Escaping Vegas

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Escaping Vegas Page 10

by Dennis Elder

  “How fast you think they travel with women and children?” asked Ivan, keeping his eyes riveted on the map.

  Claudio surveyed the map sheet. He looked for mountain ranges and any other map data that might tell him how much elevation the group would have to climb.

  “There are some major elevation jumps on this road, so I’d say they are averaging about 7 miles an hour and traveling at best 6 hours a day,” said Claudio. “That’s 42 to 45 miles a day. Say over three days, at best, that would but them about here,” continued Claudio, as he pointed to a turn in the road called Armargosa Valley.

  Ivan studied the map and traced the fastest route from the Armargosa Valley back to Vegas.

  “We will send team after them,” began Ivan. “We are about one day behind them. Should take two, maybe three days to catch up.”

  Ivan turned to Ralphy again.

  “You say they going round Vegas,” began Ivan. “But where their destination?

  “I heard them mention Utah once,” offered Ralphy. “But they definitely said they’d go up through Tonopah and then head back toward I-15.”

  Ivan used his finger to trace the route defined by Ralphy.

  “OK,” said the mad Russian, as he turned to Claudio. “Get Hector to lead the group. Take a hundred men, men who can ride bicycles.”

  “And get good bikes this time,” said Squeaky. “Go to a sporting goods store for good bikes.”

  “They’ll need food, sleeping bags, a back pack, plenty of water and guns,” added Ralphy. “And heavy clothes too. It’s getting cold.”

  Ivan took in all that Ralphy and Squeaky said, then continued with Claudio.

  “Make sure everyone has what they said,” commanded Ivan. “And send Squeaky along.”

  “What!” barked the little man. “I just got back.”

  But Ivan didn’t react to Squeaky’s whinny objection.

  “He knows about bike travel and will help preparations,” said Ivan, as he turned to Squeaky. “You would like to go with the group no?” asked Ivan.

  Squeaky realized he didn’t have a choice.

  “Oh, all right,” answered the little man.

  “Who knows, said Ivan. “If you are successful maybe I give you first choice reward with women.”

  The thought of any of the women made Squeaky smile with delight.

  “Sounds good,” said Squeaky, his attitude suddenly improved. “Let’s get goin then, he said with a sudden smile on his face. “We need to find a lot of equipment and get movin.”

  Ivan smiled at the little man. “Funny what motivates some people,” he thought to himself. Ivan then turned back to Claudio.

  Take Squeaky. Use him as advisor. Gather equipment, men and call me when everyone is ready to go. I want to talk to group before they leave.”

  “Understood, “said Claudio. Claudio and Squeaky quickly exited the office and shut the door behind them. Ivan kept his eyes glued to the map. Ralphy relaxed a bit, knowing he wouldn’t be going on the long ride after the women.

  “What was it again you asked for?” said Ivan, as he continued looking at the worn map spread out on his table. His back was still turned on Ralphy.

  “A little break,” offered Ralphy.

  “I think you used the term, rest,” continued Ivan.

  “That too,” said Ralphy, as he rubbed his neck again where Ivan’s knife had cut him. The blood was partially dry now. He looked at the drying dark flakes on his fingertips.

  Special forces from any country are all trained to kill by applying force to areas of the human body that are the most vulnerable. The Ex-military convicts that worked for the Russian Mob too had taught Ivan about these places.

  The Russian’s big knife flashed and slid easily through Ralphy’s dirty t-shirt and up and under his rib cage. The tip of the knife entered the right ventricle of Ralphy’s beating heart. Then the big man violently twisted the grip on the handle about 90 degrees, drastically enlarging the size of the ventricle incision. The knife came out a second later. Instantly a gush of blood flowed out of Ralphy’s chest and seeped down his shirt. By the time Ralphy reactively pulled his hands to his chest, Ivan had already stepped back and away from the dying man. He didn’t want to get any blood on his new Gucci shoes. Ralphy fell to his knees and then slammed down to the floor, face down. As his heart pumped for the seventh time, Ralphy’s last thought was of his alcoholic mother trying to protect him from his abusive father. Then, his eyes closed for the last time.

  “I told you not to come back without that woman,” said Ivan, using a white towel to wipe Ralphy’s blood off the knife’s blade.

  Chapter 106: Dog chow

  Frank knocked on the door. It was one of 12 doors from the motel rooms at the Silver Strike motel in Jean, Nevada. Major Mark’s group of survivors now occupied all the rooms but one as they tried to make their way to Salt Lake City, Utah, where they planned to start a new life. Nobody would stay in Room #3 where the two ex-convicts had slept the night before.

  Mark was studying a map when Frank knocked. Mark got up and looked through the spy hole in his motel door. Frank was standing there. Mark opened the door.

  “Special delivery,” said Frank. William was standing behind him straddling his bike. The kid had a big grin on his face.

  “Yea? “questioned Mark, not sure what was happening.

  “Special delivery for Hampton,” continued Frank as he pulled from behind his back what was left of a twenty-five-pound bag of Country Fixens Dog chow. Mark’s face immediately lit up and Hampton appeared as if on cue at Mark’s feet. The dog had certainly taken up with Mark. He followed the Major wherever he went.

  “Nice,” said Mark as he reached out for the bag. “Where’d you find it?”

  William found it,” replied Frank. “When we were coming back from grocery shopping he asked if we could stop for a minute for something.”

  Mark looked over at William and smiled. “Thanks, William” said Mark.

  “Gotta watch out for my man Hampton,” replied William.

  “Kid said he saw a dog house behind one of the trailers in that park over there and hoped to find some dog food for the team mascot,” offered Frank. “Pretty smart, for a newbie.”

  “I heard that,” said William.

  “You were supposed to,” responded Frank.

  “Thanks guys,” said Mark. “Hampton says thank too, don’t ya boy,” continued Mark as he showed the big police dog the bag of dog food. Hampton barked, also as if on cue.

  Frank took a breath and then turned to business.

  “Everyone is accounted for. I’ve got two stations standing guard 100 yards out, two people per station, four on station per shift.

  “When’s my shift?” asked the Major.

  Frank pulled out his notebook, flipped through a few page and said, “Four to Six AM, with Gracie.

  “Ouch,” said Mark.

  “Like you said, everybody gets a turn in the barrel,” countered Frank.

  Mark was just joking. He made sure everyone shared equally in guard duty.

  “Alright. Do me a favor and ask Tyrone and Jake to come down here. I want to review tomorrow’s mission one more time,” asked Mark

  “10-4,” replied Frank.

  Major Mark shut the door as Frank and William moved down to their motel room. Hampton sat up, anticipating the food held in Mark’s hands. The Major looked around for something he could pour the dog food into and spotted an ice bucket on top of the old TV. The Silver Spike logo on the bucket was well worn. Mark poured in a couple of pounds of food and set the bucket on the floor. Hampton immediately began consuming the food.

  “Remember to chew,” said Mark as he watched the big dog wolf down his food.

  Within a minute the food was gone and Hampton was looking up again at Mark hoping for a second helping. But Mark had already wrapped up the dog food with a large rubber band and placed it high on a shelf.

  “We need to ration this for you boy,” said Mark as he rubbed Ha
mpton’s pointed ears. “You’re gonna need this over the next two days.”

  Mark had been thinking about how to keep Hampton quiet if they ran in to any trouble. If they stumbled on a group of HBs, the big dog might start barking before Mark could signal him to keep quiet. He looked at his wrist and checked his watch.

  “Almost dark,” he thought to himself. He stood up and went to the window to peek through the heavy blinds. He was looking North and could see I-15 to his left. The two posted sentries were barely visible. The sun was well below the horizon.

  Chapter 107: Now Ride!

  Ivan stood on the Bellagio’s loading dock. The light from the sky was failing fast. Ivan didn’t want to hold up the men very long. All one hundred stood below him fully equipped and prepared for their ride North to capture the eight or so women. Claudio and Squeaky had done an admirable job of picking the men, finding the equipment and getting everyone assembled in less than four hours. Once the men learned about the women traveling North volunteers came forward in droves. Self-motivation drove the men’s preparations. Ivan sensed the men were straining at the leash. They wanted to get moving and catch up with the prize. Hector stood closest to Ivan. Per Ivan’s instruction, Hector would lead them. Ivan looked down at Hector and suddenly hoped the bike the found for Hector would be strong enough to support the big man’s 300-pound frame. Ivan stood quietly for a few moments as the men settled down. Once everyone was silent, he spoke.

  “You have been selected for important mission,” began Ivan.

  Several of the men smiled and there were several verbal shouts of agreement.

  “Your prize has about a two-day head start on you,” continued the Russian. “This is why you are leaving tonight. You must leave immediately to catch the women.”

  Hector shook his head in affirmation.

  “Hector has been chosen to lead you,” said Ivan, as he pointed down toward Hector’s head. “I have placed great trust in him. Follow his direction and you will be rewarded.”

  Again, the men smiled in anticipation.

  “However,” shouted Ivan. “If you violate the direction I’ve given Hector then you will be executed and left by the side of the road for what every animal finds your carcass.”

  Ivan paused for effect again.

  “There will be several well-armed men with the women,” said Ivan. “Perhaps ten or so. They are military types and will most likely fight to the death to protect them. Your orders are to kill the men, retrieve the women and return them unharmed to the Bellagio.”

  One man toward the back of the group raised his hand tentatively.

  Ivan noticed the man and pointed to him.

  “But as a reward we can have a turn with the ladies, right?”

  Ivan did not respond but stood motionless. But then a grin spread across his Russian face.

  “Those who survive the fight and return the women safely have my permission to personally introduce themselves to these ladies on the way back,” said Ivan.

  The men shouted and cheered. Then Ivan raised his hand and the cheering stopped abruptly.

  “But any man who gives a cut or broken bone to any woman will get eye-for-eye cut or broken bone delivered personally by me!” shouted Ivan. “No exceptions, and no excuses.”

  The men quieted down some after that. Then Ivan stood as tall as he could and pointed North to the road that would take them to their prize.

  “Now ride!” shouted Ivan. “Ride and bring back the prize!”

  The men all turned their bikes simultaneously to start moving. In their excitement a few of them ran into each other. A few more fell when they tried to pedal. Curses flew as men heavily laden with backpacks tried to get back up. Half the men looked like they hadn’t been on a bicycle for a while. Ivan looked doubtfully at Claudio for a second and hoped their clumsy start wasn’t an indication of the ride before them.

  Chapter 107: Needs of the many

  Tyrone, Sam, Boon and Jake were all lying down behind a sand dune. They were pointed North. Tyrone was looking through the big binoculars. They were just off I-15 about a mile South of the Saint Rose Parkway turn off. Tyrone could make out two men standing guard on the over pass. Tyrone and the others had been watching the men since noon. Jake had his big TAC-50 caliber target rifle out and loaded. His scope gave him a slightly larger and crisper image of the guards. It was getting toward the end of the day and the shadows were growing long. There was a slight wind. The air was dry. There were no clouds. The temperature was 35 degrees.

  Mark and the rest of the group were about a mile farther back South sitting on the side of I-15. They had just arrived and took resting positions on the side of the road’s shoulder. Tyrone and his companions drew a dangerous assignment. Mark pulled out the radio and turned on the power. It was close to 17:00 hundred hours or 5 pm, their next scheduled check in time.

  Doc took a seat close to Mark. He was deliberately anxious. As their acting medic, he wanted to be closer to the pending action, just in case one of the men was wounded. Everyone admired Doc for his dedication. Earlier in the day Doc argued with Mark that he should be forward with the team of four, incase he’s needed. But Mark wouldn’t allow it. The Major knew the importance of keeping Doc alive, especially for the long haul. He’d be needed in Salt Lake for years to come – that is if they ever got there.

  “Forward one,” said Mark. “Forward one. This is main group one, over.”

  The radio hissed for a moment. Then Jake’s voice came back.

  “This is the forward one. We are in position. There are two targets, stationed on the Saint Rose parkway over pass. They are armed, have binoculars and are watching South on I-15, over.”

  “Dam,” thought Mark to himself. Even though Kevin and Marylin had told him there were supposed to be guards on that off ramp, he’d hoped his little diversion with the two ex-convicts would have pulled any Southern guards back closer toward downtown Vegas. As planned, the safest way around Vegas was to take Saint Rose Parkway East and work their way around through that side of town. Now those guards would have to be eliminated for their plan to work.

  “All right,” replied Mark. “Looks like we’ll have to take them out. Move forward at 20:00 hundred hours as planned. Main body will move forward and should arrive at your position at approximate same time, over,” said Mark as he looked at his watch.

  “Roger that,” said Jake. “Will move forward at 20:00 hundred hours. I will provide covering fire if needed, over” added Jake.

  “Correct,” said Mark. “But only if absolutely necessary, Jake. The noise from that gun will carry for miles. We might be pedaling for our lives if that army hears any shots, over.”

  Mark, Jake and the other three men had talked the day before about the need for surprise and stealth. Mark was just offering a reminder to his team’s most accurate marksman.

  “Understood, Major,” responded Jake. “Only if absolutely necessary. Will contact you at 20:00 hundred hours, over.”

  “Affirmative, next check in at 20:00 hundred hours, over and out.” finished Mark as he turned off the radio and shoved it into a pocket on his vest.

  Doc turned to look at Mark.

  “I still think I should be with them,” said Doc. “At least close by, incase I’m needed.”

  Mark didn’t react.

  “We already talked about this Doc,” said Mark. “The needs of the many sometimes outweighs the needs of the few.”

  “Well I don’t like it,” added Doc as he got up and walked back toward the others in the main group.

  “I don’t particularly like it either,” thought Mark to himself.

  Taking out the guards on the overpass presented a number of unknowns, and whenever there were unknowns, people tended to get hurt. But there was nothing Mark could do about it now. The plan, as it was, had to go forward. They didn’t have much choice. So, the Major decided to rest a while until the main group could move forward again. Mark lay back on the road’s sandy shoulder and put his hands
behind his head. Hampton sensed Mark’s concerns and instinctively lay down close to him.

  “Good boy, Hampton,” said Mark as he put his right hand on the dog’s shoulder. “Good boy.”

  Chapter 108: Just incase

  Once Jake, Sam, Boone and Tyrone set foot into the darkness, it only took them 15 minutes before they could see the details of the overpass. The two guards had a fire going and the yellow light flickered as it illuminated their silhouettes. The three Rangers rode their bikes as far as safe, and then began walking their them after they had visual contact of the Saint Rose Parkway over pass. When they got within two thousand yards of the overpass Jake broke off as planned, silently setting his bike down on the freeway shoulder and then turning West on foot, making his way up a steep hill. Jake needed to get at least as high as the overpass. He wanted a clear field of fire on the bad guys.


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