Jaxon: Heroes at Heart

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Jaxon: Heroes at Heart Page 22

by Maryann Jordan

  They walked into his apartment and Morgan immediately moved to the large windows overlooking the city lights.

  “I loved this view the first time I was here,” she said, a smile playing about her lips.

  Jaxon walked up behind her and wrapped one arm around her chest and the other around her waist. He buried his nose in her hair before sliding down to nuzzle her neck. The familiar scent of her filled him and he reveled in having her back in his arms. “I’ve missed you, babe. I’ve missed having you here. Seeing you wake up, all sleepy. Seeing you in the kitchen. Piling up with me on the sofa and watching old movies.”

  She twisted around in his arms until she was facing him, her head leaning back so that her eyes were on his. “I’ve missed being here also.” She blew out a breath, her smile still in place. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I always loved being here by myself,” he admitted. “But since you entered my life, this world’s been lonely without you.”

  “I know,” she agreed. “I wish I could say I have my life all figured out. I don’t, but, I feel like I know the direction to move in.”

  Anxious to hear what she had to say, he slid his hand down to link fingers with her and drew her over to the sofa. As she sat down, he glanced at her left arm and turned to grab a pillow.

  “It’s okay,” she assured. “I don’t have to prop it up anymore, just have to be careful. I have the surgery next week to remove the external pins.”

  Hating the idea of her having more surgery, he nodded before sitting on the coffee table, facing her with his knees on either side of hers. “Tell me everything.” His eyes devoured her face, searching for any clue as to her thoughts.

  Morgan held his gaze, reaching over to cup his jaw. His eyes, so familiar, held hers and she fought to breathe.

  Her brow crinkled and, with his heart dropping, Jaxon asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Shaking her head slightly, she said, “How is it that I can hold my breath underwater for so long and, yet, looking at you right now, loving you as much as I do, it’s as though I can’t suck in enough air?”

  Her words hit him and he gasped as he moved closer, until his lips were a whisper away from hers. “You love me?”

  She smiled a watery smile, a single tear trailing a path over her cheek. He kissed it away before sliding his lips to the corner of her mouth.

  “Oh, baby, I love you so much too,” he confessed. “My world has been empty without you in it every day. Please tell me you’re here to stay.”

  “I still have healing to do. At least one more surgery. Lots more rehab and therapy—”

  “And we can get through it together,” he assured.

  “I’d like that,” she whispered.

  His heart soared at the sound of her words and he moved the barest inch so that his lips captured hers, the warm feel of satin against his penetrating the fog he had felt since she left. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he rekindled the longing he had experienced since she had approached him in Grimm’s.

  “So, if we’re recreating our first night together,” she said, her eyes sparkling, “how about we take this to the bedroom. I’ve got great leg muscles, you know.”

  Barking out a laugh, he stood and swooped her into his arm, stalking down the hall. Still careful of her arm, they restated their love for one another long into the night.

  Jaxon woke the next morning, the feel of a warm body tangled with his sending a smile across his face. He rolled Morgan’s way, seeing her eyes open and staring back at him.

  “Hey,” he said, his gravely morning voice greeting her.

  “Hey, yourself,” she replied.

  “Whatcha thinking?”

  “First? That this is a fantastic way to wake up.” That answer earned her a long, wet kiss. As it ended, she continued, “Second, I like waking up here, in your place.”

  “Baby, you say the word,” he said, his grin wide, “and it’ll become our place in a heartbeat.”

  His reply sent her mouth flying toward his for a longer kiss. After a moment, she leaned back and said, “And, third, I need to tell you about my new job.”

  Jolted out of his morning lust, he blinked. “Job? You got a job?”

  Nodding, she bit her lips and blurted, “I’m going to be working at Eleanor and Rafe’s clinic, teaching water exercises and swimming to the veterans that are staying there. And, I’ve talked to Dad and he’ll help occasionally. It’ll use my college degree, and my love of swimming, and—umph!”

  She grunted as he rolled on top of her, his kiss stealing her breath.


  Jaxon waited anxiously in the surgery waiting room, Eleanor and Jayden sitting with him, as well as Morgan’s parents. Eleanor looked to the side and said, “I know this is agonizing, but this is fairly easy surgery, you know.”

  He just nodded, feeling Jayden’s hand clamp his shoulder in solidarity. Before he had time to respond, the surgeon walked out and, with a big grin, told them that everything was perfect. Breathing easier, he shook his hand and accepted hugs from his friends. They left the room and he glanced nervously toward Sam and Pamela.

  He noted as Pamela nudged her husband and Sam walked over, sticking out his hand. “Jaxon, I never fully told you how grateful we were for the care you gave Morgan at the accident. It took a while for that to penetrate, which I know doesn’t say good things about me, but we know that having you right there saved her arm and maybe her life.”

  He felt the firm, but warm, handshake and accepted Sam’s words. He had heard them many times over the years in working rescues, but this one meant the world to him. “Thank you, Mr. McAlister.”

  “And…” Pamela prodded her husband.

  Sam chuckled as he wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “And for falling in love with her as well. I’ve never seen her so happy and, after the accident, I never thought I would see her this way.”

  “I can’t accept your thanks for that,” he said, his smile still wide. “She’s brought a lot to my world and our love can only make it better.”

  The surgery waiting room receptionist called for Morgan’s family and he hesitated, looking toward her parents.

  “Go on in, son,” Sam said. “She’ll want to see you first. We’ll be right here.”

  With an appreciative nod, he turned and hurried down the hall.

  One year later

  * * *

  Jaxon, with Bob and Mary, moved the man onto the gurney, keeping his splinted leg still and straight.

  “I told you this was a stupid idea, George,” his wife complained, every step of the way. “Why you thought you’d show the grandkids how to skateboard, I’ll never know. You haven’t skateboarded in forty years. Now, look what you’ve done!”

  * * *

  “Ma’am, you need to step back, please,” he said, hoping she would move out of their way but, instead, she simply continued to yell at her husband, who was writhing in pain. He threw up a prayer of thanks when a policeman escorted her to the side, giving them room to move.

  Thirty minutes later, having delivered him to the hospital, the three of them drove back to the station to clock out.

  “Got any plans with Morgan tonight?” Mary asked.

  “Heading out to see her right now,” he grinned.

  She placed a hand on his arm and said, “I’m happy for you, Jaxon. Really happy.”

  He returned her grin and jogged to his SUV. Arriving at the Bellamy Clinic, he parked outside and made his way around the gardens to the entrance of the pool. Waving toward Rafe, he entered the door and his gaze searched for the woman who had captured his heart. Seeing several others, he scanned the pool, not seeing her.

  Suddenly, she rose from the depths, her deep red hair billowing out behind her before it sleeked back from her face. Her eyes opened, their blue depths resembling the purest of oceans. She stared at him, her lips curving into a beautiful smile as her arms moved gracefully in front of her, propelling her closer to where he was standing.

>   Kneeling on the side, he greeted, “Hey, mermaid.”

  “Hey, yourself.”

  “You almost finished?”

  “Yeah, I just need to—”


  She rolled her eyes as she twisted her head around to stare at her father. “You don’t have to shout, Dad. I’m right here.”

  Sam had the good grace to appear contrite as he said, “Sorry. Just wanted to say I was heading out. I’ve been working with John and Karen today. They look healthy. You’ve done a really good job with them, sweetheart.”

  Jaxon extended a hand and assisted her out of the pool. Scooping her towel from the chair, he handed it to her. She winked at him before walking toward her father. Standing on her toes, she kissed his ruddy cheek. “Thanks, Dad. Tell Mom we’ll come for dinner this weekend.”

  Sam tossed a wave and goodbye toward him and walked to the locker rooms.

  Turning back to him, Morgan smiled. “So, I guess I’m finished.”

  He looked around at the veterans still in the pool, working on stretching their limbs, and said, “I have to agree with your dad. You’re doing a really good job here.”

  Sliding her arm around his waist, she kissed the underside of his jaw. “What can I say?” she whispered against his skin. “I’m living in the best of both worlds.”

  Five Years Later

  * * *

  “Grandpa! Look at me!”

  Sam grinned at four-year-old Margaret standing on the end of the diving board. “Go on, girl. Impress this old man!”

  Margaret looked over at her dad, waving as he stood next to the side of the pool, cheering. Looking back down at her mom in the water, she pinched her nose closed with her fingers and jumped.

  Morgan easily caught her daughter in her arms, bringing them both to the surface, supporting Margaret as she swam toward her grandpa at the other end.

  Sam took his granddaughter in his arms, held her high and blew raspberries in her neck. Her giggles rang out over the water.

  Morgan laughed at their antics then turned and swam to the side of the pool, hoisting herself out of the water with the help of her husband. Standing on her toes, she touched her lips to Jaxon’s, her blue eyes holding his.

  “Hey, mermaid,” he whispered, his arms wrapping around her. “Speaking of a mermaid, looks like Margaret is having a good time.”

  She twisted her head around and looked at her dad and daughter splashing in the water. Hearing a high-pitched squeal, her attention was snagged by the pack-and-play under the shade of the umbrella. Miss Ethel leaned over, her hands clapping at the toddler, with Pamela smiling nearby.

  “And looks like our son just woke up,” Jaxon said, smiling as he led her over to the pergola. Scooping up Jack, he kissed the top of his head before ushering her over to sit on the padded chairs in the shade.

  She bounced Jack on her knees as her mom slathered him in sunscreen, then walked back to the pool’s edge and eased into the water, holding him as he squealed and splashed the surface with his hands, safe in her arms. Her mom snapped numerous photographs with her phone, saving the memories.

  Sam and Morgan continued to play with the children as Jaxon sat with Miss Ethel. Her thin hand reached over and patted his arm. He smiled and covered her hand with his much larger one.

  “You okay, Miss Ethel?”

  Her grey eyes sought his and she nodded. “I just thought that perhaps you were right, those many years ago.”

  His brow lowered as he cocked his head. “What was I right about?”

  She nodded toward the gathering in the pool and replied, “Perhaps the Disney version was the best. After all, nothing can beat a happily-ever-after.”

  Smiling widely, he nodded silently, turning his gaze back to his family. Still holding Miss Ethel’s hand, he could not agree more.

  Heroes at Heart (Military Romance)





  Jayden (coming 2019)

  Asher (Coming 2019)

  Zeke (coming 2019)

  * * *

  Baytown Boys (small town, military romantic suspense)

  Coming Home

  Just One More Chance

  Clues of the Heart

  Finding Peace

  Picking Up the Pieces

  Sunset Flames

  Waiting for Sunrise

  Hear My Heart

  * * *

  Saint’s Protection & Investigations (Military Romantic Suspense)

  Serial Love

  Healing Love

  Revealing Love

  Seeing Love

  Honor Love

  Sacrifice Love

  Protecting Love

  Remember Love

  Discover Love

  Surviving Love

  Celebrating Love

  Searching Love

  * * *

  Lighthouse Security Investigations


  Rank (coming Jan 2019)

  * * *

  Alvarez Security (military romantic suspense)





  * * *

  Sleeper SEAL

  Thin Ice

  * * *

  Letters From Home (military romance)

  Class of Love

  Freedom of Love

  Bond of Love

  The Love’s Series (detectives)

  Love’s Taming

  Love’s Tempting

  Love’s Trusting

  The Fairfield Series (small town detectives)

  Emma’s Home

  Laurie’s Time

  Carol’s Image

  Fireworks Over Fairfield

  Please take the time to leave a review of this book. Feel free to contact me, especially if you enjoyed my book. I love to hear from readers!







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