Darkblood Academy: Book Two: Supernatural Slayer Squad

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Darkblood Academy: Book Two: Supernatural Slayer Squad Page 18

by G. K. DeRosa

  Something clicked in my brain. “Is that why you’re so upset? Because all the Fae royals saw?”

  Her shoulders slumped, and some of the fury drained from her expression. “I know Drake is betrothed to the Spring Court princess. I’m not stupid. But for the past two years since we’ve been on and off, he’s always kept us a secret from the Fae. And for him to kiss you like that, in front of everyone”—she shook her head, clenching her jaw—“it should’ve been me.”

  I leapt forward and grabbed her forearms. “It still can be you, Raine. I swear there’s nothing between us. I have zero interest in Drake Wintersbee.”

  She squirmed free of my grip and folded her arms across her strapless dress. “We’ll see, Luna. You forget we’re all bound, and maybe you’re the one that’s not as attuned to Drake as I am.” She pivoted and rushed to her side of the dorm, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

  I’d never gotten any romantic vibes from Drake’s cord. In fact, I rarely felt anything from him at all.

  “You almost ready in there?” Cinder shouted from my room.

  “Yeah, be out in a second.” I pushed the odd thoughts aside and finished off my makeup. The black halter dress Cinder had picked out for me had come all the way from Skye Lair in Draeko. The girl had more designer gowns than an entire harem of girls could wear. After sweeping on some lip-gloss, I took one last look at the final product and smiled. Mrs. Sanderson from Astor Home would’ve never recognized me.

  When I stepped out into our room, Scarlett whistled. “Wow, you look hot, Luna.”

  “Thanks. I figured you’d like the color.”

  Scarlett wore her trademark black, a fitted Victorian-looking dress with long lacey sleeves and a high collar. It was perfect for her.

  Cinder twirled around in a circle, her long, flowing pink gown dancing along the floor. “Do you think Raf will like it?”

  “I think he’d prefer you without it.” I winked at my friend as a blush the same shade of her dress painted her cheeks.

  “Oh, stop!”

  Scarlett lifted a brow at her. “Don’t forget we’re all bound, Cinder. There’s not much that goes on that we don’t all know about it.”

  Her lips twisted, and she looked like she was going to be sick.

  “Don’t freak her out, Scarlett.” I turned to my pallid friend. “We’ve all gotten pretty good at blocking out that sort of thing now.”

  “Oh good,” she breathed. “Because I can’t wait for tonight.” Her lips curved into a mischievous grin. “Raf always has to get up so early for training, and he can never spend the night, so I was hoping…”

  “You get yourself some angel lovin’ tonight, girl,” said Scarlett. “We’ll all block it out with our own fun.” Then she turned to me. “I don’t intend on coming back to the room either—just in case you’ve got any plans.”

  I shook my head wildly. “Nope. The only thing I’ll be cuddling up to tonight is my blanket.”

  Cinder eyed me with a knowing grin. “We’ll see about that. Someone I know has a pretty decent track record when it comes to hooking up at dances.”

  I shot my friend a glare. She was still the only one that knew about my occasional make out sessions with Ryder.

  Scarlett spun on me, her dark eyes wide. “Who? It couldn’t have been Des, he wasn’t even here last semester. Spill!”

  Two loud knocks sent me sprinting toward the entry and away from my roommate’s invasive questions. “Coming!” I opened the door to a striking nephilim in a black tux. “Hey, Raf, come on in.”

  “You clean up nice,” he said.

  “Thanks, you too.”

  His gaze lifted over my shoulder to Cinder, and a huge smile lit up his angelic face. He crossed the distance between them and handed her a single pink rose he had tucked behind his back. She giggled as he deposited a sweet kiss on her cheek.

  Oh man, these two were nauseatingly cute.

  “Well, I could definitely use a drink,” said Scarlett, barreling by me.

  “I’m with you, roomie.” I followed right behind her as Cinder and Raf trailed behind us out the door.

  Chapter 25

  Sand seeped into my strappy stilettos, the scent of salty ocean air wafting over me as we walked into the gym. Or what used to be the gym. It had been completely transformed into a beachy paradise. Warm rays of sun kissed my bare shoulders, peeking through a clear blue sky. Beyond the dance floor, waves lapped over the shoreline, the peaceful rushing sound mixing with the caw of seagulls flying overhead.

  “Oh my gods, it’s incredible!” Cinder released Raf’s arm and wiggled her way around me to get a better look.

  Dozens of students filled the dance floor, most already barefoot and dancing beneath the wooden pergola.

  “This was just what I needed.” I bent down to unstrap my heels. I couldn’t wait to feel the sand beneath my toes.

  “Too bad they didn’t tell us the theme earlier,” said Scarlett. “I would’ve worn a bikini.”

  I laughed. Somehow I couldn’t imagine my super pale roommate in a skimpy bathing suit or even a sundress.

  Cinder practically shoved us toward the surrounding white tables covered in light blue and yellow linens. “Come on, let’s find a table and leave our stuff so we can dance.”

  I hitched my heels over my shoulder and followed my excited friend as we weaved through our classmates. The moist sand squished between my toes as I walked. Even though the sun was out, it wasn’t hot enough to be unpleasant. My memories swirled back to summers on the Long Island shore. If I’d been wearing a long black gown there, I would’ve been sweltering by now. Must have been faery magic.

  Cinder found us a table, and we all left our shoes and purses. Flutes of sparkling champagne sat at each place setting so we happily helped ourselves. I took a sip, and the bubbles zipped right to my head. It was the Azarian champagne that Ryder and I had the other night with our pizza.

  Where was he? I scanned the ballroom, but my mercurial instructor was nowhere in sight. He was leaving for the Underworld tomorrow, and I didn’t know when I’d see him again. I hadn’t even considered missing him during winter break until now. After spending every day with him for the past school year, the idea of two months apart had my throat tightening. Whatever we were, I’d come to rely on him as a mentor, a friend and sometimes more.

  “You coming, Luna?” Cinder tugged on my arm, pulling me from my thoughts.


  She and Raf led the way to the dance floor, finding a spot right in the center next to Triston and his date, one of the she-wolves from his pack. I thought her name was Lissa, but I wasn’t sure. Cinder and Raf started groping each other so I turned to Scarlett. It was enough to feel the nephilim’s raging hormones pulling on his cord, I didn’t need to watch it too.

  A couple of vampires surrounded us, and I swallowed a big gulp of my drink as my body began to move to the intoxicating beats. A big smile crossed Scarlett’s crimson lips when one of the vamps started dancing with her, and I assumed that must’ve been the guy she planned on shacking up with tonight. He looked vaguely familiar, but I didn’t know his name.

  “There you are.” A voice whispered by my ear.

  I spun around to face my vampire ex—if I could even call Des that. We’d really only gone on one date and made out a few times. “Hey.”

  His arms snaked around my waist, and he jerked me closer. “Want to dance?”

  No. “Um, sure.” I took a step back to put some distance between us, pretending it was part of my cool dance moves.

  We all danced for a while, Scarlett and her guy, Cinder and Raf, and Triston and Lissa in a big circle. I was even having fun, but I couldn’t help but search for Ryder in the crowd. He had to be here; he always chaperoned the dances.

  A slow song came on, and Des moved closer. His arms tightened around my waist until we were chest to chest. His nose trailed over my neck, and a thrilling anticipation prickled my skin. A tiny dark part of me longed for the bite,
for the sharp fangs against my flesh, the heady sensations of the feed.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” he whispered against my ear.

  I shook my head, summoning my willpower. I didn’t like Des like that, and I refused to succumb to the dark thrill of his bites. Not anymore. “I want to stay here with my friends.”

  Crimson blazed through his pupils, his fangs already beginning to descend. “Aw, come on. We’ll only be gone for a few minutes. Fifteen max.”

  I squirmed free from his arms and backed away. “I’m sorry, but no. I don’t want to do this anymore, Des.”

  He grunted and spun away, disappearing into the dense crowd of writhing bodies. Ugh. Why did I feel like a jerk now? I needed another drink. Turning to Cinder, I mouthed I’d be right back, but I wasn’t sure she even got it. She was so consumed by Raf.

  A twinge of jealousy pricked my heart. I wanted what they had. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I find a nice guy like Raf?

  “Penny for your thoughts, little warlock.” Drake’s icy breath swirled across the shell of my ear.

  The ice prince was definitely not the nice guy I was looking for. I spun around and pressed my finger to my lips. “Shh!”

  “I know. I know. It’s a big secret, but it’s rather obvious if you ask me.” He held a fancy goblet filled with faery wine loose in his hand, and his words were slightly slurred.

  My eyes widened. “Are you drunk, Prince Wintersbee?”

  “I may have indulged in one too many of these.” He shook the glass in front of me, and fragrant purple liquid sloshed over the sides.

  “Oh my faeries, what is going on with you?” I’d never seen Drake even slightly tipsy. He was even more strict about being in control than Ryder was.

  “Do you want some?” He offered the shimmery liquid.

  My mouth watered at the tantalizing scent. “I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Since when are you the cautious one, half-blood?”

  “I’m trying to turn over a new leaf.”

  “I’m not sure I like that idea.” He smirked. “And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone your little secret. A female warlock would set Azar on its head, not to mention the Etrian Assembly. Everyone would want a piece of you.”

  I jerked on his hand and seared him with my most intimidating gaze. “You have to swear, Drake. No one can know about this. Not yet anyway.”

  “I swear on my royal princely crown.” He raised a hand and nearly toppled over from the effort.

  “Geez, how much did you drink anyway?” The dance had only started like an hour ago.

  “I may have indulged in a few pre-dance drinks with some fine Fae ladies.”

  “Now that makes sense. And where is your royal harem now?”

  He waved in the direction of the bar. “Somewhere that way.” He took my hand and spun me in a circle, catching me completely off guard. I nearly tumbled over myself, but somehow his drunk arms caught me.

  And of course Raine chose that exact moment to walk by. She shot me the nastiest glare I’d ever seen which was really saying something. Before she spun away, she hissed, “For someone who claims to have no interest in Drake, you certainly don’t act like it.”

  “Raine, wait!” I tried to dart after her, but Drake held me firmly in place.

  “It’s no use. Let her calm down before you try talking to her. She’s been drinking too, and I doubt she’s in a rational mood.”

  I shoved him off me, my palms pressing into his fine suit. “Why don’t you go talk to her then? I can’t seem to convince her there’s nothing going on between us. Maybe you’ll have a better shot.”

  He shook his head and downed the rest of his wine. “No thanks. I came to have fun tonight, not have my head ripped off.”

  I rolled my eyes, really needing that drink now. “Well, have fun by yourself then, Drake.”

  He reached for me as I spun away, but luckily, I had my sober state as an advantage. I wound my way through my dancing classmates and headed for the bar. I was starting to build up a tolerance for the Azarian champagne. I didn’t feel the least bit loose or uninhibited.

  My thoughts swam back to the last dance and then inevitably to Ash. I’d spent most of the night dancing with him and Cinder. It had been so fun and carefree. So much had changed in only one semester. My lungs constricted as thoughts of my friend threatened to suffocate me. I sucked in a quick breath, forcing the pain away.

  Instead of heading for the packed bar, I grabbed another flute from an empty table and twirled toward the shoreline. Growing up, the ocean had always calmed me. All year long, I’d look forward to the summer weekends when Mrs. Hallows and I would hop a train to Long Island and spend the day at the beach.

  My toes dipped into the tepid water, and all the anxiety immediately drained from my taut shoulders as I stared out into the horizon. I hiked up my dress, not wanting to ruin Cinder’s fancy gown and took a few steps in so the water reached mid-calf. It felt so real. How in the world were royal Fae decorators able to pull this off?

  “Are you okay?” A familiar rough voice had a smile lighting up my face before I turned around.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just needed to get away for a little.”

  “From too much fun?” The corners of Ryder’s lips tipped into a smirk.

  “Something like that.” My eyes trailed over his broad shoulders, fitted button-down shirt and tie, and all the way down to his board shorts. Someone had gotten the inside scoop on the theme for the evening. “Why didn’t you tell me it was going to be beachy attire?”

  “And miss the chance to see you in that?” His appreciative gaze swam over me, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. “On second thought, maybe I should have. A bikini would have been much better.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “I hate to admit it, but I’m going to miss your pervy little comments over winter break.”

  He stepped closer and the sweet, smoky scent of magic swirled around us. I glanced up to see a shimmery golden orb enclose us—a cloaking spell. “Maybe you don’t have to miss them,” he said, his voice softening.

  My breath hitched as he took my hands. “Gods, Luna, I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard all semester to stay away from you, but now that the year is over, maybe I don’t have to.”

  “What do you mean?” My voice was all breathy, and it annoyed me to no end that he still had such a powerful effect over me.

  His lips curled into a sexy smirk, revealing that devastating dimple. “It’s kind of a technicality, but over the break, I won’t be your instructor and you won’t be my student.”

  My heartbeat picked up as he inched closer, his minty breath mingling with mine. “So what are you saying?” It took everything I had to get those few words out; I was so distracted by the proximity of his lips.

  “I want to give us a shot.” His hands moved up from my hands to wrap around my hips. “I mean, if you still want to.” His bottomless onyx irises seared into mine with the intensity of a million suns.

  God, I wanted to. It was all I’d wanted since the day I’d arrived at Darkhen Academy. Before I could answer, his lips captured mine. I melted into his embrace, my body molding against his like its missing half.

  His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me closer. Our tongues intertwined in a fevered dance, tasting and exploring every inch of each other. It had been too long. Way too long. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, winding my fingers between his silky locks.

  Ryder angled my head, deepening the kiss, and then released my swollen lips to sprinkle fiery kisses down my neck. I arched against him, tipping my head back and a groan slipped through my clenched teeth.

  “So is that a yes?” Ryder lifted his lips from my skin, and I nearly screamed for him not to stop.

  “Is what a yes?” I panted.

  He chuckled, a mischievous smile making my heart flutter. “You want to give us a try?”

  My head bounced up and down. “Yes, Ryder, a thousand times yes.” I wrapped m
y fingers around his neck and pulled him down to my lips. I was so consumed by him, the rest of the world faded away. It was just Ryder and I in our peaceful, lusty bubble.

  Until the peace was shattered a few minutes later by his squealing cell phone.

  “Sorry.” He released me, and my lips twisted into a pout. He scrounged around for his phone in his pocket, one hand still clasped around my hip. “I have to make sure it’s not important.” His eyes widened, and he let out a frustrated growl.

  “Let me guess, it’s important?”

  He nodded. “It’s Cillian, and he needs to see me right away.”

  “Of course he does.” I folded my arms across my chest and scowled.

  His hands cupped my cheeks, and he dropped a sweet kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Save me a dance.”

  I couldn’t help the ridiculous smile that stretched across my face. “Okay, but hurry back.”

  The magic of the cloaking spell washed away, and all the sounds of the dance came rushing in. I watched Ryder as he disappeared through the crowd, totally ogling his cute butt in those tight board shorts.

  Until a curtain of deep auburn hair flashed across my vision. “We need to talk.” Raine slapped her hands on her hips as she glared down at me.

  “Fine,” I hissed. “Are you finally going to hear me out about Drake?”

  “Not here,” she snapped, grabbing my hand and jerking it toward the exit. She practically dragged me out of the gym, not stopping until we reached the quiet overpass that connected us to the main building.

  “Okay, what do you want to talk about?” I asked when she finally stopped.

  “Nothing. I just needed you away from everyone else.”

  A dark shadow crossed my peripheral vision, and sharp pain lanced through my temple. Everything went dark.

  Chapter 26

  My eyes snapped open, a fierce pounding reverberating across my skull. Newly fallen snow coated the ground, moving beneath me. It took my hazy mind a second to focus on what was happening. I was hanging upside down over someone’s shoulder. Raine? That little witch’s pouty face was the last thing I remembered.


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