Jon turned to him. “So far no one does. Except a few of our people. They’ll keep it quiet.”
“I hope so.” Austin appeared behind Scott. “She’s been through enough shit lately.”
Tommy could see their concern, but other than what Dean did, had no idea what they meant. “We’ll do our best.” He hoped it worked out. Austin put a hand on Scott’s shoulder and their eyes met. “You guys have fun.” He winked.
Austin grinned, glad someone else knew about he and Scott. “That we will.” He tugged Scott away. “Later.”
When they were gone, Tommy looked around the room. The party was still sedate. Too many corporate types and not enough women. As part-owner of Demonfire, it was important that he mingle. He pat Jon on the back.
“Let’s go and get this over with.” He grinned. “Then maybe we can hit a club and pick up a few chicks.
Meanwhile, Dominic and Noelle were climbing into her bunk. It reminded Dominic of their first bus. He wanted to make love for hours, but the space limitation might get in the way. When Noelle lay on her back, he grinned and looked her naked body over in the dim light. It was still a shock to him that she was his girl, finally.
“Lay down,” Noelle urged him, and then started to turn on her side.
He stopped her. “Stay just like that.” Carefully, he maneuvered his body until he was over her. Then he pulled the sheet and blanket up to his shoulders, knowing the curtain would move as they did. “So… Let me show you my plan.”
Leaning on his forearms, he brushed his lips over hers. Without a word, he raked her hair with his fingers and moved his mouth to her jaw. Ever so slowly, he made his way to her throat, over her neck, to her ear.
“Love you… so much.”
Noelle moaned as his tongue slid over her lobe, then up the edge. He toyed with her cartilage piercing. She had no idea that would make her pussy tingle. If only his hips were between her legs. He purposely stayed on his knees, teasing her. His breath tickled her ear and the tip of his stiff cock grazed her inner thigh.
“Dominic, please.” She put her hand in his hair.
He grinned. Never had any other woman begged him. Whined maybe, but groupies didn’t count. Noelle wanted him. The real him. He shifted his legs and pushed her thighs apart with his knees. Dying to penetrate her, but knowing it was too soon. He wanted her to feel his love, know she was special to him.
“Soon, sweetheart.” He lifted his head, then kissed her lips again and again. “First we need this.” One of his hands trailed down her side and caressed her thigh. “Missed you.”
She gasped when his fingertips moved over her hip again. “Love you too.” She lifted her legs, intending to wrap them around his back, but hit the ceiling instead. With a groan, she rested her feet on the backs of his thighs. It forced him to lay on her. “Much better.”
He rolled his eyes. She was trying to hurry him. He thought about it for a few seconds. Maybe that was a smart idea. They wouldn’t be alone for too long. He held her head on either side and let his soft kisses turn passionate. She fisted his hair and tugged him closer. That turned him on even more. His tongue searched for hers, and then danced in her mouth.
Both of them were moaning, desperate for each other. Unconsciously, Dominic rubbed his shaft over her folds. She grew wetter by the second. His kisses became more aggressive. Then he tilted his hips and slowly sank into her pussy.
Noelle shut her eyes tightly. The slight initial pain passed quickly. She wished her body would get used to his girth. His next languid stroke caused her to shudder. He held her body close and kept kissing her neck as he pumped slowly in and out of her, working his way deeper.
“God, Noelle.” Dominic moaned loudly and gasped as he finally ground his hips into hers. “Feels so good.” He kissed her ear, then buried his face in her hair again, still grinding, letting her adjust to him. “Love you.”
She closed her eyes again, but this time because emotions were starting to surface. “Love you too.” One hand grasped his bicep the other tangled in his hair. “Dom-in-ic. Oh, God. Dominic, Dominic.” Her eyes opened wide and her back arched, pressing her breasts to his chest. “I’m about to… cum.” She clung to him and cried out as she trembled all over.
He sighed as she pulsed within, sending pleasure throughout his body. “Damn, you’re so amazing.”
Mitchell crept down the hall. He was there to change his clothes. Noelle’s curtain opened slightly, and his mouth dropped. He could see Dominic on top of her. They were covered, but there was no mistaking what they were doing. He stared, not able to look away. Pain gripped his chest, and his hand moved to his heart.
“I love you,” Noelle proclaimed.
Those words hurt as well, but it told Mitchell that Dominic was not just a fling. She was truly in love and happy for the first time in many years. He smiled, tears in his eyes. It hurt, but he had to let go. She needed him to. He quickly and quietly got what he came for and left.
Dominic held Noelle’s shoulders in his hands. He thrust harder, feeling her body responding again. His mouth moved to her ear and he whispered, “Cum for me.”
She gasped, the feeling getting stronger. “Cum with me.” Her nails dug into his skin a bit. “Please.” She knew he had been holding back, for her sake. Her lips touched his earlobe. “Cum in me.”
That was it. He let go, exploding inside of her as she thrashed in his arms, crying out his name. He didn’t let her go as they shuddered and moaned together. Breathing hard, he welcomed the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He loved her with all his heart. Tears pooled in his eyes, but he blinked them away and cradled her in his arms.
“Wow,” she said when they had both relaxed.
He nodded. “Yeah, double for me.”
She lay there under him without another word until she felt his semen start to seep out of her. “I need to go clean up.”
“Not yet, please.” He carefully rolled them until his back was to the curtain and hugged her tightly. “I can’t let you go.” The many sleepless nights were catching up with him. His eyes drifted closed as he treasured the feeling of her body against his.
Minutes later, Noelle felt Dominic fall asleep. She couldn’t get out of his arms or climb over him. Forcing herself to ignore the oozing, she laid her head on his arm and closed her own eyes.
“Good night, Dominic.”
Chapter Thirty Four
Dominic woke up and looked around the enclosed space. Within seconds, he realized where he was. He looked down at Noelle, who was still sleeping, and kissed her temple. The bus was moving. That meant he had slept all night. They both had. The two-hour trip to Baltimore was scheduled for nine that morning. He wondered how long they had been on the road.
He got his answer quickly. The bus stopped, and he heard the door open. Footsteps going in either direction came next. Another door closed. He wasn’t sure if he should wake Noelle or not. However, she was sleeping so peacefully, he wouldn’t have had the heart to disturb her anyway.
“Noelle?” Mitchell quietly called. A hand appeared at the edge of her curtain. “You up yet?”
Dominic held back a growl and quietly called back, “She’s asleep.”
“Sorry, Dom. Thought you went home.” Mitchell had wanted to talk about letting go. “Never mind.”
Taking slow, deep breaths, Dominic forced himself to relax. They were friends. Maybe Mitchell just wanted to talk. Dom had not had many female friends. Other than Crystal at the moment, he had none. Jealousy would make things difficult, since he and Noelle had to spend so much time apart.
Noelle snuggled closer to him, and he smiled. It would be a few days until he could wake up to her again. He tried not to think of Gasoline’s upcoming tour. Winter Winds had few dates in the same vicinity as them. It would be a rough eight months with very little time together.
“We there yet?” Noelle mumbled into his chest.
Hugging her tight, he replied, “Yes.” He closed his eyes, not wanting to let h
er go. “Do you have something to do this morning?”
“No.” She looked up at him. “We could sightsee or just hang out.” Ignoring the stiff cock pressing into her belly was difficult, but she couldn’t handle sex with her bandmates awake.
Dominic leaned down and kissed her lips. “Sounds great.” He didn’t care what they did, as long as it was together. She squirmed a bit. “You OK?”
“Have to pee,” she whispered.
He reached behind her where they put pajamas for the morning. She started shimmying into the set while he did his best to not fall out of the bunk. It proved impossible. He was soon on his back in the hallway looking up at Mitchell who had heard the noise.
“Bet your bunks are bigger.” Mitchell pretended Dominic wasn’t lying there naked.
Noelle opened her bunk’s curtain and climbed out. “I’ll be back.” Then she turned to Mitchell. “Be nice.”
“OK, fine,” Mitchell mumbled. “Are you sticking around for the show tonight, Dom?”
Noelle stopped at the bathroom door and leered at Dominic. “Just the way I like you—naked.”
Dominic blushed when he realized everyone on the bus could see he was hard as a rock. “Shit.” He scrambled back into her bunk. As he took deep breaths, his dick started to soften. “I’m staying,” he finally answered. “Tommy’s picking me up after your set.” They were leaving for Atlanta that night.
“Cool.” Mitchell was glad Dominic was making an effort. “She means a lot to me. Treat her right… Please.”
Dominic donned the shorts he had stashed in a corner. “You know I will.” He rolled out of bed and got to his feet. Then he turned to Mitchell. “Would it be OK to take a bottle of water? I’ll replace it.” He knew the band was short on funds sometimes.
“Take what you want.” Mitchell smiled. “You’re one of us now.” He smiled, making good on his promise to Noelle. “We got cereal and frozen waffles, too.”
Not wanting to sound ungrateful, Dominic chose his words carefully. “I wanted to take Noelle out for breakfast, but thanks.” He didn’t eat cereal, not even as a kid.
“She needs a bit of spoiling.” Mitchell was starting to like Dominic. “You should get her something to remind her of you. She misses you terribly when you’re apart.”
Dominic stared at him. It sounded like he was finally good with him and Noelle. “Like what?” Claire hadn’t let him buy her anything but her engagement ring. However, they were struggling back then. “I’ve never bought a gift for a woman.”
Mouth dropping, Mitchell was completely shocked. “Seriously?”
“It’s a long story,” Dominic admitted. “I haven’t felt like this for a woman in a very long time.”
Mitchell sighed. He knew there was a good reason Dominic had gotten to Noelle. “Well… she really likes the color red. And, um… She’s pretty fond of jewelry. She doesn’t have anything real, though. It’s all decent costume stuff.” He paused. “Whatever you do, don’t get her a ring. She’ll freak out, even if it’s not a diamond.” He pursed his lips when Noelle suddenly came into the hallway.
“What’re you talking about?” she asked, seeing the look at both their faces.
Dominic saved Mitchell from making an excuse with, “I was just making sure it’s OK that we run off.” He pulled her into his arms. “Brandon told me about this restaurant downtown that he loves, but they’re not open for breakfast.” It was true. “So, we gotta kill time.”
“Breakfast.” She pecked his lips. “That’s what I want.” She hesitated for a few seconds. “Um, you think we could… rent a room? So I can take a real shower?” She hated asking him to spend money.
He grinned and kissed her forehead. “Sure. Anything for you, sweetheart.”
“Just somewhere cheap,” she insisted.
Dominic’s eyes met Mitchell’s, and he winked. “We’ll see.” No way would he take her to a low-class place. “Let me grab my stuff, and we can get going.”
Less than 30 minutes later, Dominic opened the door to a spacious and fancy room. He tugged a reluctant Noelle inside. “This is much better than that fleabag place down the block.”
“But it cost twice as much.” She felt guilty.
He took a deep breath, wanting to understand her point of view. “I don’t spend money on much. I wanna spend it on you.” He stopped and opened the bathroom door. “You can even take a bath if you want.” That earned him a smile. It widened as he checked the set of bottles on the tub edge. “They even have bubble bath.”
“Wow. That would be great.” She stared at the tub as if never seeing one before. It had been months since she had soaked in a bath. “You don’t mind?”
Shaking his head, he caressed her cheek. “I’ll go get breakfast downstairs while you enjoy it. When you’re done, I’ll hop in the shower. Then we’ll go across the street to the mall.”
She scowled at him. “I don’t need anything.”
He smirked. “Don’t worry. I’m getting something for both of us.” He hoped she liked his idea. Mitchell started his wheels turning, and he figured out the perfect thing. “Any special requests for breakfast?”
“I trust you.” She looked down, then up. “I do, you know.”
He touched his forehead to hers. “I know. Thank you.” He hugged her, then left the room.
When he came back, he carried a large bag of food, hazelnut coffee and bottled orange juice. The room was quiet. He set the items on a table and checked on Noelle. She lay in the tub. Most of the bubbles had dissipated. Her eyes closed, she was so beautiful.
“Noelle?” he quietly called to her. She didn’t respond. He smiled again. She looked so peaceful. Then his chest constricted, and panic started to set in. She was completely still. “Noelle?” His voice got louder, but nothing. “Noelle, Noelle… God no, please.”
She awoke with a start. Seeing Dominic freaking out she grabbed his arm. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Tears were running down his cheeks, and he had gripped the tub edge so hard his knuckles were white.
Shocked, his eyes opened. He had sworn she was dead. Without thinking, he grabbed her, holding her wet body close. “You’re OK? Really?”
“I’m fine.” She felt him shaking and realized what had happened. “I’m sorry I scared you.” She slowly ran her hands up and down his back. “I’m OK. I swear. I won’t leave you. Promise.”
He gulped air, the terror fading. “Sorry.” He hadn’t meant to overreact.
“Ssshh, I understand. Just let it out. I’m right here.”
She felt him fight his emotions. At least she knew what caused the reaction. If she had lost someone like he had, she might have the same fears. She let one hand rake through his hair. Then she wiped away his tears. It wasn’t easy, but she held hers back.
“I thought…” He had to swallow. “I thought you were gone. You weren’t moving.” He closed his eyes tightly. “I’d die if that happened.”
Pulling away slightly, Noelle kissed his lips. “I won’t let it.”
Dominic opened his eyes, meeting hers. “I was so scared.”
“You don’t have to explain,” she assured him. “Unless you want to.”
His eyes turned sad again. “You know what I was thinking, right?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “Everything came back?” He nodded, and she felt awful that he had to relive it again. “I didn’t do my hair. You wanna stay in here while I wash it?”
He nodded again, afraid to talk. Then he buried his face in her hair. Reigning in his feelings had never been so difficult. “I love you,” he softly told her.
“I love you too, Dominic.” She ran her fingers through his hair again. That seemed to calm him. It worked. Within a minute, he looked into her eyes again. “Better?” A nod made her smile.
He took her face in his hands and kissed her lips softly several times. “Don’t know what I’d do without you.” Then he took a deep breath and shook off the pain. “Can I wash your hair?”
“I’d love that.” She
slid back into the lukewarm water and watched him cup his hands in the water while on his knees.
“Close your eyes.”
She complied. Water flowed over her head several times before Dominic started to massage shampoo into her scalp. She sighed as he took his time, not missing an inch. The only time someone else washed her hair was at the hairdresser. They had nothing on Dominic. His strong, callused fingers did wonders.
“Don’t fall asleep again,” he warned.
Not opening her eyes, Noelle replied, “I won’t. Feels so good.” She was sure her hair was as clean as could be, but did not want it to end.
“Keep ’em closed.”
Dominic smiled at her obvious pleasure. He slowly rinsed the shampoo. Then he worked conditioner through her thick locks. He piled all her hair on top of her head before cleaning his hands off.
“What’s next?” Noelle’s gaze met Dominic’s.
He shrugged. “Did you already wash your body?”
“Yeah, but I’m not going to stop you from doing it again.”
With a grin, he poured body wash onto his hands. He started at her neck and worked his way down while she moved into different positions to give him access. Claire was the one and only woman he had done such intimate things with. He was glad he shared it with Noelle as well.
“Now we can eat.” Noelle was hungry.
Dominic grinned as she stood, water dripping down her naked body. “I’d much rather….”
She put a finger over his lips. “After we eat. My stomach is starting to sound pretty angry.” With a wink, she took the towel he held and wrapped it around her.
He gave her a hand to help her out of the tub. “Fine. Food first.” He led her to where he had put their breakfast.
Just as he had emptied the bag and put a cup of coffee in front of Noelle, his phone chimed. He pulled it out and smiled. “Rosario? You got my message?”
“Yep.” Rosario Saracino was stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. “You really got me 10 tickets?”
Dominic glanced up at Noelle who looked confused. He covered the mouthpiece. “He’s Giovanni’s brother.”
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