Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 15

by Linda Hudson-Smith

“Take your time, Houston. Kelly won’t expect you to offer a marriage proposal any time soon.” Dallas stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Firing up the hot tub has to be on the agenda, too. We might even take a swim in the pool. I can hardly wait to hold the lovely Lanier Watson in my arms.”

  Houston saluted his brother. “Let me get out of here so you can do your thing. Sounds like you’re planning to put it down. Lanier’s in for a sweet surprise. Hope you guys have a fantastic evening.”

  “Not so fast, little brother. You need to help me cook. Then you can split.”

  Houston bucked his eyes. “I don’t recall volunteering a single service.”

  “You need an apron?” Dallas asked. “Mom keeps a couple in the utility drawer. If you want a manly one, Dad also has one or two in there.” Dallas picked up the dish towel and threw it at Houston. “Don’t just stand around here gawking. Get to work.”

  Knowing he’d gotten himself into a hopeless situation Houston walked over to the sink and washed his hands, wiping them off on a paper towel. “This’ll cost you.”

  “It always does,” Dallas countered. “You might just learn a thing or two from me. You’re so scared of women getting the wrong idea you forget how to take good care of one. Let me show you how it’s done, baby boy. You’ve witnessed Dad treating Mom like a queen your entire life. I’d think by now you’d be an expert at it.”

  Houston rinsed off the salad greens and put them in the spinner to dry. “That’s it. I’ve never been involved with any female that way. I don’t want women to get the wrong impression. I’m good for dinner, club hopping, dancing, bowling and a movie on occasion. I prefer meeting women at social functions over taking a date.”

  Vacations or cozy weekend getaways hadn’t ever been a part of Houston’s social scene. He was more comfortable with a group of women rather than singling out any one lady to spend time with.

  Dallas looked concerned. “Then why commit to seeing only Kelly?”

  “I’m different with Kelly. She has broken through the majority of my barriers. I still feel strange over the commitment I made several days ago, but I won’t go back on my word. I mostly worry about what’ll happen when I’m on the road again. I’m home for the summer so it’ll be easy to see only Kelly. The long road trips are the rough part. You and Austin manage the road well. Austin is married now and you want to be. All this exclusive stuff is brand-new for me.”

  Dallas empathized with his brother, silently commending Houston for not lying to or cheating on women like many guys did. He had stuck to his guns, and he was still sensitive and considerate of others’ feelings. Women practically threw themselves at the Carrington men, yet not one of them had misused or abused anyone. They had their pick of the finest ladies in every city. However, Houston had always seen things differently.

  “The motto on the road for most guys is ‘love ’em and leave ’em,’ but not with you, Houston. Austin and I were concerned about your approach, until we realized it works for you and your female friends. Hanging out with groups of women is what you love to do—and the ladies don’t seem to mind. No one can accuse you of breaking hearts intentionally. You’re obviously a man who likes to have loads of group fun.”

  Smiling, Houston nodded. “I couldn’t have explained it better. Glad you and Austin finally understand the method to my madness.”

  Kelly, Ashleigh and Lanier, excited and animated, were at the Galleria in Houston, a huge complex made up of fine department stores, fashion boutiques, first-class jewelers, shoe stores, specialty shops and numerous eateries. The Galleria was a favorite place for Houstonians to shop. The shopping choices were endless. An ice arena was also situated inside the development, located only yards from the food court.

  Already worn-out from popping in and out of countless stores, the ladies made their way over to Chili’s, which offered a great view of the ice rink. Austin and Houston were to meet the women at the restaurant for lunch. After eating, the ladies planned to help the men choose a few other special gifts for Angelica.

  Ashleigh seemed extremely tired and it showed in her face, causing Kelly concern. “Are you okay, Ash? Are you up to more shopping?”

  Ashleigh set her purse beside her chair. “I’m cool, Kelly, but the surface of the flooring has my feet on fire. I feel a little tired, but I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking.”

  Kelly took a closer look at Ashleigh. “Are you sure about that? Your eyes say differently, Ash. But you’ve got a great doctor along with you. No matter what field of medicine physicians specialize in, we all rotate through the OB/GYN department. I do know how to deliver a baby.”

  Ashleigh grinned broadly. “That’s good to know.”

  Lanier smiled. “I second that.”

  At that very moment, Austin walked up behind Ashleigh’s chair and placed his hands over her eyes. “Guess who, beautiful.” He’d made no attempt to disguise his voice.

  Ashleigh sniffed the air, barely able to contain her joy. “I’d know that sexy scent anywhere. These are the same talented hands that tenderly massage my body on a regular basis. So I’d have to say it’s my superstar husband behind me.”

  Austin leaned his head down and gave Ashleigh an upside-down kiss. “Make no mistake about it, sweetie. Your one and only!” Smiling, he nodded a greeting at Kelly and Lanier, taking a seat next to his wife. “Houston should be here any minute. Something in one of the stores caught his eye when we first got here. He went back for a second look. Have you all ordered yet?”

  Lanier shook her head in the negative. “Not yet. The waitress is on her way over here now.”

  Just as Lanier finished her remarks, the waitress stepped up to the table.

  “Welcome to Chili’s. What can I get for you folks?” Her cheerfulness put everyone at ease. Then she took one look at Austin and gasped loudly. It was obvious she had recognized the hometown sports hero. “Oh, my goodness, it’s really you, Austin Carrington. I can’t believe you’re seated at my table. Everyone in Houston loves you.” She looked at Ashleigh. “If you two weren’t holding hands, I wouldn’t have known which triplet he was. I’ve seen you pictured with your husband in the paper.”

  Proud of her man, Ashleigh beamed, ecstatic that so many people loved him. It didn’t disturb her when women showed a genuine, respectful liking toward Austin.

  After a bit more gushing over the Wrangler quarterback, the waitress finally calmed down enough to take orders. Her hands visibly shook as she wrote on her pad.

  Each of the women ordered some type of salad. Austin requested a hamburger with the works. Knowing the foods Houston liked, Kelly had chosen for him, causing the others to talk trash about it. Kelly shrugged off the teasing comments. No one knew about the commitment she and Houston had made. She was leaving it up to him.

  Houston showed up just before the waitress left the table. Her excitement started all over again. Before leaving the area, she made a request for autographs.

  Houston gave Austin a high five. “This just has to stop,” he joked. “You are too popular for words. I’ll have to stop hanging out with you if this keeps up.”

  The ladies all laughed at Houston’s antics. Austin wasn’t a bit impressed.

  Kelly covered Houston’s hand with hers. “As if you don’t receive the same type of treatment every time we’re out. She had a fit over you, too. It must be nice to have it like that. By the way, I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

  Houston was pleased by Kelly’s comments, pleased that she hadn’t let the mushy stuff from female fans bother her. It was nice to have an understanding woman. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. “What’d you order for me?”

  Kelly smiled. “You’ll have to wait and see. I think I did okay.”

  Amazed by their open affection, Austin closely observed the interaction between Houston and Kelly. If he didn’t know better, he’d think their relationship had taken an unexpected turn. He’d never seen Houston looking happier. It appeared he’d had a change of heart. Had hi
s brother stopped running long enough to get himself captured?

  Houston opened the small bag he had set on the table. After taking out a small white box, he handed it to Kelly. “This is for you. I hope you like it.”

  Kelly’s couldn’t hide her surprise. “For me? Wow!” She quickly flipped open the top of the box. A huge smile came next. “Is this a symbol for the pact we made earlier?”

  He grinned. “It is. What do you think of it?”

  Kelly lifted from the cotton pad what looked like a fourteen-karat-gold map of some sort, threaded on a dainty gold chain. Wondering what the charm represented, she fingered it lightly. “It’s a beautiful piece.” She loved it, though she wasn’t sure what it was.

  The others were craning their necks to see what Kelly had received.

  Houston cracked up. “You don’t know what it is, do you?”

  Kelly looked embarrassed. “Afraid not,” she said in a small voice.

  “It’s part of a world globe.” Reaching inside his shirt, he pulled out a box-link chain. An identical charm dangled at the end of Houston’s gold necklace. “We both have a piece of the globe. When we’re worlds apart, this will keep us connected. It’ll serve as a reminder of our commitment. The two halves fit together to make a whole.”

  Everyone was highly curious now. Before anyone could ask what was really going on between Houston and Kelly, he graciously clued them in.

  The others appeared genuinely happy for the couple, especially Austin, who’d feared Houston might mess around and let Kelly get away.

  Austin affectionately pounded Houston on the back. “Congratulations! You guys look good together.”

  “Does this mean we’ll hear wedding bells soon?” Lanier wanted to kick herself the same moment the words left her mouth. Pressure was the last thing the happy couple needed. “Sorry, guys. I shouldn’t have said that. Please accept my apology. At any rate, I’m thrilled for you,” Lanier voiced sincerely.

  “Me, too,” Ashleigh chimed in. “It’s wonderful! We need to make a toast.”

  Right on cue, the waitress arrived with the beverage orders. Once she left the table, Austin wasted no time in proposing a heartfelt toast to Houston and Kelly’s relationship. Then Kelly passed around her half of the golden globe for everyone to see.

  Houston was impressed with the food items Kelly had chosen for him. “I see that you’ve been paying close attention to me.”

  Mozzarella cheese sticks was the appetizer Houston often ordered. A medium-well hamburger with a large order of French fries was just what he would’ve asked for, along with the garden salad. And a vanilla milk shake was his favorite drink to gulp down with hamburgers and fries. She’d even gotten the Ranch salad dressing right.

  Houston leaned into Kelly and kissed the tip of her nose. “You did good, girl. I couldn’t have done it any better. Thanks.”

  Kelly smiled. “You’re welcome. Which one of you guys is going to pray?”

  The group of five felt half-blinded by the sparkling diamond earrings they’d viewed at numerous jewelry stores. Even though a diamond card from Ben Bridge was settled on as one of the birthday gifts for Angelica, the guys had wanted the women’s input on other items.

  Austin had also gotten a feel for what won over Ashleigh. He planned on buying her diamond earrings as a gift when the baby came. They’d looked at dainty diamond studs created for infants. If the child was a girl, their daughter would have a pair, too.

  After hitting several more stores, Kelly, Ashleigh and Lanier finally settled on the perfect formal dress for Angelica. The stunning, glittery dress in black and silver was both elegant and timeless. Ashleigh and Austin planned to pick out the evening shoes and matching bag at Angelica’s favorite shoe boutique, but they’d save it for another day.

  Houston simply looked on, fascinated with everyone’s patience for nonstop shopping. A shopper he wasn’t. He liked to wear fine designer clothing, but he also used a tailor to fashion a good bit of his attire. Browsing the Internet gave him an idea of what he wanted to purchase before he went into stores. It saved on time and also made the shopping experience somewhat easier.

  The buying fever had gotten the best of Kelly and Lanier, who had both purchased formal dresses. With her and Dallas’s issues resolved, Lanier felt comfortable in choosing an eggshell-white Dior for the formal night on the cruise. Kelly had selected a shocking red Ralph Lauren gown, with a low-cut back and front.

  Dead tired, the group left the mall to return to their homes.

  Chapter 10

  Houston enjoyed seeing Kelly so excited while perusing the brochures Dallas had given him to share with her, as this was to be her first time out to sea. The cruise itinerary was featured, along with numerous onshore tours the cruise line offered.

  After leafing through the pamphlet, Houston came up with a page he wanted to show Kelly. “These are the cabin floor plans.” He pointed at a picture. “This is the type of cabin Dallas reserved. The balconies are right above the sea. Not too much can be seen at night, but the moon and stars will be vivid. We’ll get to see a lot when the ship heads into port during daylight hours. I’m surprised you’ve never cruised before.”

  Kelly shrugged. “My parents cruised often, but they didn’t take me along.”

  “Why not?”

  “I never asked. They’d never dream of booking a cruise catering to kids and younger couples. Why sail on a big party boat when you want elegance, peace and quiet. They can be pretty stuffy and snobbish. But they’re good with their patients, very loving, kind and sensitive. I used to think they cared more about strangers than me.”

  Houston frowned. “Have you spoken to them since the awards dinner?”

  Kelly looked ashamed. “I haven’t phoned them nor have they called me.”

  Although Houston wouldn’t say it aloud he couldn’t imagine not talking to his parents daily. They often spoke three and four times a day. There were also the family dinners everyone enjoyed. He understood everyone didn’t have the family life he had, but he would’ve never guessed that Kelly had grown up feeling so alone.

  “Who called who the last time you talked?” Houston queried, curious about the family communication habits.

  “I only phone them when I’m returning their call. I get messages a few times a month.” She grew quiet for a moment. “Lately, they’ve been calling more frequently. It’s kind of strange. They’ve always been creatures of habit, predictable.”

  “Do you think they’re calling more because they may want a deeper connection with their daughter? Have you given it any thought?”

  “Why should I? They didn’t say anything like that at the awards event.”

  Kelly’s remarks had sounded so cold and detached, making Houston wonder if there was more to this family estrangement than what she’d said. He and his brothers fell out and had arguments like any other siblings, but it rarely lasted long. He couldn’t recall a time they’d actually parted company upset with each other.

  What were the real issues in Kelly’s family? It had to be something pretty deep.

  Since they planned to see a lot more of each other, Houston hoped she’d trust him enough to share whatever she hadn’t been able to get over. There were clearly unsettled family issues in her past and present.

  The doorbell brought Houston’s thoughts to an abrupt end. He watched as Kelly took flight toward the foyer. The phone hadn’t rung so he wondered who had dropped by unannounced. She’d been rather annoyed at him for that, so he’d probably get to see how she reacted to this visitor. Well, he thought, she could’ve already been expecting someone. Thinking he was giving the issue too much thought, he let it go, silently promising to stop analyzing every little thing Kelly did.

  Lynton preceded Kelly into the family room. Houston’s eyes went straight to the suitcases he carried in both hands. Doomsday had arrived and he was there to witness it. As Kelly excused herself to direct Lynton to the guest wing in her house, Houston’s stomach knotted up. Kelly’s
friend moving into her home might mean that Lynton would become even more involved in her life.

  Did Lynton have ulterior motives for moving in with Kelly?

  Lynton had just relocated to Houston, he recalled her saying. He knew she’d offered him space at her office and had agreed to house-hunt with him, but he hadn’t been pleased about him living there with her. He wasn’t a bit keen on Lynton occupying space in Kelly’s home, but she was a grown woman with the right to make her own decisions.

  With plenty of housing for lease why was Lynton setting up shop here?

  Houston had a pretty good idea what was on the man’s mind, but he wasn’t sure Kelly was aware of his agenda. Unless she brought it up to him again, he wasn’t saying a thing about it. Fat chance of that, he thought. If he could keep his thoughts to himself for the rest of the evening, Houston knew it’d be a miracle.

  Kelly came back into the family room and sat down next to Houston. “Please keep in mind his stay here is only temporary,” she said, her tone soothing. “The house Lynton wants to lease in Green Tee Estates won’t be available until August. We’re only a little ways into June, but he’ll move on the first of the month as opposed to the end. It won’t be that bad. You’ll see.”

  Houston rolled back his eyes. “That makes me feel a whole lot better,” he said, unable to put a lid on the sarcasm. “Has he already signed a lease?”

  “The owner promised to have the papers ready for signing within a week or so.”

  Houston looked skeptical. “It’s the ‘or so’ that bothers me. We’ll wait and see.”

  Once the deadline passed for signing the papers, Houston believed Lynton would have another bogus excuse as to why the lease wasn’t signed. This man wasn’t serious about leasing another place and he wasn’t moving in with Kelly just to wait until the house was available. Houston was sure he wanted to make a personal move on her. Before the last thought cleared Houston’s head, Lynton came into the room and plopped down on the sofa, on the other side of Kelly.

  With another couch and several chairs in the room, Houston didn’t understand why Lynton hadn’t sat elsewhere. Then he mentally corrected himself. He did understand. If he intended to make a move on Kelly, then he’d want to be close to her, as often as possible. Houston had a big problem with that.


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