Slippery When Wet

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Slippery When Wet Page 13

by N. S. Johnson

  As he moved towards me, he blocked out the sun. Big guys always underestimated me. I was small but I was scrappy. The perfect height to go for his groin in a way he would not find pleasurable.

  Just as he was about to reach me, a massive hand came between us.

  “I know you were not about to touch my brother’s property.” Hawk sidled up in front of me. His big body blocked out the few rays of the sun that remained.

  “I am not anybody’s property,” I protested, though I doubted my voice carried beyond Hawk’s broad shoulders.

  “We’ve got this, Nurse Cleo,” said Owl coming up beside me.

  “You thought I needed help with this pansy?” I balked. “He probably can’t handle his gear shift, which is why he tried to latch on to a real one.” I grabbed my crotch.

  There was a stunned moment of silence. Then laughter broke out all around.

  “I really like her,” Hawk said to Owl.

  They turned, keeping me between them and escorted me back to the medical station. I glanced over my shoulder to see Passenger-Guy fuming. I smirked and turned back to my escorts.

  “I had that under control,” I said.

  “Did you hear that shit? Whip it out,” Hawk laughed. “That was bad ass.”

  “You like pasta, Nurse Cleo?” asked Owl.

  “Um, yeah,” I said.

  “Cool, I’ll make some fresh for you tonight.”

  “You’re going to cook for me?”

  “Ellie says that cooking is our love language,” said Hawk.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I started but Owl waved my protest away.

  “No use fighting it,” said Owl. “You’re family now.”

  “Feels like the mafia,” I said.

  “No,” said Owl. “You can get out of the mafia. You’ll never get away from the Watchers Crew.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Despite all the screaming, and shouting, and growl of motors, racing was not that exciting. The sleek cars zipped round and round the track, making left hand turn after left hand turn. I had to look away or I’d fall asleep from all the monotony. So, my back was turned when it happened.

  The crash was a terrifying bang of metal and rubber and concrete and screams. I rushed down to the pavement to see two cars entwined with one another. One car bore a tire with wings. The other bore the emblem of a swastika.

  My heart calmed as I heard Eagle shouting, climbing from his mangled car. His eyes connected with mine. His eyes were clear and focused. His feet were steady as he came to stand on the asphalt.

  I heard one of the doctors call my name from the other car. When I turned I saw that the Passenger-Douche had a gaping wound on his head. His eyes lolled back in his head. He fought the hands that tried to free him from the wreck and his body wove and teetered as he tried and failed to gain any semblance of balance.

  I wanted to run to Eagle and feel for certain that he was okay. But I didn’t. I cursed under my breath, and then forced my feet to move away from Eagle.

  I came up to the racist piece of shit that was seriously wounded. My quick assessment of his injuries told me that his shoulder was dislocated. It was likely that he had multiple fractures. He needed to get to a hospital as soon as possible.

  It would take too long for an ambulance to make it to the race site and then double back to the hospital. The doctor, his assistant, and I piled into someone’s car and sped to Sacred Heart.

  The injured man was in and out of consciousness all along the way. During his brief moments of lucidness, the silence was punctuated by “Fucking Mutt” and “No Niggers” and “Get Your Jew Hands Off Me.” Along with the hateful epitaphs directed at the helping hands were a lot of deep breaths and calls for Jesus by the medical professionals.

  The ride felt like it took forever. But finally, the red brick face of Sacred Heart Hospital came into view. We rushed into the ER and familiar faces greeted me.

  As I called out the patient’s stats, he continued his despicable diatribe. Nurses that I’d worked with for years rolled their eyes and grit their teeth, but they each got down to work. It was Sister Ruth who stood stunned, gaping at the man who needed her saving grace.

  And this is who they had replaced me with?

  “Snap out of it,” I said to her. “We can’t turn him away. Even if he’s a racist, misogynist, ugly asshole with a dick the size of a paperclip.”

  “You fucking…” but the Nazi’s gaze slipped from me. “Ruth, is that you?”

  Everyone’s gaze turned to Sister Ruth. She gulped. Took a deep breath and then gulped again.

  “All right, everyone.” Her quiet voice rang loud through the hustle and bustle of the Emergency Room. “Let’s get this man admitted.”

  They wheeled the driver away. His slurs echoed down the hall as the staff rallied to heal his wounds.

  “How do you know that guy?” I asked.

  “Church.” Sister Ruth shut her eyes as though she didn’t want to see the words that escaped from some dark place inside of her. “My father’s a pastor. He preaches some pretty hateful things that never set right with me nor the God that I serve. So, I left.”

  She opened her eyes and her gaze connected with mine. There was a story there; one of strength and resilience. For a moment, I wanted to sit down and hear it. But I remembered she was my enemy, the reason I didn’t work here any more. I turned, preparing to take a step out the door. That’s when I saw him.

  Eagle walked into the sliding glass doors. He still wore his tracksuit. He was flanked by Hawk and Owl. All of their faces looked grim as they searched the room.

  “Nurse Cleo,” said Sister Ruth who still stood beside me. “I’d like to ask you to reconsider your position here. It was evident to me the first time that I met you that you are a credit to this place. And in the last two days your absence has been felt.”

  Eagle’s gaze finally found me. His lips pursed. I saw his nostrils flare like a bull’s blowing out steam before he charged.

  The saying goes that when one door closes another opens. I hadn’t meant to close the door to my job at the hospital. But I was thankful that that door shutting had led me into Eagle’s arms. And now that the door to Eagle would be closing after I hopped in a car to save his nemesis instead of coming to his side, I was being sent back through the hospital’s sliding glass doors.


  “I’ll only work three days a week,” I said to Sister Ruth, my gaze still on Eagle as he made his way to me.

  “Isn’t that a normal shift?” asked Sister Ruth.

  “And no weekends.”

  “I accept,” she said.

  “But I can’t return until next week. I have to move.”

  I had no idea where I’d be moving with Toy. The only place I wanted to move was back inside Eagle’s arms, with his hand on my waist and his lips at the curve of my ear.

  But that door was closed. I didn’t hear Sister Ruth leave. I tuned everything out as Eagle came to stand before me.

  I spoke before he could open his mouth. “I had to do it.”

  “Do what?” he said.

  “Save that bastard. I triaged you and I knew you’d be okay. He could’ve died if I didn’t help.”

  “Come here,” Eagle said.

  I raised an eyebrow at the command in his voice.

  He sighed, but it was clear he was at the end of his patience. “Please,” he growled with no sign of contrition.

  I took the two steps that brought me into his sphere. And then his arms were around me. My head was tucked into that space between his chin and shoulder blades.

  “You think I’m mad about that?” His whisper was harsh. His breath brushed the tip of my ear and I shuddered, burrowing deeper into his chest.

  “If you’re not,” I said, “then why are you here?”

  “I’m here for you.”

  I relinquished my spot and leaned back so that I could look into his face. Beside us, Hawk and Owl stood in a semi-circle crowding me in.r />
  Owl shrugged. “I told you; mafia.”

  “None of you guys are mad that I saved that asshole’s life?” I asked.

  “I wouldn’t have been mad if you left him on the track,” Hawk grunted. “But you swore an oath to do no harm.”

  Nurses didn’t swear the Hippocratic Oath, but I didn’t bother to correct him.

  “We just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Hawk leaned past Eagle and kissed me on the cheek.

  When Hawk straightened, Owl leaned in on the other side and did the same thing. “I’ll see you at home, okay. Pasta will be ready by the time you get there.”

  I would be invited into their home again? That door wouldn’t be shut to me? I watched Hawk and Owl leave through the sliding glass doors. And then I was alone, inside the circle of Eagle’s arms, in the middle of a busy emergency room.

  I suddenly felt exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to curl up beside Eagle and fall asleep like I had that night I’d slept in his bed. But he wasn’t done. He reached in a pocket and brought out a folded document.

  “I got you something,” he said.

  “You got me paperwork?”

  “It’s the deed. To a house. That I own. You and Toy can stay as long as you like.”


  “And before you say you can’t accept it, just remember that I was in an accident with a racist son-of-a-bitch, who nearly took my brother’s life, and almost did the same with me, and you saved his life instead of checking on my booboo first. So you kinda owe me.”

  I looked at the document. The black ink swam before my eyes. I looked up at him. His face went out of focus. I must’ve been really damn tired if I was tearing up. “I’m supposed say I can’t accept this.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “But I’m too tired.”

  “Why do you think I’m taking this opportunity to strike now?”

  I balled the paper in my fist and returned my head to his chest. “Crow told me I was a distraction for you, like a puzzle.”

  “He’s right. You are a puzzle.”

  “What happens when you figure me out?”

  “I had you figured out the day I met you,” Eagle said. “I like making you come apart and then putting you back together. You take care of everybody, Cleo. Somebody needs to take care of you for a change. I would like to be at your service.”

  His forearms pressed my body into his. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want someone to break for me. I forced myself to bend.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  I felt his lips form a smile as they rested at the cone of my ear.

  “But how am I gonna get Toy out of that house?” I asked.

  “I have an idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Toy was trembling in my arms, but at the same time her limbs were limp. It was as though she were a withering leaf that had gone brown and was now falling to the ground on a breeze.

  “I can’t,” she whimpered. “I can’t. I can’t.”

  “Count your primes, baby girl.”

  She took deep, heaving breaths. Not a single digit escaped her lips. Only sobs.

  The men of the Watchers Crew along with their girlfriends had come over this morning and packed up the house. Toy had cowered in her room the entire time. Having so much to do in managing the packing and moving, I’d let her. But now the house was empty, the furniture and all our personal effects had been moved across town. All that was left to be moved was Toy.

  She slumped on the floor in the foyer. Her entire body from her head to her hands to her knees shook. She was dead weight on the floor.

  I looked up at Eagle, my expression helpless. “We can’t force her. It will fuck her up for days.”

  He knelt down in front of her. “Victoria.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “I want to play a game with you.”

  “I can’t,” she whimpered. “Can’t. Can’t.”

  “You don’t have to do anything,” he said. “Just let Mistress and I take care of you.”

  He pulled out a velvet bag. From inside the bag, he brought forth a blindfold. He held it in front of Toy. She eyed it, but didn’t say anything.

  Eagle advanced on her, slowly, as though she were a frightened animal. She was a frightened, injured animal. My heart was breaking as I watched him tie the bindings behind her head.

  She didn’t protest. As she lost her sight, her hands stopped shaking.

  Next, Eagle pulled out earplugs. He placed them in her hand and explained their function. Then, once again, he advanced on her slowly. Toy made no move to resist him. Once both of her ears were plugged her knees stopped knocking.

  He scooped her into his arms and she immediately went tense again. He didn’t move a step forward or backward. He held still and motioned me over. “Can you put your hands down her pants?”

  Toy was wearing loose gym shorts, so it was no great feat. I pushed her panties to the side and found her folds. Within a few strokes they became slippery and she opened for me.

  “Walk with me,” said Eagle.

  As we made our way outside with our cargo, Toy writhed in his arms. But her movements were from familiar manipulations and not from the outdoors. When we climbed in the backseat of my car, she stiffened. Luckily, I knew her body better than she did. I circled her clit with featherlight touches that had her hips reaching for my elusive fingertips.

  Owl was in the driver’s seat. He started up the engine and took off down the street. He completely ignored the speed limit and my normally sluggish car obeyed his command.

  Between Eagle’s hands on her breasts and tracing her lips, and my fingers on her clit and stealing into her hungry channel, we kept Toy occupied until we were in the driveway of our new home.

  Our new home happened to be across the street from the Watchers’ house. Eagle had told me that they’d been thinking of purchasing the house next door since it went on the market a couple of months ago. He’d closed last week. This afternoon he’d moved me and Toy in.

  With Toy writhing in his arms, he climbed the stairs to her new bedroom. Ellie, Kira, and MK had arranged the room exactly like it had been in our old house. Eagle sat Toy on her bed that had been made with her comforter. He pulled out the earplugs and took off the blindfold. Toy looked around, wide-eyed.

  “Where am I?” she asked.

  “You’re home,” he said.

  She looked around the room. Her eyes were drooping with exhaustion from the countless orgasms we’d pulled out of her on the car ride. She didn’t shake or whimper. She didn’t stand up and explore. Instead, she flopped back on the bed and was out like a light.

  I turned to Eagle with a grin. “Well, that worked.”

  He chuckled as he went over and slid Toy’s lower half beneath her comforter. Then he turned back to me. “Come on. I’ll take you to your room.”

  My room was largely unpacked. Boxes were lined up against a wall. I had not an ounce of energy to devote to unpacking. Instead, I eyed the large poster bed at the center of the room.

  “That’s not my bed,” I said.

  “No.” Eagle came up behind me. “It’s mine.”

  I turned and looked up at him. His gaze was unguarded. He stood before me, completely open and vulnerable. The exhaustion from moving house, and transporting Toy, and any other worry I’d had over the past week took a step back. I needed this man on his knees right now. But I was the one who wound up sinking down onto the bed.

  Eagle came to kneel over me. He paused, looking down at me. Everywhere his gaze swept burned into my skin. When I realized he was waiting for me, waiting for my permission, I reached up and yanked him down to me.

  I hadn’t kissed a man in a long time, not in many years. For all my experience with the naughtiest realms of sex, this kiss made me feel like an untried virgin. For all my knowledge of how to make men break, my body went pliant beneath Eagle’s.

  But he didn’t take advantage. He didn’t try to take contr
ol. He followed my lead.

  My lead was one of slow hunger, of eager fullness, of alert exhaustion. I wanted this man even as my body was weary. Somehow we became naked. From the corner of my eye I saw the bright neon of a condom as it disappeared between our bodies. And then he was inside me.

  We moved in an unhurried, leisurely pace. Our bodies fitting together like long lost puzzle pieces. Our breaths chased after one another and exchanging places in the air as we rose towards a shared climax. I felt him trying to wait for me to go first, but his body had different ideas. We came together in a shuddering, consuming, damn near painful release.

  It wasn’t until we had both spent ourselves that I realized it; that wasn’t fucking. I didn’t dare name the thing that it was. Instead, I allowed myself to be wrapped up inside the cocoon of him. Before we fell asleep, he twined his fingers with mine, placed our hands over my heart, and we both fell into a contented sleep in our bed.

  Smart Baztard by Ines Johnson

  Since his youth, Prince been a crusader for justice. Standing up to schoolyard bullies, chasing drug dealers away from the community center, and challenging racists and bigots out in the street. Though he’s gone from the local MC club to FBI Agent working in the Civil Rights Division, he never left the streets behind. He’s also never forgotten the sweet, innocent, untouchable girl next door. When a case hits close to home, he'll have to face the friends he left behind and the girl who's never left his mind.

  Since she was in pigtails and knee socks, Gabby knew she was going to marry Prince. When he left, she was heartbroken. But now he’s back and sexier than ever. She's in designer skirts and stilettos now and she's no longer playing games like when they were kids. She has just one week to convince Prince that they are meant to be.

  When the case Prince is working puts Gabby in harm's way the rules he lives by no longer make sense. Will he be able to let out his inner bad boy to save the woman he can’t live without?


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