Refrain & Reprise_a Falling Stars novella_Book 3.5

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Refrain & Reprise_a Falling Stars novella_Book 3.5 Page 2

by Sadie Grubor

  Getting the lead role in the steampunk inspired rock opera was difficult enough with all the backstabbing and competition. And now not only am I getting a crash course in show delays and fighting down the fear of the producer dropping it all together, but it seems a lesson in life and consequences as well.

  "It's only two more weeks," Mal reassures from the plush chair in the corner of my hotel suite.

  "I still can't believe your show sells out," Kim, one of the new producer’s many assistants, says.

  Snapping my eyes open, I narrow them on her.

  "That didn't come out right." She shakes her head, lifting her palms out in front of her. "I meant, I didn't expect Vegas visitors to be interested in opera. I get their obsession with pop stars, magicians, and the burlesque show that just ended, but opera?" She lets the question linger.

  Closing my eyes once more, I take a deep breath and let her off the hook from my annoyance, because…well, she's right. I wouldn't have guessed the shows would be near to or completely sold out, but they were.

  It's flattering, but I'm exhausted from regurgitating the more mainstream songs from operas and musicals.

  "All done, sweetie," the cute hair stylist announces.

  I push up from the chair and move to the large wall mirror. Turning my face left then right, I take in the large, smooth rolls she created in my hair. It has a classic pinup feel, but with a romantic twist at the nape of my neck. She even made it look like I have way more hair than I do.

  "I'm not sure how you did all this without extensions, but if I'm ever super rich…" I turn to face her, "I'm making you my live-in hair stylist."

  She snorts and responds, "I'm sure once you meet my four kids you would kick us to the curb."

  Her mention of kids sends a shiver through my body. Swallowing the rising emotions, I plaster a small smile on my face.

  "Hmmm…" I contemplate her words, glancing once more into the mirror. "Nah, I'll just have to make sure I'm rich enough to put you up in a separate house."

  This time, she laughs.

  "You should come to the show," I offer, watching her pack away combs, sprays, and hairpins. "There are only two weeks left before I'm gone."

  "I appreciate that, but I've got a full day of appointments. Plus, it's family dinner night," she says.

  "That sounds way better than my show. Can I come to your house too?" I give my best pleading look.

  "Don't tell people that," Kim scolds.

  "It was a joke," I say, rolling my eyes. "Sort of," I tack on, heading up the stairs to my bedroom.

  "You've got twenty, and then you have lunch and press rounds to make," Mal shouts at my back. "You need to eat."

  Her comment sends steel up my spine, and my bare feet falter on the steps. Mal is the one person currently aware of my predicament. Still, the comment makes me grip the railing. Instead of releasing the emotional outburst building inside, I stop halfway up the stairs and twist at my waist. Blinking back unshed tears, I focus on the nearly-packed-up stylist. "So, about that family dinner night…"

  "Go get dressed," Mal orders, pursing her lips.

  "Bossy bitch," I insult, restarting my ascent.

  "It's what you pay me for," she retorts.

  She's right.

  Dressed in high-waisted, cheetah print capris and a black, short-sleeved crop top with the adorable peter pan collar, I slip into my black patent leather heels and wrap a matching belt around my waist. In the floor length mirror, I examine my profile. Placing both hands on my stomach, I exhale a long breath. There's no visible evidence of my level of stupidity yet, but there will be, and it won't be long before my poor judgment and decision making is a national headline.

  I close my eyes and drop my head, allowing a couple tears to escape.

  "I'm so stupid," I choke out on a quiet sob.

  What I thought were signs of the flu turned out to be something a tad bit more permanent. Like, life changing and long lasting.

  Wiping away the tears, I swallow the rest of my pity party and turn to face the mirror, placing my palms on the cold glass.

  "You're an idiot," I growl through clenched teeth.

  Thinking back to the moment when I set myself on this destructive path, anger and disappointment surge through me, battling to be the dominant emotion.

  It had been three weeks since I’d walked away from Zarek. Only three weeks for his actions to return to being everyone’s favorite dirty details to report, and months would follow of reminders of his past exploits with new ones along the way. Pictures of him in clubs with his hands up the skirts of different women. Me walking in on him backstage at the award's show. Video of him dry humping a groupie on stage until the crowd heard her orgasm. The exploits went on and on, plastered across the media for the world to drool over.

  I didn't want to be bitter, jealous, or hurt, and though I’ll still deny the feelings to everyone, I can't lie to myself. It built and built, twisting my rational brain into a jumble of crazy, leading me to a terrible decision.

  Derren Skards was famous, charming, and the most requested stage director. His interest and attention were the last ingredients to my self-destructive cocktail.

  He didn't have to make promises, offer romance, or seduce. No, I ate up his attention and offered myself willingly. The month-long affair distracted me from the pain, jealousy, and heartache I didn't want to carry with me, and made the risk of my role in the production worth everything. It was exciting, new, and invigorating…until it wasn't.

  The text messages and calls I always thought were work-related turned out to be the fiancé I'd had no clue about. When I confronted him about the messages, he turned things around on me, accusing me of snooping, eavesdropping, and seducing him. The level of his paranoia grew concerning, and the moment his hand connected with my cheek was our last. I never looked back. Until a month ago, when the only illness I was positive for was an unplanned pregnancy.

  Telling him turned into a fiasco. He claimed entrapment and quit the show, claiming he had a better opportunity just to put distance between us. The production company was caught off guard and suspected something between Derren and me, but they've said nothing so far.

  My current situation leaves me alone with my job at risk, dreams on the line, and pregnant with one man's child while still desperately in love with another—my own personal level of stupid and cliché.

  Checking my makeup one last time, making sure I don't look like the hot mess I am and my eyeliner wings are even, I return downstairs to the living space.

  Mal and Kim stand the moment my heels click on the hard floor.

  "Lunch is set up in a private dining room," Mal informs, looking down at her phone. "If we get down there now, you'll have about twenty minutes before the first scheduled interview."

  "Well, let's get moving then." I turn on my heels, heading for the door of the suite.

  When I exit, Gerald, my personal security guard, moves into position on my right.

  The man is the flesh-toned version of The Hulk. He towers over me at six feet tall and has biceps the size of my head. I swear he could palm my face in one hand if he wanted to.

  "How they hanging, Ger?" I taunt, grinning up at his colossal form.

  He grins, and responds, "High and tight, thanks to my underwear."

  Laughing, I almost miss the ding of the elevator.

  As the door opens, I turn, and the smile drops from my face.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  The thudding in my chest echoes between my ears and the nausea from this morning rushes to the base of my throat.

  His head is down, focused on his phone. The ink on his neck peeks out from beneath the collar of his t-shirt.

  My tongue has traced that ink.

  Gerald moves in front of me, blocking my view of the man I can't seem to escape, but can never have, especially now. Karma is a mean twat-sickle. All the avoiding and ignoring I've done to get him out of my head, and she just keeps shoving him back in
my face. Another price I have to pay for my dumb decisions.

  A tall man in black steps off first. He looks to Gerald and gives the nod before motioning the rest of the people from the elevator.

  Wrapping my arms around myself, I move farther behind Gerald and close my eyes, trying to calm my breathing, but all the memories rush back.

  Us entwined, skin to skin. The smell of Zarek's hair, skin, and even his fucking breath. The way his inked fingers sifted through and, at times, fisted my hair. Our physical connection had been like nothing I'd ever experienced, and the emotions…

  Christ, the emotions.

  In one night, he seduced his way into my panties. In one week, he schemed his way into my heart. Then, in one overheard conversation, the reality of who he is and what he's about yanked me out of a foolish girl's fantasy.

  I was just another no one. Zarek had said it himself. "Just some chick I picked up. You know how it goes with these no ones."

  I squeeze my middle tighter. The words still make me feel like a puzzle losing its pieces.

  Yeah, he'd explained what he'd said, saying he didn't want to share me, or us, with anyone – the public, and especially not his management team. That he just wanted to stay in our own world a little longer.

  I knew what he was saying. I completely and totally got it, and I agreed. Yet, I knew the stories, his history, and track record with women. I knew the week was special, even to him, but in the harsh reality of both our lives, I was exactly what he'd said. Just another no one in the middle of his somebody life.

  The hardest thing I've ever done was say goodbye and cut him out of my life. But it was best for us both. My career was just taking off with this show, and his life was a place I didn't fit.

  "Gemma?" The familiar caress of his voice causes my heart to skip a beat.

  Opening my eyes, I meet his.

  Swallowing every emotion he stirs—mostly the desire to jump in his arms and never let go—I release my middle and lift my chin.

  "Zarek." I attempt to stay friendly, yet detached.

  With a small nod, I move around Gerald and onto the elevator.

  I don't need to look back to know he's watching me. The weight of his eyes follows me, lingering even after the doors slide shut.

  Once they're closed, I place my palms on the back wall, bow my head, and fight back the tears.

  "I didn't know he was here," Mal whispers. "We can request a move to a different floor," she offers.

  "It's okay," I choke out.

  She thinks I hate him, and she would be right, but I also hate myself.

  I hate him so much for being the one person I can't forget. And I hate myself for making sure he'll never want anything to do with me.

  Chapter Three


  "I swear, I didn't know." Zora's words pull my eyes away from the sealed elevator doors.

  I'd been so unprepared to see her. Having clenched my fists at my sides to stop from reaching out to her, I shake out my hands.

  "Yeah," is the only word I can form.

  "Do you want me to request a different—"

  "No," I cut off the offer before she finishes. "It's okay."

  Turning away from the elevator, I walk, unseeing, down the hallway leading to the suites.

  I know I should move to another floor, choose another suite, but I can't. Just the possibility of seeing Gemma again won't let me consider it.

  The bright light of day penetrates my closed eyes.

  Groaning, I bury my face in the overstuffed pillow, but it doesn't block out the sound of the blinds retracting or my pain in the ass sister.

  "You've got a schedule to keep," she reminds me.

  "Fuck off." My growl is muffled by the down comforter.

  Even with my early arrival in Vegas for some special time off, there are still obligations and demands on my schedule. Instead of doing the radio interview over the phone, I decided to change them to in person.

  Right now, having barely slept, I'm regretting my decision. All night long, I fought with memories, and my dick. Jerking off twice didn’t do shit to kill the desire she inspires.

  "I'd love to be getting laid, but you pay me to keep your ass in line," Zora overshares.

  "I don't want to hear about you getting laid," I say, not moving to get up.

  "And I don't want to see your morning wood every day, but we both have to suffer," she quips.

  The blanket disappears, leaving my naked body at the mercy of the air conditioning.

  "Fuck!" I shout, rolling over.

  "I really wish you'd at least consider underwear." It's Zora's turn to groan.

  Opening my eyes, I find her standing at the edge of the bed with her back to me. Grinning, I scratch my head and sit up on the side of the mattress.

  "You gotta let things air out," I tease.

  Pushing up to my feet, I stretch my arms over my head.

  Her hand slaps to my stomach, causing me to gasp.

  "Get your ass dressed," she orders. "You've got forty-five minutes before your first radio show to promote the Vegas Rocks Festival."

  "Yeah, yeah," I mumble, heading to the bathroom.

  Before I reach the door, I spin around.

  "Christ, Zarek!" Zora groans again, covering her eyes with a hand. "I realize most of North America has seen your dick, but can you try a bit harder to cover up around me?"

  "I dunno, I'm pretty hard now, and—"

  "Get in the fucking shower, Pervy McPerviston, and get dressed," she shouts, trying to feel her way out of the room.

  "I want tickets to Gemma's show," I call out as she finds the bedroom door.

  Slipping out, she shoves her arm back in, giving a thumb's up. "Already did."

  Beaming, I enter the bathroom. With memories of Gemma invading my mind, I step beneath the warm spray, placing one hand on the tile and fisting my dick with the other. I can still picture her ass in the air, chest to the bed, fucking herself on my cock. Me lying on my back with her pussy hovering over my face. Suddenly, the steam of the shower smells just like her arousal. My tongue pushes through my lips, curling over my top lip, trying to get a taste of her. When it alludes me, I grow frustrated and take it out on my cock. Dropping my slick forehead to my arm, I pump harder, faster, in the same rhythm as when I took her against the wall mirror in my bedroom. The reflection of her biting her bottom lip, nostrils flaring, eyes closed tight. The memory tightens my balls and the ache grows to the point of pain before release and relief flow up my length in streams on the tiled wall.

  Panting, I let the shower wall take my weight until I come down from the high of my orgasm. It was a strong one, but the twinge of need still lingers behind. Leaning into the spray again, I rub my face, knowing the only cure is the real fucking thing. Fate hates me, putting her at my fingertips once again, yet keeping her so far from possession. After the shit I've done during the past year, my immature attempts to get over her, show her what she gave up, and…fuck, even to make her jealous—it's pretty clear I disgust her.

  The black eye she gave me has been the only goddamn thing to give me hope she still felt anything for me, but since then, it's like I'm a fucking ghost in the room. She doesn't see, tolerate, or even acknowledge me. I'm fucking nonexistent to her. Just like at the elevator. Her small nod is the most attention I've received in almost a year, and it fucking guts me.

  Still, I can't stay away.

  An hour later, I'm onto my second radio interview.

  Stepping out of the studio, I turn down a hallway when I stop short. Christopher Mason, the lead singer for The Forgotten and lyrical fucking genius, has a woman pressed against a wall.

  A long, tattooed arm appears from around the corner and slaps his shoulder.

  "Christ, let her breathe," Jackson Shaw teases.

  Chris stretches one arm out behind him and flips him off.

  "He's really just going for it, huh?" Liza Campbell asks.

  Jackson puts his arm around the tiny blonde's shoulders
, pulling her close and leaning down to kiss the side of her head.

  "Chris," the woman protests.

  When her head turns, I lock eyes with Mia, Chris' wife.

  "We're drawing a crowd," she says, pushing at his chest.

  "Let them fucking watch," he growls against her neck. "Everyone will know you’re fucking mine."

  "Christopher," Mia's voice turns hard in warning.

  He stills for a moment, then pulls his face from her neck and rests his forehead to hers.

  "I miss you," he says, not bothering to whisper.

  She cups his face. "I missed you too, but you have an interview. I'll be here waiting."

  Straightening to his full height, he takes both her hands and places them on his chest.

  "Fine, I'll do the interview, but you’ve gotta make promises," he says with a grin.

  "I don't have to do anything," she shoots back, wearing her own grin.

  "You're right," he nods, releasing her hands.

  Taking a step back, he licks his lips and fucks her with his eyes.

  "I'll do the work. You can lay there and take my dick like a good wife," he says.

  "Chris!" Mia shouts.

  Jackson chuckles, and Liza giggles against his side.

  Chris just winks, turns, and heads in my direction.

  "Hey, man," he says, still grinning wide as he passes.

  Mia gives a small smile as she hurries after him.

  A sharp pain fills my chest as Gemma flashes into my mind.

  "Hey, Zarek," Jackson greets, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "Hey," I return, clasping hands and shaking.

  "Making the rounds for the festival promo?"

  I nod. "Yeah, I've got three more to go."

  "We have one more, but I have a feeling Chris won't be showing up for that one," he says with a smile.

  "I think you could bet on that one." I glance down the hall. Chris has Mia plastered to his side, though it looks like she's still giving him shit.

  "It’s the first weekend she's left the kids behind," Liza explains.

  "And the first alone time since Max was born." Jack waggles his brows.


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