Waiting for Rain

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Waiting for Rain Page 6

by Susan Mac Nicol

  I felt a thrill of unease down my spine. That sounded too much like a real relationship thing to do. “Don’t you like this, then?” I waved a hand around the shed. “I’m quite happy doing what we’re doing. Why spoil it?”

  He went still. “Spoil it?” The quietness in his voice should have warned me he was annoyed. I’d seen it when he was tackling issues with recalcitrant staff and tradesmen at the hotel, and a quiet Toby was a dangerous one. But I plowed ahead anyway.

  “Well, we have a good thing going here. We both get our rocks off and go home happy.”

  He nodded, and this time I saw the flint in his eyes. “I see. So this is as far it goes?” He waved around the shed. “BJ’s and jack offs? You don’t really want to get to know me?”

  I heard the evenness in his tone, and I swallowed. “Well, I didn’t know you wanted anything more, Toby. But now I do—”

  He shook his head wearily. “Don’t worry, Rain. It’s all right. I should have known better.” The resignation in his voice made my chest wrench. I watched as he tightened his tie, made sure he looked presentable, and then without a backward glance, he was gone. I wanted to go after him, but my trousers were pooled around my ankles, and with the shuffling about, one leg had caught in an old lawnmower blade. I cursed and tried to untangle the fabric, but it took a while. By the time I had my dignity restored and my pants up, Toby had disappeared into the bowels of the hotel.

  I wandered over into the Canterbury Bar to see Lucas carrying a piece of glossy cherrywood on his shoulder. He raised an eyebrow when he saw me.

  “Where the hell did you get to?” he said aggrievedly. “I’ve been bloody humping this stuff around by myself for half an hour. You might be the boss, Rain, mate, but that doesn’t mean you can slack off.”

  I scowled. “I had some business to do in the office. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”

  He nodded, but he didn’t look as if he believed me. “Uh-huh. Well, get your arse into gear and give me a hand.”

  I did what I was told. It was much later that evening when I went to try and find Toby. I saw Chris, his night manager, wandering around with a plate of what looked like strawberries and cream. I walked up to him, and he nodded.

  “Hey, Rain. You’re here late. What’s up?”

  “Lucas and I had a load of timber to offload, ready for tomorrow. Err, have you seen Toby?”

  He looked uncomfortable. “Toby went to the movies tonight with some guy he met last week. The guy was all over him earlier.” He looked at me curiously. “I thought you and he were, you know, seeing each other?”

  I shrugged. “It’s nothing set in stone. We’re both free agents.” I said the words, but I didn’t like the idea at all of Toby being with someone else right now, especially someone who was “all over him.”

  Chris didn’t look convinced. “I could have sworn you two… never mind, none of my business. I guess he’ll only be back much later.” He motioned toward the bowl of fruit and cream he held. “Anyway, I’d better get this back to the kitchen. Apparently the strawberries are too sour, and the lady wants some sugar on them. See you later, Rain.” He waved and disappeared. I kicked the stair moodily and turned to go out into the parking lot to my car. I drove home feeling like my world had just got that much darker.

  The next day I arrived bright and early at the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of Toby before the morning rush. I found him in the office, busy poring over menus and guest lists.

  His face darkened when I knocked. “I’m a little busy this morning. No time to chat, I’m afraid.”

  I didn’t like this formal and unapproachable man that sat behind his desk looking as sexy as hell, even with eyes that didn’t have his usual warm and inviting look.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I needed to apologize for yesterday.” I wasn’t used to giving an apology, and I’d had a sleepless night thinking about how best to do it. “I think I might have been a bit of a bastard.”

  One of his eyebrows rose fractionally. It was a complete turn-on, and my whole body tingled, some bits more than others. “Toby, you know I like you. I just get a little overwhelmed sometimes. I’m not good with relationships and crap like that.”

  “Crap like that?” His lips twitched.

  I squirmed. “Feeling stuff, getting to know people better. I’m a physical kind of guy, not touchy-feely.”

  “I am aware of that, Rain. More than most, I’d think.” I heard a slight tinge of amusement in his voice and was encouraged by it.

  “If you want to go on a proper date, I’d be all for it.” I scowled. “As long as you haven’t already found someone else to see, that is.”

  He looked at me with a slight smirk. “Chris told you I went out last night?”

  I didn’t answer, just picked up a stapler off the desk and toyed with it. He leaned back in his chair and regarded me steadily. “Brett is an old friend from Lincoln. He’s a little camp and rather exuberant, but we aren’t fucking each other.”

  I felt a surge of relief. “Good. Because I don’t think I’d take to that idea.”

  He raised another eyebrow, and I wanted to lean over and grab him, kiss those full lips, and plunder his mouth. He saw my attention and smiled, a wide, sexy one that only Toby could manage.

  “Would you like to go to Leicester to a gay nightclub? It’s a pretty good venue, and we could go dancing and see where the night takes us.” He licked his lips, and I stared at that action, mesmerized. His lips were wet and shiny.

  Christ, I had it bad. This man was a complete turn-on for me.

  I nodded. “I love dancing. I did a lot of it in London at the clubs. So yeah, that sounds like a plan. You let me know when you can get free, and I’ll fit in with you.”

  I had a real date with Toby. I didn’t want to admit it, but it sounded good.

  Chapter 5


  IT WAS close to 11:00 p.m. when I finally managed to pull Rain away from the dance floor. I shouted in his ear that it was time to go home. My feet hurt, and my groin was swollen as hell with a hard-on that nothing but a good bout of sheer animal sex would cure. The constant grinding and humping against each other’s bodies had left me raw with my lust for the man who now stood in front of me, his eyes slightly unfocused and definitely turned on, if the bulge at the crotch of his tight jeans was to be believed. I hoped it was for me and not that swarthy guy who’d been crotch bumping him for the last few minutes on the dance floor. I’d been getting ready to challenge him to a duel, cocks at the ready. I dragged Rain out of the club, and he followed me willingly. His white shirt was stained with sweat.

  What was it about this man that sweat seemed to love him so much? It was a complete turn-on. I was normally a bit of a clean freak, but there was something about Rain….

  Outside, the air was balmy, the evening still warm. The minute we were outside and making our way to the parking lot, to Rain’s car, he reached across, grabbing my arm. It wasn’t a gentle grab, more like a desperate grasp on reality. I stumbled back into him, and he wrapped his strong arms around me, pressing his front against my back. He pressed his hardness against my backside, and the feel of it made me groan. His warm breath smelled of beer and tequila shots.

  “Christ, Rain. We’re outside, for God’s sake, in public. It might be better to be a little more circumspect. Who knows how many bloody gay bashers lurk around clubs like this?”

  “If they touched you, I’d fucking kill them,” he whispered in my ear. My cock reared like a hungry stallion ready to mount a willing mare. I heaved a shuddering breath as his hands brushed my groin, and he pressed himself even harder against me.

  He murmured, “You are sex on legs, Toby, you know that? I know we haven’t quite made it to the fucking part yet, and we both want it, but I have a feeling that tonight’s the night.” His lips brushed the nape of my neck, raising immediate goose bumps, and my legs grew weak with the sensuality of the man standing behind me. Thank God he was holding me up, or I’d be an ooz
ing puddle of semen and sheer melting man on the pavement.

  I gulped. “Rain, we really shouldn’t do this outside. Honestly, I have a plan.”

  What the hell? What was my plan? I looked down at my cock as if he would tell me what the plan was, but he was too aroused at thinking of himself buried in the man behind me to give a straight answer.

  A wet, hot tongue licked my ear, and the world shimmered and tilted. I closed my eyes, my chest heaving.

  “What kind of plan?” Rain murmured as his mouth moved down my neck, gently biting my shoulder through my shirt. A jolt of sheer pleasure shot to my cock, and it was now definitely not interested in anything anyone had to say.

  “Uhmm, if you stop doing that for a minute so I can breathe, I’ll tell you. Rain, please, I can’t think straight with you doing that.” “That” was the slow brush of his fingers against my groin, squeezing gently while his other hand caressed the crack of my arse. He chuckled and moved away slightly, but I noticed I was still carefully within arm’s reach in case I thought of doing a runner.

  Yeah, right. That was the last thing on my mind. Now what the hell was my plan? A recent movie I’d watched with Tammy sprang to mind, and I heaved a small sigh of relief.

  “Let’s get in the car and drive home.”

  His eyes narrowed in confusion. “What the hell kind of a plan is that?” he asked sulkily. I grinned now that my breathing had returned to seminormal.

  “You’ll see. Trust me. I’ll make it worth your while.” I walked awkwardly to the car and clicked the remote to open the doors. Rain followed me, a scowl on his face. We got in, buckled up, and I started the thirty-mile drive home. I hadn’t had much to drink, being agreed as the designated driver for the night, but Rain had had his fair share.

  The winding roads were treacherous and dark. I opened my window to give me a breathing space with him being so near and to let the smell of the countryside into my nose. Manure, damp grass, hay—all of these assaulted my nostrils, taking my mind off the tequila- and vanilla-scented man sitting beside me, seducing me with both his hands and his eyes. I’d finally managed to discover the secret of his very heady scent. It was an eau de toilette called Jaïpur Homme by Boucheron. It was a pricy one, too expensive for my tastes, but it was Rain’s favorite. I had to concur that the man smelled incredible, and very edible.

  He glanced at me as I drove, once or twice reaching out, artfully brushing my fingers on the gear knob, wrapping his fingers around mine as I changed gears. It was extremely phallic, and I was having trouble concentrating. I tried ignoring the smoldering looks he gave me, the scent of him so close in such a confined space.

  “Ever had a blowjob while you drove?” he asked idly as he looked out the window. I nearly lost control of his car at that incredibly hot thought.

  “Jesus, no. That would be too bloody dangerous. I need to concentrate on the road. I can’t do that with you sucking my dick.”

  But oh, it would be so fine. I was almost hyperventilating again.

  “Want to try it anyway?” His voice was matter of fact, but I could hear the amusement in it.

  God, I did want to try it. The thought of his mouth wrapped around my cock right now was probably the best idea he’d had all night.

  “Rain, give it a bloody rest. What if a cow or something wandered out into the road and I hit it because my eyes were closed in bloody sheer pleasure at you sucking me off?” I was trying to be mature and adult about this. He laughed, the sexy sound trickling its way down my spine and into my arse. I clenched my backside in sheer anticipation, shifting in my seat.

  “Stupid cow shouldn’t be in the road, Toby. And you’d probably hit it or swerve off onto the verge, and when they found us all bashed up, I’d be right down there still”—he motioned to my groin—“finishing the job.” He licked his lips lasciviously, and I nearly came with that alone.

  He grinned. “And the cow wouldn’t mind. If it was dead we could take it home, stick it in the freezer, and never have to buy beef again. If not”—he shrugged—“bloody animal could saunter off home and get its partner to suck its udders.” He sniggered as I bit back a laugh.

  “Christ, you are something else,” I murmured. “Can we give the whole blowjob talk a miss for now, please?” I wasn’t sure I could bear much more of it without coming in my pants. “We’re not too far now from where I want to take you.”

  He perked up at that, sitting up straighter and looking out of the window. “Where would that be?”

  “You’ll see.”

  We drove in silence as Rain fidgeted, muttered, licked my ear, and drove me bloody crazy. It was a form of torture he seemed to have perfected. My cock was so tight against my pants it was like wearing a cock cage. Something I’d tried once before in a very rare moment of submission with a potential partner who hadn’t worked out. I hadn’t been particularly partial to the whole experience.

  “I know it’s here somewhere,” I muttered to myself as Rain raised an eyebrow at me. I was looking for the turnoff for Blackweather Farm, where I’d spent quite a bit of time when I’d first arrived. I’d earned my keep helping the owner, a taciturn man called Dave Beddington, bring in his crops. I’d only done it for a few months, enjoying the feeling of being outdoors, seeing the fruits of our labors stack up in the guise of haystacks. In return, Dave had given me a warm, dry place to stay and some old clothing of his son, who now lived in Edinburgh. I exclaimed in triumph at seeing the rickety sign outlined in the beam of the car headlamps, turning the car down a small dirt lane as we bumped and grinded over potholes.

  “I’m starting to get a little worried,” Rain murmured. “This seems a little Children of the Corn to me. I might have to start worrying about scarecrows and shit. Are you going to tell me anytime soon where we’re going?”

  “In a moment, just be patient.” Seeing what I was looking for, I pulled the car over into a small lay-by surrounded by trees and bushes, stopped the engine, and turned to look at Rain.

  He looked at me in amazement. “We’re going to fuck in a lay-by?” he spluttered. “Wow, Toby, talk about living dangerously, you animal, you.”

  His mirth was too much to bear, and I scowled. The words he’d uttered had once again gone straight to my groin. He’d been right when he’d said we hadn’t fucked each other yet. In the past two weeks, the garden shed had become “our hump place,” and we’d given each other quick blowjobs, dry humped when we got the chance, and jerked each other off, but so far we hadn’t had the opportunity to actually have sex. Either there was just not enough time, or someone was always around, or we were at the hotel, and I wouldn’t chance it there.

  I had condoms and lube in my trouser pocket, skillfully palmed from the side pocket when I’d gotten into the car. I was also a little apprehensive. The feelings I had for Rain seemed to be deeper than just sexual. We’d only known each other just over two weeks. The man was a bit of an enigma, sexy, warm and intelligent, with a sense of humor and a depth to him that I thought he tried to hide. All I knew about him from the little conversation we’d had was that a past relationship had gone bad, left him pretty hurt and wary of getting involved again. Past that, I didn’t even really know where he lived, other than a vague, “on the outskirts of town in a cottage.”

  “Listen, hotshot, just get out of the bloody car and follow me.” I clambered out of the car, making my way through bushes. I vaguely saw the way I wanted to go in the bright moonlight. The moon was full tonight, and I wondered if that was a good omen. I was partial to believing in the effects of the moon on the psyche, and I’d heard a full moon enhanced emotions and experiences. I was looking forward to testing that theory out here in the wilderness. Rain swore behind me as he followed me. Finally, we were through the bushes. I smiled a goofy smile at what I saw. Rain stood beside me with a stricken look on his face.

  “What the hell?” He peered anxiously across the moonlit field.

  I waved my hand at the outline of the object in the field in front of us ab
out twenty feet away. “That’s where I want us to be.”

  He looked at me in disbelief. “It’s a bloody haystack!” he growled. “What are we supposed to do with that?”

  “Oh ye of little imagination,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s not what we’re going to do with it but what we’re going to do on top of it.”

  The haystack was built up like a set of steps, a series of four bales all set together, one shorter one leading to another taller one until you reached the top one, which was about fifteen feet off the ground. I hoped Rain wasn’t averse to heights. Farmer Dave had always stacked his bales like that. I’d thought, given the film I’d watched last week, some chick flick about a cowboy and a young city lass who got it on in the field, against a haystack, my idea had been a stroke of inspiration.

  Rain didn’t look convinced. “You want me to fuck you on top of a haystack?”

  I looked at him in surprise. “Oh no. I’m the one doing the fucking.”

  “The hell you are,” he growled. “I haven’t bottomed in ages. There’s no way I’m letting you fuck me.”

  My temper flared. “Why did you automatically assume I’d be the one bottoming?” His past “twink” comment started to drift through my brain.

  His comeback was swift. “Why did you?”

  We stood and looked at each other, hands clenched at our sides, breaths hard and fast. It was aptly described as a Mexican standoff, especially seeing as how I was still so hard I could have gone to space using my cock as a rocket.

  “So what do we do now?” Rain asked quietly as he watched my face. I shrugged, feeling a little hurt at his complete reluctance to let me inside him.

  “I suppose we go home and forget about it. Keep doing what we’re doing. Groping and sucking each other off. The mood’s gone a bit now, hasn’t it?” I knew I was being bloody minded about the whole thing. I honestly didn’t mind top or bottom usually, but I’d really wanted it to be me in him first. He laid a hand on my arm as I turned to go back to the car.


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