Whispered Promises

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Whispered Promises Page 15

by Brenda Jackson

  Trevor stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good against his skin and soaked his aching muscles. He inhaled deeply, feeling somewhat revamped. He began to relax, not feeling as tired as he’d been just moments earlier. There was nothing like a good shower to get a person stimulated again.

  He raised a brow, thinking he’d heard a sound coming from the bedroom. With the shower going full blast, he could have been mistaken. But he’d always been credited with having good ears.

  He shrugged. Maybe it was housekeeping delivering more towels or something. But still, he didn’t like the idea of some stranger in his room. He left the shower running and quickly stepped out.

  Good. Dex was still in the shower, Corinthians thought, still hearing the sound of the shower going. She quickly moved around the room, dimming the lights before taking off her robe and neatly placing it across a chair. She tried quenching her nervousness by studying the picture on the wall.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  The sound of the unfamiliar voice made Corinthians turn around quickly. Her eyes locked first on the stranger’s dark handsome face, then drifted down to his bare wet chest, before moving downward to the white towel covering his middle…barely. Her gaze flew back up to his.

  Her throat suddenly became dry but somehow she was able to conjure up a voice. She cleared her throat. “You’re not Dex.” She quickly snatched her robe off the chair, shielding herself from him.

  The man merely stared at her without comment. The only sign he gave that he’d heard her was the sudden lift of his brow. When seconds ticked by he finally spoke. “I know who I am, but who the hell are you?”

  The man’s rudeness, as far as Corinthians was concerned, was totally uncalled for. And it didn’t help matters that he’d seen her outfit. How embarrassing! Could she have made a mistake and entered the wrong room? No! She’d made the reservations with the hotel herself. She and Dex were to have connecting rooms. So who was this man?

  “I’m a friend of Dex’s. Where is he?” she asked, suddenly feeling light-headed.

  Trevor’s gaze took in the woman standing before him who’d been dressed in what he thought was the sexiest getup he’d ever seen on a woman before. Too bad she had put her robe on. She had to be the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He couldn’t help wondering who she was. Was this some sort of joke Clayton was playing on Dex? It wouldn’t have been the first time Clayton had gone a little overboard by sending one of his numerous female friends to liven up what he considered as Dex’s dull and boring life.

  “Did Clayton put you up to this?”

  Corinthians frowned. “What?”

  “I asked if Dex’s brother, Clayton, put you up to this. If he did, you’re out of luck. He forgot to cancel you out.”

  “What are you talking about?” Corinthians straightened her shoulders and met the stranger’s gaze head-on. She tried putting out of her mind just how handsome he looked.

  “You’re looking for Dex, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Where is he?”

  The man continued to stare at her, seemingly totally nonchalant with his state of half-nakedness, but definitely not with hers. His gaze moved over her from head to toe, occasionally lingering in certain places. He acted as if he had X-ray vision and could actually see through her robe. “Dex’s home with his wife,” he said bluntly.

  His statement came as such a shock that Corinthians had to lean against the bedpost. “You’re lying. Dex isn’t married.”

  Trevor frowned. Not too many people called him a liar and got away with it. “Look. I don’t know who you are or what you’re doing in my room, but you’re going to tell me, or you’ll have a lot of explaining to do to security. You have no right to be in my room.”

  Corinthians could feel her head spinning. This couldn’t be happening to her. Everything was going wrong, and this man claimed Dex was married.

  “I know Dex got married a few years ago. But he got a divorce a short while later. Are you saying he got married again?” she asked him dazedly.

  Trevor saw the bleakness in her face. It was obvious that whoever she was, she wasn’t taking the news of Dex’s marriage very well. He began having doubts she was someone Clayton had sent, but was someone who knew Dex personally. He came to stand before her.

  “Dex got married, but he never got divorced. He and his wife were separated. Now they’re back together. All three of them,” he said.

  “All three of them?” she asked softly.

  “Yes, all three of them. Dex, his wife and daughter.”

  The next thing Trevor knew, the woman had fallen in dead faint at his feet.

  “What happened?”

  “You fainted.”

  Corinthians looked up at the man towering over her. He was still dressed in that darn towel. It took only a few seconds to realize she’d been placed on his bed. She made a move to get up.

  “Lie still.”

  Ignoring his command, she sat up. This evening had become a nightmare, and it would be even more of one if what this man had told her about Dex was true. She suddenly noticed she wasn’t wearing her robe and quickly jumped under the covers. “Where’s my robe? Why did you take it off?”

  “It’s over there,” he said, indicating the back of the chair. “I took it off after picking you up off the floor. I was concerned and thought that perhaps you had some sort of identification in your pockets. Instead all I found were these.”

  Corinthians tinted when he held up the packs of condoms. She wished there was a way for her to crawl out of the bed and under it. This was getting more embarrassing by the minute. “Please hand me my robe. I want to leave.”

  “Lady, you’re not going anywhere until I get some answers. Now who are you and what are you doing in my room?”

  Corinthians closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She reopened them. “I’ve told you. I thought this was Dex’s room. I’d planned to spend an evening with him.”

  “Sounds kind of cozy for you and a married man.”

  Her eyes flashed fire. “I didn’t know he was married. I talked to Dex a few days ago, and he didn’t mention a thing about being married and having a child.”

  “And the two of you made plans to spend an evening together?” Trevor asked with disbelief in his voice.

  “No. Dex didn’t know anything about this evening. It was going to be a surprise.”

  “Aha! Clayton Madaris did put you up to this.”

  Corinthians became so mad she forgot just how skimpy her outfit was and angrily got out of bed. The next thing she knew, she was facing him, fuming. Her scantily clad body nearly touched his. All she could think about was the outrage she felt. This man was deliberately making things difficult for her. He had to be the most despicable man she’d ever met.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Clayton Madaris didn’t put me up to anything. I don’t even know Dex’s brother that well. I only met him once.”

  “Then you have a lot of explaining to do. I want a name.”

  Corinthians’s anger reached boiling point. “Why should I give you my name when you haven’t given me yours?”

  Trevor was stunned by her statement. “I don’t have to tell you who I am. This is my room, not yours. You’re the one who shouldn’t be here.”

  Corinthians took a step forward, bringing her even closer to Trevor. The anger in her eyes grew. “Wrong, brother. My room is right through that door. We have connecting rooms and my company is paying for both. This room was strictly reserved for Dex Madaris and you aren’t him. So you’re the one out of place.”

  “I’m Dex’s replacement.”


  “I said, I’m Dex’s replacement. The name’s Trevor Grant. I’m project foreman for Madaris Explorations. Dex couldn’t make tomorrow’s meeting, so I’m here in his place. All of this has been cleared with Adam Flynn.”

  Corinthians’s anger drained abruptly. Complete humiliation took its place. She tried to take a step ba
ck, but Trevor Grant wouldn’t let her. He placed his hands around her waist. “Take your hands off me, Mr. Grant.”

  Trevor gave her a crooked smile. “No can do. I won’t run the risk of you fainting at my feet again. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, introductions.” Trevor’s gaze held hers intently. “I’m still waiting on a name.”

  “Then wait on.”

  A mirthless smile curved Trevor’s lips. “All right, so you want to play hardball. I think I’ll just call the head honcho at Remington Oil and find out what the hell is going on. Maybe he’ll be able to explain why some half-dressed woman entered my hotel room wearing a robe full of condoms, claiming to be an employee of Remington Oil.”

  Trevor’s eyes darkened. “You can tell me who you are, or you can explain your actions to Mr. Remington himself. Got it?” he growled.

  Corinthians glared up at him. “Yes, I got it.” She then swallowed deeply. “May I have my robe first please?”

  Trevor’s brows narrowed. He gazed at her thoughtfully before saying, “No. I happen to like what you’re wearing.” He continued to stare at her. “And don’t pull some sort of stalling act. I’d like to have a name before midnight.”

  Corinthians knew from this moment on, she would despise this man forever. “I’m Corinthians Avery.”

  Trevor was completely stunned. “Corinthians Avery?”

  Corinthians became livid. She leaned toward him with hands on her hips, and her dark brown eyes flashing. “Mr. Grant, I’m leaving whether you like it or not.” With that said and done, she walked around him, grabbed her robe off the chair and put it on.

  The quiet seductive rustle made by the silk material she wore echoed in the room. Trevor thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head when she had stomped across the room for her robe. She had the best shaped behind he’d ever seen. Hell! She had the best shaped everything! Before she reached the connecting door, he called out to her.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Corinthians turned around. “What?” she snapped.

  “These.” He held up the packs of condoms.

  She tinted furiously, but not to let him get the best of her, she lifted her chin and gave him her haughtiest glare. “You can have them.”

  Trevor smiled and Corinthians thought she would melt then and there. He had the sexiest smile.

  “Thanks,” he said. “I’ll be saving them to use one day. Maybe when I see you again.”

  Corinthians knew an overwhelming urge to use her fingernails to claw Trevor Grant’s face up. Never before had one man driven her to such anger. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  Trevor’s smiled widened. “Good night, Ms. Avery.”

  Without responding, Corinthians went into her room, slammed the door behind her and locked it.

  Trevor’s laughter could be heard throughout the suite. He sobered somewhat when he remembered the words Dex had used earlier that day to describe Corinthians Avery. He’d said something about easy charm, polished manners, real prim and proper, well-bred, nice and likable.

  As Trevor made his way back to the bathroom, he couldn’t help wondering when Dex had last seen the wench.

  Caitlin was on her hands and knees, looking under the bed for her missing bedroom slipper, when she heard a soft tap on her door. She took a deep breath, knowing it had to be Dex. “Come in.” In her position on the floor, she had to tilt her head back slightly in order to look up at him when he entered the room.

  “What are you doing, Caitlin?”

  She shrugged, coming to her feet. “I was looking for my bedroom slipper.”

  He nodded. “I made some more tea tonight. I thought maybe you’d like a cup.”

  She noticed he wasn’t carrying the serving tray of tea but held a single cup. “Yes, thanks,” she said, taking the cup he was handing to her.

  “Be careful, it’s hot.”

  A corner of her mouth lifted. “Just the way I like it. Where’s yours?”

  “I had a cup already, downstairs.”

  “Oh.” Evidently he hadn’t wanted to share her company over tea as he had done the other night. Confused lines etched her brow when he made no effort to leave the room. “Would you like to have a seat?”

  “Nah, thanks anyway. But we do need to talk about a few things.”

  “A few things like what?” she asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and sipping her tea.

  “The movers, for starters. I wasn’t sure how you wanted to handle things regarding your move from Fort Worth. We can leave here and go there and get you all packed before heading to Houston.”

  “Hmm, what do you suggest?”

  “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

  Caitlin nodded. She was aware of the fact that, unlike her job that was out for the summer, Dex had taken the last few days off work to be with her and Jordan, not to mention that important business meeting he wouldn’t be attending in Austin tomorrow. She couldn’t ask him to make those kinds of sacrifices any longer. “I live in a leased furnished apartment, so other than clothing and a few personal belongings, there’s really not a whole lot to be moved. I have another three months before my lease expires so there’s no hurry for me to pack up things in Fort Worth. If you don’t mind, I’d rather we go on to Houston. I can go back to Fort Worth later. I brought enough clothes, so Jordan and I have plenty to last us for a while.”

  “All right. What are you going to do about this place?”

  Caitlin’s emotions suddenly reeled under Dex’s question. It had been one she’d avoided asking herself. Things had been different when she had left to move to Fort Worth. But now with her father gone, leaving here would seem so final. So permanent.


  She met Dex’s gaze, hoping he wouldn’t see the tears she felt misting her eyes. “I’m going to start packing Dad’s things up tomorrow, but I don’t think…”

  Dex came and sat next to her on the bed. He took the cup of tea from her trembling hands and placed it on the nightstand. He gathered her in his arms. “Hey…” His voice was soft, gentle. “It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You’ve had a lot to deal with this past week. If you need more time to take care of things here, we can delay leaving for Houston for a while.”

  “No. I’m fine,” she said, giving him a shaky smile. “I just haven’t decided what I’m going to do with this place yet. I guess I can sell it, rent it out or lease it.”

  “You don’t have to make any decisions now. Give yourself time to think about it.”

  She stared at him. Considering their history she was overwhelmed by his kindness and understanding. “Thanks, Dex. You’ve really been understanding about everything. Your being here has helped me get through a very difficult time.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.” He looked at her and an unwanted familiar emotion gripped him. It was an emotion he fought each and every time he was around her. He wanted to make love to her so badly that he ached. He wanted the feel of her mouth under his, and the feel of her body beneath him. There was only so much a man could take. “Caitlin,” he said, his voice deeper, husky with desire.

  “Yes, Dex?”

  His gaze flicked to her mouth and back up to her eyes. He shook his head to clear his mind. She didn’t have the faintest idea of what he was going through; what he’d been going through the past few days. It wasn’t just about getting her into his bed. It was about getting her there and keeping her there. But the decision of when, that would be hers. A part of him hated the thought of how much he wanted her. The last thing he needed was to allow Caitlin to become enmeshed in his emotional needs. Needs he’d been able to contain for the past four years.


  He stood. “Nothing. You better get some sleep. I hope the tea relaxes you. I couldn’t help noticing how tense you were at dinner.”

  Caitlin stood. “I had a lot on my mind.”

  Dex nodded. “Good night, Caitlin.”

  Her gaze fas
tened on his. “Good night.”

  Ever so slowly, Dex bent his head and touched his lips to Caitlin’s in a kiss intended to be chaste. But the feel of her warm mouth beneath his was too much for him. His mouth settled on hers, moving very slowly, sensuously, coaxing her lips apart. He then deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking her, tasting her, fueling her passion and igniting his own.

  A throaty groan escaped Caitlin’s lips as she accepted the deep exploration of Dex’s tongue inside her mouth while he held her body firmly against his. Her hands went around his neck, pulling him closer. She could feel the rapid beat of his heart as her breasts were flattened against his chest. His musky, masculine scent intoxicated her, and a throbbing ache began growing deep within her. She burned from the heat, leaning into him for support.

  Caitlin felt herself being lifted into Dex’s strong arms. With their mouths still joined, their tongues still hotly mating, he placed her on the bed then joined her there. Stretching out next to her, he untied the belt at her waist and slid one hand inside the opening of her robe, feathering his fingertips across her bare skin left exposed by her short, skimpy gown. Her skin tingled from his touch, and the desire within her began leaping out of bounds. She fought for control. Her upbringing dictated that sharing a bed with someone involved love and commitment. And although she and Dex were legally married, until she felt their marriage was on more solid ground, she couldn’t be intimate with him. She pulled away. “No, Dex, I can’t—”

  Dex gently pulled her back into his arms. “Shh, it’s all right, baby. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. Just let me hold you. I need to hold you for a while.”

  Caitlin heard the deep longing in Dex’s voice. She heard the need in it, too. It was so deep, so intense, it almost shattered her resolve, broke her resistance. But a part of her held back. It was the part of her that believed in the true meaning of making love. She couldn’t give in to him just to satisfy their sexual hunger, their bodily urges and their rampant desires. There had to be more between them, something a lot deeper and more meaningful than mere lust.


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