Dragon Hero III: Drayken Reborn

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Dragon Hero III: Drayken Reborn Page 17

by C Woodward

  I stared at the tiny flame of the oil lamp for a moment, "Maybe, but she did appear really upset at the very thought of me like this. I don't want her to go through it."

  Amgati grabbed the lamp, "You never know." He blew it out and walked back to his bed, "I can't shift your emotions on this but at least see her once more before giving up."

  I let out a big yawn, "Fine." I turned over to get comfortable and closed my eyes.

  Amgati yawned back and joked, "Good, now no more sulking or I am going to try to cheer you up with a song."

  "You sing?" I asked.

  Amgati laughed, "Heavens no! I consider it as a weapon when we face Xum'gol."

  I chuckled a little, "I though all elves could sing."

  "We are talented in many things but singing is an exception," Amgati joked.

  "Flying as well," I added.

  "Hey. If elves were meant to fly, we would have sprouted wings already," Amgati defended. He let out another big yawn, "I’ve reached my limit. Night."

  "Night," I replied back and went to sleep.

  I woke up in the dark room, although my eyes saw quite well in the dark. Considering Amgati wasn't here might meant it was already day time. I let out a big yawn and stretched my arms and wings out. It felt weird doing that.

  Things were quiet until I climbed upstairs to the surface. Draykens were going about their daily lives and appeared to me to be quite peaceful.

  "Hey! Morning Blake!" Jerak called out.

  I turned to see him sitting on a wooden bench, not far from the opening of Koj's house.

  "Didn't think you be walking around already," I replied cheerfully.

  Jerak laughed, "No, I am still wounded. My legs are still broken, but at least my ribs feel better."

  Amgati walked into view, "His lady friend did a good job healing him."

  Jerak's eyes grew wide, "What?! No! Did you think? You are crazy!"

  I started to laugh, "I heard you two were getting along."

  Jerak frowned, "All I did was share some of my great stories. That is all!"

  "Uh huh, sure!" Amgati teased. "I didn't know you were into their kind," he joked as he patted Jerak on the back.

  Jerak shoved Amgati in the side, "I am not that way, you silly elf!" Jerak shook his head, "Why do you guys do that?"

  I chuckled, "Your reaction makes you a fun target."

  "Um, excuse me Blake?" a female voice spoke from behind.

  I turned to see it was Koj's mate. She gave us a warm smile and nodded, "I was to tell you that Nahryn wants to speak with you at the shrine."

  "Oh? I almost forgot about that. Thank you," I responded. I felt kind of ashamed that I never got her name and was too embarrassed to ask now. I gave her a smile and jogged toward the statue.

  The Dragon Spirit's Shrine was quite something! It was a series of steps leading up to a huge, dark stone statue of an impressive dragon sitting in a peaceful manner. The wings curled inward and it appeared the statue was focused on the ground right in front of it. There was a somber feeling in the air as I walked up to it. Nahryn stood at the top of the steps. She appeared to be really happy to see me arriving.

  "Glad to see you here," Nahryn greeted in a calm, polite tone.

  I couldn't help but respond the same matter, "Thank you."

  Nahryn stepped aside and gestured to the red and blue rug in front of the shrine, "Please sit."

  I slowly made my way and folded my legs on the rug, trying to emulate the pose of the statue. Nahryn leaned over and burned a sprig of dragon's bane flowers, and placed them in a stone bowl in front of me.

  "Now, close your eyes and relax. Soon he will speak with you," Nahryn explained. I could hear her walking away and down the steps to give me privacy.

  I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. This was quite strange but the scent of the dragon's bane was quite soothing. It didn't take long before I felt an overwhelming presence.

  "You finally made it, Blake," a deep voice spoke from within. It had been a few years but I recognized it as the Dragon Spirit's voice.

  As if I lost all my senses, everything around felt different. I couldn't move an inch and had only my thoughts. "Um. Good to see you again," I awkwardly responded with my mind.

  "I know of your ordeals. You seek the power to stop Xum'gol," the Dragon Spirit spoke. "It is also in my interest to have him cast into the underworld once and for all. He is the last of the two surviving members that sealed me long ago."

  "Last two?" I asked.

  "Yes, there is another; cursed and wretched, and haunting the remains of the first born. Gratius Fohrne is his name. He was sacrificed by Xum'gol and his master to seal my essence in armor. His ever-living spirit guards the remains. I do desire his destruction." the Dragon Spirit explained.

  "You want me to go over there and slay him?" I asked.

  The Dragon Spirit responded, "Yes, destroy this slayer of my children. Smash his halberd and I will give you the help you need to destroy Xum'gol and his ilk." There was a moment of silence till he spoke once more, "Many of my children fear Gratius, you must face him alone, but they will guide you to him. Now, go my friend."

  I opened my eyes as if suddenly waking from a deep sleep. I regained the feeling in my body and it took me a moment to get my bearings. There was a sudden gust of wind that went past me. I saw the ashes of the dragon's bane scattered with the wind. That was quite an experience.

  I slowly made my way down the steps and saw Nahryn standing at the bottom. She seemed eager to see my response. She quietly stood there, waiting for me to speak.

  "I am supposed to destroy Gratius Fohrne," I told her.

  Nahryn's eyes widened, "The legendary poacher?!" She glanced at the statue and at me, "Well, it only makes sense. To finally rid the land of that monster would mean a lot to me, nay, to everyone here."

  "I am supposed to ask for someone to guide me there," I mentioned.

  Nahryn sighed, "Yes, I will find someone to guide you, but don't expect anyone to fight him. We all fear Gratius."

  I nodded, "I was told I would have to fight him alone."

  "Our master knows well of our fear, and he wouldn't risk losing anymore to that monster," Nahryn explained.

  "But for me..." I mentioned feeling a bit out of the loop.

  Nahryn placed her hand on my shoulder, "Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I mean he knows you can defeat him. There is something special about you! I am sure!" She smiled and paused for a moment. "Oh! Let me find someone to guide you and get you ready! You need to fly over there soon; before nightfall," she said.

  "Why so soon?" I asked.

  "The monster doesn't stray from his place, but it will take you most of a day to fly there. You need to be fully rested before facing him," Nahryn explained.

  Nahryn walked away toward town. She stopped to face me, "I will see if we can get you some proper clothing as well." She gave me a timid smile.

  I looked down and forgot that I been wearing basically a blanket around my waist the whole time here. I waved my hand and nodded at her, "That would be good, thank you!" I watched her walk away and then it hit me. Did she blush? I wasn’t sure what to think about that.

  I walked back to Amgati and Jerak. They were eating some muffins. It struck me a bit odd how relaxed they were.

  "So, how did your little talk go?" Jerak asked while having a bit of food in his mouth.

  I shrugged, "I have to go fight a ghost."

  Jerak spat out his food, "You what?!"

  I chuckled at his reaction, "I have to go defeat a legendary dragon hunter named Gratius."

  "I have heard of him, though I’m not familiar with his tale," Amgati commented.

  "Yeah, well, I have to fight him alone. Then we should get all the help we need," I explained.

  Amgati sighed, "Not sure why you have to fight this ghost alone but I am not going to question their deity nor their motives. I have seen you take out several Drake Guardsmen with ease in your new form."

p; Jerak grinned, "Yeah! You can beat this guy easy!"

  Koj walked over with a large sack. He looked a bit worried but tried to hide it. "So, you are going after the great poacher?" he questioned.

  I gave him a nod, "Apparently I am."

  Koj sighed, “Nahryn told me everything and I am here to guide you to the spot." He glanced around and then at me, "We should get going then. It is going to be a long flight."

  Chapter 11

  "We are already heading out?" I asked in confusion. I barely got the order from the Dragon Spirit and updated my friends and now I have to head off to face some dragon hunter ghost.

  Koj shrugged, "It will take us most of the day to just fly there. It would be best to make camp before it gets dark. That way you get a full night's rest before you face that wretched monster."

  Amgati scratched his head, "If your people so greatly desire to destroy this phantom, why didn’t someone do it ages ago?"

  Koj let out a troubled sigh, "So long ago, with the help of the dark magic-welding elves, that monster killed many of our people. The air around there is enough to keep the ferals away. The wretched elves betrayed the poachers and the hateful spirit of their leader haunts the place. It will slay anyone who dares to venture into those grounds."

  Koj paused for a moment and looked at Amgati, "Sorry about the wretched elf comment."

  Amgati nodded a little, "None taken. Those are exiles. We don't like them either."

  Koj smiled, "That's good then. Well, um, a few tried to face that monster, but even fewer returned."

  Jerak looked at me, "And they expect you to fight this thing by yourself?"

  I shrugged, "The Dragon Spirit told me I should. He wouldn't just send me off to my doom."

  Koj nodded, "He knows far more than any of us. If he put his trust in you, then that's good enough for me; good enough for all of us."

  I let out a deep sigh, "Your story about this ghost makes me a bit nervous."

  Koj shrugged, "You are more experienced in combat than any of us. We might be bigger than any human or elf, but we are not warriors. You, however, know how to fight. You have that and our master's blessing. I believe in you."

  Koj's mate came over, "Koj, you forgot this." She held up some heavy leather clothing.

  "Oh! Sorry love!" He grabbed the garments and held them up in front of me.

  "What is this?" I asked.

  "You been walking around in a blanket for a while. We figure you could use a proper kilt and harness," Koj explained.

  I grabbed the clothing and smiled at them, "Thank you so much"

  Koj's mate smiled at me, "Hope it brings you good luck."

  I walked back inside their home to change. The kilt was made of both soft leather and heavy boiled leather for protection. Along the boiled leather panels were several steel studs. There was also a nice leather harness that held a sheath to hold Clagmir's sword at my side. My claws might make it difficult to use a sword. I also had fingerless leather gauntlets with several steel strips that could easily stop the slice of a blade. I walked back out feeling proud of my new clothing.

  "Now you look like you're ready to destroy Gratius!" Koj said proudly.

  "Thank you kindly! Everything fits perfectly," I said, trying to be as grateful as I could.

  "Now you two be careful and come back safely," Koj's mate instructed.

  Koj hugged her, "Don't you worry, we will return safely."

  "Blake is going to do the fighting anyway," Jerak chimed in.

  There was an awkward silence.

  Koj shrugged, "Well, let's get moving!" He grabbed a pack and took off flying.

  I turned back to Amgati and Jerak, "Wish me luck!"

  "Good luck!" they said in unison. They looked relieved that they could relax for a while.

  I would rather relax myself, but we should get going. I stretched out my wings and took off into the air after Koj. This was going to be a long day.

  We flew eastward; away from the village and into the mountains. There were a few scattered clouds and the wind was in our favor. I had the hang of flying now and it was kind of fun to spread my wings and glide with the wind. My old fear of heights had died down a bit, as well. It was hard to be scared of falling to your death when you can fly.

  Even though I was flying off to face a fearsome monster, my mood was bright. The view of the mountain range was beautiful. I tried not to dwell on the upcoming battle and just let my mind clear itself. There were a few worrisome thoughts that haunted my mind, much like the clouds that cluttered the sky. After all this, I was still worried about the challenge of facing Xum'gol. I had to get ready. I couldn't waste time stopping him from getting what he wanted and I wasn’t sure anyone could stop him if I failed.

  Koj and I flew down and landed on a pretty rocky summit on one of the mountains to rest a short while. He opened his pack and handed me a wrapped slab of dried meat and a wineskin filled with fresh water.

  "Eat up and rest here for a while. We still have a way to go to the site," Koj instructed.

  "So, does this monster stay in just one area?" I asked.

  Koj looked at me, "The haunt was our old home. He won't stray out of there and he will kill anyone who ventures in."

  "Oh, so this would also free up your old home," I nodded while ripping a piece of meat with my teeth.

  "I was born many years after all that. The land is fertile and rich in resources. Destroying Gratius would make it our home once more. Though, I doubt my mate and I would leave our current village, it would be nice to have another place for our people," Koj explained with high hopes.

  I finished the last of the dried meat, "I see why this is so important. I hope I can pull this off." I took a deep breath and stared at the grass that swayed peacefully with the wind.

  "What is it like?" Koj asked.

  I looked at him, "What?"

  "What is it like to head into battle?" Koj asked.

  "Oddly enough, I hate the time before a battle. I always get anxious and worried when I go. It is sometimes hard to not get scared," I answered.

  Koj stared off, "So the battle itself isn't as bad?"

  "No. Well, when it happens, you are so pumped up from everything. It’s kind of hard to say really," I answered and wondered about it myself.

  "It is nothing like hunting, then," Koj nodded. He stood up, "In hunting, there is the peaceful quiet, then the excitement and then the reward. In battle, you have the fear of death and pain."

  I smiled, "Yeah, pretty much like that. Although, sometimes after it's all done it can be bittersweet." I slowly stood up as well, "There is something about battles that makes it worth it."

  Koj tilt his head, "What is that?"

  "When you are fighting in the aid of others, you get a feeling of joy and accomplishment filling your heart. You know you risked your life so others who may not be able to fight can survive," I answered proudly.

  Koj grinned, "Good to hear that. I hope you feel such joy after you destroy Gratius." He grabbed his pack and stretched his wings, "Let's keep going."

  We took off into the skies once more, moving above the tops of the mountains and through the clouds. I couldn't help pondering on what I said to Koj about battle. It reminded me of when I came to this world. I could hardly believe that I survived all of that. After all the battles I have faced, I still found the moments before them to be the most nerve-wrecking. I just had to do what I normally do; try not to stress over it and keep moving forward.

  Hours passed and the sky became darker and darker. I turned my head to the sky behind us. The sun was still above the western horizon, but somehow it was almost night ahead of us. I saw dark clouds forming over a large mountain. Koj swooped down ahead of me to get closer to the ground. I followed him down and finally saw it. Up ahead wasn't just a mere mountain summit but a massive crater with dark, stormy clouds hovering above.

  Koj signaled me to follow him a few miles short of the crater. His eyes must be keener than mine because he spotted t
he tents before I did. Along the outskirts of the crater stood several tents in a half circle. Koj moved a safe distance away and landed behind some large rocks. I swooped down to join him.

  "Shh," Koj whispered. He peered over the rocks and then whispered, "Why is there a camp way out here?"


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