Kissed by a Carrington

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Kissed by a Carrington Page 24

by Linda Hudson-Smith

Lanier was jumping up and down in celebration, crying her heart out, only calming down long enough to blow Ashleigh a few kisses.

  Kelly’s eyes were wide with wonder as she looked at Houston from behind the glass. Smiling and crying at the same time, she jabbed at her chest. “I delivered him,” she mouthed, her tears rolling. “I assisted in bringing this tiny miracle into the world.”

  “I love you,” he mouthed back. The smile he gave her caused her heart to rejoice.

  Houston’s mind suddenly swapped out Ashleigh’s image for one of Kelly. Looking down with adoration and love for her newborn, it was Kelly lying there on the bed, bathed in sweat, tears running from her eyes. Kelly had just given birth to a Carrington son, his son.

  No matter how hard Houston tried to shake the vivid visions, he couldn’t get them out of his head. A son, he thought, unable to fathom such a wondrous miracle occurring for him. Nothing close to this phenomenal event happened for a man who had run from commitment his entire adult life. With Kelly, it seemed as if all things were imaginable.

  As Angelica looked on through the blur of her tears, Kelly saw that she couldn’t have been happier or prouder. Her only grandchild was born on her birthday. What a magnificent birthday present! Seeing her firstborn with his firstborn was a sight for sore eyes. Austin had led the way out of the birth canal and he’d been a born leader ever since.

  The look on Beaumont’s face showed he shared in his wife’s sentiments. He had a hard time believing this miracle of miracles was happening, but it was. His daughter had brought their first grandchild into the world. The baby had been born at sea, no less.

  Tears streamed from Austin’s eyes as he was handed his firstborn son. Looking down upon his beautiful wife, Austin kissed the baby’s forehead then presented him back to Ashleigh, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

  Austin first kissed her tears away and then he kissed her mouth passionately. “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy. We’ll now have to celebrate this special occasion twice a year and also on the baby’s and Mom’s birthdays. I love you. Austin Roderick Beaumont Carrington loves you, too.”

  Ashleigh couldn’t believe her eyes. The baby looked just like his daddy. What she and Austin had created from their love was indescribable. Her lips caressed the head of their beautiful baby boy. She now had a family of her own, one that nobody could ever take away. Ashleigh’s life was complete.

  Ashleigh tilted her head up for another kiss from Austin. “Happy Father’s Day on your son’s and mother’s birthday, Daddy. We’ve got a lot of celebrating to do now and when this day rolls around again. I love you so much. Austin Roderick Beaumont Carrington loves you, too.”

  Houston turned his back so no one could see his tears falling. He wasn’t embarrassed to cry but he didn’t want his brothers to jokingly punk him later. He’d never seen anything like he’d just witnessed and it wasn’t something he could ever take lightly.

  Ashleigh, whom Houston loved and adored, had given his brother Austin his first child. There was overwhelming power in that labor of love. One of the most beautiful women in the world, inside and out, was now a brand-new parent, a mother to Austin’s son. She had also given Angelica and Beaumont a grandson and Dallas and him a nephew. Houston could tell that Dallas was also extremely happy for the new parents.

  The group enthusiastically waved to Austin and his family as the helicopter lifted from the ship’s launching pad. Watching after the life-flight chopper, they stood stock-still. Beaumont, with his arms around his wife, hugging her tightly, moved Kelly to tears.

  Houston’s arms were open to Kelly as she turned into him, seeking solace. She had cleaned up and he could still smell the sterile soap on her. His lady looked as exhausted and spent to him as Ashleigh had looked. It was as though she had gone through labor herself. He was proud of the way she’d jumped in to help his sister-in-law, not that he would’ve expected any less from Kelly.

  Houston kissed each of her eyelids. “Are you okay, Kelly-Kel?”

  She looked up into his face. “I’m fine now. I don’t remember my heart ever beating this fierce.” She suddenly giggled. “Well, there have been a few times,” she confessed. “All of them have been when I’m with you, lying beneath you or beside you.”

  Houston grinned. “Then I don’t guess your heart can stand any more excitement tonight. I can wait until we get back home.”

  Kelly’s eyes glistened with moisture. “I can’t. Do we have the cabin to ourselves?”

  Houston kissed the top of her head. “Just in case you were up to it, Dallas and I talked it over. Lanier doesn’t mind in the least. So we’re all happy. We haven’t spent one night without each other. Recall me saying for appearances’ sake?”

  “Couldn’t forget it,” she said, winking her right eye.

  Houston and Kelly left for the cabin after bidding everyone a good night. The ship would dock in Galveston early in the morning, and the couple wanted to watch it sail into port.

  Minutes after Kelly and Houston reached the cabin, he popped the cork on a bottle of champagne he’d put on ice before the dinner hour. Although the ice was melted, the champagne bottle was still cold on the touch. He filled a flute for her and himself.

  Guiding Kelly over to the bed, he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. He then touched his glass to hers. “To us, Kelly. I’d love to be the only Carrington you ever kiss.”

  “To us, Houston.” Not only was he the only Carrington she wanted to kiss, he was the only man, period, with whom she wanted to share her lips.

  After both took a sip of champagne, Kelly slipped into the bathroom to change into the lingerie Houston had purchased for her. He’d told her he loved her in black and white, so she chose the lacy white set to wear for their last night on the high seas.

  Just as she stepped back into the room, she struck a sultry pose, nibbling at her fingertips. “How do you like me now, Urban Cowboy?”

  Houston appeared to be at a loss for words. Her heart was beating fast—fierce as she said earlier. Crooking his finger at her, he grinned wickedly. “Look like we’re about to indulge in another game of show and not tell. Come to me, baby. I need you.”

  Wasting no time getting to her lover, Kelly slid into bed beside Houston. “I guess we have to get right into the art of showing so we’ll have something not to tell.” With that said, she covered her man like a second skin. “Let the skin games begin!”

  Chapter 15

  Kelly and Houston had stopped by her parents’ home after leaving the port and sunset was near by the time they reached her place. Surprised to see several rooms inside her house lit up, Kelly looked over at Houston and shrugged. A slight frown clouded her facial features as she tried to figure out what was occurring inside her home. “The lighting fixtures are on a timer. I only activated the downstairs entryway light and one in the back interior hallway.”

  Houston noticed how concerned and unsettled Kelly appeared. “Has the timer ever come on without being set?”

  Looking worried, she shook her head in the negative. “Not to my knowledge. Maybe it has a short that caused it to go haywire.”

  Houston turned off the car engine. “I think we should call the police to go inside and check everything out before we do anything else. Although I can’t imagine a burglar lighting up a place while robbing it stranger things have happened.”

  “No, please don’t call the police. They’ll think I’m stupid if everything is fine.”

  Houston didn’t agree with her assessment and he couldn’t follow her wishes in good conscience. “The police need to check it out.” Without waiting for her response, he picked up the cell phone and dialed 911. The operator came on the line. He gave her the details of the emergency situation, disconnecting minutes later. “Give me your keys. Stay put. I’m going to check around the perimeter and the backyard. I might need the alarm code.”

  Kelly had already removed her keys from her purse so she handed them over. She pointed at a red button on a miniature remote device. �
�It’ll silently disarm the alarm system. Inserting two, two, twenty-two will also turn it off.”

  “Got it. Lock the doors after I get out.” Leaning across the console, he kissed her gently. “I’ll be right back.” Hopefully. Houston was somewhat apprehensive but he didn’t want Kelly to know. Alarming her further wouldn’t serve any purpose.

  While making his way around to the back of the house, Houston was startled when sensor lighting flooded the entire area for a couple of minutes. He regrouped under the cover of darkness then slowly edged up to the back entryway, hoping no one had seen the lights. Cautiously, he peered inside the French doors.

  The family room television was on. Someone had to be inside, Houston thought. Kelly hadn’t left the TV on. He knew that for a fact because he’d gone inside to carry her bags out for the cruise and had walked around with her while she secured the house. Calling the police had been the best course of action. As he thought about the security guards at the gate, he wished they had called them also. They would’ve come right away.

  Houston went back around to the front where the car was parked in the driveway. He tapped on the window for Kelly to let it down.

  Kelly had to end up opening the door since the engine was off. “Are you okay? What’s happening?”

  “The family room television is on. I know it was off when we left. Does anyone else have a key to your house?”

  She shook her head in the negative. “Lynton gave me his keys after he picked up the last of his belongings.”

  A lightbulb came on in Houston’s head. Nothing could’ve stopped her friend from having keys made before he returned them. He prayed that wasn’t the case. If Lynton was inside her house, after she’d asked him to leave, he knew it was on.

  Houston silently thanked God when he saw the police cruiser pulling up with two officers inside. They were the only deterrents he could count on to keep him from doing Lynton in. As much as he hated it, his gut had him feeling Lynton was the intruder.

  Kelly got out of the car and smoothed down her top. Stuttering badly, she nervously explained the situation to the officers. “I had a roommate, but he returned my keys. However, I’ve got a feeling it just might be him if someone is inside.”

  Surprised that her thoughts actually mirrored his, Houston was astonished. Her comments meant that she thought Lynton capable of invading her personal space without permission. Kelly was onto his deviousness, a good sign. It pleased him to know she wasn’t as gullible about Lynton as he’d believed.

  The front door opened and the officers immediately drew their guns. Taking Kelly by the hand, Houston hurried her to the rear of the car. Both stooped down to shield themselves from possible gunfire. If it wasn’t Lynton, the intruder could also have a gun. As much as Houston distrusted Kelly’s friend, he didn’t think he toted around a weapon.

  “Don’t move! Put your hands up, sir,” one of the officers commanded.

  “Sir,” Houston aped in disbelief. “How polite are the police supposed to be to someone guilty of breaking and entering? We do know the person is guilty since they shouldn’t be in Dr. Charleston’s home.”

  “Please don’t shoot! It’s all a misunderstanding,” Lynton called out. “This is my friend’s house and I came back to get something I left here, something important.”

  Exchanging troubled glances, Kelly and Houston stood at the familiar sound of Lynton’s voice. As he squirmed around on the front porch, looking totally out of his element, Kelly saw the fear in Lynton’s eyes despite the distance.

  Kelly walked toward the officers. “It’s okay. He is my friend. I’m sorry we took up your valuable time. I can handle it from here.”

  “Lady, are you saying you gave this guy permission to be here?”

  “Yes. He was living here but moved out before I went on vacation. It’s fine.”

  Houston looked at Kelly like she’d lost her mind. That she wasn’t having Lynton arrested was beyond all understanding. The guy should be locked up. Throwing away the key was a nice, evil thought. She had been under the impression he had given her keys back and no longer had access to her place. Lynton had deceived her for the umpteenth time and she was letting him off the hook yet again. Would wonders never cease?

  Houston couldn’t hang around for this madness, not without reacting to it in a negative way. Calmly, he opened the trunk and began removing Kelly’s bags. After throwing the garment bag over one arm, he took the suitcase by the handle and wheeled it up the driveway. The front door was open so he just set her belongings in the foyer and went back to his car, where he got inside, fired the engine and drove off.

  A look in the rearview mirror gave Houston a glimpse of Kelly looking at his car, yelling and flailing her arms about. He couldn’t hear what she was saying, but he could imagine. Figuring what she was going through, his heart went out to her, but this was all about self-preservation for him.

  Unfortunately, this was the only way Houston knew how to handle this situation. Had he stayed around to hear Lynton’s B.S. excuses, he probably would’ve found himself facedown on the concrete while the officers restrained him with handcuffs.

  Houston wasn’t about to take Lynton’s place in a jail cell. He’d never been arrested before and he wasn’t about to start a life of crime now. He had too much going for him and Kelly’s friend was not worth losing his freedom over.

  The thought of losing the woman he loved over this hurt Houston like hell. Until Kelly came to the conclusion Lynton meant her no good, she’d have to deal with him all on her own. The two friends obviously understood each other way better than he did.

  “The woman I love,” he said softly.

  Houston didn’t have to ask himself where the confession had come from. He already knew. It had come straight from his heart. Even when he’d told her he loved her on the cruise, he’d had moments of doubting himself capable of being everything she needed and wanted despite his feelings. Thinking about the upcoming season’s road trips had caused him to go back to second-guessing his ability to fully commit himself to her.

  Houston was in no doubt he could be everything Kelly needed…and much more.

  It was up to Kelly to figure out if he was exactly what she desired and needed.

  The eye Kelly was giving Lynton could only be described as evil. She was seething, yet she tried to choose her words carefully, even in the heat of battle. She knew all too well words could not be taken back, hurtful ones or otherwise.

  “I know you’re upset with me, but I had no choice but to come back here. I had nowhere else to go,” Lynton said.

  Kelly looked bewildered. “That makes no sense to me. When you moved your things out, you told me you were able to move into the Green Tee property early.”

  Lynton’s shrug was nonchalant. “I lied. You wanted me out and I didn’t know what else to do to save face. The lease fell through. The owner decided not to lease the property out. His son had just learned his wife was pregnant and they needed a bigger place to live.”

  “You knew all that before I left on vacation?”

  “Kelly, what do you want me to say that I haven’t already said? I lied to you because I was ashamed of my circumstances. Your merciless grilling won’t solve or change a damn thing. I still would’ve been homeless.”

  Kelly’s eyes burned white-hot. “How dare you take that insolent tone with me? I’m trying to understand this huge mess you created. When did you make an extra set of keys? Before or after you found out the lease was off?”

  Lynton glared back at her. “What are you trying to say?”

  “That I believe you made those keys before you ever found out about the lease. In fact, to take it a step further, I doubt a lease ever existed. You never showed me one shred of paperwork. I don’t think too highly of you right now.”

  “I know. Your boyfriend has seen to that. His jealousy and insecurities have influenced you more than you realize. He cared so much about you he didn’t even stay around to make sure you were okay. He ran o
ff like the yellow-bellied coward he is.”

  Kelly jumped to her feet. “The all man you refer to as a coward left to keep from ripping your head off and handing it to you. What you did is what I call cowardly. You’ve been in my home for several days without my knowledge, when you could’ve gone to a hotel. Now that’s what I consider an act of cowardice.”

  “Whatever you want to say to me, Kelly, I can accept it. I know I didn’t go about this the right way. But I’m not as devious as you’re making me out to be.”

  “You’re worse. You have money, Lynton. And don’t try to tell me otherwise. The so-called house you were supposedly leasing was three thousand dollars a month. There are too many brand-new apartment buildings and condos you could’ve moved into for far less. Nothing you can say to me can condone any of what you’ve done.”

  “If I recall correctly, you made an offer for me to stay here. I didn’t ask for this. Whether you know it or not, but I think you do, you’ve been sending mixed messages.”

  Kelly didn’t know what to say to that, even though she knew it wasn’t true. She’d never given Lynton a reason to think she thought of him as more than a dear friend. The fact he saw it the way he did was disturbing to her, but she considered it nonetheless.

  He ran his hand through his hair, aware he may’ve gone too far. With the most pitiful expression on his face, Lynton was slow to rise to his feet. “Look,” he said, “just let me stay here tonight and you’ll never have to see me again. I’ll leave at first light. I’m sorry if I took advantage of our friendship. I really don’t want to lose you as a friend. Losing you will hurt me terribly. I’m trying hard to see things from your POV.”

  The look of regret on Kelly’s face let Lynton know her heart was softening. His “woe is me” demeanor was getting to her. She felt sorry for him, just how he wanted her to feel. He was so madly in love with Kelly he didn’t know how he’d face life without her now that they’d been reunited. He had loved her for so many years.

  Why didn’t she know that? Why couldn’t she see his true-blue feelings for her?


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