Be Mine

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Be Mine Page 2

by April Hollingworth

  “Look, what I can do is sit down with you, find out your budget. From there we discuss your exact needs. When are you available for a sit down?”

  “Anytime that suits you. The security of my gym and more importantly the security of the people attending here is my number one priority.”

  “Okay, what was the other thing you need?”

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “You know you’re not my type,” I tease him.

  A snort of laughter escapes, “Okay wrong phrasing,” shaking his head a smirk slips across his face, “That was the weirdest mission ever,” he adds, his eyes twinkling as a chuckle escapes him.

  I burst out laughing at the memory of the mission. “I still can’t believe we tossed a coin to decide who would be the man in the ‘relationship’.”

  “It was the only fair way to do it. We did go on some crazy ass missions,” shaking his head, with a look of amusement on his face, he looks me in the eye, “They were fun times, sometimes anyway.”

  “Yeah, sometimes they really were. Crazy and dangerous they suited us well. Now what else can I help you with?”

  “I want you to train some classes here, if you’re up for it.” Putting up a hand to stop any interruption, he quickly continues while I watch him in amusement. “I know you have your own security business and…”

  “Sure why not.” I interrupt him, “I was planning on joining your gym anyway to keep up with my training.”

  “Good, I’m glad. How about I get showered and changed, we can grab a bite, discuss security and you starting training classes?”

  While Jonathan showers, I wander around the gym. Checking windows and doors before heading outside to look around. I quickly realize the windows are double-glazed and the doors are secure.

  Metal shutters will help protect the building, and I spot a few places where cameras are needed. The main source of concern is lack of lighting.


  Forty minutes later, we’ve eaten and discussed his budget.

  “Okay I’ve spotted where you need cameras. Overall you need a minimum of six for safety. Front and back door. Your office, entrance hall into the building. If any hassle is caused inside the building, that’s where it’ll happen. And two cameras, facing into the car park, from different directions.

  “You’ll need metal shutter blinds, to close over your doors and windows at night. My main concern is the lack of lighting. I’d advise high velocity lights. You have no neighbors to complain about the brightness.”

  “The ones for the front and back door, wouldn’t they cover the other areas?”

  “No, they’ll be only covering the doors. So if anyone tries breaking in, the camera will catch their face.”

  “Makes sense,” he mutters his agreement while rubbing the back of his head.

  An age-old habit I’ve seen more times than I can count. A habit he does when trying to figure out something, while knowing he has to do it.

  “Okay, okay everything you said makes perfect sense. The thing is you have my budget. My budget doesn’t cover what you are proposing.”

  “True,” I watch the grimace cross his face. Before he can say anything, I wave a hand to forestall him. “We can work something out. I’m thinking extra gym time for me. Training a class is one thing. I still need to join your gym for my own fitness.”

  “Yeah? So we’ll work out the difference through gym memberships, for however long it takes?” He asks me, with doubt ringing in his voice.

  “Look, the way I’m going to do it, is charge you the same price as it costs me, for the stock and the cost of having it fitted. We’re…”

  “That’s not how you make a business.”

  “Actually, it partly is. Because word of mouth is a huge part of growing a business. You’ll be my first contract since moving back. So our deal is one of a kind. Other businesses will see what you’ve had done, and hopefully will hire me to do theirs,” I inform him, while taking a sip of my coffee.

  “Anyway your budget and my gym membership will cover my expenses. Tomorrow come to my office around noon. We’ll sign the contract and get started on setting everything up.”

  With the business discussion finished, we quickly catch up on general information and play pool for a bit before saying goodbye for the evening.

  Chapter 4

  The next afternoon, once the contract is signed, and Jonathan has left, I scoop up the cheque I’d been given. I put it into my wallet, return it to my inside jacket pocket, and zip it up. Each of my jackets have a little zip in the inside pocket, an extra precaution against pickpockets. There would be nothing more embarrassing for a security specialist than being robbed. After all, it wouldn’t look good or show competence.

  Securing the documents scattered across my desk, I exit and lock my office. Once done, I leave my building locking everything behind me, and head to the bank to deposit the cheque.

  The bank is two blocks over, so going on foot with a substantial cheque can be risky. During training and using common sense I realized, if you walk with confidence, and are aware of what’s going on around you, you’ll be alert and ready for most things that may happen. Also, it’s more efficient and a hell of a lot quicker to just walk, especially when trying to find parking close to the bank isn’t always possible. Where businesses and depositing cheques are concerned, variety is the choice of discretion.

  Entering the bank, I assess the situation, a habit ingrained into me and as natural as breathing. I spy my little waitress at the front of the queue.

  “Miss Salvatore,” calls the woman behind her in an angry voice, startling my little waitress into turning around.

  “Sorry did you ask me something?”

  “Yes, no not exactly,” the woman amends, “You’re holding everyone up!”

  “Really? How strange. I haven’t been called forwards. In fact I was instructed to wait while the woman at the counter finishes.”

  “Well, there’s no need to be rude,” huffs the woman.

  A comment I find hard not to laugh at, given the fact that she’d been rude by shouting and trying to embarrass her in the first place.

  I wonder what her first name is and how can someone with such pale skin have such an Italian name?

  I watch as she turns away from the woman to face forward. Before another word can be uttered, she’s called forward with a, “Sorry about the delay and thank you for your patience.”


  I can’t believe how rude Mrs. Hardy can be. I know very well she knew I hadn’t been called. She’s determined to try to make my life miserable, because of what happened with her precious son.

  Turning away from her, I spot Mark further down the line. A feeling like longing sinks into my stomach. Before I can contemplate it, I’m called to the counter with an apology about the delay.

  “It’s fine. I’d like to deposit this cheque into my account please,” I inform the woman handing her my cheque and bankcard. Once deposited, I put my receipt and card into my purse, and head for the exit. Feeling eyes on me, I look up and make contact with Mark. He gives me a slight smile and nod of acknowledgment, before moving forward in line.

  For some reason a grin I can’t remove spreads across my face. I leave the bank feeling as happy as I had when I’d opened my mail today and found a royalty cheque.

  Once that cheque clears, I’m taking Sally out. After all, if she hadn’t pressured me into sending my story off to the publishers, I wouldn’t have believed it was good enough for a contract, never mind making money!

  I hurry to the café where I’m meeting her. I’m late. Once I explain why, she’ll forgive me. Ten minutes later, we’re drinking coffee and she’s squealing happily for me. A shadow crosses over us. I look up to find Mark standing before me.

  “Mark, you made it,” shouts Sally excitedly as she shoves a chair out hitting his leg with it.

  “Ouch, yes I made it,” he replies while sitting in the chair before rubbing his leg.

>   My eyes drop from his to stare at his large hand, rubbing circles on his trouser leg.

  Hearing a throat clear, I drag my eyes away and look up into the curious hazel eyes of the handsome man of my dreams.

  “You appear to be celebrating. I hope I haven’t interrupted…”

  “Don’t be silly Mark. You can help Beth celebrate.”

  “Beth,” he repeats my name, as if rolling it around in his mouth, tasting it.

  “Why are you acting so weird?” Sally demands, “You would swear you’ve never met Beth before. I know it’s been years…”

  I watch as a look of curiosity and dawning realization crosses his face. He hadn’t remembered me.

  “Wow, you look different, from the little girl I remember.” He blurts out, looking me up and down.

  His eyes grow heated and a smile crosses his face. He reminds me of a lion seeing a tasty morsel he can’t wait to take a bite out of.

  “You’ve grown from a little girl into a very beautiful woman.”

  Normally I’d ignore such a comment, it’s the sincerity in his voice that catches and holds my attention. I cock my head to the side and look at him carefully, weighing his words, tone of voice, the expressions in both his eyes and face. I give a slight smile and an inclination of my head, “Thank you.”

  His gaze searches mine, for something, I’m not sure what. Whatever it is, I’m guessing he finds it when he returns my smile. With a murmur of “welcome,” he turns back to his sister who’s still talking.

  “…book. I’m so happy for her. Isn’t it exciting?” Sally demands, making me blink and wonder what is exciting. Until I register she’s just blurted out my news.

  “Very, congratulations on your success. We should help you celebrate. How about I ask Jonathan to come out and the four of us can go to a bar?”

  “You’d ask Jonathan?” Sally demands, her eyes growing big and round at the mention of his name.


  “Do so, how about nine? Nine suits you, on Saturday night, doesn’t it, Beth?” she demands in a suspiciously breathless voice.

  I feel surprise flash across my face, look up, and realize it’s mirrored in Mark’s expression. Does Sally have a crush on Jonathan?

  “Nine is fine, thank you.”

  Once more his eyes meet mine, again I feel them heat up. I watch as a devastating smile spreads across his face.

  “Good. It’s a date.” He informs me.

  Surprise flickers through me and I want to protest his wording. It’s the longing inside me that prevents the protest from escaping. How I wish, I was really going on a date with him.


  I could kiss my sister for blurting out Beth’s good news, giving me an opportunity to help her celebrate. Mentioning Jonathan coming too brought a reaction from Sally I didn’t expect. Hmmm, so my sister likes my friend. Well if anything happens between them, at least I know he’s genuinely one of the good guys.

  I can see the protest form in Beth’s eyes at my declaration of it being a date. A protest that stops before it really begins to take place. Staring into her gorgeous blue eyes, I see a longing spark to life. A longing, which ignites, deep inside of me too, echoing hers and answering it.

  I’ll have to take things slowly, no matter how much I want to rush forward. Something inside me rears its primal head. I look at Beth and see an eternity of possibilities and happiness. I also sense the knowledge, one wrong move, and she’ll vanish like a ghost.

  Chapter 5

  I’m delighted Saturday night went exceptionally well. A chuckle of amusement rumbles from me, as I remember the expression that’d flickered across Beth’s face. Pure shocked surprise, when she realized she’d agreed to go on a picnic with me today. Originally, I’d thought to ask her for the following weekend, until the thought of her finding an excuse to cancel, made me decide for today instead.

  Whistling a happy off key tune, I dress in faded jeans and a dark blue, V-neck t-shirt, and trainers. Once dressed, I descend the stairs of the terrace house Sally and I own. Heading straight for the kitchen, I find her preparing a picnic she knows Beth will enjoy.

  “Sis, you are a guardian angel in disguise. I’m positive of it,” I inform her, wrapping my arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

  “Flattery will get you nowhere, though maybe if you could…” she trails off, a flush heating her cheeks. Quickly she reaches for the egg-mayo and makes a couple of sandwiches.

  “You know,” I casually say, reaching around to grab some containers to store the sandwiches, “Jonathan was asking me about you, last night.”

  “About me?” she squeaks before clearing her voice, “Yeah? What was he asking about me? I mean…”

  “Oh you know the usual, if you’re seeing anyone. If you weren’t, would I object in him asking you out on…?”

  “If you’d object? Why would you object, and what would him asking me out have to do with you?” spinning around so fast, she spatters a little of the egg-mayo from the end of the knife, she’s waving around in aggravation. Thankfully, it’s only a butter knife.

  “Wow, wow, wow,” putting my hands up in an “I’m harmless and unarmed” motion I quickly step out of the range of flying egg. “It’s only a curtesy because you’re my sister. Anyway I told him you were single and gave him your phone number,” I hastily add, only to have her turn into a missile of deafening proportions when she launches herself at me, screaming nonsense with a happy tone somewhere in the cacophony.

  Offering up a silent prayer of apology to my friend, I have no idea what I’ve let him in for, I can’t help hoping my little sis doesn’t get hurt. I’d hate to have to lose and hurt my best friend. This thought makes me pause. How does my wanting to date Beth, affect her and Sally’s friendship?

  “Sally, you don’t mind me dating, or trying to date Beth, do you?” for once I feel unsure of myself, and can hear the uncertainty echoing in my voice.

  She loosens her octopus like grip from me, and I feel a blob of something lumpy and cold, drip down my neck.

  “No I don’t mind, thank you for asking. Just…take things slow okay. That’s my advice, be honest and go slow.”

  I give a nod of my head and wipe the back of my neck. With a grimace, I feel a wet mess, bringing my hand around, I stare in disgust at the mayo on my fingers.

  “Whoops, my bad. Go and change I’ll finish off here.”

  Removing my t-shirt, wiping my neck as I go. Hearing the doorbell ring, I go to answer it on my way upstairs.


  I can’t believe I agreed to go on a date with Mark. What was I thinking? Heading over to Sally’s, I’m determined to ask for his number so I can cancel. Ringing her doorbell, something jogs in my brain. Didn’t Sally and Mark buy this house together, because he was never around or something?

  A second later, a half-naked muscular Mark opens the door. One arm raised as he wipes something along the back of his neck. His biceps flex and bulge with the simple movement, in a most distracting and fascinating way.

  Taking a gulp I can’t help stare at the gloriously tanned masterpiece before me. His body is chiseled, firm, and muscular. His skin looks like golden silk incasing iron. My eyes travel down and spot his Adonis V; a sigh of appreciation escapes me before I can stop it.

  “Would you like to come in?” his voice rumbles over me, reverberating through me to my very core.

  “Mmm, yes.” I watch in a mixture of fascination and horror as my right hand lifts of its own accord and my fingers touch him, before trailing down his chest. The heat coming off him in waves is extraordinary.

  Suddenly his large hand encases my wandering one, preventing it from going any lower. Gently he tugs my hand, pulling me into the house, as he steps backwards. Slowly and insistently, leading me further, until he’s brought me into the kitchen.

  “Who was…what are you doing?” the confused voice of my best friend and his sister, snaps me out of my daze.

  “I’ll be as quick as
I can,” he informs my confused brain, releasing my fingers, after he’s brought them to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.

  “Are you okay, Beth?” Sally asks me in concern.

  “Yes, I’m. Oh, oh God,” my eyes grow large and round in shock, as the knowledge of my fingers tracing his torso, joyously bounces around my head. I can visualize a little person in my head doing a mad dance, celebrating.

  “I touched your brother. I couldn’t help it.”

  “You touched my brother?”

  “He answered the door and all that golden skin and muscle…” I can feel my eyes glaze over in remembrance, as a dopey smile flickers across my mouth.

  “Umm, hello!”

  My friend’s hands waving in front of my face brings me back to the present.

  “I couldn’t help it. I just reached out as if my hand had a mind of its own, and touched his body. God he has a gorgeous body.” I exclaim, with a good deal of awe in my voice.

  It’s the giggle escaping Sally, that finally snaps me out of my…I’m not sure what to call it. Shaking my head, I let a little laugh escape. “Well, I feel I should be embarrassed.”

  “Are you?”

  Thinking about it for a second, I finally shake my head in the negative, “No. No I’m not, which is really weird.”

  “Sounds liberating.”

  A half snort half laugh escapes me. I’m about to say something when I hear the tread of footsteps coming down the stairs. Instead, I give Sally a quick hug. Suddenly I’m looking forward to having this date.

  Chapter 6

  The picnic is fun. We find a quite spot to eat under the shade of a large oak tree, yet still in a sunny spot. I watch Mark spread out a large picnic blanket and quickly place the basket in one corner before the breeze can lift it. Gesturing with one hand, he indicates for me to sit before he disappears into the trees. A moment later, he returns with four small rocks, he places each in a corner of the blanket.

  “Clever,” I quietly murmur over his efficiency.


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