The Barbarian's Captive

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The Barbarian's Captive Page 13

by Maddie Taylor

His grin flashed, dazzlingly white. “I thought you might find that of interest. But why call it a green thumb?”

  “Most of our plants are green.”

  “Ah, that makes sense. Here you’ll find very few plants are green.” He gave her a sidelong glance. “Will studying a whole new world full of plant life keep you occupied for a while?”

  “I can’t wait to get started. Can we go see it now?”

  “I’ll let Uncle Aylan have that pleasure tomorrow.” They continued to climb to the fourth floor where, unlike the others, there was an etched glass door rather than an open corridor. She liked that, feeling it gave them a bit of privacy, as did the thumbprint scanner that released the lever allowing him to push the door open. With his hand again riding low on the small of her back, they entered his home.

  With high-vaulted ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows—two of which were open, letting in a cool breeze—the large, sunken room was awash in light and color from the spectacular views of the vivid mountains on one side, and the gleaming white city on the other. Around the room, which appeared to be a gathering place of some kind, several plush couches and armchairs were situated with side tables and an abundance of large pillows. Opposite them, stood another set of double doors. He led her directly to them, and with a full palm scan, they proceeded inside.

  “Here we are.”

  “What was the other room?”

  “A receiving area for guests, nothing more.”

  She blinked. “But it’s so large.”

  “Yes, and often so crowded it is standing room only.” He moved them down the long hall, pointing out rooms as they passed. The first was an office for his residential assistant, Janus. “His most important job is to monitor guests, or we would never get any privacy.”

  Across from this, he pointed out the door that lead to the rooftop gardens. She stared at it, dying to take just a quick peek. He smiled and steered her further down the hall, reminding her, “You’ll get to explore all you like tomorrow.”

  There were numerous short halls accessing the galley and dining areas, another to a main lounge and recreation room, two others with more bedrooms, and one more that led to a large office if he chose to work from home. The place was enormous. The hallway turned left into another corridor, terminating at yet another set of double doors.

  “This is our private suite. No one but you or I will enter without express invitation.” He waved his hand over another sensor and the doors opened into a vast, sumptuous room. In the corner, three steps led up to a huge raised bed, its floor-to-ceiling posts festooned with embroidered curtains, which opened to reveal rich bed linens and a host of pillows. To the right was a sitting area, with broad couches and wide chairs big enough for two, and more pillows. They seemed to really like pillows. To the left, he showed her to a huge walk-in closet with a multitude of shelves, mirrors, and racks. It was as big as her apartment back home, and only half full.

  “We’ll see about clothing and accessories for you, tomorrow.”

  He showed her through another door, which accessed a bathroom with a pool even bigger than the one on her ship. In the corner was a shower with glass doors much like a typical stall — though twice the usual size. Passing straight through, they entered another large room on the other side with more couches, a small table for six, bookshelves and viewing screens which he announced was their own private lounge area.

  “What’s through that door?”

  He opened it. “Bedrooms for children, when they come. They’ll be close, but not right on top of us.”

  She counted the doors — six! Her face warmed slightly at the thought.

  “You are free to change anything you like to make you feel comfortable. It is your home. My office, however, I like as is.”

  “It’s beautiful as is.” She glanced around, ill at ease, having no idea how to go about making a change if she wanted to.

  “You’ll settle in, soon enough.” His voice was more confident than she felt. She wandered the room, and he let her, watching as she explored everything, touching fabrics, glancing at the bookshelves without really seeing the books, and nervously coming to a stop in front of the darkened windows.

  “Why can’t we see outside?”

  “Windows on,” he said. The darkly fogged glass went clear, the twin suns shining, filling the room with light. His following command for the windows to dim caused them to tint slightly, decreasing the harsh glare of the morning suns. “Windows closed,” he murmured, the glass returning to its darkened state. “In the early morning and late afternoon, the suns can be overwhelmingly bright without the tinting. But always, no matter what setting, there is privacy from the outside.”

  She nodded, feeling suddenly awkward, like the alien that she was.

  “You’re frowning. Is there something you don’t like?”

  “What do I do here, Kerr?”

  “You live here, Eva, of course.”

  “That isn’t what I meant. What do I do? At home, I had a job.”

  “This is your home now.”

  Irritated, she shook her head, but she didn’t go into the same old argument that ticked him off. “I had work to do. A career.”

  “You had a mission. That no longer exists for you.”

  “Before that, back on Earth, I worked with plants in a biotechnology lab.”

  “You may work in the garden as you like, but I think you’ll find that your time is well occupied once you settle in.”

  “You keep saying that, but I don’t know what that means. I don’t want to settle in. I’d like to go home.”

  He came to her, his long strides eating up the space between them. “Your home is with me, always.” His hands stroked up and down her arms in a soothing manner that didn’t have the desired effect. She stiffened and pulled away. His brows gathered and he took a deep breath, undoubtedly seeking patience. “‘Settling in’ is a phrase we use when new mates are first joined and becoming bonded. It takes time to learn one another, and for the complete transformation to take effect.”

  “How much time?”

  “Each couple is different.” He pulled her closer, his lips brushing her temple. “I know this is difficult. Doubly so for you, because not only do you have a new mate to become accustomed to, but also an entire new world. Give it time, sprite. It will become easier.”

  He didn’t understand, and she didn’t think he ever would. She didn’t want it to become easier — and she didn’t want to settle in. She wanted to go back to the Odyssey and what she’d always know as home, her world. Then, as his arms slipped around her and he pulled her against his hard chest, the devil in the back of her mind challenged her thinking. As did the way the top of her head fit just right beneath his chin, and how her cheek found the perfect spot on his smooth, muscled shoulder. Her heart skipped a beat as her smaller, softer frame conformed seamlessly to his.

  Going home meant never seeing Kerr again, never getting swept up in the passion he inspired within her, and never feeling the warmth and affection that surrounded her when he held her in his arms.

  Ambivalent and confused, she said nothing, struggling with the swirl of emotions inside her. It didn’t help her see more clearly when his hand swept up her back and threaded through her hair. With steady, gentle pressure, he tipped her face up to his and took her lips in a stirring kiss.

  “I’ve dreamed of having you here, in my home and in my bed. Let me welcome you properly.” He lifted her and carried her out of the lounge, through the bathing room, and into his massive bedroom. As he climbed the steps to his platform bed, he murmured, “Windows closed, low lights on.” The recessed lights overhead dimmed to a gentle glow, while the rest of the room faded away as the miracle windows blocked out both the sunlight and the outside world.

  Setting her on her feet, he stripped off her gown. His arms encompassed her as his big body leaned in, lowering her to the wide bed. He followed her down, his lips and hands tracing lightly over her skin.

  “I want y
ou to be more than content here, Eva. If you yield to me, I’m convinced we’ll find great joy in each other and the life that we share.”

  He claimed her fully then, his mouth taking hers, his tongue plunging deep as he freed himself and sent his cock driving between her thighs. Her breathy sighs and his groans of pleasure mingled to become the musical backdrop for their impassioned joining, as together they built to a breathtaking crescendo, Eva experiencing, if only briefly, the great joy and true bliss he’d foretold.

  Though she could have stayed in that bed forever, lying replete within each other’s arms, all too soon reality intruded in the form of footsteps and voices in the hall.

  “They won’t come in, will they?” She snuggled within the comfort of his embrace.

  “No one would dare.” His lips brushed softly across her forehead, “I can’t guarantee they won’t knock and make a huge commotion at the door if I don’t go greet them though.” His arms drew her in tight against his chest, then he released her and moved away. “I have duties, but you stay and rest. You haven’t slept well these past few nights. I’ll return for you when it’s time for the midday meal.”

  In no time, he had dressed and once again stood over her. Although drowsy, she wasn’t past the point of appreciating the masculine beauty of the man at her bedside. As he tied his hair back with an effortless, almost unconscious motion, Eva did a slow scan of his face and form. For all his denials that he wasn’t a king, he had the bearing of one. She’d never bought into that old saying “clothes make the man,” but in his red tunic with the gold at the shoulders and the black pants molded to his powerful thighs, Kerr looked regal — and damn hot. Nothing compared to him naked though, his long, dark hair loose around his yard-wide shoulders, his chest broad and muscular, his sculpted arms, long and sinewy, and all the smooth bronze skin. Yes, naked, Kerr was on fire.

  Despite having just climaxed minutes ago, longing unfurled within her and she stirred restlessly, the silky sheets enough to irritate her oversensitive skin, especially her hard nipples. She’d never acted that way before, but then she hadn’t ever been with such a man, an alien who believed in cellular transformations and chemical bonds. Whatever the cause, he was making her insane with lust.

  He cleared his throat, drawing her eyes. His were glinting with golden fire while gazing down at her, taking in every inch, just as she had done with him, his slow perusal raking over her body as if mesmerized by what he saw. Then he smiled warmly and leaned down, his mouth hovering a hairsbreadth above her own.

  “I too feel the pull between us, little one.” His whisper soft breath tickled her parted lips. “Alas, I have business, so our lust must wait for later.”

  She ignored his teasing and his wickedly sensual grin as the burning and tingling that were now a very familiar reminder of what they shared made its presence known.


  His hand slid over her thigh and squeezed gently. “Sleep, Eva, and enjoy being without duties while you can. For all your desire to have a job and a career, as my mate, you will be in high demand and will be singing a different tune in very short order, rest assured.”

  Then he kissed her firm and quick, murmured lights off, and was gone, the confident click of his heels on the white marble floor echoing back to her as he strode down the hallway.

  She rolled to her side and called, “Windows open.” Unable to so much as think about sleeping, instead she stared out at the rainbow-colored mountains in the distance, willing the hum of her aroused body to calm, wondering if she’d ever wake up from her elaborate dream.

  Chapter 11

  Settling in was an eventful time, for certain. Inordinately busy, Kerr found time to work on her transformation in their bed every morning, often at midday, and without fail, following the evening meal every night. Her body was pleasantly sore from all of his attention. Otherwise, she didn’t see him much as his people consumed every other waking moment.

  That left her with a need to occupy herself and the first order of business was getting the lay of the land and locating Lana along with the rest of her teammates. Pulling herself from the cozy haven of his bed and after bathing in the miraculous pool, she dressed — in a gown again, which was all that had been provided — and made her way to the front of the residence. About ten feet from the double doors, she paused, staring at the sensor, wondering if she was locked in. Like on the Intrepid? She was almost afraid to find out.


  She screeched, her hand flying to her chest over her racing heart as she spun around. A young man was standing in the hall.

  “Your pardon, I never meant to frighten you.” Stricken, seeming truly appalled to have startled her, he held out his hands as though to offer a soothing touch or reassurance, then snatched them back, clearly realizing the inappropriateness of his action.

  Eva rushed to assure him she was all right, though the fluttering beneath her rib cage had not eased. “I’m fine, really. I just didn’t expect anyone to be here.”

  He looked about twenty, with a clean-shaven face, and beautiful teal eyes, his form as striking as all the Primarian males she’d encountered. Even the elders, with their silvery white hair, were handsome men, their bright, youthful eyes, and remarkably smooth skin belying their true ages.

  Her eyes dropped to his blue tunic.

  Not a warrior.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am Janus, the Princep’s chamberlain.”

  She blinked. “And he says he isn’t a king,” she mumbled. Louder, she asked, “Specifically, what do you do?”

  “I manage Max Kerr’s household. Some of my duties include seeing that you both have whatever you need, when you need it, directing the other staff, and most importantly, receiving your guests and when you are not in or open to visitors, I redirect them.” He pointed to the door behind him. “If you ever need me, my office is here. May I assist you in some way now?”

  That brought her attention, and apprehension back to the doors. “I thought to go for a walk, perhaps explore the other floors.”

  He stepped to the doors and opened one for her, holding it wide. “The Princep ordered an escort if you leave the capital so you don’t get lost. Will you be needing one?”

  She hesitated. Was this trust, or simply a matter of having no place to flee to? And, did she really want to run around a strange place, with strange customs alone. What if she unwittingly broke some sort of protocol, or heaven forbid insulted one of the warriors, or an elder?

  “I think I’ll limit my exploration to the building today, thank you.”

  “As you wish, Prima.” He smiled warmly at her. “Enjoy your expedition of discovery.”

  Tentatively, she walked through the lounge, at the outer door, glancing back, seeing that he watched her go, smiling. When no one leapt out and ordered her back inside, she put one foot in front of the other and left the residence. No one was around, so she descended the stairs. At the third floor, she peeked around the corner and found the corridor empty. Guest rooms didn’t interest her, so she moved on. The second floor had a group of elders talking about midway down the hall, so she bypassed that one too and continuing to the first floor landing. There she paused again, peering out at the controlled chaos as dozens upon dozens of Primarian males, tall, broad, and intimidating, came and went. She felt like a shrub among trees.

  Even more unsure, she took a step back. Where was she going? She had no idea where Lana, Brenna, and the others were. For all she knew, they had been taken to homes beyond the city. Frowning, heat flooded the back of her neck, the first time it had happened when she wasn’t with Kerr. She rubbed at it, feeling mildly dizzy as a faint thread of anxiety wove its way through her chest. She turned to go.

  “Prima,” a booming — and familiar — voice called. Twisting around, she saw Aylan approaching. Rather than looking surprised or angry that she was out on her own, he looked happy to see her. “Kerr says you have an interest in botany. I’ve come to show you the rooftop

  Her mood immediately lifted and a wave of relief swept over her. “I’d love to see the greenhouse. Thank you, sir.”

  “Green house?”

  “At home, most plants are green.”

  He tutted, correcting her as Kerr often did. “This is your home now, girl, and I dare say an all green planet must be quite dull. Good thing our Princep rescued you from horticultural uniformity.” He extended his arm to the stairs. “Shall we?”

  Eva needed no other invitation, and shy of racing up the stairs, she mounted the steps at double her usual pace, Aylan’s long legs easily keeping up.

  “You look rather frazzled. Is something bothering you?”

  “Actually, I think I’m still getting used to the atmosphere, or perhaps the food. I’m a little restless, and very much on edge, and the tiniest bit queasy.” She looked up at him as they continued to climb the stairs. “Do other visitors experience the same?”

  “When did this begin?”

  She frowned. “Not long after Kerr left this morning. Maybe I shouldn’t have skipped breakfast.”

  Aylan was grinning. “I think that might be some of it. I’ll have Janus send something up, and there’s an herb in the garden that can be steeped into a soothing tea that just might help.”

  Both did the trick, and she was glad for it because she wouldn’t have missed the next few hours spent touring the gardens. They were extensive and beautifully maintained. There was a pathway that wound its way through a maze of shrubs and flowering plants, a fountain provided soothing, babbling background noises, and benches situated at strategic spots for relaxing, like a serenity garden.

  They took a seat across from a peculiar moving plant that Aylan called a dancing vine, its white blossoms opening and closing sporadically while the crimson red leaves fluttered and waved. The stalks and stems swayed and bent in a repeating pattern that fascinated Eva. She stared at it, trying to decipher what it was trying to communicate until Aylan moved them on.

  He pointed out a large fragrant bush, which had attracted a swarm of what she assumed were butterflies. Aylan gave it another tongue twisting technical name. In her mind, butterflies were what they would forever be. Truly a magical place, the garden fell short of the real treasure — the hothouse.


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