Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3]

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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3] Page 21

by Leah Brooke

  Once they went inside and Joshua helped her out of her borrowed coat, Fiona allowed Mitch to put it on her, smiling sweetly. “Thank you.”

  Mitch’s gaze narrowed, and he glanced at Joshua and took a step back. “I don’t trust you when you’re being so accommodating.”

  Fiona grinned. “I knew you were a smart man.”

  Joe came through the French doors in a rush, his jaw clenching when he saw her face. “Damn it! Honey, that has to hurt like hell.” He glanced at Joshua. “I heard you’re going shopping.”

  Joshua nodded and pulled Fiona close again, inspecting the sling. “Yeah. We need quite a few things, so we’re going to the mall.”

  Joe chuckled. “I’d pay good money to see you at the mall.”

  Glenna walked in with Jonas in her arms. “You take me to the mall. I didn’t think you minded.”

  “I don’t.” Joe pulled out a chair for her, bending over her to kiss her neck and smile at Jonas. “It’s actually kind of fun watching you pick stuff out.”

  Fiona dropped into the seat next to Glenna. “I have stuff.”

  Joshua slid into the seat next to her, reaching for the pitcher of juice. “Fiona insists that she doesn’t need anything, yet she doesn’t even have a warm coat.”

  Glenna nodded. “She does need a warm coat.”

  Joshua nodded. “And some warm boots that fit her.”

  Mitch dropped into the seat next to Joshua. “Make sure they’re skid-resistant. I don’t want her falling if we get snow and ice.”

  Brock turned from the stove and the pans of frying eggs. “I went to the airport yesterday. Your suitcase is in my truck. I’ll take it up to the house after breakfast.”

  Sipping her juice, Fiona smiled her thanks. “Thank you.”

  Glenna looked up from feeding Jonas his bottle. “You also need a hat, scarf, gloves.”

  Joe nodded. “And some sweaters.”

  Leland spoke from the doorway, making his way to Glenna’s side. “And some of those sweatsuits. Glenna loved them, and she was warm and comfortable.”

  Amused at how they all had opinions about what she needed, Fiona finished her juice and held her glass out for a refill. “Now that I have my suitcase back—”

  Ignoring her sister, Glenna looked at Joshua, who’d started making a list. “Get some creams from that store in the mall.” Grimacing, she glanced at Leland. “It’ll help with the stretch marks.”

  Hit with another twinge of guilt that she hadn’t been able to provide her sister with enough, Fiona found herself blinking back tears. “We didn’t have money for that, did we? I’m sorry, honey.”

  Joshua rubbed Fiona’s back, angry at the reminder of how they’d lived and amused at the slightly panicked look on Leland’s face. “We’ll get some.”

  Leland kissed Glenna’s hair, smiling when the baby grabbed his finger and held on. “I love every one of those stretch marks and plan to give you more.”

  Joshua refilled Fiona’s glass, surprised when she stiffened and stared at Leland. “Did you find them?”

  The silence in the kitchen became deafening, his pack mates all suddenly becoming busy.

  Leland sighed and shared a look with Joshua. “We did.”

  Fiona sucked in a breath, stiffening as if expecting a blow. “And? Were they hurt?”

  “They were gone, Fiona.”

  Fiona let out a breath. “Gone? Like dead or not there?”

  Leland glanced at Glenna, smiling in reassurance. “They weren’t there. No sign of them except for their scent.”

  Graham turned from the stove and placed a plate holding two steaks in front of Joshua. “We’re just going to have to stay alert.”

  Fiona gripped Joshua’s forearm. “How could they be gone? That was a long drop, wasn’t it?”

  Joshua shrugged, placing a bite of steak into her mouth and gesturing toward the plate of eggs Brock placed in front of her. “They might have broken a bone or two, but we’re agile and strong enough to survive something like that.”

  “That’s why you told me that you were better able to handle the work you do than most people and why you’re so good at tracking.”

  “That’s why.” Joshua slid another bite of steak past her lips. “We used to go up to the mountains all the time. We used to track each other and, more often than not, ambush each other. We fell, too.”

  Glenna paled. “Dear God. What if Jonas tries to go up there one day?”

  Joe smiled and sipped his coffee. “Oh, he will, along with any other children that come along, including his cousin.” He gestured toward Fiona’s belly. “They won’t be able to resist sneaking up there the way we all did. The only difference is that we had an elderly couple watching over us, and they’ll have all of us. They’re not going to be able to sneak anywhere.”

  Shaking her head, Glenna set the bottle aside and lifted Jonas to her shoulder to burp him. “I keep trying to imagine what my life would have been like if you hadn’t found me. I probably would have died of a heart attack when Jonas shifted the first time.”

  “That’s not something you’ll ever have to worry about.” Leland reached for the baby. “Give him to me. You sit there and have coffee while your sister eats.”

  “I guess all of you ate already. I’m afraid I slept in.”

  Glenna smiled. “So did I. Your nephew had us up several times during the night.”

  “I wish I could hold him, but I’m scared that I’d drop him.” Fiona gestured toward her wrist in the sling.

  Glenna grinned and sipped her coffee. “You’ll have plenty of time to hold him. God, this is so good. Sorry, Fiona, but I can’t resist.”

  Mitch filled Fiona’s glass again and set her vitamins in front of her. “You really like that orange juice, huh?”

  “Sorry. I can’t seem to get enough of it. You gonna put that in your notebook?”

  Dane inclined his head. “We note everything. There’s a lot we don’t know.”

  Joshua rubbed her back. “Our last stop today will be the grocery store. We’ll buy all the orange juice you want.”

  Mitch nodded. “I’ll check her for Vitamin C. Maybe she’s craving it because she needs it.”

  Pausing with the glass halfway to her lips, Fiona glared at him. “You’re allowed one needle a week. You try more than that and that needle’s going the same place I promised you I’d put the ice pack.”

  Mitch narrowed his eyes at her again. “You’ve got a mean streak.”

  Joshua blew out a breath, cutting off another bite of steak that his mate couldn’t cut herself. “She’s been screwed over too many times to trust anyone.” Bending, he touched his lips to her hair before feeding her another bite. “While we’re at the grocery store, we’ll get what you need to make those cookies you promised me.”

  Graham turned from setting the platter in the sink. “Homemade cookies?”

  Fiona grinned. “Of course.”

  Graham’s eyes narrowed. “What kind?”

  Glenna groaned. “Please say chocolate chip. Fiona’s chocolate chip cookies are to die for.”

  Graham dropped into a seat at the table, leaning toward Fiona, his expression hopeful. “Homemade chocolate chip cookies?”

  Joshua waited until Fiona finished her last bite of egg before offering another bite of steak and pulling her onto his lap. “We’ll see. After we finish our shopping, I want her to rest for a while.”

  Mitch nodded and pushed her vitamins closer, giving her a warning look until she took them. “No overdoing it.”

  “I have no plans of overdoing anything. Joshua barely lets me lift a finger.” She turned to Leland. “Did you find my purse?”

  “Yeah. It’s in the living room.”

  After they finished eating, Fiona dug into her precious supply of makeup and covered the bruising around her left eye and cheek the best that she could. She used some neutral eye shadow and mascara and applied blush, the result hiding most of the bruising, but nothing could hide the swelling.

/>   * * * *

  Once they got to the mall, Joshua guided her from store to store, his patience surprising.

  After buying the pans, measuring cups, and assorted items she needed for the baking she wanted to do, Fiona watched Joshua gather the bags. “Why don’t we go put them in the SUV so you don’t have to carry them around?”

  Joshua didn’t look happy with the idea but nodded. “Fine. But you stay put.” He led her to a bench seat. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  Fiona nodded, lifting her face for his kiss. “Hurry back.”

  Touching his lips to hers, he smiled faintly. “I won’t even give you time to miss me. Don’t move from this spot.”

  Fiona rubbed her nose against his and slid her good hand into his hair. “Are you afraid you couldn’t find me?”

  “I’d find you anywhere, and you know it. Just don’t test me. My heart couldn’t take it.”

  Watching him walk away, Fiona couldn’t help but notice the admiring looks following him.

  He stood head and shoulders over other men, which drew attention, and his incredible good looks and the aura of power and confidence surrounding him made it difficult to look away.

  He was the kind of man who would draw women like flies.

  She understood his responsibility toward the child she carried and knew that he would have to be there to guide the child through the changes that a shapeshifter would have to endure.

  He’d claimed to love her, but how could she ever know if he truly loved her or had become convinced that she was his mate because of the way she smelled to him?

  Or because she carried his child?


  Startled by the familiar voice, Fiona looked up—straight into the eyes of Robert Hudson, the man who’d sent her to Ohio.

  Irritated at the hotel owner’s intrusion, Fiona sighed, looking around for Joshua. “Hello, Robert.”

  “Jesus! What the hell happened to you?”

  Fiona sighed again. “So much for my attempt to cover it with makeup. A small accident. What do you want, Robert?”

  “How have you been?”

  “I’m fine. You look surprised to see me.”

  “I thought you’d still be in Cleveland.”

  “You thought wrong. You sent me to a hotel that was doing so badly that you’d already decided to close it. Why would I stay there?”

  “I thought you would have found something new.” He looked around nervously. “Listen, I had no choice but to send you away. My wife thinks that you and I had an affair.”

  “Then she’s as delusional as you are. Go away, Robert.”

  “Now that you’re back, maybe you and I—”

  “Finish that sentence and I’ll break you in half.”

  Joshua appeared at her side, his big body between hers and Robert’s. “So, this is the asshole. Interesting.” Turning to the side, he held out a hand to her. “He thought you might be interested in him?”

  Fiona placed her hand in his and rose. “And was surprised when I turned him down. He obviously thinks he’s more attractive than he is.”

  Sliding her hand over Joshua’s chest, she leaned close and smiled up at him. “I prefer my men tall, dark, and dangerous.”

  Joshua bent to touch his lips to hers before straightening, pulling Fiona aside to step closer to Robert. “Stay away from my woman. If I see you talking to her, hell even looking at her, I’m going to tear you apart. Understood?”

  Robert gulped and straightened, but Joshua stood a foot taller, towering over the other man. “Listen, I—”

  Joshua had apparently had enough. His eyes darkened and narrowed, and with no apparent effort, he gripped the front of Robert’s jacket, lifting the other man to his toes. “Shut up and stop spreading lies about her. She never had an affair with you despite your best efforts.”

  A gasp had Fiona turning to find Robert’s wife staring at him, clearly shaken.

  “Is this true, Robert?”

  Fiona smiled. “I didn’t have an affair with your husband. As a matter of fact, he disgusts me.”

  “He told me that you chased him.” She looked up at Joshua and then at her husband, curling her lip as she obviously found her husband lacking. “He said he sent you to the failing hotel in Cleveland. Is that true?”

  “Yes. I had a choice of going there to run the hotel or being fired.”

  “Dear God. I’m so sorry. He did it to appease me because he told me that you were chasing him and that he’d slept with you in a moment of weakness.”

  Joshua released Robert abruptly and reached for her. “Just keep your piece-of-shit husband away from her. I already warned him. If I see him anywhere near her again, I won’t be so nice.”

  Keeping her tucked safely by his side, Joshua brushed past Robert, knocking the other man aside as he did.

  Fiona blinked and looked up into his tight features. “You didn’t have to do that. I can take care of myself.”

  Despite his anger, he kept his steps shorter to accommodate her. Hugging her closer, he smiled down at her. “I know that, my mate, but I prefer to do it myself.”

  Leaning against him, she grinned up at him. “It was fun to watch, though.”

  Joshua’s smile stole her breath. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Now, which store is next?”

  She’d expected Joshua to want to hurry, but he proved more patient than she would have anticipated.

  He guided her through store after store, appearing fascinated by everything she looked at.

  Taking the sleeve of the sweatshirt she held out between his fingers, he rubbed it with a frown. “I don’t like this one. The other one is softer.”

  “The other one is double the price of this one.”

  “I don’t give a shit about the price, Fiona. I’d rather know that you’re comfortable in something soft and warm.”

  He picked out more of the fuzzy socks she preferred, dismissing others as not soft enough, and an assortment of sweaters, hats, scarves, and gloves.

  He had her try on several coats, and when he finally approved of a gorgeous coat as being warm and roomy enough, he slid his hand over her belly. “This will give the baby room to grow.”

  Apparently oblivious to the appreciative looks he received from the other women shopping, he bent and touched his lips to hers. “I love you, my mate.”

  “I hope so. Please, Joshua, you have to promise you’ll tell me if you ever realize that you don’t. I can handle it.”

  Joshua pulled her closer and blew out a breath. “I know it’s going to take some time for you to learn how to trust me, but it’s frustrating as hell.”

  He hurriedly paid for their purchases and led her out of the store, gesturing toward one of the benches. “Are you getting tired? Do you want to sit down for a while?”

  “I’m fine, Joshua. Do you see how many women are looking at you?”

  “I’m not interested in any woman except you. Glenna said that this store is the one you’d like to buy makeup.”

  “My sister’s got a big mouth.”

  “Yeah, well, she was pretty sure that you would leave here without buying any, and she thought you would like having it.”

  Once at the cosmetics counter, Joshua hovered over her, his eyes wide. “Dear God. There’s so much of it. How the hell do you know what to buy?”

  Amused, Fiona giggled and touched a tester. “Experience.”

  “Why are you looking at that? That’s too dark for you, isn’t it?”

  “It’s contour. It’s supposed to be darker.”

  “What’s contour?”

  Amused that he seemed genuinely curious, Fiona smiled up at him, aware that the saleswoman was practically drooling. “It’s used to shape your face.”

  “I like the shape of your face just the way it is. Please tell me you’re buying red lipstick.”

  “I don’t usually wear red lipstick.”

  He picked up a tube of red lipstick. “Please.”

  She could
n’t help but laugh at his boyish smile. “To wear around the house?”

  “We’ll go out. You need a new dress.”

  By the time they’d finished, she had a new dress and a decadent pair of black stilettos.

  “You’re going to fall in those shoes.”

  “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I don’t want to look sexy.”

  “You’re already sexy.”

  “Besides, it’ll give me an excuse to hold on to you.”

  “Baby, you can hold on to me whenever you want to. As a matter of fact, I prefer it.” Bending to touch his lips to the sensitive spot right below her ear, he nipped lightly. “Especially when I’m making love to you.”

  Her giggle ended in a gasp when he scraped his teeth over the sensitive spot. “Damn it, Joshua. We’re in the middle of a mall.”

  “It doesn’t matter where we are. I always want you. You’re aroused now, and the scent of it’s driving me nuts. Look, there’s the other store Glenna mentioned. Let’s go get those creams, and then we’re going across the street to the hotel.”

  Once in the store, Joshua’s fascination in what she bought continued and even intensified. After sniffing dozens of samples and reading labels, he filled the basket with an assortment of creams, hand lotions, and bubble baths.

  A man on a mission.

  Amused to find a scent labelled vanilla and honey, she picked it up, only to have Joshua take it away from her with a frown and set it back on the shelf. “No.”

  Fiona blinked, surprised at his adamant tone. “Excuse me?”

  He hadn’t refused anything she’d wanted, and it surprised her that he refused her something as unimportant as body cream.

  With a hand at her back, he pulled her closer and bent to touch his lips to her ear. “You already have that scent to me, but I’ll be damned if you’ll smell like that to anyone else.”

  Amused, she turned her head to touch her lips to his. “You’re buying too much.”

  “No. I’m not.” He groaned and pulled her toward the counter. “Your belly’s going to get bigger, and I’m going to enjoy rubbing cream all over you. Hell, we’ve got to get to the hotel before I explode.”


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