Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 11

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Lynton made eye contact with Kelly. “I’ll think about your generous offer and get back to you ASAP. Talk to you later on. Perhaps we can have dinner this evening.”

  Houston looked Lynton dead in the eye. “She’s already booked for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in-between snacks for the next several weeks. After that, who knows? She may be married by then.”

  Lynton decided not to respond to Houston and Kelly was most grateful.

  Glad the clash of the titans was over, Kelly sighed with relief. “I look forward to hearing from you later, Lynton. Have a great afternoon.”

  Bristling at Kelly’s last remark, embers of anger smoldered in Houston’s eyes.

  Kelly rolled her eyes hard at him. “What the hell was that about, macho jock? You were incorrigible to Lynton, you know. What gives you the right to act rude to my friends? I’d never do anything like that to embarrass you.”

  Looking right at Kelly, Houston didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. “Me, incorrigible?” He shrugged, feigning ignorance. “Not a chance. I merely spoke my mind. If your boy has a problem with it, I don’t know what to tell him. He’s just a little too smug for my liking.”

  Kelly gritted her teeth. “Try that again…and see what happens. You won’t get away with it so easily the next time. Lynton is a very dear friend of mine. He just moved to Houston to start up a medical practice. Until he gets things up and running, I offered him a temporary job in my office. He relocated here from Memphis, where he practiced sports medicine.”

  “From what he was spouting off, you two are more than friends. How much more than friends is what I want to know. Wondering if I’m bothered by seeing you with him? Hell, yeah! I’m highly perturbed.”

  Surprised by Houston’s outburst, yet loving it at the same time, Kelly began to sense she meant more to him than he’d revealed. He was suddenly doing a complete one-eighty. Maybe he didn’t plan on being in and out of her life like a revolving door after all.

  Kelly still wasn’t going to get her hopes up. Houston was the only man she knew who could smash her desires and dreams to smithereens. Keeping him in the doghouse for a while might do the trick. He was way too hot and bothered by Lynton. He had no idea what he’d done by exposing himself to her. Houston wasn’t as unaffected by her as she’d thought. Jealously was written all over his face—and in bold print. “Perturbed” was a totally inaccurate assessment. He was beside himself with jealousy and outrage.

  Kelly rested her elbows on the table. “It’s not like you to show up unexpectedly, so what brought you down here? Is something important going on I should know about?”

  Houston shot Kelly an intolerant glance. “Maybe you should tell me. Are you dating the good doctor?”

  Kelly sighed heavily. “Listen, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. There’s nothing there but friendship. But why the heck do you care, Mr. Noncommittal? As far as things go, you and I are only friends, nothing more than that. I think you’ve made yourself perfectly clear on the issues, repeatedly.”

  Houston eyed Kelly with deep curiosity, moving closer to her, until he had her practically wedged into the corner of the booth. “What’s this all about? We parted ways on a good note. As for me caring, I told you I cared a lot for you. Have you conveniently forgotten, Kelly-Kel? Am I on punishment now, or what? I’ve called you several times.”

  With Houston so close to her, Kelly found it hard to breathe. His manly cologne wreaked havoc on her senses, making her want to press her lips into his and kiss him without cessation. His firm, rigid thigh brushing against hers made her think of the most intimate part of his body.

  Total insanity was not that far away for Kelly. She felt crazy with desire every time she was near Houston. Then he’d turn around and make her half-crazed with anger. “I planned to return your phone calls this evening. I’ve been superbusy. You’re here right now, yet you haven’t told me why.”

  Houston pressed his nose into her hair and inhaled the gentle scent. “You’ve never lied to me before so I accept your answer. But if you’re so busy, how’d you find time to have lunch with an old beau? Can you answer that one for me?”

  Kelly glared at Houston. “I can, but I won’t.” She blew out a shaky gust of breath. “You are really beside yourself over this, aren’t you? You’re the last person I’d expect to come off this way. Where’ve you been hiding the insecurities? This is so unlike you.”

  “You mean to tell me you aren’t flattered as hell by it? Isn’t this how some women want men to act? How can you flaunt another man in my face and expect me not to have any reactions to it?”

  Kelly bumped Houston hard with her shoulder, nudging him to move away. He was hitting all the wrong buttons, the ones he should really be careful of. “First of all, you’re not exclusively my man. That’s just another thing you’ve made perfectly clear to me. Secondly, you came in here to find me, not the other way around. To flaunt a man in your face, I’d have to bring him where you are. Sound practical?”

  Houston moved closer to Kelly, gently grazing her lips with his. “I don’t like the way this is going down. It isn’t turning out in my favor. I didn’t come here to fight. I’m sure it seems quite the contrary. I keep screwing up with you big-time, huh? How can I make it right between us?”

  Kelly fought the urge to taste Houston’s sweet, juicy lips with the tip of her tongue. Her inner thighs were already trembling something fierce. Just the thought of connecting with him in a compromising position made her hot and wet. Her mind momentarily wandered to the cushy chair in her bedroom, imagining him sitting there naked while she straddled him.

  Please have mercy on me. As Kelly’s thoughts nearly incinerated her steely resolve, she quickly snapped out of the dream world she’d escaped to. “You can start by telling me why you’re here.”

  “Fair enough. It’s about the cruise. Are you still going?”

  Kelly looked perplexed. “I already gave you my answer. Nothing has changed. Why’d you think it had?”

  Houston shrugged. “No return phone calls are my best guess. The balcony cabins are at a minimum so we have to get on with the bookings. I’ll call Austin and let him know you’re still aboard. If you don’t want to bunk with Lanier, I’ll pay the single-supplement for a separate cabin. I know how you women like your privacy.”

  Kelly shook her head. “I don’t mind bunking with Lanier. If I did, I’d pay the extra fees myself. Rooming with her should be loads of fun. I like Lanier.”

  Houston wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “What if the sleeping arrangements are just for appearances’ sake? How would you feel if Dallas wanted Lanier to sleep in our cabin on one or more nights? If so, would you let me spend the night in yours?”

  Deciding she couldn’t go off the deep end here, Kelly shrugged. He was only baiting her. “Sure. Twin beds are separate and they’re standard in most cabins. You’d have your bed and I’d have mine. I’d never deprive Dallas and Lanier a shot at being together all night.”

  At odds with Kelly’s response, Houston looked deeply into her eyes. “What if I wanted to push the twin beds together? Would you go for it?”

  Waving for the waiter, Kelly sucked her teeth. “It’s time for me to get back to my office. I’ve heard enough of your bull for one day, Houston Carrington. Your alter ego is a real maniac. I’m glad I never met him before now.”

  The waiter arrived at the table with the bill. Kelly scanned the check then laid her credit card on the black lacquer tray. Though she waited to see what Houston would do, she already had a good idea a macho response was forthcoming.

  Houston removed the credit card from the tray and replaced it with one of his own. Eyeing her intently, he threw up his hands. “You mean to tell me Dr. Lynton Washington stuck you with the tab. How rich is that?”

  Kelly swatted Houston on the shoulder. “For your information, I invited him to lunch.” She tried pushing him toward the end of the booth to get out, but it was like trying to move a bull out the ring. Houston was
solidly built and had huge muscles—and then some. The man only possessed brute strength. But he was a gentle brute with her, tender and sweet.

  Houston smiled devilishly. “In a hurry to go somewhere?”

  Kelly refused to show her irritation. “Back to work. I have several patients to see this afternoon.”

  Houston nodded. “I’ll let you go, but not without conditions. Please do not make plans for dinner with the good doctor. Don’t encourage him. The man acts on his own instincts, without any prompting from you. Instead, I’d like to fix dinner at my place, around seven. Are we on?”

  Kelly looked like she wanted to murder Houston in cold blood, only she wasn’t sure how she’d manage to live without him. “Seven it is.” She was so curious about this sudden change in Houston she was willing to do most anything to find out his agenda. The man sure knew how to stir up intrigue.

  Had he had a sudden change of heart about commitment? Did seeing her with Lynton cause reality to check in on him or had he lost his mind altogether? She was definitely curious about his altered attitude toward her.

  It then dawned on Kelly that Houston had come there without knowing about Lynton. The unreturned phone calls may’ve prompted the surprise visit, but he could’ve reached her at her office or home at some point. His jealousy was painfully obvious but it was also adorable. Kelly couldn’t wait to find out what was next.

  Houston stood first and then helped Kelly up. “I don’t have the heart to make your patients wait. That’s not cool. I’ll walk you back and then see you at my place later on.”

  Kelly lifted his hand and kissed the back of it. “I will be there. Goodbye, Houston.” She didn’t respond to his remark of walking her back to the office.

  Dissatisfied with Kelly’s skimpy farewell, Houston waited until they got outside to take her into his arms and kiss her thoroughly, as if he had something to prove. “That’s more like it. Mind if I walk you back to the office? I don’t plan to go inside. I’ve stirred up enough drama with your staff for one day.” He kissed her again, passionately.

  Kelly looked at Houston, her eyes acknowledging his remarks in a positive way. Shaken down to the core from his earth-shattering kisses, she could barely speak. As she began walking toward her office, she did her best not to fall back into his arms and beg for more. Houston was the best kisser she’d ever known, making her wish they didn’t have to end. Did ignoring his phone calls cause him to react this way? Kelly had no clue what prompted the changes in him, but she wasn’t interested in making him jealous.

  Downtown Houston streets bustled with folks heading to lunch and those returning to their offices from a number of popular eateries. The weather was overly warm and horribly humid, but native Houstonians were used to it.

  The downtown skyline was breathtaking, especially at night, featuring some of the most unique and magnificent buildings ever designed. Numerous high-rises and posh condos had popped up all over the place in the last few years. Houston was one of the few places in the nation where real estate was relatively affordable, especially when compared to the realty markets in California and New York.

  “I’m thinking of buying a downtown condo I fell in love with. Since real estate sales are depressed right now, making it a buyer’s market, my Realtors, Melville Campbell and Jessica Holcomb-Pack, are keeping a lookout. They feel the condo prices may fall even more.” Houston laughed. “Too much information, huh?”

  Kelly laughed, too. “But seriously, you should take time to make up your mind about a major purchase.”

  Houston had considered buying the condominium for a while now. It was a recently built structure near the Toyota Center, where the Cyclones played. His home wasn’t terribly far from downtown, but it’d be nice to have a nearby place to crash after the home games, especially if the guys partied hard after a win.

  “As you know, the Cyclones are a fast-breaking team. We love to run up and down the hardwood. By the time the fourth-quarter buzzer sounds, I’m totally pumped. But right after my shower, I’m looking for a soft place to land…and as quickly as possible. The condo would afford me that luxury. Plus be a good investment property.” His eyes scanned her lovely body.

  Definitely a soft yet firm place to land.

  Kelly hunched her shoulders. “I don’t know how you guys do it, but your bodies are in amazing condition. I get tired just watching how hard you play the game. Doesn’t Austin own a second home? I believe I read that somewhere.”

  “Austin and Dallas both own more than one residence. Dallas owns a town house on South Padre Island. He loves the peaceful little beach community, up until the spring break crowd arrives. Then there’s the resort condo in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Both are investment properties. Austin owns a resort home in the Caribbean, although the upscale high-rise apartment in Manhattan is his favorite property. He spent a lot of leisure time there before he married. Ashleigh loves to go there to shop.”

  “How do the guys manage so many homes?”

  “Property management companies lease out the places so there’s no worry for them. The homes are fully furnished and completely stocked. The places can be rented for a weekend or an entire week. I only remember one time that the Caribbean property was leased out for a full month. For the most part, the mortgage payments are paid by the renters. Austin and Dallas block off the times they plan to be there.”

  “Not a bad deal,” Kelly remarked. “I’d like to own a resort property someday, but I think I’d worry about people damaging it.”

  “Just require the renter to pay a higher security deposit, equal to what the home rents for monthly.”

  Upon reaching the front of Kelly’s office building, the two stood toe-to-toe, their eyes locked in a warm embrace. Her insides jiggled like jelly, making it feel like her stomach was full of Mexican jumping beans. No matter how many times she was around Houston, he affected her as if they had just met, producing the same jitters in her as their first passionate kiss had.

  Houston bent his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Until this evening.”

  “How many times have we said that already?” She laughed. “Until this evening,” she breathed on a soft sigh.

  Stretched out on the black leather sofa in his state-of-the-art media room, utterly annoyed, yet worried beyond understanding, Houston glanced at the wall clock for the umpteenth time. Kelly hadn’t shown up at seven o’clock. It was nearly eight. He hadn’t reached her on her home or cell phones although he’d made several attempts. He saw no point in trying to contact her at her office since it was way past normal office hours.

  Rising from the sofa, Houston sauntered into the formal dining room, where the table had been intimately set for two. China, silverware and crystal were laid out in fine fashion to reflect the romantic interlude he had in mind.

  Angelica had even been called on to help out Houston with his dinner plans. After she had baked a peach cobbler, one of Kelly’s favorite desserts, she had helped him prepare the meal and also arrange the crystal vase of beautiful pink and white roses.

  The taper candles had burned down considerably, so Houston blew them out. Hoping the expensive tenderloin hadn’t overcooked, he ran to the kitchen to take it out of the oven. Grateful that he’d turned off the gas earlier, he removed the roasting pan and placed it on the granite counter.

  As his flesh made brief contact with the hot metal, Houston yelped.

  After tending to his minor burn with ointment and a Band-Aid, he stuck a long-handled fork into the meat. When juices began to flow instantly, he knew he hadn’t ruined the tenderloin. The rice, mixed with peas and mushrooms and sautéed green beans, only needed warming. Just about everything was ready. Houston hadn’t planned to put Angelica’s homemade yeast rolls into the oven until just before his guest arrived.

  Worried sick about Kelly, Houston began to roam his seven-bedroom home. Each one of his magnificently decorated rooms mirrored his free spirit and engaging personality. The spacious living areas were light and air
y and extremely warm and inviting. Houston didn’t have too much in his home that he feared someone damaging. His decorator had created a worry-free environment. He had the type of place where his family, friends and their children would feel comfortable.

  Since Houston’s special trophy room was off-limits to most, he wasn’t concerned about anything happening to his precious sports memorabilia. Only a very few ventured beyond the double doors where many of his priceless treasures were securely stored in showy glass-shelved enclosures.

  Houston stopped abruptly. He always went after what he wanted on the court so why not in his personal life? He didn’t think, just grabbed his keys from the kitchen and raced out to his car.

  Houston hated showing up at Kelly’s place unannounced, which he saw as different from the appearance he’d made at her job earlier. He couldn’t let it become a habit. Instead of trying to contact Kelly again by phone, Houston had made the irrational decision to go to her home. Something wasn’t quite right. He could feel it, had convinced himself that this unannounced visit was warranted. All he had to do was figure out why.

  The on-duty security patrol had allowed Houston to pass through the wrought-iron gates without question. Kelly had requested security to put him on her guest list as an authorized visitor. Houston Carrington was not a threat to her posh community.

  Before ringing Kelly’s doorbell, Houston took a deep breath. More nervous than he’d ever been, he stood back to await an answer. It took several minutes for him to get a response. The person standing in front of him was not Kelly. Just a few inches shorter than Houston, Lynton Washington stood there, looking smug and overconfident. Pure devilment twinkled oddly in the eyes of Kelly’s friend.


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