Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3]

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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3] Page 8

by Leah Brooke

  “No.” Joshua lifted the back door of the SUV and sat on the edge of the storage compartment. “She’s so damned stressed and worried. About Glenna. Their parents.” He shrugged, turning to watch Fiona again. “She’s determined to leave to take care of her parents, and she’s fighting her attraction to me.”

  Mitch chuckled. “It’s more than just attraction, and you know it.”

  Turning, he speared Mitch with his gaze. “Yeah, but she doesn’t.”

  “When you get some time, come see me. I’ve talked to Glenna several times, and between what she told me and what Leland and Joe have, it seems that your mate isn’t going to be able to resist you for long. There are connections there that none of us even imagined.”

  Intrigued, Joshua watched Fiona, his lips twitching when he caught her watching him. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll tell you something now, if you tell me something about how Fiona’s affected.”

  Mitch grinned. “Deal. You first.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Joshua leaned back and watched his mate. “Joe and Leland were right about the vanilla and honey. I was scared to death to bring her back here and find out who else smelled it on her. I feel her anger. Her fear. When she gets upset, my stomach knots. I want her. Constantly. I can’t resist her.”

  He smiled to himself. “If she ever finds out, I’m in trouble. I’m possessive of her in a way that I don’t think I can explain. She’s mine. I can’t stand for anyone to touch her—even one of my friends. When I take her, it’s not like anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s hotter. More intense. Connected somehow. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I feel her pleasure along with my own.”

  Mitch nodded. “Joe and Leland said the same thing. When Glenna cries, they lose it. They literally can’t stand for her to cry. They also seem to have a strong reaction when she fights them or pushes them away. It enrages them. Not just pisses them off, but they say it’s like the animal inside them is fighting to get out.”

  Joshua blew out a breath. “Everything’s more intense. It’s enough to drive a man crazy.”

  Mitch grinned. “Yeah, well, it can drive a woman crazy, too. Joe told me something that I won’t ask Glenna about, something you might find very interesting.”

  Joshua turned, narrowing his eyes at his friend’s obvious amusement. “Oh?”

  Glancing toward Fiona, who approached with a determined look on her face, Mitch lowered his voice. “It seems when your cock’s inside her, she feels vibrations.”

  “What?” Joshua stared at Mitch in shock. “From my cock?”

  “Yes.” Mitch nodded and leaned closer. “It must feel like they have a vibrator inside them. Apparently, it feels so damned good they’ll fight for it. It doesn’t stop as long as you’re inside them. Apparently, they feel it, too. Christ, I can’t wait to find my mate.”

  Sitting on the back of the SUV, Joshua watched Fiona’s approach, his cock twitching in anticipation at the confrontation ahead.

  The information Mitch had just given him made him see their lovemaking on a different level.

  Knowing that having his cock inside Fiona made her almost mindless with pleasure explained why she didn’t care that he’d taken her without a condom.

  He’d been so shaken by his weakness regarding her that he hadn’t realized the extent of her own vulnerabilities.

  Humbled at the revelation, Joshua breathed in the scent of his clearly agitated mate, wondering what had happened to upset her.

  She came to an abrupt halt several feet away, staying just out of his reach. “I want you to tell me what the hell’s going on. What’s the big secret that everyone knows that I don’t?”

  He fought back his fury that she kept distance between them, knowing his reaction to be more intense than warranted because he dealt with his mate.

  Holding out a hand to her, he smiled faintly. “Come here, my m—baby. Maybe I could answer that if I knew what you’re talking about.”

  Stomping her foot, she pointed at him, ignoring his outstretched hand. “That’s what I’m talking about. You were going to call me your mate, weren’t you?”

  “I was. Come here.”

  She ignored his command and even took a step back, spiking his anger. “No. Why do you want to call me that, and what was that stuff in the kitchen when I first got here? Why did my sister think you would scare me? Did Leland and Joe scare her?”

  Leland’s scent wafted to him, telling him his pack mate was headed toward them.

  “Come here.”

  Fiona blinked at the deep growl in his voice, taking another step back, but of course, his mate had to further challenge him. “Fuck you!”

  To make matters worse, she lifted her chin in defiance, her beautiful eyes flashing with anger. “I want to know what the hell’s going on. If Glenna’s in danger, I’m taking her with me.”

  “Glenna’s not going anywhere.” Leland stepped up beside Joshua, his hands on his hips. “Your sister belongs here with us, and there’s not a chance in hell that I’ll let her get away from us again.”

  Fiona’s eyes flashed. “If I found out that you’re doing something to scare her, I’ll have her out of here so fast your head’ll swim.”

  Pride in his mate’s ferocious defense of her sister and amusement at the Alpha’s predicament had Joshua fighting not to smile.

  Still, he tensed slightly, waiting for Leland’s response.

  Leland wouldn’t stand for any threat to take his mate from him but would understand Fiona’s defense of her sister.

  Shaking his head, Leland smiled. “I would never do anything to scare your sister. Why would you think I would?”

  “Then why did she ask you not to let Joshua scare me, and why the hell do you call her your mate?”

  Joshua sighed and rose. “I’ll handle this.”

  “Good.” Leland shook his head again and eyed Fiona. “I need to get back inside.” He turned to Fiona again, a muscle working in his jaw. “Your sister is more to me than just a girlfriend. We use the word mate when referring to our soulmate. It’s the person who changes our lives and who we’d do anything for. I know you love your sister, but Glenna’s ours, and I won’t let you, or anyone else, take her away from me. Understood?”

  Fiona lifted her chin again and took a step closer, her smile cold. “If I ever find out that she’s unhappy, I’ll deal with it myself. Understood?”

  Leland tried, but failed to hide a smile. “Understood.” Shaking his head, he murmured under his breath as he walked back toward the house. “Mates.”

  Joshua coughed to disguise his laugh, rushing toward Fiona to keep her from stepping away again. “Yeah. Come here, my mate. We need to get you settled down.”

  It was the first time he’d called her his mate and it felt better than he could have ever imagined.

  Fiona struggled against his hold, a challenge to him he couldn’t ignore. “Let go of me!”

  Easily overcoming her struggles, Joshua picked her up and carried her back to the SUV. Lowering himself to the storage compartment in the back again, he settled her on his lap. “Easy, wildcat, before you hurt yourself.”

  “I’m gonna hurt you!”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his lips against her neck, fighting the urge to use his teeth. “Settle down, my mate, and tell me what’s wrong.”

  Fiona stilled in his arms, her moan of pleasure like a stroke to his cock. “You called me that.”

  “My mate. That’s because that’s what you are. I know it, and so do the others.” Unable to resist, he scraped his teeth down her neck, smiling at her shiver. “That’s why they all were so amused when they met you. They think it’s funny that I have a weakness.”

  “Really?” With another moan, she gripped his forearm and tilted her head even more, her surrender quelling the remnants of his anger and satisfying his possessive streak.


  “I’m your weakness?”

  Turning her in his arms, he touched his lips t
o hers. “You are.”

  Feeling her stiffen, he lifted his head. “Why the frown? I would think that being my weakness would amuse the hell out of you.”

  She sat up abruptly, trying to push out of his arms. “I can’t do this, Joshua. I don’t belong here.”

  Holding on to his temper by a thread, Joshua gathered her close again. “That’s bullshit.”

  “I’m grateful that you brought me to Glenna, but—”

  “I don’t want your fucking gratitude.”

  “What the hell do you want from me? You claim that I’m your mate—soulmate—whatever, but the truth is that we barely know each other.”

  “I know you well enough to know that you’re what I want, and the only way to get to know each other better is for you to stay here.”

  “You know I can’t do that. My parents need me.”

  “Temporarily. I won’t let you go away from me for long.”

  “You won’t let me?”

  “That’s right. You can be as mad as you want about it, but I’m not about to let you go—not without one hell of a fight.”

  Fiona sighed and leaned into him. “Joshua, I need to find a job.”

  “You don’t need a fucking job. I’m more than willing and capable of supporting you.” He flattened his hand on her abdomen. “Don’t forget, you might already be carrying my baby.”

  Something flickered in her eyes, something hot and filled with emotion. It disappeared just as suddenly, frustrating him once again. “We don’t know that for sure, and I’m sure as hell not rearranging my life over a possibility!”

  Hoping with everything inside him that his child grew under his hand, Joshua smiled coldly. “If that possibility turns out to be a reality, I’m going to take great pleasure in rearranging your life for you.”

  A sharp cry had him stiffening, and yanking Fiona closer, he looked to where Glenna had been sitting only moments earlier.

  Seeing another man dragging her through the brush toward the dirt road behind the house, he started to push Fiona aside to rush to Glenna, but before he could move, he heard the footsteps of several of his pack mates rushing through the house.

  A heartbeat later, Leland, in panther form, raced toward his mate, a black blur followed quickly by another.


  Several of the others ran toward Glenna, but all others remained in human form.

  “Was that Glenna?” Fiona beat at him, but Joshua held firm. “Let go. What’s going on? Is she hurt?”

  Holding her securely, Joshua made sure Fiona couldn’t turn to see the others, scanning the area for any other dangers.

  The man dragging Glenna panicked when the others closed in and released her, racing up the incline.

  He heard the sound of an engine as a vehicle took off and held his breath to see if Leland needed help.

  Their stalker had gotten far too close.

  Seeing Leland walk naked back down the incline toward his mate, Joshua gritted his teeth knowing that the other man had gotten away.

  Biting back a curse, he picked his struggling mate up, holding her face against his neck. “Be still.”

  “Let go of me. I heard Glenna scream. What the hell’s wrong with you? I need to go to her.”

  Joshua watched Joe pick Glenna up and start back toward the house with her. “It’s fine now. They’ve got her. Shit. No. Don’t look. Just stay where you are. Everything’ll be all right now.”

  He’d never be able to explain why both Joe and Leland were naked, and seeing Mitch attend to Glenna as Joe carried her back toward the house, Joshua kept Fiona’s face averted.

  “Give them a minute. Joe and Leland have her and she’s okay.”

  “Damn it, Joshua! Let go of me. She needs me.”

  “One minute, baby, and you can go to her.”

  “Listen, you fucking asshole! If you don’t get out of my way, I’m going to hurt you!”

  “You can let her go, Joshua. Let her come to Glenna.” Joe’s voice came from inside the house, so low that Joshua knew that Fiona couldn’t hear it.

  For the next several minutes, everything happened in a rush, and Joshua found himself racing toward the hospital, with Fiona beside him and Joe, Leland, and Mitch in the back with Glenna, who’d gone into labor.

  Taking Fiona’s shaking hand in his, Joshua ran his thumb over the top of it in the hopes of helping to calm his mate.

  Dividing his attention between her and his driving, he couldn’t help but think about what Mitch had told him.

  It explained why Fiona had been so insistent that he take her, even without a condom, which meant there was a very real possibility that Fiona carried his child.

  He glanced at her again, watching her give Glenna an encouraging smile that showed nothing of the tension she carried.

  He doubted that Fiona even realized how hard she gripped his hand, but the fact that she clung to him meant everything to him.

  Minutes later, he braked sharply at the emergency room doors, touched that Fiona paused to look at him before jumping out with the others.

  “Go, my mate. You and your sister need to be together. I’ll park and be in the waiting room.”

  Nodding, Fiona released his hand and jumped out, turning to look back at him as she raced through the door with the others.

  He waited until they’d all disappeared through the doors and found himself grinning as he parked the SUV.

  His mate might fight it, but the connection between them had already been established.

  He would do everything in his power to strengthen it until she admitted that they belonged together.

  Fiona stood by Glenna’s leg, rubbing her knee, while Leland and Joe stood on either side of Glenna, protectively hovering over her.

  Gripping her hand, Joe leaned closer to Glenna. “Breathe with me, my mate. In. Out. In. Out. Like that.”

  Fiona tuned out the rest of his words, remembering the look on Joshua’s face as she’d gotten out of the SUV, realizing suddenly that he’d been thinking about the possibility that she could be pregnant.

  She couldn’t deny that the thought of it warmed her, but she certainly didn’t want to be a responsibility to him because of a baby.

  Glenna’s voice penetrated, jerking Fiona from her thoughts.

  “What if the baby’s not ready?”

  Fiona’s eyes burned with tears of guilt that she hadn’t been able to provide her sister with more.

  If something happened to the baby because Glenna hadn’t had enough to eat, Fiona would never forgive herself.

  Not even bothering to hold back her tears, Fiona watched Joe slide partially behind Glenna when her sister began to push.

  The minutes went on and on, tears flowing down Fiona’s cheeks as she watched her sister endure pain she couldn’t even imagine.

  She cried tears of guilt. Tears of happiness at the love on Joe’s and Leland’s faces as they encouraged Glenna.

  Tears of regret that she couldn’t stay and take a chance of having the same kind of love.

  After yet another push, Joe rubbed Glenna’s shoulders. “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. You ready to push again?”

  “No.” Shaking her head, Glenna frowned up at Leland. “I’m not pushing anymore until you tell me that you love me.”

  A stunned silence came over the room, and looking at the expressions of astonishment on Leland’s and Joe’s faces, Fiona felt the tension break and burst into laughter.

  Proud of her sister’s daring, she eyed each of the men, lifting a brow. “You two better talk fast. The baby’s coming.”

  “Push, baby.” From behind her, Joe pressed his cheek against Glenna’s. “Of course, we love you! How can you doubt it? Love doesn’t even come close to what I feel for you.”

  Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at the grin on her sister’s face.

  She’d known, even without them saying.

  She’d believed, something Fiona couldn’t do anymore.

wiped Glenna’s face with a damp towel. “I love you so damned much I ache with it.”

  More tension drained away, and relieved that her sister was in good hands, Fiona concentrated on the baby.

  Fiona’s breath caught when the baby, a boy, slid free of her sister’s body, the tension heightening again when the baby lay still and unmoving.

  Fiona glanced at Mitch, not daring to breathe as she watched him work frantically to clear the baby’s airway.

  Please, God. Let the baby be all right.

  Glenna gripped Joe and Leland, eyeing Mitch frantically and gulping back sobs. “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Why isn’t he crying?”

  Joe and Leland murmured to her, their tone consoling, but their eyes held a horror that had Fiona hurriedly looking away.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the baby flailed and let out a cry.

  Fiona sucked in a breath, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at her sister.

  Overcome, she turned away, wishing for the feel of Joshua’s arms around her.

  She reached for the strength inside her, a strength she’d always relied on, but found it more difficult than ever to find it.

  When Joshua held her, she felt invincible.

  She needed him, and that need terrified her.

  Hearing Glenna’s giggle, Fiona took a steadying breath and turned to her.

  Holding the baby, Glenna giggled again. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s wonderful. I just can’t stop crying.”

  Fiona reached out to rub Glenna’s leg, her throat clogged with tears. “It’s no wonder. You’ve had a pretty eventful day, honey.” Wiping away tears, she sniffed. “He’s so beautiful.”

  Mitch rattled off a list of instructions to the nurse and then promised to get Glenna discharged as soon as possible, along with a threat that if she didn’t follow his instructions at home to the letter, he would have her back in the hospital so fast that it would make her head swim.

  Confident that Mitch and the others would watch Glenna closely, Fiona swallowed her objection.

  She turned away when both Leland and Joe leaned closer to Glenna and the baby, backing away to give them privacy.

  “Jonas. I like it.”

  More tears stung her eyes, and when Mitch appeared beside her and took her arm, Fiona hurriedly blinked them away.


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