Lord of Shadows book 2: Bloodlines

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Lord of Shadows book 2: Bloodlines Page 8

by Jaeger Mitchells

  "You were saying?" he provoked, even going so far as to spread his arms apart. I was nothing if not resourceful, so I'd be using anything at my disposal. Targeting the closest member of his guard, I evaporated from sight, only to appear behind the man and sunk my teeth into his neck. His blood passed through my fangs, entering my veins and repairing any damage I sustained, except for the hand. The wound closed, but the hand wouldn't regrow.

  "I think it will take a little bit more than just a pint of blood, Lord Ivan," the Captain said, but his expression wasn't one of fun and games anymore. Now that one of his subordinates had died, he rounded on me with anger flashing in his eyes.

  Not falling for his provocation, I darted past his slash, kicked the back of his knee and sent him stumbling into the portal's wall. Using the few seconds I gained, I grabbed another of his subordinates and drained him dry in mere seconds.

  The guards didn't seem to be interested in playing my game anymore, so they formed up in a circle.

  "I didn't really care how I was going to kill you, Vampyre, but now that you've killed two of my apprentices, you'll suffer a fate far worse than that of the Cardinal!" he yelled. His hand disappeared into a pouch pulling out an unusually large chunk of crystal. A white wave engulfed him and added to his body mass in turn. I never saw anything like it, but whatever it did to him, I doubted I wanted to get caught exchanging blows with him.

  A cold breeze passed right by me, telling me Katya didn't sit idly by and had just prepared one of her stronger spells, Ice Blizzard. Chunks of ice started falling from overhead, striking the Captain and his men over and over again. The ice punched holes in their shields and armor alike with ease and froze whatever it touched. No one died, but I gained a couple of precious seconds to call on my own powers.

  Darkness and blood wrapped themselves around my body, turning into blood-metal as Hana liked to call it, sharp and tough. My hands grew in size and shifted to rending claws as darkness seeped from my body.

  "Do you want to play, little boy?" Dracul's voice spoke through me. "I'm not as weak as my host. That's just a fair warning ahead of time, so you don't cry once I beat you."

  "Stop fucking with me and fight!" the Captain yelled as a large vein stuck out on his neck. I could see he was pissed, but I didn't care, and neither did Dracul.

  "Say, can I ask one question?"

  He bared his teeth at me and snapped them like a dog.

  "Speak!" he barked.

  "Did you wait on purpose for the Cardinal to die? You knew we were inside torturing him to death, no?" Dracul asked.

  "Of course, I did! The weak don't deserve to live! When you see him in hell, greet Cosimo from me, will you?"

  "How about you greet him instead? I'm sure he'll be very pleased to hear from Ivan," I jabbed. "Katya, get down to the dungeon and find her parents. Get them out of here along with Harma. I'll give you-- three minutes."

  "I won't even ask why, but whatever. Just make sure-- just don't die, alright?" she replied through our link and rushed off back around the inner keep and toward the dungeon.

  "Oh? You're trying to let her escape while you stall me? How noble and chivalrous of you, Lord Ivan!"

  "How about we get this over with. My hand is all itchy if you know what I mean."

  "Hah! He's pretty funny when he tries. Even when turned into a metallic casket!" the Captain cackled and turned to his men. "Can you guys even-- believe this?"

  Shadows clung to their arms, legs, and necks as the two dead soldiers used their knives to cut their own throats. Only four remained out of the thirteen, which showed up at the start. They died right before his eyes, then came back moments later covered in darkness. Their movements were sluggish, but unlike their living counterparts, they were at least worth something now.

  "Captain, it would be wise for you to run right about now," Dracul said as he raised his right claw and lunged at the Captain. The man roared in defiance raising his shield, and taking our attack full on. His sword sang and grazed along my left arm, slicing right through the metal.

  "You'll die!" he screamed, his face contorted into a mass of fury and mindless rage. I slashed my right claw across the shield, tearing at the metal, but it barely gave way. Using my momentum, I swirled around his shield arm, raking his side. A deep gash appeared on his armor, but again, I didn't manage to get through.

  He kicked out, catching me in the chest. I stumbled backward but found myself and darted forward again.

  "Rise!" I snapped as his sword passed right over my head. Four javelins of darkness shot out from the ground, penetrating his feet and strafing his chin. He produced another crystal of light and cracked it open, disintegrating any shadow around us.

  A beam of energy left his shield, striking me in the faceplate, followed by a downward slice of his sword. I deflected it with my left arm, losing even more plating in the process.

  "He's problematic," Dracul said.

  "Yeah, tell me about it. Good thing you took over when you did," I replied, trying to bite through the pain. The wound still hadn't closed fully, resembling half a sore stump. "Why don't you use his own men against him?" I asked.

  "Was about to do as much," he replied as all thirteen of the Captain's previous subordinates rushed him, holding their weapons at the ready. The Captain swished around fending off blow after blow and cutting deep into their flesh, beheading two of the closest shades. They crumpled in a heap of meat and metal as the rest took over.

  Blood started flowing right toward me, using shadow to form a small trench. I redirected the red liquid to form up in front of my chest in a blob of darkness as three more died and a spike formed from their blood. Dracul took the weapon, pulled back my right arm, and held it there, aiming at the enemy. Five shades remained.

  "Hit him!" Katya spoke into my mind. "You won't have a second chance!"

  "Shut it, little girl," Dracul growled as the spike flew right at the Captain with a tremendous force and speed. At the last possible moment, he twisted his body slightly, taking the attack on with his side instead of his chest. "Shit!" Dracul cursed. "I used most of my power in that last attack. Either run or try to take him on. It's all up to you now if you do or die."

  The metallic armor slid down my body and disintegrated into a thick fog, slowly seeping into the ground. By the time all I had on were ordinary clothes, the Captain was done slaughtering his former men. He stood there on shaky legs and clutching his side.

  "You've just made the worst-- enemy you ever could, Lord Ivan," he growled as his body started twitching. Growths began appearing all over his body, quickly deforming him into a creature like those from one's nightmares.

  "So have you!" I spat and did the last thing that came to mind. Using what remained of my power, I tapped into the treasure chamber and pulled a single dark crystal my way. I had no idea if I'd make it in time as he twitched less with each moment. No. I wasn't going to make it, and I knew it. Just as he finished changing, he turned my way and slammed a meaty fist right into my face from ten feet away.

  I doubled over onto my back and lay there for a long moment, contemplating how the hell I was to escape my predicament. If I survived today, I'd make sure not to get conceited again, or at least I'd try not to. I might become the Apex predator one day, but I was still from it right now.

  A meaty hand grabbed hold of my leg, pulling me across the rocky ground before a second hand landed on my neck, squeezing hard. I looked the Captain right in the eyes, hissing and trying to pry his hands free, but It wasn't working.

  "Katya, abort your mission and escape. That's an order!" I sent mentally. She cursed something incomprehensible and went quiet.

  "We're almost out of the dungeon. Harma's parents are the only survivors. I'll have them out of bounds in twenty seconds, then I'll come back to help!"

  "No, promise me you won't!" I yelled.

  I could feel my windpipe being crushed as just as my leg snapped at the knee. Darkness descended over my eyes as I went limp and cursed myself
for biting down more than I could chew.

  "Goodbye, Ivan!" the monster growled just as an icicle struck its head, rocking it to the side. He dropped me like a sack of meat as he turned toward Katya. I caught myself quickly and slashed across his left leg, catching him off balance. A second icicle struck the monstrosity, but he brushed it off and regained his balance. The monster kicked me off and again in the chest, cracking most of my ribs.

  "Run, you idiot!" I cursed. "Run, or you'll die as well!"

  No, I didn't want her to die. No matter how heartless or cruel I was or could be, no matter how much I detested humanity, there was still something inside that made me part human.

  The monster lunged at her, smacking away her last spell and holding her in his hands around the waist. He turned his head around and smirked as his hands pressed harder against her frail body. I could hear her bones break, but she never cried out. The cries of pain died in her mouth as she stared at me, an expression of horror painted all over her face.

  "Don't-- I-- Love you," she mouthed as his hands came together.

  Chapter Eleven

  I couldn't believe what I was seeing, or not seeing in this case. One moment Katya was stuck between the monstrosity's massive hands, and the next she was gone.

  The familiar sound of gushing waves overhead drew my attention. It was Freya holding a broken Katya in her arms. Our eyes met for a mere second, but it was enough for me to see she'd make it. Relief flooded over me, and it was if someone had just given me the whole world on a silver platter.

  "I thought I told you to be careful, no?" Freya said, her voice soothing and melodic. I looked down at the monster, but he just stood there as if frozen in time.

  "Did you--"

  "Yes," she interrupted. "I can't sustain it for very long, what's more, she'll know I was here. You have nineteen seconds left. Drink some of my blood," Freya offered as she landed next to me. I didn't need to be told twice to bite down on her arm and puncture her smooth skin. The nectar of life she offered me so willingly, slid down my throat. Power returned as if I'd tasted Chernobog's blood itself.

  "Seven, six--"

  "Just a bit more," I murmured before she pushed me off and pressed Katya's mouth against the blood smear on her arm. Her eyes shot open as if someone slapped her awake. She tried to push away from Freya but wasn't even able to budge her firm grip.

  "What the hell are you--"

  "Shh, child. Listen to me. Get that wretched woman from my sight along with her parents. Take them to the inn you're staying at but discreetly. We'll meet you there shortly," Freya whispered.

  "But how do you expect me to carry them all there?"

  "My blood now runs through you, even if only a tiny bit. You should be much stronger and faster for the next few days. Use it well."

  "But Ivan! I can't let--"

  "Katya, don't let me repeat myself again. Move it, or we all might be in much more danger."

  I felt her finally stir and get up as time unfroze, and the monster bellowed in anger. We weren't out of the woods yet, no, far from it. And just how the hell did something this wicked belong to the Pope? The Captain was no ordinary human, and he wasn't aligned with the Vatacan's holy magic, no this was pure darkness.

  Freya pushed Katya toward Harma, who was just coming to her senses amidst the battle. She looked around at the torn-up bodies and screamed, cowering in fear amidst the dead soldiers. Katya picked her up and rushed off past the inner keep's wall to where she'd dropped her parents off earlier. Good, it was time for round two.

  I got up as my leg healed up with much ease along with my ribs. Even my missing grew back in mere seconds, though smaller than it used to be, and much weaker. The beast stood there, observing what was going on. It didn't take him long before he started moving again.

  His meaty fist connected with my right hand, but I caught it and pulled him forward. The Captain staggered and fell over headfirst into the ground. I lunged at his exposed neck, but he was up again before I was even close. His left fist sent me flying against the portal's frame, shattering it on impact. No matter how much he hurt me, it didn't matter as my wounds healed up almost instantaneously.

  I turned to thank Freya for her help, so we could play on equal terms now, but she was already gone. Not that it mattered. I pulled the dark crystal as I sat there in the debris closer to me. There was enough shadow, so it was no real issue with this much power coursing through me.

  The monstrosity charged again; its head lowered like a bull's. Then I got an idea. I smirked as he closed in, turning to mist at the last second. His body collided with the framework, cracking part of the lower left circle holding it all together. The Captain got up again as if nothing happened.

  "How about we finish this?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes on mine as if thinking about what I just said. Was he even able to think straight now that he'd turned to a monster? His next action showed he was when he grinned.

  "I thought-- you would never ask," he stuttered. I was about to say how his voice sounded like shit, but he beat me to it by joking on his own account. I sighed and lashed out at him with shadows, slashing his wrists and the back of his knees. The shadows barely managed to get past the thick skin and didn't even draw any blood.

  "You're one tough bastard, you monster," I cursed.

  "I'm no monster! I'm the champion of light!" he snapped. Oh, seemed that I struck a nerve right there. Champion of light, huh? Very well.

  I produced the crystal that had finally made its way into my hand and dangled it in front of me. His eyes followed the thing intently as his mouth hung open.

  "Give me that! It's too dangerous to play around with!"

  "Oh? How about you tell me what it does, then I can give it to you. You got my honest word."

  "You're the only monster here, Lord Ivan! Who infiltrated this keep, attacked and killed scores of innocent men?"

  "You mean duplicates."

  He frowned.

  "How do you know about that? Only the top few ranked officials in the Vatacan know about them."

  I smirked and shrugged, buying time.

  "Because I can taste them. I can taste all of my victims at a level you can't even fathom. And since the last attack force all tasted the same, that's how I found out. Oh, and a little birdy told me."

  He sneered at me as he pointed at the crystal.

  "That thing is what runs this portal. If you give it to me, I'll let you go free and won't pursue you for now!"

  "And what if I don't?" I asked juggling the piece. Then I added another crystal and a third. His eyes went wide, but soon they were replaced with the same rage and fury from earlier. He charged again. I had no idea what they could do, but at least I had a semblance of what their purpose was, so I decided to try it out.

  I slid out of his grasp and appeared behind him, kicked out and sent him staggering forward again, then rushed the cracked part of the gate and stuck two of the crystals deep inside its walls, crushed the third in my hand and pressed it against the two. But nothing happened. I frowned. Shouldn't it have been some kind of energy container?

  "Fool! That's not how the dark ones work!" the Captain cackled. "You change the empty ones up top with fresh ones!"

  I looked up to the top of the contraption and noticed a row of ten crystals, shimmering in the dark of night. Then looked back down at him and grinned.

  "Thank you, Captain." I nodded appreciatively and flew up to my target, ripped them out one by one, and used whatever shadow I could to tear the insides apart. The gate's white and blue glow changed to an angry red as the field started flashing viciously.

  A fist slammed into my side, sending me straight into the wall. The bastard still had some power. The Captain's punch rocked my body so hard my teeth hurt, and that was even before I slammed against a hard surface. Then I noticed it. His fists glowed a bright white along with his massive teeth.

  "The fuck?" I croaked. "You want to eat me?"

  "Yes! That way, I can absorb your power!" h
e hissed. Now, this guy was one bad mother. He was strong, but not so smart in the head. Just how the hell had he been the Pope's Captain of the guard with such a mouth? I sighed and got up as the portal's field started crackling. My primal instincts told me to run, but I couldn't. I wanted, no, I needed that trunk. Who knew what was inside?

  Using my remaining power, I pulled the treasure-filled trunk through the corridors and hallways, all the way up to the entrance. But the bastard noticed it. He looked at me smugly, as if he had everything under control. Maybe he had, and maybe he hadn't, but I'd either destroy the portal or take trunk with me. Along with all the dark and light crystals.

  "I won't be saving you another time," Freya whispered in my mind. "I've already overstayed my welcome. The Countess will either send him or her minions to find us."

  "Didn't you say that she was your servant? And not the other way around?" I questioned dodging another blow to my head.

  "No, but I can't protect you and fight them all. You're not ready yet. I was wrong to come and see you. We need to get out of here, Ivan!"

  "Whatever you say, my Goddess," I replied, launching myself at the trunk, covered us into as much shadow as I could and flew over the wall. Freya sat on a large boulder on the other side with her legs crossed. She smirked at me for some reason.

  "You know that you can't open that thing, right? Not even I can. It's a purely magical lock that keeps it closed."

  I sighed and sat down next to her.

  "Is this really the time? Shouldn't you be carrying us to my estate or something? I think he's about to follow me here."

  She snorted, showing me her perfect teeth. The two coals burning in her eye sockets looked right at me.

  "Come. We need to regroup at the inn, and then we head back. Katya went already ahead."


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