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Lord of Shadows book 2: Bloodlines

Page 6

by Jaeger Mitchells

  I closed my eyes for a long moment, took in a deep breath, and stared up at the guard. The corpse lay still for a moment longer before it stirred and shot up attacking another cleric.

  Wards lit up the sky as they exploded, lighting the battlements up and showing the death of even more clergy that turned into flesh-eating monsters. More needles sang as we approached, where Katya had a much better aim. Soon, there were a dozen of them fighting far above Harma's head.

  "Bishop! We have orders not to let anyone through, even you!" one of the guards cried as a corpse fell over the wall and landed right next to him. "Everyone is to be turned back but for a lone woman on horseback carrying important information!"

  "That woman is my aunt, you idiot! We have information on the whereabouts of an important enemy to the Vatacan! If he escapes, it will be your head!"

  "If those overhead don't eat you first, the Pope sure will," Katya said imitating the older woman's voice. Using the shadows, I hid most of her, so even though we stood about ten feet apart, she was still invisible to him.

  More wards lit up as we approached even closer, creating brilliant explosions of light. The guard looked our way, suspicious of the whole situation.

  "Let us through!" Harma snapped again as she stepped up into the man's face, just as a second corpse dropped beside the guard. It lay there for a moment before it got up again. He cried out and motioned for the man inside to lift the gates up.

  "Please don't tell the other Bishops or the Cardinal about this, Bishop! Please!"

  Harma nodded and motioned for us to enter. More and more low-ranking clergy dropped dead after going head to head with an unkillable enemy. In just half a minute, there were about thirty of them. Fresh troops charged from the barracks, but these were adequately equipped.

  Rays of light struck atop the battlements, thinning my reanimated clergy in mere seconds. After the first salvo, they charged up the stairs and met their former allies in hand to hand, hacking and stabbing them to death with ease.

  "We need to move further in," Harma said as she took the reins from Katya and almost pulled the horse after her toward the stables. I looked on in amusement as more cries rang out into the night before everything went dead-silent.

  A large double-door sprang open at the head of the barracks, letting out two high ranking clergymen. One was short and fat, while the other was short and rail-thin. Their bald foreheads shimmered under the light as they ran up toward the gate demanding reports.

  "Come on. We need to get beyond the second gate where the inner keep and portal are," Harma hissed as the horse trotted after her.

  "Halt!" a voice rang out to our side. "Who goes there?"

  We stopped on instinct as a man in pure white robes casually strolled our way. Another glistening, bald head. They all looked similar to my me, so then and there I swore to impale all the ranking bastards whenever I got the chance. At least that way their heads could cast shade during the day and tell the people how late it was.

  "It's me, Bishop Harma. What is going on Cardinal Cosimo?"

  "I can see as much, my child, but who is the woman hiding under the cowl?"

  "Oh, she-- is a person of interest. I thought about bringing her to the Pope. I don't think anyone but him can hear about the information she can provide."

  "Really? How about you let me be the judge of that, my child. How about you follow me to my chambers so we can see if you did a good job? You're lucky. I sure can go for a while tonight, my child. We can debrief that woman-- together? I promise leniency against your father and mother if she's worth it."

  Harma's face dropped as she clenched her left fist. Luckily it was hidden behind her leg, or the Cardinal might have noticed it. But then she looked up and nodded, having planted a fake smile on her face.

  "Sure, Cardinal. I would love to join you," she replied as our eyes met. I grinned and nodded, having understood what she was playing at. Now, this was turning out unlike anything I'd imagined to find here. But they sure were right in one thing, the older generations. Might does not make right. And in this case, even less.

  Chapter Eight

  The Cardinal led us past a group of guards who stood on duty outside the inner sanctum of the keep. Ten of them were armed with large shields and swords, while four of them carried wicked-looking halberds. All wore super heavy armor, most likely imbued to feel lighter. There was no way ordinary Humans could take that much load and fight.

  "Cardinal. You're going in for the night?" the head of the guard asked. It was easy to distinguish them by their helmets. He was the only one wearing a large plume feather atop his head.

  "Yes, and please stay outside. I will be administering-- torture tonight. Don't let anyone inside my wing under no circumstances."

  "Yes, your highness," the guard replied. I couldn't help but smile and shake my head. The idiot had no idea what was awaiting him. Still, I used the few moments we had to observe the inner keep. It was hastily built but was magnificent in its own right with all the crooked pieces of stone used when they made it.

  As far as I could see from the foot of the building, there were only two windows, and both sat pretty high up. At least the fourth or fifth floor. How strange, I thought.

  "Come, my child," Cardinal Cosimo said, drawing me back from sightseeing. I followed in Katya's footsteps, keeping to the shadows as we walked right past the guards. The Captain's eyes lingered for a second on mine, but then he closed them, shook his head, and opened them again. I was already inside by the time he opened them again.

  "By the Pope," he whispered. I could hear him clearly, feel his heartbeat and blood rushing through his veins. He must have seen me for a moment, or at least 'something' to get spooked like that. I would need to keep an eye out for him during our escape or retreat depending on the situation.

  "Yes, your holiness," Harma said, walking past him. I missed the question entirely as I'd been concentrating on the Captain. I doubted it was anything significant in any case.

  We rounded the corner and slowly walked toward a single large door at the far end of the hallway. It was ajar and revealed a messy inside. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, accompanied by the scent of iron in the air. There was blood here, and a lot of it. Just what was this bastard into?

  "Please, don't mind the mess. We'll be using the back-room," the Cardinal said. "Now take off your clothes, dear child. You too, hooded woman. I have to cleanse your bodies and minds so you can become true believers." Harma stood there motionless as she glanced my way. Was she embarrassed for me to see her naked?

  "Very well, your holiness," Katya purred as she slid down the cowl over her head. The shadow and darkness fled from her face, revealing a pale-white skin beneath bone-chilling cold to the touch.

  "Oh, my goodness. Is that really the Vampyre?" he asked. "Is that one of the two women I heard so much about? The Ice Moroi?"

  "Yes, your holiness. It's me. I've come to repent," Katya said. "I've come to serve you personally. Harma told me everything about you, how good, kind, and loving you are to your servants."

  She slid the cape down her back revealing the tight leather bustier and the pants to the Cardinal. He gulped and looked down at his fully-erect manhood.

  "Go on, Harma. Take off your clothes! And help this young lady do so as well!" he snapped, turning to a work table unfolding a bag. I stepped around him and leaned against the wall, observing what he was doing. Surely, all kinds of torture tools were on display before him. From whips to small knives and radiating crystals.

  Harma, afraid the plan might fall apart I assumed, started undressing as she kept eye-contact all the while. I waited for her to take off her blouse and reveal two perfectly round breasts with long, pointy nipples. I grinned at the sight of them and winked at her. She scowled and put up her hands over her chest.

  "Harma! That's enough!" the Cardinal snapped and lashed out with the whip. It left three deep gashes over her chest and arms. He pulled back his hand to lash out again, but I steppe
d in and grabbed it before he could hit her again. Caught off guard, he almost fell over and dropped to his knees.

  "What in god's name?"

  His face changed quickly when I stepped out from the shadows wearing a wicked grin on my face that revealed my fangs.

  "Not god, but close enough, Cardinal Cosimo," I replied. "You and I are going to have a nice, long chat. Ladies, would you be so kind as to strap him to the torture rack?" I asked, holding my claw close to his neck. The man gulped and looked at Harma pleadingly as if he was a man wrongfully charged and waiting to be saved.

  "No, you won't! Never again!" she hissed, catching the man by his neck and pulled him toward the rack, tied him up and ripped off his clothes. Surely, his member was pointing right up at the heavens. Harma spat in his face and grabbed hold of it, squeezing so hard the Cardinal cried out.

  "Are you trying to pleasure or torture him?" Katya asked.

  "Torture!" Harma snapped angrily.

  "Then let me show you what that means. First, you take a small knife like this," Katya said, picking up a scalpel. "Then you do this," she added while cutting open his armpits, then the back of his knees and lastly his lips. He screamed murder as blood trickled down the wounds, but neither was fatal, so there wouldn't be much blood, only pain.

  "How about you first tell us what we want to know, and then just maybe we let you live after we're done."

  "Yes, yes! I will tell you everything! Please don't hurt me!" he squealed. What a Disgusting pig he was, and so weak-willed.

  "Harma? What the hell is it with these miscreants? How the hell are they in power when all it takes is a few scratches to make them cry for their mother?"

  She looked away and shrugged.

  "Politics, favors, family ties, and all that. He took over my father's place when the Pope-- you know."

  "Oh? Is that so?" I asked curiously. "Oh Cosimo, why are you so quiet? How about you tell us everything about the deal first? We have all night, don't we?"

  "No, please don't. I'll be honest, just don't-- cut it off or torture me any further, I beg you."

  He stopped as if contemplating how to proceed, spat, and started.

  "I gave up my lands back at the Vatacan, along with ten thousand slaves. I had no family left, so it wasn't like I had anything to stay behind for. Then I used most of my coffers to buy another five thousand slaves and sent them directly to where the Pope ordered me to. In return, I came here along with a thousand soldiers and a couple of high-ranking officials. Using the Pope's decree, we confiscated the previous Cardinal's land and property, then started building the keep. That was roughly nine months ago."

  "I see," I said, interested in what the Pope just confirmed. Fifteen thousand slaves sure went a long way, and if he could somehow 'transform' them into these duplicates. I had another lead, though it was quite a long-shot. "Did he say what he needed the slaves for?"

  "No, he didn't. All he said was that he would remember my loyalty for a long time to come. And that if I ever needed help-- I was to send someone back through the portal."

  "Right, right. Very interesting. The portal, tell me about it," I said, taking a rather long knife in my hand and started carving a piece of wood. His eyes stared right at the sharp knife and then up at me.

  "I think someone's coming," Katya said, interrupting us. With a snap, I ordered the shadows to bind his mouth and keep him still while Harma went out into the hallway. I could hear her sobs and cries just beyond the door. The footsteps halted and were followed by a slightly familiar voice. It was the guard captain.

  "Your holiness, what's going on?" the Captain asked. I could hear his heart skip a beat, after which it beat even faster. He couldn't hide his excitement, even if he were on another level. The power he radiated was giving me the tingles.

  "I--I needed a breather. He's so violent tonight," she whispered. I closed my eyes and used the surrounding shadows to sneak a peek on the two. "One would think he'd get over this after all these--"

  "Shh, someone might hear you, your holiness. Please, go back inside and speak of it no more. It is not up to us lowly pawns to discuss their ways."

  "You're right," she replied and put her hand on the doorknob. "I will see you later, captain?"

  "If you're well enough, I'll be waiting near the dungeon entrance."

  They were silent for a moment before she spoke again.

  "You're a good man, Captain. I'll make sure to remember."

  "Milady?" he asked. There was a worry in his voice, genuine concern for her well-being. There must have been more going on between them. Good, I could use that to my advantage.

  The hinges creaked under the heavy rust as she pushed the door open. Giving the Captain one last look, Harma walked in and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door and dropped to the ground as tears welled up in her eyes.

  "Come," I whispered through the shadows. "We're far from done here, my dear."

  Harma wiped the tears away and got up. A new steel resolve washed over her. Finally, the same spark I saw during the attack on Zharevo. Was it love toward that Captain, or loyalty to her parents that fueled her on?

  "Cardinal, we're far from done. The night has just begun after all," she chirped and slapped him across the cheek, then took a scalpel knife and slid it across his left pinky finger, cutting it clean off. He cried and thrashed around, but my shadows were holding him steady and quiet.

  "Where were we?" I asked, opening my eyes and walking over to him. "Ahh, yes, the slaves. Tell me, do you know anything about how they're copying soldiers? It doesn't matter how. Any means would do."

  He frowned through the pain and bared his rotten teeth.

  "No! All I know is that they had some breakthrough with an expediated way of training fresh clerics, nothing else!"

  "And you really think that they would be able to send thousands of troops that were just recruited to fight their war? Surely you aren't that mad, no?"

  "What do you mean? Are you saying they used the slaves to create some kind of soldiers?" he croaked.

  "That's what I'm asking you, Cardinal Cosimo," I hissed. "I've been rather occupied beating down the Vatacan's dogs over the last months, and year even. Now you tell me, would anyone be able to wield holy magic after training for a few days, or weeks, or months?"

  Cosimo snapped his head around and spat a mix of blood and spittle against the wall.

  "Now that's not how a high-ranking official should act in public, right?" Katya asked, throwing a snowflake his way.

  "You know, by hurting me, you're not getting any more information out of me than I'm already willing to give. Can you all stop it already?" he pleaded.

  "That depends on if you know the following two questions. Are you ready to hear them? The questions that are about to seal your fate?" I asked, leaning in close. I bared my fangs at him, only for him to cry out in fear.

  "Y--Yes! I'll tell you everything!"

  "My lady here," I said motioning at Katya, "She's a telepath. She will know if you spoke the truth. Just like with all that you offered up until now, she'll closely listen in on our conversation. Ready? Good. First question. Why are they trying to get rid of me? Surely there are far greater dangers present in these lands, and don't even let me get started in between the Vatacan's lands and mine."

  "I-- don't know. I mean, I've heard some of the elder Cardinals speak, but it didn't seem so important!" Cosimo pleaded. "Wait, let me try and remember!" he cried as I raked his chest with my claw. The wound wasn't deep enough to kill him, but it would hurt.

  "Is he trying anything funny?" I asked Katya over our mental link.

  "No. The man's really trying to remember. The poor sob."

  I nodded appreciatively and turned back to the Cardinal.

  "How about you answer the second question first, and then we come back to the first one?"

  He nodded hurriedly as sweat poured down his forehead.

  "Yes, please!"

  "How do we destroy the portal? Or c
hange the way it works? It sure could come in handy if we managed to capture it for ourselves."

  Cosimo's mouth opened and then closed. It opened again, only to close for a second time. He was either unsure of how to answer, or he didn't know. In either case, I didn't like spending all this time here. It felt wrong for us to be at an enemy camp.

  "I don't know," he whispered. "They dug a large hole in the ground and filled it with some kind of liquid. It turned hard as steel only to take on the gate's current form."

  "And how do we destroy it?"

  He shrugged and then looked down at his missing finger before giving me a reply.

  "Bury it under the keep. Blow it up, raze it to the ground. Or use the crystals that are imbued into its framework."

  "I see. And how hard will it be for the Vatacan to build a new one if we manage to disable this one?"

  He shrugged again.

  "I--I really do not know. The Pope never let us stay until the end, but from what I've seen, not so easy. A group of men and women set the gate up using a ritual and a substantial quantity of rare materials, that much I remember. They came under darkness, so I never saw their faces. Please, you have to believe me!" Cosimo pleaded.

  "Katya?" I asked, turning to her. I could have as well asked her privately, but I wanted to give him some hope. After all, that hope would make everything so much sweeter.

  "More or less. There was a slight lie, however. Cosimo knows who one of those 'who came under darkness' is. Do you think this warrants punishment, my lord?"

  "Take one of his eyes and cut off his cock, Harma. Once you're done, we'll ask him again."

  "My Lord?" she whispered, no pleaded. It was there, the slightest hint of fear.

  "Do it."

  Harma turned to Katya, then to me again, and in the end to Cosimo who shook his head madly and tried to speak, but he couldn't. I silenced him using the shadows and wasn't letting the man off before his cock dangled in her hands. He needed to be punished for his wicked ways in any case.


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