Dragon Hero III: Drayken Reborn

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Dragon Hero III: Drayken Reborn Page 21

by C Woodward

  "You are not the only one with a quirky understudy," Falstrid said to Wotmire.

  Wotmire chuckled, "You have that right."

  I looked around, "So what time do we leave?"

  Nahryn walked over, "It will take a few days to reach our destination but the others will take even longer. We will leave in the morning." She looked around, "I suggest everyone get a good night's rest so we can leave early."

  "I will alert my men then," Wotmire said. He gave a polite bow to Nahryn and Talestria and then walked out. Teltar followed him.

  "I guess I should be getting my things in order. An old mage like me could use an early rest," Falstrid said before he politely left.

  Amgati shrugged, "I am going to mingle with my people for a while then." He too took his leave.

  Torkuhl charged in along with two Minotaur buddies. He stared at me with his lone eye and still couldn't believe it. He scratched his black furry chin, "I can't believe that it is you."

  "Yup, it is me," I answered.

  He walked right up to me so we were now at eye level with each other. He was a huge guy even for a Minotaur but it was rather amusing to be as big as him. He turned and noticed the resting feral dragons. He seemed somewhat uneasy.

  "They are not going to attack us, right?" Torkuhl asked.

  Nahryn giggled, "No, they know you are not a threat to us." She walked over and looked at Torkuhl and the other two Minotaurs. "I have never seen your kind before. You have interesting horns." Nahryn commented.

  Torkuhl lifted a brow, "Well, we have never seen your kind either."

  Nahryn smiled, "It is a treat to have all these strange but friendly visitors in our home."

  Torkuhl looked at his two buddies, "I guess so." He turned to me, "So I heard you plan a sneak attack on Xum'gol."

  I frowned, "Yeah, but I am not sure you can fly with us. We have a full group."

  Torkuhl shook his head, "Oh, I have no interest in flying! I am just wondering where my mates and I stand in your attack plan."

  I looked at his two friends who were well armed and seasoned Minotaurs. They stood proudly and excited. I said, "We can use all the muscle we can at the front lines."

  Torkuhl looked at his friends and looked me in the eye, "You want us in the front with the others, facing slews of foes?" He showed a toothy grin, "Ha! Right in front! Bashing skulls till our arms tire out!"

  The other two Minotaurs cheered. I knew how much Torkuhl loved a good battle. I figured his friends were just as crazy.

  I laughed, "When your arms get tired, use your horns."

  Torkuhl let out a menacing laugh, "Of course!" He slapped my shoulder, "And now you can use your horns, since you now have your own!"

  Jerak walked in, "This is going to be a battle where legends are made!"

  Torkuhl cheered, "You are so right, my human friend! Live or die! We will be legends!"

  Talestria rolled her eyes, "Don't get too reckless. Living as a legend is far better than dying as one."

  Torkuhl protested, "A Minotaur dying a warrior's death is the proper way to die!"

  Talestria rolled her eyes again and sighed. Minotaurs really have a strong warrior culture. I would be interested in visiting their homeland, if we survived this. Talestria might not care to go. I do hope we all survive this.

  The day was quite busy. Everyone was getting ready and going over their own personal plans. Talestria and I quietly walked outside the crowded village to get some alone time. We strolled up one of the many grass hills and sat under a lone tree.

  "It is quite strange," Talestria said as she rested her head on my lap.

  '"Care to be less vague?" I asked.

  Talestria smiled, "Everything really. Us in the drayken village, flying to battle for a few days, having all our friends here, and you being different."

  "Oh," I sighed.

  "I didn't mean you being different was bad. I meant it is still, after all, different," Talestria corrected herself.

  I put my wing around her, "So be honest, what do you think about my different features?"

  Talestria pondered for a moment, "Well, there are some things I miss about you as a human." She put a hand on my head, "I do miss stroking through your hair."

  "Well, that is fair I guess," I joked.

  "Although when we first met in my dungeon, you had this strange vibe about you that really caught my interest. Maybe I just have a taste for strange unusual things," Talestria teased.

  "I can't say I am all that different," I smiled.

  Talestria smiled, "Is it wrong to find your new form enticing?"

  I blushed, "Um, not at all."

  Talestria giggled, "It is like some forbidden love; taboo, but yet exciting." She turned over and lifted her head. "There is one thing I really want to try," she whispered.

  I swallowed hard, "Yeah?"

  She smiled, "I want you to take me flying."

  I flustered, "Oh? Oh okay! Yeah, that would be nice."

  Talestria giggled, "You are too cute when you get that way."

  I had a very strange wife.

  On our strange flight, I held her as I flew along the coast and back to the outskirts of the village. The sun was setting and things were relatively quiet there. Everyone was busy getting themselves ready for our big day tomorrow. Several tents were set up and many were resting in their own groups. It was quite interesting to see all the different beings banding together. It really felt good to have so many allies to depend on.

  "If we are flying to battle, will we reach there before the others?" Jerak asked as we got back on the ground.

  "We are going a bit further around the mountain which will take more time," Wotmire answered.

  "Hey, Blake!" Wotmire called out.

  I walked over to what appeared to be our friends having a little meeting outside. Wotmire stood in the center of the group with the map rolled up in his hand. Falstrid took the map and looked at it again.

  "So, what is going on?" I asked as I walked up.

  "We are just going over things and who will travel with who," Falstrid answered.

  "We have four dragons so that means each will take two riders and supplies we will need for the long trek," Wotmire explained.

  "To be safe, we should figure which traveling partners will work best together," Falstrid explained.

  "Falstrid and I have been fighting together for ages so we will travel together," Wotmire stated.

  "I'll go with my brother, then," Jerak chimed in. He playfully slapped Rejun on his back.

  Teltar and Bolam look at each other. Bolam shrugged, "Teltar is fine with this."

  Talestria looked at an unhappy Amgati.

  "I guess I'll fly with Talestria," Amgati muttered.

  Talestria whispered to me, "He doesn't get sick in the air, does he?"

  "Well, it looks like everything is planned but one thing bothers me," Falstrid said. He turned to me, "Will the dragons know where we are going?"

  Nahryn spoke, "They will follow Blake's lead."

  "Uh, I guess so," I said, feeling a bit unsure about leading the attack. I reached over to grab the map from Falstrid. I carefully opened it up and stared at the area I had marked. I took a deep breath and folded up the map so I could carry it with me.

  "I guess we should get well-rested tonight and head out early," I explained. It is kind of weird being in charge. I am not used to calling the shots with a group this big.

  "Well, you heard him! Let's meet up at dawn!" Wotmire barked.

  "You alright?" Talestria said to me.

  "Yeah. I am just a bit nervous. That is all," I replied.

  "Don't worry, things will turn out just fine. I am sure of it," Talestria reassured me. She grasped my hand, "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starved!"

  "Really? You ate enough for a week last night!" I laughed.

  She gave me a look which said that I dare not argue with her. I just lowered my head and took her to get dinner.

  The night was rather difficu
lt. I was stressed about our journey and our upcoming battle. I really hoped my plan worked. Having my friends coming with me really helped. I reached into my pouch to fish for the small scroll Milunus made for me. It was such a compact, rolled-up parchment. It was tied tightly with a simple ribbon. I also found the dark stone that Nahryn gave me. I wasn’t even sure what this could do but I was sure I'd need it. I glanced over at a snoring Talestria. I smiled and put my things away. I should get some sleep.

  I woke up to the sound of a horn. I almost forgot how much I hated getting up early. I stretched my wings and let out a big yawn. Talestria groaned and walked out in a hurry.

  "What is the problem?" I asked in mid yawn.

  "I think I ate too much last night," Talestria called out as she dashed away.

  I stood there speaking to myself, "I could have told you that."

  I stepped outside and saw everyone packing up. Koj was standing nearby casually eating a piece of fruit and watching everything.

  "Morning," he greeted.

  "Morning. So what is your role in all of this?" I asked.

  He swallowed his breakfast, "Most of us are going to be north with the ferals; guiding the big attack."

  "It would be difficult to control them to make such an organized strike," I nodded as I looked around.

  "The ferals have been gathering from all over to help out. The Dragon Spirit rallied them. It will interesting to see that many together," Koj mentioned.

  “Just strike hard and fast. Try not to get stuck," I explained while still half asleep. "I have total faith in you guys.”

  Koj laughed, "Oh, don't you worry."

  "Blake!" Jerak called out.

  I looked over and saw four feral dragons getting packed up. Jerak was already sitting on one of them waving at me. Talestria walked over to me, appearing a bit flushed.

  "You alright, hon?" I asked.

  Talestria muttered, "Yeah, just ate too much." She looked over and shouted, "I am riding the blue one!" She started dashing over.

  "Why the blue one?" Jerak asked.

  Talestria walked over and hugged the neck of the blue, feral dragon, "Because she is a sweetheart and so pretty!"

  I walked over, thinking how funny it was to see Talestria hugging a dragon like a cuddly pet.

  "When I was stuck at the monastery, I ended up trying to bond with her. The drayken girls were nice enough to let me tend her," Talestria said cheerfully.

  The blue dragon let out a friendly little growl as Talestria scratched her behind the jaw. It made a rather cute picture.

  "I hope she flies smoothly," Amgati grumbled. He let out a deep sigh and climbed up.

  Talestria ran over to me, "Good luck, Blakey," then she kissed me.

  Nahryn walked over with a sleepy expression on her face, "Blake. All you need to do is fly northeast toward the ruins. After that, head east along the back side of the mountains. It will take several days, but as long you head straight east along the back of the range, you will find the valley."

  I nodded and looked at Talestria, "Hope you heard all that too, in case I forget."

  Talestria grinned, "Don't worry, I'll nag you if you forget."

  Nahryn giggled, "I also told Falstrid and King Wotmire. Just in case."

  I walked over to see if everyone was ready. A few draykens were inspecting the harnesses one last time to make sure they were secure. Jerak and Talestria were the only two that seem to be excited. Bolam looked like he regretted joining our party.

  "You alright Bolam?" I called out.

  Bolam took a deep breath and gave me an uneasy nod. Amgati looked even less happy.

  "Don't be so glum, Amgati!" Talestria cheered.

  Amgati just gave her a dirty look and stared ahead.

  "Let's do this!" Jerak cheered.

  I glanced around one last time and then turned toward our destination. I took a deep breath, "Alright! Let's roll out!" I took off into the sky. The feral dragons soon followed.

  We traveled toward the old ruins. I was relieved I found the way back there without getting lost. However, it was not too hard when you're high enough to see the landscape and recognize certain mountains. We camped at the old ruins for the night. The ferals felt a bit somber when they saw the old remains. Even though they were primitive beasts, they were quite intelligent. I would say even more than some people.

  Some of the feral dragons disappeared after we made camp, but returned by morning. I assumed they went off hunting for food. Koj told me once that they can go for a few days without food or sleep but would make it up at another time. Bolam, Falstrid, and Talestria inspected the old cultists’ camp to see if they could find anything of value. We confirmed something came this way to revive the remains here and added them to Xum'gol's ranks. There was nothing of value. Most of the components and spell books the cultists had were now destroyed by our group.

  Apart from idle small talk, things were pretty calm that night. The next day we packed up and headed out again. This time, we flew straight east. It was both strange and awesome to lead four dragons on my own. We made one or two stops before finding another spot to set up camp. Once again things were quiet. Although everyone else rode and I flew, they were quite tired from the long flight. I mostly ate my dinner, kissed Talestria goodnight and slept. I also ended up being one of the last ones to wake. I still got up before the sun rose and Wotmire started getting everyone up and ready.

  I hated traveling to a battle. It had been a few days and I was still uneasy about what will happen. As I said to Koj, the time before is the worst part for me. Dying or losing someone in battle would be far worse but I hated traveling toward it. I could tell the others were tired of all the hurried traveling. The worst was Amgati because he really got sick when he flew. Talestria considered casting a sleep spell to knock him out for a while and Amgati actually considered it.

  We finally went past the Dragon's Back mountain range and back to a more open landscape. I could see the Iron Mountains a far distance off and the great woods to the south. We needed to hug the northern range of the Iron Mountains. It would take most of the day to reach and I worried about scouts from Xum'gol's forces spotting us. I trusted that the druids will take care of that for us. They might cower if they saw four dragons flying in the sky. This area looked like prime hunting grounds for them.

  It had been four days since we took off. The others from the village would be a few days behind and the Lyonus army would be at the meeting point. The druids would tell them the plan and get things ready for the others. At least that was what I was told. We made our camp on the north side of the mountain range. The mountains here were incredibly rocky and steep. There was no way to get over them without wings. We decided against having a campfire considering how close we would be to the opening.

  Things were quiet and most everyone were already resting on their bed rolls. The feral dragons disappeared to do their own thing and everything was quiet. A large hawk flew down near our camp and headed for me. Before I knew it, the hawk transformed into a man in a dark, brown robe. It was one of the druids.

  "Blake, I assume?" the druid asked.

  "Yes, I am Blake," I replied, still amazed how the druid could change forms like that.

  "Good. I want to alert you that General Valks will be ready to attack in about three days," the druid informed.

  "Was there a setback?" I asked, wondering why it took longer.

  The druid nodded, "They had trouble getting their siege weapons up north. Valks is aware of your plan and will give you the signal when the others join him. I hope your group is ready."

  I looked back at everyone who was listening in on the conversation, "Yes, we will be ready before them."

  The druid went on, "Good. Be sure to keep a low profile until then. You might be a few days sooner than the rest of the group. Try to not have any fires, just to be safe.”

  "Of course. We will be ready," I instructed.

  The druid nodded and transformed back into a hawk and to
ok off. Everyone else was as impressed as I was at the sight.

  "Alright, how is turning into a bird natural?" Jerak asked in shock.

  Amgati sighed, "Some druids achieve the ability to take a form of a beast and..."

  "That isn't natural," Jerak interrupted. "I thought they used magic to grow flowers and used elkvian pee."

  "First, elkvian pee isn't magic, it was just a small amount of urine and second..." Amgati explained.


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