Demon Warriors 4: Takeo

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Demon Warriors 4: Takeo Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  Kamiko pushed himself to his feet and walked across the room to the phone. There was only one person he knew of who could get him back to Pride Pack Valley. From there, he would start his search for Takeo, and he wouldn’t stop until he found his missing mate.

  Kamiko dialed the number he knew by heart then turned to smile at the demon warrior he could see standing across the street, leaning up against a building.

  He had a plan.

  “Yasuko, this is Kamiko. I need a small favor.”

  Wayland stood up straighter as he watched the lights in Kamiko’s home suddenly darken. It was barely ten at night. The lights shouldn’t have gone out this early. Something was wrong. He just knew it, and if he fucked up this assignment, there wouldn’t be enough pieces left to glue him back together. Panahasi would be pissed.

  It wasn’t just Panahasi he was worried about. As scary as the dude was, Wayland was more frightened of Takeo at the moment. The demon had lost his ever-loving mind, and Wayland wasn’t sure he was ever going to find it again.

  After Takeo had come back from visiting Kamiko, Panahasi had taken him away. None of the other demons knew exactly where, and Panahasi wasn’t talking about it. He had just come back and ordered twenty-four-hour protection for Kamiko. They just weren’t allowed to approach Kamiko or talk to him unless his life was in danger, and then they could only take him somewhere safe.

  Wayland still wasn’t sure what had happened between Kamiko and Takeo. Again, Panahasi wasn’t saying anything. Wayland and the rest of the demon warriors who had been ordered to watch over Kamiko started to suspect that Kamiko had rejected Takeo.

  Maybe he couldn’t handle seeing Takeo in battle. Maybe it was the whole demon thing. Maybe Kamiko had never truly cared for Takeo, although Wayland doubted that one. He’d seen how Kamiko looked at Takeo.

  Whatever had happened, it was destroying Takeo, and that was something Wayland couldn’t forgive Kamiko. Takeo had grown up in hell. Kamiko was supposed to be Takeo’s reward for the horrible life he had lived and the things he had seen and done to save the world from the bad guys. He wasn’t supposed to continue living in hell.

  Wayland pushed himself away from the edge of the building and started walking slowly across the street. He knew he wasn’t supposed to approach Kamiko, but maybe if he talked with the guy, he could convince him to go back to Takeo—anything to stop his friend’s suffering.

  Besides, he needed to check on Kamiko and make sure he was okay.

  Wayland walked across the street then made his way up the stairs to the home Kamiko was borrowing from a friend. He drew in a breath of courage and hoped he wasn’t making things worse, and then knocked on the door. After several moments of silence, he knocked again, then again. By the fourth knock, dread filled him.

  Wayland turned his body slightly and shoved at the door until it gave way and crashed open. He stormed into the house, ready to give Kamiko a piece of his mind. He was no longer interested in trying to fix things between Kamiko and Takeo. He wanted to chew Kamiko out for not staying safe. The lights should be on—at all times. It was the only sure way to know no one would come from the shadows.

  A quick search of the place let Wayland know he was in deep trouble. The house was totally empty. His ass was so fried. Takeo would tear it apart after Panahasi got done with him—assuming there was anything left.

  Wayland walked through the nearest shadow and right into Panahasi’s living room. The man was sitting at the table drinking something red out of a glass. He slowly folded and set his newspaper down on the table when Wayland walked in then turned and arched an eyebrow.

  Wayland swallowed hard. “I lost him.” Panahasi stood, his sheer size towering over Wayland as murder gleamed in his eyes. It had been a very long time, eons, since the leader had been this pissed at him. And Wayland remembered the last time.

  It hadn’t been pretty.

  “I gave you one job to do, and you screwed it up?” Before Wayland could open his mouth to defend himself—and he really wasn’t sure what he would have said anyway—Panahasi was gone.

  “Well, fuck me.” Wayland knew for a fact that this wasn’t over.

  Wherever the leader had gone, whatever he was doing, he wouldn’t forget Wayland’s screwup.

  He just prayed Panahasi didn’t tell Takeo.

  “How the fuck did I get caught up in this mess anyways?” he asked himself as he grabbed the wineglass that Panahasi had abandoned. He sniffed the liquid and then took a drink, wiping his tongue on his sleeve as he sat the glass down.

  “Since when does he drink wine?”

  Ah fuck, he was talking to himself now. Wayland grunted as he left Panahasi’s penthouse and walked back down to his own apartment to wait for the leader’s return.

  Takeo owed him big for this one.

  If he didn’t tear Wayland apart first.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Who are you again?” Kamiko asked as he stared at the elf. It wasn’t Keegan. He knew Keegan. The elf had left an impression with Kamiko. And Kamiko was in dire need of the man right about now.

  “My name’s Carter. Maverick sent me, but we need to hurry because if Tryck finds out I’m here, he’ll eat Maverick.” Okay. So Christian had sent him an unbalanced elf. Kamiko could deal with that.

  “What’s your plan?”

  “I need to get to the demon realm,” Kamiko answered as he looked around the club where Yasuko and Minsheng now lived. It was loud and had too many flashing lights. He wasn’t sure how the two men could stand being there. It would drive him crazy to be around this all of the time.

  “The demon realm?” Carter asked and then whistled low. “I don’t think Maverick knew you wanted to go there.” Kamiko bit his lip as he stared up at Carter, pleading with his eyes. “So you won’t take me?”

  “I’ll take you, but not a word to my mate.” That was no problem since Kamiko hadn’t a clue who Carter was mated to. He just knew he had to find Keegan so the elf could help him find Takeo. It didn’t matter who he asked. When he mentioned Takeo’s name, everyone had changed the subject. It was becoming very frustrating.

  Kamiko had called Yasuko, who in turn told Christian. The vampire had then called Maverick, and apparently the alpha had sent Carter. He was grateful that Maverick didn’t care what Panahasi thought or he’d still be stuck in Japan.


  Kamiko nodded as Carter shimmered. He felt his stomach protest, but he was determined to find his mate. He had to let Takeo know that he wanted to be mated to him. The warrior had looked so distraught that he feared for Takeo’s very sanity.

  He would ask Carter to help him find his mate, but he didn’t know the guy, and he wanted to make sure that Panahasi had kept his end of the deal with Keegan as far as finding his brother.

  Besides, Carter was in a rush to get him where he needed to go.

  Enlisting him to help wasn’t an option.

  Kamiko hadn’t a clue where in the demon realm he was, but at least he was back. He released Carter and prayed he kept his lunch down. It was a nifty way to travel, but his stomach disagreed.

  “Good luck,” Carter called before he shimmered away.

  Kamiko glanced around, seeing a club called Diablo’s. He remembered this place. It was the same place he had been with his mate when that little twink tried to touch Takeo. Maybe he shouldn’t go in there.

  He glanced to his right and saw Malcor’s Melting Pot. That seemed like the right place to start his search. Kamiko pulled the door open and walked in. The restaurant was dimly lit, giving its patrons some semblance of privacy. He squinted his eyes, searching the restaurant for Keegan.

  He spotted the elf sitting at a table with a very large man. That must be Marino. Kamiko swallowed as he realized his mistake.

  According to Keegan, Marino was an asshole. He knew that the elf didn’t want anyone to know his association with Kamiko, but he was desperate.

  He hid behind a floating wall, peeking out and trying his best to
get Keegan’s attention without gaining anyone else’s. There were several other men surrounding Marino and the elf. Kamiko could see the bored look on Keegan’s face until Marino touched him, and then Keegan looked like he was going to be sick.

  Kamiko wanted to teach the large man a lesson about touching when not invited to, but he had other things he needed to tend to first.

  When Keegan looked over in his direction, Kamiko stepped out for a second and then hid again.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Keegan say something and then push away from the table. He knew the elf was going to be mad, but Kamiko couldn’t think of any other way to find Takeo.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Keegan complained quietly as he rounded the wall. “Do you know what Marino will do to both of us if he finds you here?”

  “Takeo is missing,” Kamiko softly cried. “Please help me find him.”

  Keegan sighed and then looked back around the floating wall before straightening and giving Kamiko a nod. “But it has to be quick.”

  Kamiko felt like falling at Keegan’s feet and thanking the elf as the two shimmered from the restaurant.

  Takeo plucked a piece of lint from his pants as he stared at the floor. A thousand times he had wanted to run to Kamiko and beg him to take Takeo back.

  But he knew Kamiko needed room to grow.

  And that was what Takeo couldn’t handle.

  He had paced the small room until he knew every mark on the wall and every crack in the floor, but nothing seemed to work.

  Kamiko was with him, in him, plaguing every waking thought as well as his dreams.

  He knew he was slowly unraveling. His sanity was slipping away being apart from Kamiko. The pain in his chest was limitless as Takeo curled up on the bed. He was a warrior, and no human should have this great hold on him.

  But Kamiko did.

  He was the only man, being, who controlled him.


  Takeo was afraid to look, afraid his mind was playing tricks on him. He wanted Kamiko so desperately that he feared his mind had finally fractured.

  He felt the bed dip and a warm hand caress his arm. His muscles tensed under the gentle touch, fear enveloping him that the hand was a figment of his imagination as well. He could even smell cherry blossoms.


  “Takeo, please.”

  Cautious, careful, and curious, Takeo rolled over. He saw tears brimming in Kamiko’s eyes as he smiled down at him. “Why are you here?”

  Kamiko wiped at his eyes as his warm and solid hand ran the course of Takeo’s arm. “Because I can’t live without you. I love you, Takeo.”

  Takeo raised a shaky hand as he ran it over Kamiko’s short black hair. “It really is you.”

  Kamiko nodded as he smiled through his tears. “I had the elf help me track you down.”

  “You really are full of surprises.” Takeo smiled as he pulled Kamiko into his arms, holding him tightly to his chest. He inhaled deeply, taking in his mate’s scent as he basked in the glow of having Kamiko in his arms once again.

  “Never leave me again.” Kamiko’s muffled words floated up to him. “I can’t live without you.”

  “But I’m a monster, Kamiko. You saw how I acted.”

  “What I saw was a frightened man running from the one person that would kill to protect him. Give me your fears, don’t run from them. Tell me you are afraid, do not yell at me.” Takeo nodded. How long had he waited to hear those words? A lifetime? It seemed impossible that Kamiko was here with him now, wanting him.

  “I thought you said that fate made a mistake?” Takeo asked, putting his worst fear out there.

  “Or maybe I did,” Kamiko answered as he pushed away from Takeo, leaving a cool draft where his warm body had just been.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very.” Kamiko smiled up at him and then slowly scooted down the bed. Takeo watched in wonder as Kamiko unsnapped his pants, pulling the flaps apart, and then he leaned forward, licking the patch of hair over Takeo’s cock.

  Light caressing tickled his skin over his stomach as Kamiko grazed at his groin, sipping, sampling, and teasing. His breath caught in his throat when he felt a heated tongue lick the tip of his cock.

  His legs swam out, giving Kamiko more room. He was stunned when Kamiko pushed his hands away. “Place them above your head, Takeo.”

  Surprisingly, Takeo did exactly as he was told. He had no qualms about Kamiko leading the way. And he was rewarded for his obedience when Kamiko freed his cock, taking his pants all the way down his legs and pulling them free.

  “You are such a beautifully built man,” Kamiko complimented before kneeling between Takeo’s legs. “I have waited, yearned too many years to have this body all for myself to let us come between what I want.”

  Takeo knew Kamiko was changing, growing, and spreading his wings, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Maybe giving Kamiko room to grow was a very good thing.

  Lifting his head, Takeo watched as Kamiko curled his fingers around Takeo’s cock and began to run his tongue over the mushroom-shaped head, his expression one of pure pleasure. Takeo’s head fell back when Kamiko’s tongue dipped into the tiny slit, lingering there for a moment.

  Hypnotized by Kamiko’s touch, his skin tingled under Kamiko’s fingertips.

  He glanced down again, seeing the head had turned an angry purple from all the blood that had left his body and pooled at his groin. Kamiko was proving to be a skillful lover, and Takeo was reaping the rewards.

  His lips parted as the breath left his lungs as Kamiko slid one lone finger into his ass.

  “Give me more,” Takeo pleaded as he felt the velvety wetness of Kamiko’s mouth surround his cock.

  A groan fell from his lips when Kamiko added another finger.

  He never knew such erotic pleasure could come from such small fingers.

  Cool air kissed his cock when Kamiko’s mouth left his shaft and began a journey down his length until he reached Takeo’s sac. A turbulence of passion and need swirled through Takeo—a need so deep, so hungry that he felt as though he was going to lose his mind.

  Takeo growled, jackknifing. He pulled at Kamiko’s clothes, tearing them from his body with such force that they fell to the floor in shreds.

  His skin was hot and achy as his hands skimmed over his mate’s cool, creamy flesh. It was so soft, so perfect. Takeo glanced up into Kamiko’s coal-black eyes, seeing the longing swimming in their depths.

  He leaned closer, brushing his lips over Kamiko’s plump, sweet-tasting mouth as he lined his cock up to let the natural lubricant work its magic. Takeo cupped Kamiko’s face as his tongue glided over lips and teeth, tasting heaven.

  “You are mine, little flower.”

  Kamiko’s breath hitched as he nodded. “Never leave me again. I can’t breathe without you.”

  His mouth covered Kamiko’s hungrily, the kiss drugging as Takeo’s skin felt as though it were going to combust. He couldn’t seem to get close enough. He wanted to melt inside Kamiko. His fingers pressed into Kamiko, pulling him closer as the head of his cock slid into the warm channel of his mate’s entrance. Kamiko cried into Takeo’s mouth as he inched his way in. Takeo took in tiny gulps of air as he kissed Kamiko, feeling like he’d just come home.

  Letting his guard down with Kamiko didn’t feel like a weakness, but a reprieve. Maybe that was what he had been fighting. Maybe Takeo had been fighting not to let go of all the hurt and pain and suffering he’d endured his entire life before he became a demon warrior.

  He pushed his cock deeper into Kamiko as he circled his arms around his mate, feeling as though he could finally let go. As Takeo fully opened himself up to his mate, exposing his deepest, darkest secrets, he could feel their bond strengthening, as if finally snapping into place.

  “Takeo,” Kamiko cried out as he clung to Takeo’s body, his nails biting into his back, stinging, burning, making Takeo feel alive.

  “Little flower,” Tak
eo murmured as he let his lips travel from Kamiko’s ear down to his jaw and then covered his mouth as he ground his hips. He could feel Kamiko’s cock wedged between them, leaving small trails of pre-cum glistening on his skin.

  “Say you’ll never leave me again, little flower.” Takeo growled as he broke the kiss. “Say it.”

  “Never.” Kamiko panted. “I’ll never leave you again.” Takeo reared back, pushing Kamiko’s diminutive legs to one side as he watched his mate’s swollen, puckered hole milk his cock. He reached down, letting his finger trail over the opening, feeling his cock glide in and out.

  “Takeo, please,” Kamiko begged.

  His lips pulled to the side in an evil smile as he slowed down. He knew what Kamiko wanted, but Takeo was going to make him wait, draw it out.

  His fingers circled his mate’s ankles when Kamiko tried to kick his legs. He wasn’t getting free, not anytime soon at least. He’d almost lost his mate once. Takeo was going to make damn sure Kamiko knew exactly how much he loved him.

  “Harder, not slower,” Kamiko complained with a whine.

  Takeo reached around Kamiko’s legs and grazed his fingers over his mate’s cock, teasing it. The head was weeping, a small pool forming on his abdomen. He ran his finger through the clear liquid and then stuck it in his mouth, his eyes closing as the taste burst on his tongue.

  Takeo pulled his cock free and then shoved it back into Kamiko, repeating the process over and over again until Kamiko was begging for Takeo to fuck him. Taking mercy on his mate, Takeo jetted into him until Kamiko cried out his name, making Takeo shudder with the knowledge that it was his name being called out in passion.

  As his balls drew near to his body, Takeo dropped Kamiko’s legs onto the bed and grabbed his hips, pounding into his small mate’s body until bright, wondrous lights exploded behind his eyes and he was free-falling.


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