Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 21

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Tears spilling from her eyes, Angelica hugged each of her boys again. “Sons, you’ve really outdone yourselves. Every year your gifts are spectacular, but this one is tops. Thank you, Austin, Dallas and Houston. Thank you so much,” she cried happily.

  Angelica tightly hugged her daughter-in-law before embracing Lanier and Kelly. For a couple of seconds, a pained expression crossed her face. She then looked over at Austin with questioning eyes. “Passports. We don’t have them.”

  Ashleigh opened her straw satchel and removed the elder Carringtons’ passports. “I’m afraid we got hold of them under false pretenses. When Austin asked for a copy of his birth certificate, he took the documents from your firebox instead. It was the only way we could register everyone online and also keep the secret. Sorry for the deception.”

  Angelica smiled endearingly, her tears resurfacing. “In this case, you’re all forgiven. Okay, Carrington crew, we have a birthday celebration to attend.”

  Now that the cat was out of the bag and everyone felt great about how well the surprise had been received, the group stored the luggage in the parking-lot van, which would be given to porters at dockside.

  Because the family group had arrived at the terminal early, they had already reached the head of the line. Once the checkin process was complete, the party of eight headed to their respective cabins. After everyone got unpacked and settled in, they planned to meet on the uppermost deck to throw a thrilling bon voyage celebration.

  Houston and Kelly were all smiles as they checked out the balcony suite he and Dallas would occupy. “This is an exact replica of the one I’ll share with Lanier.”

  Extremely pleased with the lavish accommodations, Houston pulled Kelly to him and kissed her passionately. “I’m surprised my bags have already been delivered. Do you mind helping me unpack my things and put them away?”

  Both were eager to freshen up and then reunite with their traveling companions.

  Several minutes later, as the couple headed for the exit door, Houston redirected Kelly out to the balcony, where he kissed her breathless. This moment was so surreal for him. “I can’t help recalling the Valentine’s Day/football reunion cruise my brothers and I took together. We had a ball reacquainting with old friends and making lots of new ones. Austin was reunited with Ashleigh, whom he’d been searching for long and hard. Dallas met and fell in love with Lanier on the same cruise. I won’t be surprised if the precious memories we make on this cruise exceed all my expectations.”

  Houston ran his fingers through Kelly’s silky hair. “If we were traveling alone, we’d have our own celebration right here, right now.” His mouth sought out hers yet again. “I want to make love to you badly. Are you as excited as me?”

  Kelly kissed her lover’s eyelids. “I’m past excited. I’m burning red-hot for you. We’ve already made plans to meet your family, but we’ll quietly slip away after the ship sets sail. Everyone knows we’re in the honeymoon phase of our relationship.”

  Houston grinned. “This cruise will be sheer bliss for us. How’d I get so lucky?”

  Kelly grazed her lips across Houston’s, her fingers entwining in his hair at the nape. “Blessed is more like it. I never stopped hoping for a romantic relationship with you. Our initial conversation about dating exclusively often tumbles through my head.”

  Houston smoothed his thumb across her cheekbone. “I think about it a lot, too. My cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor was an act. I was squeamishly nervous over it.”

  Kelly smiled gently. “Ashleigh told me about the vow Austin had made to her fourteen years ago. She’d held on to his promise with all her might, even when she didn’t think it’d occur. His vow became their reality. I hope our dreams come true, too.”

  “‘I will always take care of you’ was the vow Austin made to Ashleigh back then, when she was our foster sister. I promise to be here for you, Kelly, come hell or high water.” Houston wrapped her up in his arms, kissing her again and again. Having her in his arms and far away from Lynton had Houston feeling pretty good.

  Would forever become their reality? Were they each other’s forever fantasy? Both Houston and Kelly wondered the very same thing.

  Boasting a New York theme, the cruise ship Ecstasy slowly pulled away from the dock. Peals of laughter and gleeful shouting rang out loud and clear. Numerous bon voyages were happily voiced. Champagne corks popped and confetti and colorful streamers flew all about the deck. The four-day celebration at sea was now under way.

  For all the uproar, Houston felt this odd sense of sereneness surrounding him. A vehicle of such magnitude slowly making its way out to the open sea was a magnificent vision. He certainly felt at peace. This was only his second cruise and the first one with a female companion. He was sure it wouldn’t be the last one for her and him.

  Watching the wondrous expressions on Kelly’s face was sheer pleasure for him. She appeared utterly fascinated by the celebratory atmosphere. He could see the awe in her eyes and hear it in her audible gasps.

  Standing at the railing of a floating hotel, heading out for the unknown, Kelly watched the port give way to the fathomless distance. The deep seas held many mysteries, those that mortal man would never conquer or fully understand.

  Houston moved behind Kelly, entrapping her between the strength of his massive arms and the railing. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but there wasn’t enough time to say it all right now. Serenity engulfed him, making him want to keep the silence sacred during these precious moments.

  As Houston looked all around him, he saw that his family was also caught up in the moment. Seeing his mother and father looking so happy did his heart a world of good. Angelica deserved only the best and their father deserved no less. Dallas and Lanier looked as if they’d already found a slice of heaven’s pie. Ashleigh and Austin floated on cloud nine every moment of every day so the angelic expressions on their faces were nothing new.

  Houston leaned down and kissed the top of Kelly’s head. “How’re you feeling?”

  Tilting her head back slightly, Kelly looked up at him. “Wonderful! There’s such peace surrounding me. Do you feel as serene as I do?”

  “You bet, sweetheart.” Houston had to laugh. That Kelly and he were on the same page was a good thing. “In observing my family, it seems the serenity bug has bitten us all. Do you think we can get any closer to heaven than this?”

  Kelly thought of the times they’d made love. She smiled brightly, the memory of their passion warming her up on the inside. “I think we’ve already flown higher than that, Houston. I’m eager and open for an opportunity for us to soar far beyond heaven.”

  His fiery gaze connected with hers. “That makes two of us.”

  Houston would’ve been surprised by Kelly’s comments a few weeks ago. His sophisticated lady had shown him a totally different side of her during their hot and heavy rendezvous. She had completely satisfied his emotional and physical desires, surpassing anything he could’ve imagined. Wet, wild and willing was not an understatment.

  The uninhibited tigress in Kelly had sprung free. However, he didn’t see her as overly aggressive. Their softer, tender moments made him feel as if he was her black knight and she was the damsel only he could rescue from distress. Houston didn’t know exactly when a trade-off of cabins would occur, but he hoped it would happen.

  During the cruise ship’s safety session, the Carrington group followed to the letter the crew members’ instructions on how to use the life preservers, rafts and boats. Everyone listened intently to the important things they’d need to do in an emergency.

  Opting to discover on their own the ship’s numerous amenities, the group decided to tour the floating hotel from the lowest deck and then work their way back up to the top. With Austin and Ashleigh leading the way, the couples filed into the glass elevator capsule located dead center of the ship.

  The Ecstasy shone brightly with miles of neon lighting, mirrors, glass, brass and chrome. According to the descriptive pi
ctures in the brochures, at night the ship dazzled like millions of white diamonds. The Gothic-type decor of the leisure areas exuded mystery.

  While happily chattering away, the eight individuals explored the main dining rooms, the Wind Star and Wind Song, moving on to the Blue Sapphire Theater, where they’d eventually watch a Las Vegas—style revue. City Lights Boulevard was home to a promenade of bars and lounges. Karaoke was held nightly in the Starlight Lounge.

  Besides informal lunch and formal dinner settings, food was available from the all-night pizzeria, the New York deli and via room service. A sushi bar was offered and a full-service buffet was also available to satisfy the hungriest of appetites. The Rolls-Royce Café served imported teas, coffee, cakes, cookies, pies and other bakery treats.

  The Crystal Palace Casino, only open when the vessel was out to sea, was grand and colorful. Bells and whistles sounded off as the couples swept through the gambling facility. The well-stocked Explorers Club Library was a great place to relax and read.

  The gym was equipped with the latest state-of-the-art workout equipment, wet and dry saunas and large hot tubs. Massages could be scheduled by appointment. Both a beauty salon and barbershop were on board. The gift shop held loads of souvenirs, postcards and an array of other touristy memorabilia.

  Houston and Kelly purposely fell a little behind the others. Their need to be alone was overwhelming, yet they remained mindful that the cruise was a family affair. He rather regretted the time he’d wasted trying to keep Kelly at a safe distance. So sure that there wasn’t a Miss Right for him, he hadn’t allowed himself to give in to her sweet, lovable disposition and charming ways. It’d hurt her to know what lengths he would’ve taken to keep from getting in too deep with her. Those plans were gone with the wind.

  Houston gently squeezed Kelly’s fingers. “You look as if you’re doing a little reflecting. What are you thinking?”

  Kelly chuckled. “About how hard you tried to keep yourself from falling for me. So much wasted time and energy. I knew I couldn’t resist you but I still tried. I have to give it to you. You seemed determined to immunize your heart against me.”

  Houston brought Kelly’s hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “It didn’t last very long. I kept finding excuses why I needed to see you again. You’re a real challenge for me. I knew why I wanted to keep a great woman like you at a distance. Even when I desired to give in to my feelings for you, I still fought it. I craved you like crazy. Deep in my gut I knew you were someone special, way beyond the average.”

  Kelly’s eyes, soft and moist, stared at her handsome lover. “That was then. This is now, Houston. We both gave in to giving romance a try. We’ve come a long way.”

  “I’ve come a long way, Kelly. You knew what you wanted from the beginning. I had to be convinced. I’m glad I saw the light. This trip will be great for us. I feel that strongly. Each of us will sail back into Galveston a changed person. I expect a few miracles to occur out here on the high seas.”

  “I like the sound of that.” By the look on Houston’s face, Kelly believed him. “Having you in my life is a miracle,” she whispered softly.

  God had blessed her in so many ways. To live a righteous life was at the top of her goals. Having all her fears about Houston erased by the end of the cruise would indeed be miraculous. “I want desperately to give you what you need…and then some.” Kelly knew they were worthy of each other’s love. Only time would settle it all.

  Seated on the balcony in Houston and Dallas’s suite, sipping on cool drinks, Kelly and Lanier chatted away about the latest in fashion trends and recently released music CDs and DVDs. They were clad in sexy swimwear, with their bodies well oiled for soaking up the sunshine. The guys had gone out for a brief jog around the upper deck. The women had been invited along, but they’d declined. Austin and Ashleigh were busy entertaining Beaumont and Angelica, but the entire group planned to meet up later.

  Lanier took a sip of her drink. “Are you having a good time so far?”

  Kelly nodded. “Super time! What about you?”

  Lanier smiled. “Things are wonderful. The Carringtons are great folks to hang out with. I just love Mr. and Mrs. C. They’re marvelous people.”

  “I think so, too.” Looking thoughtful, Kelly tapped the glass tabletop with the tips of her fingernails. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a couple of personal questions.”

  Lanier nodded. “What’s on your mind?”

  “How’s your relationship with Dallas and do you see marriage in your future?”

  Lanier pursed her lips. “We have a good relationship, but Dallas is not totally happy with the way things stand. He hasn’t actually asked me to marry him, but he talks about wanting to. He’s been patiently waiting on me to fully commit. Houston and I are a lot alike when it comes down to making commitments. I hope I can follow in your man’s redirected footsteps real soon. Dallas won’t wait on me forever.”

  Kelly laughed nervously. “Houston has made some major changes, but I can’t help wondering how long they’ll last. We’ve only been aboard the ship a few hours, but I already see how hard it is for him to resist communicating with his adoring female fans. Being cordial and friendly is a part of who he is. He doesn’t have to protect me from the results of his popularity. I actually enjoy it. Should I let him know I don’t mind all the female attention he gets? I don’t want him to change any part of himself to please me.”

  “Houston and Dallas are simply friendly and flirtatious by nature. Austin is different in that regard. He’s not a flirt by any stretch of the imagination, yet he receives the same female adoration. Ashleigh handles it so well. Not only is she self-assured now, her husband doesn’t give her any reasons to feel insecure. Houston will know you don’t mind him talking to women by your attitude and nonreaction. Silence can be golden.”

  Kelly shrugged. “I don’t see talking and flirting as the same thing, Lanier. I don’t mind Houston talking to other females, but I’m not keen on the flirting part. He has never openly flirted with any woman in front of me. Does Dallas flirt with women when he’s with you?”

  Lanier laughed. “The first night I met him I observed him closely. I quickly dubbed him as a man with a serious ‘roving eye.’ Those beautiful ebony orbs seemed to be everywhere, all at once. Then he fixed his seductive gaze on me. The rest is history, even though I tried my best to resist him. He doesn’t flirt with women around me, but he’s very open and friendly to his fans. The triplets will sign autographs without blinking an eye, no matter what they’re doing. I love that about them. As successful as they are, the guys stay humble. In fact, all the Carringtons are humble.”

  “I see and feel their humility.” Kelly nervously rubbed her hands up and down her thighs. “We both mentioned having difficulty with our own families, but we’ve never expounded on it. Where do you stand with your parents?”

  Lanier massaged the nape of her neck with a jittery hand. “Do you know the story of how I ended up in foster care?”

  Kelly shook her head in the negative. “No one has given me any specific details. Your friends don’t gossip about your private business.”

  Lanier agreed with a nod. “Ashleigh and Dallas are very protective of me.” A glazed look settled in her eyes. Family was a hard subject for Lanier to tackle.

  Sorry she’d opened up this particular can of worms, Kelly hoped Lanier wouldn’t hold it against her. The atmosphere had changed. The room was now charged with enough tension to blow the big ship right out of the water. Knowing she couldn’t do a thing about it, Kelly reached for Lanier’s hand, squeezing it in a reassuring manner.

  Lanier frowned. “I hold my father, Joseph Watson, way more responsible for my disastrous life than I do my mother, Barbara. She was also one of his victims.” The strain in her voice was easy to recognize. Embracing past issues was never easy for Lanier.

  Although Kelly had earlier wished she hadn’t started this she now saw a greater good in it. Lanier was purging
. “Why do you see your mother as a victim?”

  Lanier’s eyes blazed with inner fury. “Mom was too weak-willed. She couldn’t stand up to Dad. Our lives were a nightmare, one I thought I’d never wake up from. Every time I discuss my past it sets me back twenty years or more. I hurt like a wounded animal whenever I’m transported back to my childhood.” She lowered her eyelids. “Yet it also helps me get rid of the toxic waste. I’m not sure I’ll ever be poison-free.”

  Kelly was relieved that Lanier saw the benefits in discussing her painful past. This young woman was still hurting terribly, yet it seemed to Kelly she’d made some progress. It made her shudder to think of what Lanier might’ve been like before she’d gotten rid of some of the built-up waste.

  “How does Dallas feel about your situation?” Kelly inquired.

  As Lanier laced her fingers together, stretching them back, an anguished expression crossed her face. “He thinks I’m out of touch with reality. It bothers him no end that I refuse to communicate with my family. Mom has written me several letters, but I haven’t responded to a single one. Dallas believes I’ll never get on with my life if I don’t come to terms with Joseph and Barbara, amicably or otherwise. ‘Lanier, why is it easier for you to run away from everything than to stand your ground and face it down?’ That’s one of the questions he frequently poses to me.”

  Kelly was back to feeling horrible for Lanier, who looked as if death had just paid her a surprise visit. In her desire to show support, she reached over and hugged Lanier. “I wasn’t a foster child, but there were times when it felt like it. My parents were gone a lot because of their professions. Try selling that to a young heart yearning to spend lots of fun time with Mommy and Daddy. I stuffed many of the things I wanted to tell them.”

  “They may not have been there, but I’m sure you didn’t grow up with alcoholic parents who ended up fighting every time they took a drink. My father viewed his family as property, like it gave him the right to do to us anything he wanted to.”


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