Whispered Promises

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Whispered Promises Page 9

by Brenda Jackson

  Corinthians shifted in the leather chair, making another attempt to downplay her nervousness. It wasn’t the idea of attending a board meeting that made her anxious—she’d done that several times before—it was anticipation of the news she hoped the members of the board had for her and Adam. Specifically, she wanted to hear that the Leabo Project was a sure thing.

  The Leabo Project was her baby. As one of the top geologists with Remington, it had been her untiring research—not to mention Adam’s belief in her uncanny sixth sense when it came to playing hunches—and her intense analysis of core samples that had produced the detailed report. Her studies had discovered some promising geological anomalies located in an isolated area not far from Eagle Pass, Texas. Based on her report, the executives at Remington Oil were moving quickly to acquire all the land in the area for exploration.

  Although no one would admit it, there was little doubt in everyone’s mind that the possibility of locating a major oil field in the area existed.

  “Ms. Avery. Mr. Flynn.” The secretary’s soft voice captured Corinthians’s attention. “The members of the board are ready now.”

  Corinthians tightly grasped the portfolio she held in her hand as she stood.

  “Don’t you dare get nervous on me,” Adam Flynn said as a smile flitted across his face. His blue eyes gleamed bright as he heaved his huge muscled framed to an upright stance.

  Corinthians returned the smile to the man who had been her immediate boss since the day he had interviewed her just weeks before graduating from Grambling. Remington Oil had sent him and a team of company recruiters to the university, and they had made her an offer she couldn’t refuse—a chance to work as a geologist with one of the nation’s major oil companies. That had been nearly eight years ago, and since then, Remington Oil had made good on all its promises.

  As a geologist, she had received a top salary, had done extensive traveling to all corners of the globe, and had worked with a number of well-known scientists and researchers. During all that time, the older man standing before her had been her mentor, her teacher and most of all a friend. He was a man she highly respected.

  “Let’s not keep the old boys waiting,” Adam said, taking a firm grip on her arm and leading her out of the reception area toward the meeting room. “The question is no longer ‘if,’ Corinthians, but it’s ‘when.’ As soon as all the land in the area is purchased, Remington will make their move.”

  She nodded as Adam swung open the huge ornate door to the boardroom, to let her enter. The members of the board were already seated around the table. She and Adam moved toward the vacant chairs left for them. Seconds later S. T. Remington, president of the company, entered the room through double doors at the opposite end of the room and took his place at the head of the table.

  With a cursory nod to everyone in the room, Mr. Remington brought the meeting to order. Corinthians nervously listened as items on the agenda were dealt with one after another, which to her way of thinking seemed to take forever.

  “The next item on the agenda is the Leabo Project.” Mr. Remington’s gaze moved to her. “Corinthians, I know I express the sentiment of every man here by saying your research for Leabo was outstanding and is to be commended. We’re lucky to have you as a member of RO’s team. I hope your recent promotion to head geologist indicates how much we value you and your services.”

  Corinthians’s smile lit up the entire room. “Thank you, Mr. Remington, and it does.” Adam gave her hand an I-told-you-so squeeze.

  “Now,” S. T. Remington continued. “Edward, can you give us an update on the land purchase?”

  Edward Wilson stood. “As you know, gentlemen, to date we have purchased quite a number of landholdings in the area for the Leabo Project. However, as you can see from my report in front of you, there is one tract that isn’t marked with our ownership. This, gentlemen, is a very important parcel that has not yet been purchased. Although Corinthians’s report doesn’t indicate this tract of land contains any promising formation, without it, there can be no Leabo.”

  Boisterous conversation rumbled around the table after the man’s statement. Mr. Remington had to use his gavel several times to get order restored. “Edward, would you please explain why this parcel is so important?”

  “The tract, which is registered as Shadowland, encloses the area of Leabo on three sides. Therefore, without it, we have no way of getting our equipment on Leabo.”

  “You said this tract only surrounds Leabo on three sides. What about the fourth side?” a board member asked.

  “The fourth backs up against a small pool that’s filled with some sort of rock formation. Without Shadowland, our only other alternative would be by air. And that too, gentlemen, is impossible when you think of the equipment we’ll be using.”

  “Have we made an offer to the owners of Shadowland?” S. T. Remington asked.

  “Yes, and according to Malone Land Developers, the company we’re using to handle the negotiations, they were just about to close the deal with the owner when he suddenly became ill and died. Mr. Malone is to meet with the man’s daughter, after a reasonable period of mourning has passed. He doesn’t foresee any problems. The deal on the land should be finalized by the end of the month.”

  “Good.” Mr. Remington’s gaze then swung to Adam Flynn. “Adam, have you selected an exploration company for the project?”

  Adam stood. “Yes, S.T., I have. The company I’ve chosen is relatively new but they have completed a number of smaller projects for us. I think they’re ready to take on something of this magnitude.” Adam smiled at the men sitting around the table. “There’s no doubt in my mind the owner of the company will do an outstanding job, basically because I’m the one who taught him a lot of what he knows. He’s a former employee who went into business for himself. I’ve decided to offer the job to Dexter Madaris of Madaris Explorations. Unless, however, there’re some objections.”

  Corinthians felt a sharp jolt at the mention of Dex’s name. She glanced up at Adam, clenching her hands together, trying to concentrate on her surroundings and not on the name she had just heard. But she couldn’t.

  Dex was back in the States and had formed his own company? If that was true, then Adam was right. Dex was the best man for the job. In her personal opinion, Dex Madaris was the best man for anything.

  She swallowed with difficulty as memories assailed her. Memories of her love for a man who had never returned it. Dex had been one of Remington Oil’s top geologists when she’d been hired on after college. He had taken her under his wing, showing her the ropes. During that time, they had become close friends, but not as close as she’d wanted. Before she had been given the chance to push for more, he’d been transferred to Australia. She had heard through the company grapevine that he’d gotten married and had later divorced. For the life of her, she couldn’t imagine any woman not wanting him. He was hardworking, intelligent, well mannered and as handsome as sin.

  Corinthians unclenched her hands and relaxed her muscles when none of the board members opposed Adam’s choice. As head geologist for Leabo, she and Dex would be working closely together again.

  Determination grew like a flame within her. This time she would have the intimate relationship she’d always longed for. Dex didn’t know it yet, but she was the woman for him and had always been. She was exactly what he needed, a woman who would appreciate him for the man he was.

  She lifted her chin, her dark eyes cool and calm as her decision was made. Dexter Madaris would one day be hers, and this time nothing would stand in her way of having him.

  “When will you be contacting Mr. Madaris?” Mr. Remington’s question jarred Corinthians’s attention back to the meeting.

  “I’ll try reaching him later today,” Adam said.

  Mr. Remington nodded. “Fine. That concludes our business. Good day, everyone.”

  With solid conviction and a made-up mind, Corinthians slipped out of her chair and stood. A bright smile covered her face as sh
e walked briskly from the room.

  “Mommy! Mommy! My daddy’s back from taking Uncle Clayton to the airport. I heard the car outside!”

  Caitlin was standing at the kitchen cabinet lining the shelves with fresh contact paper while Jordan jumped up and down beside her. Her daughter’s face was filled with excitement. Caitlin couldn’t remember ever seeing her in such a happy mood. In just four short days Dex had managed to capture a special place in his daughter’s heart.

  A slight twinge of jealousy touched Caitlin. Before Dex’s appearance she’d been the most important person in her daughter’s life. It amazed her how children could accept changes so easily. She bent down on one knee so that she could face Jordan on her level. “You like your daddy a lot, don’t you, darling?” she asked, smiling.

  Jordan’s dark head bobbed up and down and her eyes lit up. “Yes, Mommy. I like my daddy a lot.” Her cherubic brown face took on a serious expression. “You like my daddy, too, don’t you, Mommy?”

  Caitlin cradled her daughter to her. Like wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what she felt for the man who was her husband and the father of her child. “Yes, baby, Mommy likes your daddy a lot. An awful lot.”

  “That’s good to hear,” a deep masculine voice said from the doorway.

  Caitlin jumped. She hadn’t heard Dex enter.

  “Daddy!” Jordan broke from her mother’s embrace and raced straight to her father, who reached down and picked her up in one smooth sweep. His eyes met Caitlin’s over Jordan’s head. She noticed the anger that had penetrated their depths earlier that day had disappeared and in its place were traces of tenderness and warmth. Not understanding what had prompted his change in attitude toward her, Caitlin’s gaze fell away from his.

  “Daddy, do you like my mommy?”

  Jordan’s innocent question made Caitlin gasp in silence. She quickly turned to the cabinet, presenting her back to her husband and her daughter. However, that did nothing to stop Dex’s response from reaching her ears. “Yes, Jordan. I like your mommy. I like your mommy a lot, too.”

  For the rest of the evening Caitlin watched from a distance as Jordan and Dex spent time together. He read her a story from one of her Kente Kids books, and helped her put a puzzle together. He even watched her favorite Disney video with her twice.

  Caitlin kept busy so she would not intrude on father’s and daughter’s time together. Hours later, after a quiet dinner and Jordan’s bath, she and Dex put her to bed. When Jordan said her prayers for the night, once again they included her grandfather and special thanks for her daddy coming home. She also thanked God for her uncle Clayton and for having a mommy and daddy that liked each other so much.

  Dex grabbed Caitlin’s arm when she tried backing out of the room after Jordan had fallen asleep. “Not so fast, Caitlin,” he said, pulling her out into the hall and closing Jordan’s door behind them. “I believe there’s some unfinished business between us.”

  A quick stab of desire settled in the pit of Caitlin’s stomach with Dex’s touch. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied breathlessly.

  Dex pressed her against the wall. “I’m talking about a statement you made earlier today that your mouth can handle as many kisses I care to give it.”

  Heat stained Caitlin’s cheeks. “I don’t remember saying that.”

  “Don’t you?” Dex rasped hoarsely as his finger traced the base of her throat. A smile touched his lips. “I’m going to enjoy starting over with you again, Caitlin.”

  “Why?” There was a hint of alarm in her voice.

  “Because all afternoon I’ve been remembering just how things used to be between us. Especially on our wedding night. That’s the night I discovered that you’re a woman who was made to love a man.”

  A knot in Caitlin’s stomach tightened when Dex ran his hand gently against her arm. “You’re full of it, Dex. I didn’t know the first thing about pleasing you.” Her voice was a dazed whisper. “You were the one with all the experience.”

  Dex took another step forward, making any retreat impossible. “You were perfect. I’ll never forget the first time I saw you without any clothes.”

  Caitlin’s face flushed. She lifted her head a fraction to gaze into the dark eyes that held hers. What was Dex trying to do to her? Did he have any idea what turmoil this topic of conversation was causing? She was beginning to ache for him again.

  “You walked out of the bathroom wearing the sexiest nightie I’d ever seen. You looked so shy and so unsure of yourself.” Dex’s finger gently traced a path up Caitlin’s arm, causing every cell in her body to vibrate. She silently held back a groan as he continued.

  “Your hair was pulled up away from your face and you wore diamond stud earrings in your ears. You looked so beautiful and so sensuous, yet you were so innocent. I wanted you in a way I’d never wanted anyone else, and I soon realized you were not like anyone else. I could never compare you to anyone. You were in a class by yourself.”

  Dex’s finger left her arm and moved across to her breasts. Caitlin’s nipples grew taut beneath his touch, and her legs felt like jelly. He moved his body closer. She was unable to move or breathe. The only things she could do were inhale the manly scent of him and feel his arousal pressed against her stomach.

  Dex’s breath was hot against her ear as he continued. “I remember coming toward you in a daze and slowly undressing you. I remember the trust in your eyes. I also remember the shocked expression on your face when I whispered just what I was going to do to you, how I was going to do it and when I was going to do it. Before the clock struck twelve, I had made you mine, Caitlin. I made you my woman. Do you remember?”

  They gazed at each other, their thoughts victims of the past. “Yes,” Caitlin whispered. “I remember.”

  “Do you also remember when I carried you to the bed, placed you on it and stretched out beside you? Do you remember me kissing you all over then—”

  “Why are you saying these things? Why are you bringing all of this up?” Caitlin asked, her eyes dark with sensual memories. She couldn’t look away from him. Her voice was soft and husky, her breathing uncontrolled. “Don’t you understand we can’t pretend we haven’t been apart these last four years?”

  “I don’t recall asking us to.”

  “You might as well be, Dex. You’re expecting us to pick up where we left off four years ago, and that’s not possible.”

  Dex gave Caitlin a long assessing look. “We’re not picking up where we left off. What we’re doing is starting over. There is a difference.” His hand moved lower to her stomach and a small gasp escaped her lips.

  “And,” he added, “the reason I’m saying all those things and bringing up all those memories is because I want you to remember how good things were between us.” His hand moved even lower and Caitlin thought she wouldn’t be capable of ever breathing again.

  “I don’t ever want you to forget how it was between us.”

  Caitlin’s mouth fell open. “You said it would be my decision when…”

  Dex leaned closer, his lips mere inches from hers. “When what, Caitlin?”

  “When we sleep together again.”

  Dex’s hand touched Caitlin intimately through her shorts, and she silently groaned at the multitude of feelings his boldness caused. He was being deliberately provocative as his fingers unbuttoned her shorts. He stared down into her eyes. Slowly, he slipped his fingers through the shorts’ opening. Caitlin’s breath lodged in her throat when his fingers came into contact with the silky material of her panties.

  “I haven’t gone back on my word. It will be your decision. I won’t go any farther than you let me,” he said in a deep, hoarse whisper.

  “But you’re trying to seduce me,” she implored with the barest of breath.

  Dex smiled. “You’re damn right, I am,” he confessed huskily. His lips came down on hers gently and swiftly. His tongue thoroughly swept the insides of her mouth. Caitlin’s body jerked with desire as devas
tating sensations flowed through her.

  Suddenly, Dex broke the kiss and quickly released her. He then refastened her shorts. “Good night, Caitlin, sleep well.”

  A speechless Caitlin watched as he walked away whistling. She began wondering if she had somehow imagined the whole thing. But with her heart pounding loudly and her body trembling, she knew she hadn’t. She closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

  Caitlin had thought she could play just as hard as Dex did, but now it was quite obvious to her that Dex Madaris didn’t play fair.

  Chapter 7

  “Mr. Madaris, please come in and have a seat. I’m Lieutenant Williams.”

  Dex closed the door behind him. Crossing the room, he extended his hand to the tall, muscularly built man standing behind the desk. The man accepted his hand in a firm handshake. “I was just about to have a cup of coffee. Would you like some?”

  “Yes, thanks,” Dex said, settling his frame into the chair across from the desk.

  After pouring two cups of coffee, Lt. Williams presented Dex with his cup before taking a seat behind his desk. “So what is it you want to know about the Parker investigation?”

  A funny feeling unfolded in Dex. “So, there was actually an investigation?”

  Lt. Williams eyed Dex over the rim of his coffee mug. “Before I answer any of your questions, I’d like to know what’s your interest, Mr. Madaris?”

  After taking a sip of coffee, Dex lifted his head and looked directly at the police officer. “My main interest at the moment is his daughter, Caitlin Parker Madaris. She’s my wife. Since Halston Parker’s death I’ve—”

  “Death? Halston Parker died?” Lt. Williams sat up, immediately alert.


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