by Becca Van
Hands caressed her legs, rubbing up and down her shins until they reached her knees. They gently nudged her thighs apart and she didn’t even think about protesting. She wanted this more than her next breath. Fingers lightly trailed up the inside of her inner thighs, stroking and teasing, going higher and higher. A large hand cupped her mound and she sobbed with pleasure at the pressure on her needy clit and bucked up into the touch.
“You like it when we touch you, don’t you sweet cheeks?” Bruce asked and his breath caressed her wet folds, causing her to shiver.
“Yes. Please,” she begged.
“Please, what sugar?” Danny asked and then began kissing his way down her neck.
“Touch me.”
“We are touching you, baby,” Cain said just before he leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth.
“More, please? I need more.”
Cash looked down when Bruce swept his fingers through her slit. She was so wet they slid through her folds with ease. He scooted off the end of the bed, grasped her around the ankles and pulled her toward him, pushed her legs wide and without any warning he lowered his mouth to her pussy. She cried out as he licked and nibbled at her labia and then his tongue rimmed around her hole. Her hips began to rock without conscious thought and then she mewled as he laved over her clit. Again and again he swiped over the engorged pearl until her body was shaking. Heat swept through her from the inside out until she felt like she was about to go up in flames. Two hot mouths latched onto her nipples and suckled strongly. A finger began to push into her tight wet cunt and pleasure assailed her. The walls of her pussy gathered in, growing tauter and tauter, but just as she was reaching for whatever was on the other side of her pleasurable torment, a loud bang sounded.
Cash gasped for breath and looked down to see that she was clutching the pillow with one arm and her other hand was between her legs. She was hot, sweaty and achy but she didn’t know what to do about it. She jumped when another thump sounded and she realized someone was knocking on her door. Running a shaky hand over her hair, hoping it hadn’t come loose from the braid, she rolled off the bed and went to see who it was.
“Hi, Cash.” Arty Cannon, one of the ranch hands, stood outside with his hat in his hand and a nervous smile on his face.
Arty looked away and she could see his face was a bit red and he scuffed his boot on the wooden deck before meeting her eyes again. “I was wondering if you wanted to come out to the hotel for a drink with me.”
“Uh, thanks for the offer Arty, but I’ve had enough of that place for a while.”
Arty gulped and looked down again but he looked kind of angry. Cash took a step back and put her hand on the door ready to close it, but when he met her eyes again his face was expressionless. “Yeah, I heard about that. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, but thanks.”
“I’ll see you around then.”
“Yeah,” Cash replied and quietly closed the door. She’d never seen Arty looking at her with interest, before. Surely he hadn’t been asking her out because he was attracted to her? No, he was probably just being nice after hearing about that guy attacking her. Cash had made damn sure that none of the men looked at her in a sexual way and as far as she knew none of them had. She treated them like they were her brothers and they treated her like any other hand, or so she had thought, except for her temporary bosses, of course.
She groaned as the dream flashed back into her mind and headed for the bathroom. It looked like she was going to be taking more showers than usual. Maybe she should start washing her panties out while she showered. At the rate she was going through them, she would run out of underwear before she did her laundry.
Chapter Six
Bruce hadn’t seen Cash since Saturday and he was hankering for a sight of her. He was feeling a little anxious and wanted to be able to hold her in his arms, but he was just grateful she had spent the whole of Sunday resting in her cabin. Harry and David had visited her on Sunday afternoon and when Cain had seen them coming out of her place, he had grilled the two men on her condition.
What worried him was that Harry and David said she seemed a bit distracted and nervous. He supposed she would be jumpy after being attacked and confused after what he and his brothers had told her, how they wanted to have a relationship with her. Was she worried about having the attention of three men instead of just one? They hadn’t really asked her how she felt about what they wanted from her. But her emphatic denial still had his guts in knots.
It was Monday morning and Bruce wondered if Cashmere was going to be a good girl and continue to rest up, or if she was going to push their boundaries and work. Bruce hoped that she decided to head to work. He would let her do her chores until lunchtime but then he was going to move in on her. Imagining his hands caressing all over her petite naked body had him groaning, shifting on his feet and adjusting the fit of his jeans. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever seen and knew she was the one and only woman for him and his brothers. Convincing Cash was another story. He glanced toward her cabin as he stood on the porch sipping his coffee. The sun wasn’t up yet but he could see a light on in her place.
The door to her cabin opened and there she stood silhouetted in the shining light behind her. He could tell she was dressed in jeans, shirt, and boots, ready for another day on the ranch. Since she couldn’t see him, as he’d left the porch lights off, he smiled and mentally rubbed his hands together. If she was feeling well enough to work maybe she would be well enough to feel his hand on that peach of an ass. In his mind’s eye, he had her lying naked over his lap with her ass in the air. He would run his hands on those sweet cheeks and when she was relaxed he would apply his palm to her backside. Would she moan and thrust up into his touch or would she buck and fight him? Either way he knew she would be aroused. He and his brothers knew how to turn a woman on with an erotic spanking. By the time he finished with her she would be begging for him to fuck her.
Bruce moved his hard dick to the side because the metal zipper was making him uncomfortable. Just as Cash disappeared into the barn his brothers came out onto the verandah.
“Cash just went into the barn.”
“What?” Cain snarled. “God, that woman is a piece of work. We told her not to come back to work until Wednesday. I’m going to carry her…”
“Wait a minute,” Bruce said when Cain turned toward the steps but halted when he spoke. “Let her go for now.”
“But…” Danny began.
“No, she can work until lunchtime. She’s an independent woman and needs to feel in control, but”—Bruce paused—“we touch her every opportunity we get so she gets used to being near us. We are so much bigger than her, since she’s just a tiny little thing. Plus we bring her here for lunch and make sure she rests for the rest of the day. I’m going to have a word with David so that someone takes over her and our chores this afternoon. Since he’s foreman there should be no problems there.”
“Do you really think this is going to work?” Danny asked.
“We can only hope,” Bruce replied, “but we do everything we can to woo her. Hopefully after giving her as much sex as she wants she won’t be able to do without us. That beautiful woman is already attracted to us and has feelings that she is in denial over. The sooner we start on courting her the sooner we ensnare her.”
Danny and Cain nodded and smiled. Bruce could see they were eager to get started and so was he. He only hoped their plan didn’t backfire on them and sent her running in the opposite direction. It was a big risk, but one he was willing to take, because Cashmere was one of those women who loved once and deeply. That was one of the reasons she hadn’t dated anyone. He and his brothers had asked Harry and David a lot of questions about her over the last week and a bit, and thankfully they had answered with what they knew. The other night listening to her talking to the two men had been another eye opener and even though Bruce was still angry over the way her father had treated her, learning what
he had had also given him more information on her personality and how to deal with her.
No one else would dare touch her or look at her with lust in their eyes, at least not while he and his brothers were around. He didn’t have any qualms whatsoever about letting everyone know that she was theirs and once she was in their arms, he was never letting her go.
* * * *
Cash had only been in the barn for ten minutes when Arty came in. When she looked over to see him watching her, she smiled at him and then continued on with her chores. As the silence continued she began to feel a little uncomfortable and creeped out, so she turned to face Arty.
“Did you need something, Arty?”
“No.” Arty continued to stare at her with a vague blank look, and tendrils of uncertainty ran up her spine. She looked away but then met his gaze again. He cleared his throat and began to speak. “Do you need some help?”
“No.” Cash sighed. “Thanks anyway, but I’m sure you have enough of your own work to do.”
Arty nodded but didn’t look like he was going to leave. Cash turned her back on him and got back to work. When she glanced over her shoulder again she sagged with relief. Arty was gone.
What the hell was that all about?
Cash was mucking out the second stall when Danny entered the barn. She was about to scoop up another shovelful of soiled straw but stopped when he came up behind her. She stiffened and wondered if he was going to tell her off because she was supposed to be resting, according to him and his overbearing brothers, but waited without saying anything.
She inhaled deeply when his arms came around her waist and he moved into her until his front was against her back. The heat emanating from him was turning her on, that and the fact that he had his hands on her. One hand was gripping her hip, his thumb stroking over her hip bone through her jeans and the other was splayed wide over her lower belly. The tip of one of his fingers was so close to her mound. Her clit began to throb and juices leaked out.
“Hi sugar, how are you feeling?”
“Good,” she answered breathily.
Danny leaned down, nuzzled against her neck and breathed in, “You smell good, Cash. Good enough to eat.” He licked her neck and then nipped her earlobe.
Cash shifted her feet closer and pressed her thighs together, but it didn’t help relieve her aching clit at all. In fact, it only made the ache worse. Just as she thought about doing something stupid, like turning around and kissing him, he released her and stepped away. She took a minute or two to get her breath back and to shore up her defenses to try and hide the way he had her body reacting, and turned around. He wasn’t there. Glancing to every corner and back toward the door, she didn’t sight him. How the hell he had left without her hearing him she had no idea. Now that he was gone she felt…a little cold and maybe even bereft.
She didn’t understand why she was feeling this way since only last week she thought she had a crush on Harry. Was she so fickle that she didn’t know her own heart and mind? It seemed so. With a sigh, she pushed her confusion aside and got back to work. There were still another twenty stalls to be cleaned and then she had to fill the horse’s water troughs and set the food out into buckets for later that afternoon. With her still feeling a little sore in the face and with her bad eye only able to open partially, it was going to take her a lot longer than it usually did to get through it all.
* * * *
How could she let that man touch her when she knew she belonged to him? He wanted to go and punch that fucker out for putting his hands on her, but if he did he would lose his job and he wouldn’t be able to see her any more. She was such a gorgeous, sexy woman and even though she wouldn’t go out with him, he had seen the way she looked him over and knew she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. But she was shy and would never do anything to look like a slut. Cashmere Woodall was as pure as fresh snowfall and wouldn’t let any man touch her until she was married. He was going to be that man. He’d spent the last three months making plans and he wasn’t about to let the Morten cousins ruin everything.
He slipped back into the shadows of the tack room when one of the other Morten’s entered the barn. It was easy to get in and out of the barn without anyone being aware of his presence. Four of the wooden boards on the back of the tack room wall had come loose near the ground and all he had to do was lift them up and squeeze through the hole. He always made sure no one was about when he slipped through. It wouldn’t do for anyone else to know how to get close to his woman without being seen.
Fury consumed him when the other Morten touched his betrothed. He wanted to go get his rifle and shoot them all, and then he wouldn’t have to worry about them touching his wife. Cashmere was the optimal virgin bride and such a hard worker. She never had a bad word to say about anyone, not even those gay assholes David and Harry. Even though he hated the foreman and his partner they had done a good job of protecting his woman, so if he ended up taking anyone out, it wouldn’t be them.
He was such a generous, handsome man. His momma told him so. She also told him he could have any woman he wanted. Well, he wanted Cashmere Woodall and he was going to have her. No matter what he had to do to achieve his goal, she would be his.
Of that he was certain.
* * * *
Cain watched as Cash dumped another shovelful of manure into the wheel barrow. She was looking a bit tired and he wanted to order her back to the house, but he would follow Bruce’s plan for now. When she sighed and leaned on the shovel handle he pushed away from the wall and walked toward her. As he got closer he noticed that her face was pale and she looked like she was in pain. Whether she had seen him moving from the corner of her eye or heard him move he wasn’t sure, but she looked over her shoulder, connected with his eyes for a moment, and then looked down at the dirt floor. He stopped only a step away from her and she slowly looked up, but as she did her eyes wandered over his body.
Oh yeah, Cain said to himself as he watched her body respond to his nearness. You’re more interested than you let on, aren’t you, baby? I hope you like what you’re seeing because you’re going to be seeing a hell of lot more very, very soon.
“How are you doing, baby? Do you want some help?”
“I’m good,” she said. “This is the last stall and then I only have the water troughs to fill and the feed buckets to set out.”
“Hmm,” Cain murmured. “Well, when you’ve filled the troughs, could you come up to the house? My brothers and I would like to talk with you.”
“Umm, okay.”
Cain took the last step which brought him close to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. She rested her forehead against him and slumped for a moment but then she must have realized what she was doing and pulled away. He wanted to take the shovel from her hands, fling it aside, pick her up and carry her to the house, and then he would strip her down and put her into bed and order her to rest. Cashmere Woodall was so damn stubborn and would keep going until she fell down. She needed someone to take care of her and that was going to be him and his brothers.
“Don’t work too hard, Cash,” he said in a firm voice and although he could see her getting irate with his order, there was also longing in her eyes as she gazed toward the barn door. Cash was struggling and if he and his brothers didn’t keep a watch on her she was going to get sick. He wasn’t about to let that happen. Striding from the barn quickly he went in search of Bruce. It was time for big brother to put his foot down and take control. He’d been walking around on eggshells with Cash, but that had to change. Bruce needed to step up to the plate and be the man he really was. Of course they were all going to have to step carefully, but it was time to up the ante, especially if they wanted to keep Cashmere in their lives for good.
* * * *
Bruce was itching to go into the barn, sling Cash over his shoulder and carry her into the house, especially after Cain had told him that she was struggling. Even though he admired her tenacity, everybody had a li
mit and it sounded like Cash was reaching hers. He knew she’d had to be stubborn and resolute, otherwise she may not have survived, but everyone needed a helping hand, someone to lean on now and then and he suspected Cash had never had that. She had been virtually on her own since her mother had left her at the age of five and all she’d learned was that she was only good as a punching bag to her father and a slave to her grandmother. But she hadn’t backed down or given up and had come out of her childhood with a dream still intact and the skills to go about getting that dream. He wanted to be able to help her achieve that goal, but one step at a time.
It had been half an hour since Cain had spoken to him and Bruce figured that was more than enough time for her to finish up. There wasn’t any way he was letting her groom all those horses and then feed them. If he’d had his way she would have spent the day in bed recuperating.
When he entered the barn he didn’t first see her because it took time for his eyes to adjust from the bright sunshine to the dim interior. When he did, his heart stopped in his chest and fear skittered up his spine. He rushed over to her, where she was slumped on the floor against a bale of hay. It looked like she had been dragging the hay across the dirt floor. Her face was so white she looked like a ghost, and her eyes were closed. He placed a finger against her neck and sighed with relief when he felt her pulse. She seemed to be breathing okay, deep and steady.
“Cain, Danny,” Bruce roared loud enough to be heard on the far reaches of the ranch. He knew they were out in the corral next to the barn, helping some hand replace the rotting wood, and would hear him. His brothers came running into the barn and stopped when they saw him cradling Cash.