Take Me As I Am

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Take Me As I Am Page 30

by JM Dragon

  She ripped open the strip and photos along with a description of them landed on the desk. She picked up the blurb and glanced down at the first photos. They made her smile. She saw Joanna trying desperately not to be bored sitting at the table. Reading the leaflet, she grinned at the praise, especially the part about Joanna’s contribution. The critic obviously admired Jo and with good reason.

  The glow began again as she drifted into a sensual haze at the image of Joanna. Her fingers picked up the photos and flicked through them until finding the ones with Joanna in them. Her eyes caught on one that taken with Joanna and Tandy, presumably during the duet. She could see it in her expression that Joanna was happy as she strummed the guitar. Another when she was singing, when Joanna was involved in her music it spoke volumes as nothing else could about the woman and the real love of her life. Hard to compete with she knew, but she wasn’t in there to compete with it. She was there to share it and watch her friend rise to the heady heights of success she deserved. The phone rang and the photos discarded on her desk and forgotten.

  “Hi.” Thea’s breath caught in her mouth when she heard Joanna’s husky voice.

  “Hi, yourself, how’s your Gran?”

  There was a deep chuckle. “You know Gran, she’s fine. A little shaken and Mom actually stood up to her for a change. It was awesome.”

  “I bet it was. How are you today?”

  “Good, what about you?” Thea heard her voice dropping into a sexy drawl.

  “Great, I just opened the pack from Trigon and you had some great reviews. Some of the pictures aren’t bad either.”

  “We can look at them together later. Can you be ready to leave by lunchtime?”

  Thea smiled stupidly as she hugged her phone closer. This was ridiculous. She felt like a teenager. “Yes, what do I need to pack?”

  “We’re going to a cabin in the hills. It’s still reasonable weather, but you’ll need a jacket for the evening. Do you like hiking?”

  “Oh, yeah, I love it.” Maybe she was being a little too enthusiastic. Hiking wasn’t a pastime she’d ever really indulged in before. However, for Joanna, she’d climb Mount Everest if the woman asked her.

  “Great, I’ll pick you up at noon. Be ready.”

  “I’ll be ready. I hope you are.” Thea heard the sexy laughter at the other end. Oh yeah, was she ready.

  “See you later. Thea, I love you.” The phone went dead before Thea was able to collect her scattered thoughts. All other things became lost in the tornado her mind had churned up at the words.

  Joanna loved her.

  The door opened and Karen popped her head around the door, “Have you time to speak with the contractor?”

  “Yeah, sure, I’ll be right out.” She picked up the discarded photos, slipped them back into the envelope, and dropped them onto the pile on her desk.


  Their meeting at noon had been an anti-climax to the feeling they had both been experiencing during the morning in anticipation of the trip. As Jo arrived to collect Thea, she’d become embroiled in signing autographs for a few of the guys who were working on the renovations at the hotel. Thea had looked on with a smug expression on her face.

  Jo finally extricated herself from the enthusiastic contractors, giving them a brilliant smile of farewell as she finally climbed into the four-wheel drive vehicle she’d rented for the trip, and with an apologetic grin, drove away from the hotel. For the next hour, while they fought the flow of traffic, they remained in a companionable silence until Jo turned to Thea and gave her a warm smile.

  “I’m looking forward to this break, Thea. It seems like ages since we spent any time alone together.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. Where are we going, anyway?”

  Jo winked, wagged her finger, and then chuckled. “If you don’t mind, I thought you deserved a surprise.”

  “Not at all. Do you want me to drive? How long will it take?”

  Smiling warmly at the offer, Jo shook her head. “No, you drive me around enough. I thought I’d show you another of my skills. I can drive. Oh, it’ll take around five hours, maybe six if I get lost.”


  “Tell me about the party you went to after the awards,” Thea said.

  “Not much to tell really. It was loud and people were obnoxious,” Jo said tentatively.

  “Tandy must be riding on cloud nine at the moment with all those accolades,” Thea said.

  For a split second, Jo wondered if Thea knew anything about what had happened at the party afterward. No way. It hadn’t gotten on Facebook since that was the first place she’d checked. Nor had it been on Instagram. For a change and with a bit of luck, no one saw the kiss. As a precaution, she had purposely gone to the nearest newsstand and looked at all the music and entertainment press. Anything, in fact, that had any reference to the award ceremony. Frank, who ran the stand, was about to strangle her for messing up his merchandise, but she’d known him all her life. She had bought her first comic from him when she was five years old. Anyway, she’d given him a handsome bonus for the privilege. “Yeah, I guess. Didn’t really see much of her afterward.”

  “Didn’t Jack make you spend time together so everyone could admire his two protégés?”

  “You know Jack too well. Does he know that you can read his mind? He’d be even more worried when you discuss my next contract.” Jo smiled as she negotiated a steep bend taking them toward the mountain ranges and the cabin she’d arranged for them.

  “We shall keep that a secret between the two of us, I think. Can’t have Jack getting the upper hand, can I? Remember, I do have your interests to look after.”

  “Oh, I know that and let me tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank God that you are the one to look after my interests. Thank you, Thea.”


  An hour and a half later, they pulled up outside a beautifully restored log cabin. It had a wonderful deck that looked out onto the lake, which was teeming with various bird life and glorious vegetation.

  “Oh, Joanna, it’s beautiful.” Thea breathed. She opened her door, jumping out of the vehicle stumbling, but not enough to fall.

  Although Jo did smile indulgently at Thea’s enthusiasm, she climbed out slowly, collecting their possessions. This was an excellent place to begin what she hoped would be the start of a wonderful new phase of their partnership for the rest of their lives.

  “You like it?” Jo grinned.

  Being suddenly engulfed in a suffocating hug gave her the answer she wanted. “I guess you do. I’m glad.” Jo drank in the wondrous feelings of having Thea held tightly in her arms. It was so very right.

  “I love you, Joanna. When I think you can’t surprise me anymore, you do just that.” Thea turned glittering eyes to Jo.

  “I love you, too, Thea.” Their whispered words floated between them as they continued to gaze deeply into one another’s eyes.

  Lips hovered a fraction of an inch away from the kiss that they both wanted badly, but just as they were about to meet, they heard a clearing of a voice from the side of their vehicle.

  “Sorry to disturb you, youngun’s. I wanted to check that you have everything before I go?” A man of about fifty with a grizzled face covered in a brown beard with streaks of gray running through it looked at them.

  Jo suddenly became protective of Thea and moved in front of her. “Who are you?”

  The older man gave her long stare and pulled at his whiskers for a few seconds before he nodded. “You, Lackerly?”


  “I’m Chandler. We talked on the phone. This is my cabin.”

  “Hi. Sorry. I wasn’t sure if anyone would be here to greet us.” Jo walked down the steps toward the man and held her hand out.

  “No problem. I’ve set up the logs for the fire and if you don’t want that, there is the modern heater on the wall.”

  From his tone, Jo surmised he preferred the traditional means of heat. “Great, thanks.” She
smiled at the man then turned back to Thea, who was peering inside the cabin.

  “My goodness, Joanna, you should see this place.” Thea had her hands cupped together as she peered into the window.

  Jo chuckled. “Looks like your cabin pleased her and that’s the main thing.”

  The man gave her an odd look before smiling slowly. “Yep, seems that way. My number is on the refrigerator if you get into any difficulties. I can be here within the hour.” He turned and left as silently as he’d arrived.

  “Thanks,” Jo replied. She stepped up on the porch and opened the door. Thea quickly joined her. It had all the traditional adornments, but just as equally, modern conveniences to make it as luxuriously easy a weekend as anyone could want. That was exactly what Jo wanted. There were definitely better things to do with their time if they were lucky.

  “Joanna, we have everything we could possibly want here. It’s marvelous,” Thea enthused as she opened the fridge. “There’s champagne. Wow.”

  Jo stood beside Thea and peered inside, grinning at the thought of sharing champagne with her love. Not that she needed the intoxication. Being this close to Thea was making her feel drunk. Her nose picked up the faint traces of perfume as she rested her chin on Thea’s shoulder. “Is it too early to open that?”

  Thea turned so they were facing one another. Mesmerized once more by their closeness, Jo wasn’t surprised when Thea reached up and kissed her. She lit up like a candle as their lips tangled together.

  For the next few minutes they indulged in the wonder of the moment before Jo pulled away, resting her head on Thea’s forehead. “I love you, Thea. I need you to know that.”

  A beautiful smile was initially her answer as they indulged in another long hot, passionate kiss, “I love you, Joanna. I always have, from the first moment I saw you.”

  Both women had tears of deep joy in their eyes. They kissed again before pulling apart.

  “We need to talk,” Jo said.

  “Yes, I agree.” Thea just smiled.

  “We should put our bags away and then we can sit out on the deck. What do you say?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. I’ll make us a snack.”

  Jo collected their belongings then hesitated when she opened one of the bedroom doors. Should she place them both here, or... Thea did say one bedroom. Maybe it’s too early and we should talk first. Yeah, that’s what they would do.

  “You open the champagne,” Thea called from the kitchen.

  “Great idea, I’m starving.” Jo left the suitcases by the door and went to join Thea. She could feel the easy camaraderie they always had no matter the tension between them. Even back when they had first met, it was uncanny, but wonderful all the same.


  Fifteen minutes later, toasting the vacation and eating the snack Thea put together, they sat close together on the swing on the deck. Joanna placed her arm around Thea’s shoulder and they settled together as close as possible.

  Thea made the first breakthrough. “I’ve loved you for a long time now and you were the reason I left Danvers,” she whispered.

  Jo smiled tenderly. “I can’t believe how blind I was. I was so blind that I almost made the biggest mistake of my life by marrying Lee.”

  “Did you love him, Joanna?” Thea asked.

  Jo shuffled uncomfortably for a few moments before settling back and sighing heavily. “I’m not surprised that you’re asking me that. I would if the tables were turned.” She ran a hand over her face. “I’ve given it a lot of thought. I was attracted to his attraction for me. At first, it was wonderful but after a time, I realized I didn’t care as much for him as he did for me. It certainly wasn’t love. It couldn’t have been,” Jo admitted.


  Jo tightened her hold on Thea’s hand and dropped a tender kiss on the top of her head. “Because I know what it feels like to love you. Believe me, everything and every other emotion pales into insignificance. I now know what love is and I have you to thank for that, Thea. As God is my witness, I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m honored you feel that way, Joanna, because I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. I loved you so much that it hurt when you were with him.” Tears chose that moment to appear in Thea’s eyes.

  Jo kissed them gently away. “I love you, Thea. I realize that I never knew what love is until you showed me,” she whispered. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. It breaks my heart to know that.”

  “I think we should take this inside.”

  Jo stood and scooped Thea up into her arms.


  Their bodies, naked under the sheet, trembled as they touched.

  Jo tenderly kissed Thea while running her fingers down the length of her body. “You are so beautiful, my love.” She could feel the quivering body under her touch. In the past, sex for Jo had been nothing more than to satisfy a need, yet with Thea it was different. Thea was innocent and her first time needed to be special, and she would make sure that happened.

  “Is it okay if I touch you here?” Jo skimmed her fingers on Thea’s breast.

  “Oh, God, yes,” Thea moaned.

  “Tell me if I hurt you or you don’t like something.”

  “Joanna, you aren’t going to hurt me.”

  With the gentlest of touches, Jo explored Thea’s body. Her mouth took in an erect nipple and it sent pleasure coursing through her when Thea moaned. She wanted to melt into her new lover and become one with her.

  The kisses began small then erupted into a passion that took Jo by surprise. Never before had she felt the all-consuming love welling inside her body for Thea. She wanted more…needed more, her body filled with electricity and desire.

  “Make love with me,” Thea whispered.

  “Are you sure that is what you want?” Jo wanted to be certain because she knew that once they made love there would be no turning back. Thea was forever and always had been.

  “Yes. Yes, I want that more than life itself.”

  For a moment, Jo gazed into the green eyes and she saw both love and desire only for her. She slid her naked body next to Thea’s and softly ran her fingers across the trembling body. Soon she felt fingers running along her body, mirroring her movements. As she bent to kiss the waiting lips, Jo gloried in the absolute, overpowering love she was feeling. It wasn’t long before she could feel their bodies begging for further exploration.

  Jo lifted herself up and looked deep into Thea’s eyes asking a question.

  Thea smiled. “Yes, I want you more than I ever believed possible.”

  Jo took a hard, extended nipple in her mouth again and ran her tongue slowly across it.

  Thea responded with low moans as she held Jo’s head in place. When Jo lightly bit the nipple, she could feel Thea’s body explode in a series of small, intense quivers. The only thing Jo wanted was to make Thea happy and show her how much she loved her. She moved to the other nipple as her hand glided downward to the inside of the trembling thighs. Once again nipping the nipple produced the ripples of pre-orgasm but this time they were stronger and longer.

  Thea grabbed her head and pulled her up for a kiss.

  The kiss was so passionate and long that Jo was gasping for breath before noticing tears. “Have I hurt you?” she asked, as she kissed the tear stained cheeks.

  “No,” Thea managed to say. “I have never felt like this before, it is so powerful. I want more, Jo. I want it all.”

  Gently brushing blonde locks, Jo smiled. “We have a lifetime.” Then she kissed the waiting lips as her fingers stroked Thea’s center lightly. She was very wet and ready but Jo waited, taking Thea higher and higher. Fingers slid inside easily and Thea instantly began moving in time.

  Jo stopped her motion as she gently kissed Thea. Then she took the small hand and led it down her long body to her own center. For a moment, she closed her eyes and tried to control her overwhelming need as the fingers moved through her wetness. Soon they were moving as one in a dance
as old as time.

  Jo could hear Thea panting as they both bore down on the other’s fingers wanting and needing release. “Now, Thea, now,” she cried, just before they came at the same time.

  Lying in Thea’s arms, spent, and incredibly happy, Jo kissed Thea tenderly. “I love you more than I ever thought possible. Never in my life did I think I could ever be this unbelievably happy.” Jo shook her head. “You were there beside me, always loving me even when I was being a bitch.”

  Thea ran a finger down Jo’s cheek. “It was a rough road sometimes, but we found our way to each other in the end.” She giggled. “I never imagined that my body would react in such a primal way.”

  “You were not alone in that.” Jo snuggled close and kissed Thea igniting their passion once again and their bodies danced once more.


  “Anyone ever tell you that you are the sexiest woman in the world?”

  “Hardly. Joanna, you are something else.” Thea’s laughter caused a tingling sensation in Jo’s body as she watched Thea staring as several types of birds glided over the lake.

  “I’m in love, indulge me.” Placing her arms around Thea’s waist, she pulled her close. This was like a fantastic dream that she didn’t want ever to end. If they were lucky, it wouldn’t. Not for them.

  “Anytime, my love, anytime. What shall we do today?” Thea looked up and kissed her lover’s chin.

  “Whatever you want, I’m completely at your disposal.”

  Turning so that they faced each other, Thea grinned wolfishly, “Really? Completely?”

  “Yeah, for the rest of my life, if you want.”

  The words spoken softly had that tone about them that meant exactly what Joanna was offering her. A total commitment. Thea was at a loss for words.

  “Too much for you?” Jo asked at the startled, amazed look in her lover’s eyes.


  Swooping in to take a light passionate kiss, Jo laughed heartily. “I...want. That’s all you have to say, darling?”

  Thea could feel her face heat up and knew it was bright red. “I want you, Joanna Lackerly Xianthos, forever.”


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