To my surprise, the wily unipeg actually listened. My stomach dropped as we ascended, trailing after Drake. It wasn’t long before we caught up. I smirked and patted my mercurial beast. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he and Apollo had some sort of rivalry going on. It made sense since they’d both come from the Winter Court.

  I sidled up beside Drake as Zeus leisurely flapped his massive onyx wings. “So now vampires are attacking humans?”

  He nodded. “And it isn’t only vamps and demons. I’ve heard even a few rogue shifters have been caught with human blood on their hands.”


  “Ryder said he’s stepping up our training so we can go out into the real world soon. Apparently, the President of the U.S. has been coordinating with the Etrian Assembly. If someone doesn’t put a stop to the attacks, he’s threatening to close off the human realm from the supernatural one.” A wicked smile lit up the prince’s face. “I can’t wait to get out there. I haven’t spent much time in the human world, and I’m looking forward to it. From the sounds of it, it’s the big cities that are having most of the trouble: New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, large urban centers like that.”

  My brows drew together. No wonder I hadn’t heard anything from Garrix. Things must be bad if he’s considering permanently closing the portals. He was the one that had fought so hard for the unification in the first place.

  Raine and her unipeg, Othello, glided by us, and she shot me another scowl, tearing my attention away from the brewing supernatural battle.

  “What’s up with that?” I hissed at Drake.

  His expression blanked as he regarded me. “What are you talking about?”

  “Raine’s been giving me the evil eye all day, and I have no idea why.”

  He shrugged. “Why would I know?”

  “Aren’t you two hooking up?”

  Light pink coated his chiseled cheekbones, making the prince look even more attractive. “We’re not together or anything. I don’t date.”

  “Maybe you need to tell her that. The last thing I need is to get in the middle of your love life.”

  Drake’s fingers tightened around the reins. “I already told you there’s nothing to get in the middle of. Raine and I have an understanding—we have for some time now.”

  “Well, that didn’t seem like the look of a woman who understood.”

  “Luna, didn’t you learn anything from Hitched? Fae royals don’t have the luxury to date whom they please. I, like my brother Elrian before me, have no choice but to marry for strategic alliances. In fact, I’m betrothed.”

  My head snapped back, and again Zeus tensed beneath my thighs. “You’re already engaged to be married?”

  “That’s right. To the lovely Miranda of the Spring Court.” He paused, not even the flicker of a smile on his lips. I guessed he wasn’t too happy about the pairing. “Raine knows this. We could never really be together, regardless.”

  “But Elrian was betrothed before he went on Hitched too and look how that turned out.”

  His lips pressed into a tight line, and the tendon in his jaw went haywire. “Yes, look how that turned out: my father dead and Elrian the king.”

  Drake’s eyes turned frosty, and he set his gaze straight ahead before nudging Apollo in the flanks. The unipeg lurched forward, and as much as Zeus urged me to follow, I held him back.

  An icy glaze rippled through my veins. Did he just insinuate his own brother killed his father? I shook my head, trying to jiggle the terrible thought out of my brain. No, it couldn’t be. I’d always heard the royals were brutal, but to kill your own dad?

  I made a mental note to ask Kimmie-Jayne about it one day. If anyone would know what really happened, it would be my half-sister. I hadn’t heard from her in over a week, which was unusual. She was pretty good about her weekly check-in text messages.

  As Zeus pranced around the circle in the sky I wondered how well I really knew the Fae prince. How well did anyone?

  Chapter 5

  Two quick knocks on my dorm door snapped me from the impending coma I was falling under. I slammed my demonology textbook closed and hurried to the door, thrilled for a break.

  “Who’s there?” I shouted through the thick timber. Though we hadn’t had a demon attack inside the academy buildings for a few weeks now, I still had to keep my guard up.

  “It’s Desmond. I was looking for Scarlett. Is she around?”

  The name suddenly clicked in my head. The hot new vamp. I opened the door a crack and peeked out. Those dark eyes rimmed in crimson seared into mine.

  “Hi, um, nope sorry, she’s in class.”

  A big smile lit up his handsome face, revealing two pointy incisors. It should’ve freaked me out, but after spending the last few months at Darkblood I’d gotten used to the vamps, shifters and all the other scary supes.

  Leaning against the doorjamb, he extended his hand. “You must be Scarlett’s roommate. We’ve never been officially introduced; I’m Desmond, but most people call me Des.”

  “Luna.” I took his hand, his chilly fingers wrapping around mine. A sharp tingle zipped all the way up my arm.

  His nostrils flared as his gaze ran over me, settling on the mark peeking out from my polo. “I heard you’re new to Darkhen too.”

  “I am. This is only my second semester.”

  “It’s weird here, right? Like how the vamps only hang out with the vamps and all that.”

  I nodded, forgetting that Desmond had only recently been turned. He was newer to this supernatural world than I was. Beneath the crimson hued eyes was a human just learning to navigate this crazy new world he’d been sucked into. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Everyone’s been pretty nice and welcoming to their own kind.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Still… I wouldn’t mind catching up with a good old human if you’re ever up for it?”

  I chewed on my lower lip for a second. “Sure.” Why not? I’d wanted to start dating right? And this probably wasn’t even that.

  “Let’s make it a date. How about tomorrow night then?”

  Okay, so maybe it was.

  A dark shadow appeared behind Desmond’s shoulder, and I didn’t need to look up to know who it was. There was only one man who made my skin prickle at his mere proximity.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Ryder growled.

  Des swirled around. “Oh, hey, you’re the combat instructor, right? I have that class next semester, I think.”

  Ryder flashed him his pearly white teeth, but it was more a snarl than a smile. “I need to have a word with my student.”

  “Sure.” He turned back to me, and I was impressed he didn’t even look scared. If Ryder were glaring at me like that, I would’ve been pissing my pants. “I’ll pick you up here tomorrow at eight?”

  I nodded, not daring to meet Ryder’s dark gaze. It bored into me like a death laser. “Sounds good.”

  The moment Desmond walked away, Ryder barreled through the door and practically knocked me over. “What the hell are you thinking?”

  I spun at him, seething. “Excuse me?”

  “You can’t go on a date with a vampire. Especially not a newly turned one. All he’s going to be thinking about is the intoxicating scent of your blood. Do you have any idea what their blood lust is like at this stage?”

  Of course I didn’t, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him. “What’s the big deal? So vampires drink blood? You suck out souls—wha
t’s with the double standard?”

  He snarled, closing the distance between us. “I’ve had years to learn to control my demon. That boy has barely had a few months.”

  “Well that boy is nice and actually wants to date me, so maybe you should mind your own business.” Smooth, I know.

  He raked his hand through his hair and released a sharp exhale. He stood so close to me, I could practically taste his minty breath when he spoke. “I don’t want you going on a date with him.”

  Wrapping my arms across my chest, I glared up at him. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”


  His lips pressed together, and a flash of yellow eclipsed the black for a moment before vanishing into the dark abyss. “It’s not safe,” he gritted out.

  “That’s not good enough. A demon could attack me at any moment. Technically, I’m not safe anywhere.”

  His hands closed on my shoulders, and heat seeped through my polo. “Luna…”

  “Don’t.” I wriggled free of his grasp and held my hand up, creating some much-needed distance between us. “I’ll be fine, Ryder. I’m a big girl, and I know how to defend myself. It’s just a date; I’m sure I’ll survive.”

  He opened his mouth to argue, but his phone vibrated, pulling his attention to the sleek device. His brows furrowed as he scanned the screen and held it up to me. “It’s Cillian for you. Garrix is here.”

  My heart hammered out a frantic beat as Ryder held the door open to Cillian’s office. Garrix stood as soon as I entered, his cobalt eyes drilling into me with their mystical intensity. The pungent, smoky odor of magic swirled around him, blanketing him in an impenetrable shield.

  “So nice to see you again, Luna.”

  The best I could do was a tight smile in return.

  “Garrix believes he’s found a way to remove the mark,” said Cillian. He stood behind his desk, his muscled arms pressed against his chest.

  Ryder bristled beside me, his broad shoulder skimming mine with each agitated breath. “Are we sure this won’t be a repeat of last time?”


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