Comprehensive Crime Control Act (1984), 142
Congressional Digest, 132
La conquête de la Chine par Mao Tsé-Toung (1945–1949) (Chassin), 25
Consequence (Fair), 83–84
consumption, with “Damn, Daniel!,” 193
continuous assessment, 242
Afghanistan, 93–95
Iraq and counterinsurgency, 206
of police militarization, 131–132
US military, 208–209
Council on American-Islamic Relations, 254
“counterguerrilla” warfare, 27–28
Counterinsurgency Field Manual. See Army and Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24, US
counterinsurgency strategies
defined, 8, 11
development and refinement of, 14, 136–138
illusion of insurgency with untethered, 12–13
against population, general, 13–15, 23
counterinsurgency theory, 30
with allegiance of population, 8, 25, 31–32, 37, 89
with Counterrevolution and SA approach, 240–241, 243–244
debate, 178–180
with information, total, 8, 29, 32, 57–60, 87, 182
with minority insurgent, eradication of, 8, 32, 49, 72
RAND Corporation on, 60, 240–241, 243–244
counterinsurgency warfare
core principles, 31–33
domestic policy and, 10
foreign affairs and, 10–11, 87
genealogies, 23–24
government modeled on, 6, 8, 9–10, 12, 14–15, 34–35
in historical context, 19–21, 29
Mao Zedong with, 20, 21, 24, 33–35
mindset, 138–143, 167
politics and, 8, 9–10, 14–15, 34–35
role of, 25, 37, 45–46, 48–49, 102, 195, 206
US military and, 10, 13
See also Army and Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24, US; domestication, of counterinsurgency warfare; police, counterinsurgency warfare and
Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (Galula), 29–30, 32–33, 47
The Counterinsurgent’s Constitution: Law in the Age of Small Wars (Sitaraman), 226
counterintelligence. See intelligence; KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual
defined, 12, 199
with illusion of insurgency, 13
opposition to, 202, 204–207
as paradigm, new, 199–204
RAND Corporation and, 233–236, 237 (fig.), 240–241, 243–244
strategies, 200–201, 204
support for, 207–212
as tyranny, 247
Counterrevolution, legality of
de-responsibilization with, 230–231
due process with, 229–230
illegalisms and, 224–226
memos on killing and, 226–228
permanent state of exception and, 213–221
problem of, 221–223
state of emergency and, 213–215, 220–221, 223
Counterrevolution, SA approach to, 239
OR and, 234–235, 238
counterinsurgency theory and, 240–241, 243–244
defined, 236–238
development, 233–234, 246–247
logic of, 235–236, 237 (fig.), 243–244
strategies, 242–246
US Army and Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24, 242–243, 244 (fig.)
“counterrevolutionary minority,” 200
counterrevolutionary warfare, 24–28, 47, 195
Cover, Robert, 228
cremation, 62, 63, 76
crime, 9, 139, 252
with domestication of counterinsurgency warfare, 129–131, 134–135
laws, 67, 142
See also police, counterinsurgency warfare and
Critical Resistance, 253
critical theory, drones and, 84–85
Cuban Missile Crisis, 20
Cuspert, Denis, 127
Dallas Police Department, 11, 129–131, 135
“Damn, Daniel!,” 191–194
Darwish, Kemal, 126
data. See information; metadata, domestic surveillance
Davis, Angela, 253
de Beauvoir, Simone, 253
de Blasio, Bill, 139
de Gaulle, Charles, 28
“Death from Above, Outrage Down Below” (Kilcullen and Exum), 79, 80
assassinations, 10, 45, 85, 125–127, 226–228
drone strikes, 3, 78, 80–82, 251
killing, 3, 5, 77–78, 85–86, 114, 125, 160, 170–173, 174, 226–228
penalty, 85–86
slaves, 111
torture, 62, 63–64
Debord, Guy, 157
Defeating Communist Insurgency: The Lessons of Malaya and Vietnam (Thompson, R.), 32
defense, 46, 131, 229–230
dehumanization, 118–120
Deleuze, Gilles, 157
democracy, 189, 203
denial, distraction and, 181–182
Department of Defense, US, 46, 131
Department of Justice, US, 59, 65, 66, 94, 126, 162
Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies that Led to Vietnam (McMaster), 208
de-responsibilization, with legality of Counterrevolution, 230–231
detention. See indefinite detention
Digest (Roman law), on torture, 69, 106, 107
advertising, 96–97, 153–154, 194
entrancement of population, 194–195
profiling, 191, 194
propaganda, 90, 95–98
digital life, as distraction
docility and, 181–182
obsession with, 183–185, 194–195
Pokémon GO, 185–186, 191
politics and, 184, 189–190
smart phones and, 186–187
social media and, 182–187, 190–191
digital life, docility with, 187
“Damn, Daniel!,” 191–194
as distraction, 181–182
politics and, 189–190, 193–194
disappearances, in Algeria, 41, 44
Discipline and Punish (Foucault), 182
distraction. See digital life, as distraction
docility. See digital life, docility with
domestic policy, counterinsurgency warfare and, 10
domestic surveillance. See surveillance, domestic
domestication, of counterinsurgency warfare
crime with, 129–131, 134–135
digital entrancement of population and, 194–195
digital life as distraction and, 181–187, 189–191, 194–195
docility with digital life and, 181–182, 187–194
government repression and, 195–196
See also police, counterinsurgency warfare and
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 113, 120–122
Dotson, Sam, 141–142
drone strikes, 2, 11
critical theory and, 84–86
deaths, 3, 78, 80–82, 251
“kill list,” 77–78
against minority, insurgent, 10, 77–82
modern warfare and, 79, 99
psychology influenced by, 81–84
on US citizens, 125–127, 226–228
drones, police, 11, 129–131, 135
Dronestream, 78
drugs. See War on Drugs
duBois, Page, 104
due process, with legality of Counterrevolution, 229–230
Durkin, Thomas Anthony, 219–220, 283
Duterte, Rodrigo, 113–114
NSA program, 145, 152–159
warrantless, 59–60
See also surveillance
“Eight Points of Attention,” for Red Army, 25–26, 93
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 139, 140
Ellsberg, Daniel, 253
. See state of emergency
Emwazi, Mohammed, 127
England, Lynndie, 117
enhanced interrogation. See interrogation, enhanced
Enthoven, Alain, 234–235
entrancement, digital, 194–195
exception. See state of exception, permanent
Excess Property Program, 131–132, 143
Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age (Harcourt), 15–16, 156
expository society, US as, 16
Exum, Andrew McDonald, 79, 80, 82
Facebook, 16, 157, 184
as “counterrevolutionary minority,” 200
digital propaganda and, 95–96
NSA working with, 4, 59, 153, 154, 160, 186, 191
Fagan, Jeffrey, 256, 284
Fair, Eric, 83–84
Fall, Bernard, 28–29, 39
Fanon, Frantz, 253
Farouq, Ahmed, 126
Fassin, Didier, 255
with counterinsurgency strategies, 12, 136–138
interrogation, 61, 63
Muslims and, 145, 151–152, 162–170
total information and, 60
Feinstein, Dianne, 1
Feldman, Allen, 276
Feldman, Noah, 130, 278
Ferguson, Missouri, 7 (photo), 132, 133 (photo), 172–173
films, 40, 43, 46, 77, 82–83
FISC. See Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, US
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 111
Five Eyes, 59
See also Australia; Canada; Great Britain; New Zealand; United States
FLN, 39, 42, 63, 98, 103
force. See use of force, against citizens
foreign affairs, counterinsurgency warfare and, 10–11, 87
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, US (FISC), 3–4, 146, 163, 202
Foucault, Michel, 156, 157, 182, 195–196, 231–232
on government, 250
illegalisms and, 224–226
Fournier, Jacques, 107, 108
France, 27–28, 79, 214–215, 225
with counterinsurgency warfare, 20, 24–25, 29, 31, 37, 46, 48–49
with torture, 38–41, 43
French Revolutionary Warfare from Indochina to Algeria: The Analysis of a Political and Military Doctrine (Paret), 25, 47
“The French Army and La Guerre Révolutionnaire” (Paret), 24
From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime (Hinton), 142
Gadahn, Adam, 126
Galula, David, 24, 28–30, 32–33, 46, 91, 147
on counterinsurgency, 47, 223
intelligence and, 98
on population, general, 31, 60
RAND Corporation and, 241
torture and, 43–44, 45
game theory, strategic, 20
Garner, Eric, 6, 170
Garza, Alicia, 253
gender, terror and, 114–120
counterinsurgency warfare, 23–24
state of exception, 217–218
Geneva Conventions, 66–67, 112, 231
Gerard, Daniel, 141
Germania, 27, 106
Gerwehr, Scott, 244–246
Giuliani, Rudolph, 138, 177
Gladwell, Malcolm, 268
Global Engagement Center, 95–97, 98, 187
Gompert, David, 241
Gonnerman, Jennifer, 162, 283
Gonzales, Alberto, 59–60, 67
González, Marina, 69–70
Google, 200
digital propaganda and, 95, 96, 97
NSA working with, 4, 59, 153, 154, 160, 186
Gordon, John, 241
counterinsurgency warfare as model for, 6, 8, 9–10, 12, 14–15, 34–35
domestication of counterinsurgency warfare with repressive, 195–196
Foucault on, 250
with paradigm, new, 199–204
with tolerance for killing, 85–86
Great Britain, 20, 23, 28, 59, 127, 234
Greece, slaves and torture in, 99, 104–105
Greenberg, Karen, 229, 231
Greenwald, Glenn, 4, 253
Guantánamo Bay, 64, 72, 118, 218
indefinite detention at, 6, 73–77, 205, 251
torture memos and, 66
Guantánamo Diary (Slahi), 73–75, 77
Guardian, 142, 158, 171
“la guerre révolutionnaire.” See revolutionary warfare
guerrilla warfare, 26–28, 45
Guerrillas in the 1960’s (Paret), 27
Gurley, Akai, 171
Haight, Charles S., Jr., 151
Hampton, Fred, 136
Handschu case, 149, 151
Hannibal, 139
Hardt, Michael, 219
Hayden, Michael, 159
Hayes, Chris, 172–173, 285
hearts. See population, winning hearts and minds of
Hegel, G. W. F., 289
helicopters, 63, 74, 131, 138, 142
Here Be Dragons (Baldwin), 117–118
Herodotus, 23
Herzing, Rachel, 253
hierarchy, terror with social, 105–107
Hill, James T., 231
Hilliard, Simon, 94
Hinton, Elizabeth, 142
Hispanics, targeting of, 11, 13, 118, 142
Hitch, Charles, 234–235
Hitler, Adolf, 85, 217
Holder, Eric, 229
Hollande, François, 214, 215
Holocaust, 86, 118, 119
Holtz, Joshua, 192
Homeland Security Advisory System, US, 214
homo sacer, 119
Homo Sacer (Agamben), 218
Al Homssi, Amer, 175
Hoover, J. Edgar, 9, 12, 136, 146
“horrorism,” 120
Horton, Alex, 134
Horton, Scott, 221
hospital episode (March 10, 2004), 59–60
How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything (Brooks), 90
Howard, Michael, 24
Hudson, Redditt, 135
Huffington, Arianna, 211
Human Rights Clinic, Columbia Law School, 81
Human Rights Watch, 81
“humane treatment,” 66
dehumanization, 118–120
experiments, 119
mapping program, 149, 202
Hussain, Akbar, 166
identity card, 60
illegalisms, with legality of Counterrevolution, 224–226
immigrants, Pakistan, 164–167
impressions, digital advertising and, 97
incarceration, mass, 9, 252
indefinite detention, 39, 220, 246–247
efficacy of, 13–14, 74, 99
at Guantánamo Bay, 6, 73–77, 205, 251
for insurgent minority, 10, 74, 101
Indochina, 47, 63
counterinsurgency warfare in, 20, 24, 25, 102, 195, 206
guerrilla-style antiguerrilla tactics in, 28, 45
digital propaganda and digesting of, 97–98
expunged from US Army and Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24, 49
torture for, 60–61, 106
information, total
counterinsurgency theory and, 8, 29, 32, 57–60, 87, 182
Counterrevolution with, 200
digital life with docility and, 191
with hospital episode (March 10, 2004), 59–60
Pokémon GO and collection of, 157, 186
TIA program, 58–59
torture and interrogation with, 60–66
torture memos and, 66–72
infrastructure, 10, 90–95
inquisition. See Spanish Inquisition
Instagram, 154, 184, 191
Instructions of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (Argüello), 107
insurgency, 12–13
See also counterinsurgency strategies; minority, insurgent
intelligence, 1–2, 10, 64, 98
p; 9/11 and failure of, 57, 61
signal intelligence programs, 4, 11, 58, 153, 159
US FISC, 3–4, 146, 163, 202
See also information
FBI, 61, 63
manual, 64
police, 38, 39–40, 69, 168, 169 (photo)
Spanish Inquisition, 69–70, 106–108, 120–122
torture and, 44, 57–58, 60–66, 69–70
interrogation, enhanced
justification for, 65–66, 210, 220
legal system and, 66, 226
psychological effects of administering, 83–84
role of, 242–243
techniques, 54, 61
See also torture
IP address, 4, 60
Iraq, 10, 81–82, 92, 95, 141, 206
Irish Republican Army, 12, 23, 138
ISIS, 97, 100, 117, 204, 206, 216
Islamic State, 205, 207
Jaffer, Jameel, 259, 294
Japanese Americans, 176
Johnson, Lyndon B, 9, 208, 239
Johnson, Micah, 129–131
Jones, Van, 190
Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, 24
justice, 46, 131, 219–220
See also Department of Justice, US
Justinian (Roman emperor), 69, 106
Khalili, Laleh, 269
Kelling, George, 141
Kelly, John F., 14, 208
Kelly, Ray, 139
Kelsen, Hans, 217
Kennebeck, Sonia, 82–83
Kennedy, John F., 238, 240
Kennedy, Ted, 161
Khan, Hafiz, 164–165
Khan, Irfan, 165–167, 178
Khan, Izhar, 163, 164–167, 178
Khan, Samir, 126
Kilcullen, David, 79, 80, 82
killing, 85–86, 114, 160
“kill list,” 3, 77–78
memos, 125, 226–228
police shootings, 5, 7 (photo), 132, 133 (photo), 142, 148, 170–174
See also deaths
King, Martin Luther, 146, 203
“knowledge is power” (scientia est potentia), 58
KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual (1963), 64
Kutz, Christopher, 293
Lara, Daniel, 191–194
Lawless, Joseph, 256, 287
Lawrence, T. E., 23, 27
laws, 67, 135, 142, 219, 226, 228
domestic surveillance, 146, 158–159
NDAA, 229–230
permanent state of exception and, 215–221
torture, 69, 105, 106, 107
USA PATRIOT Act, 3–4, 6, 11, 58, 60, 145, 218
Lazreg, Marnia, 115, 117
Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 107, 108
Lee, Martin, 241
legal system, 44
enhanced interrogation and, 66, 226
terror of slavery and, 108–112
torture and, 61, 63–72, 76, 83, 106–108, 222
See also Counterrevolution, legality of
Lejeune, Max, 41
Levi, Primo, 119
LGBTQ community, 15
Liberty and Security in a Changing World (report), 159
The Counterrevolution Page 32