My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Volume 3

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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Volume 3 Page 16

by Satoru Yamaguchi

  “...You... really... Ah, whatever. There’ll be no end to this craziness if I keep on getting surprised.” Rufus sat down across from me, a cup in one hand.

  Hmm... So I guess he’s not a bad person after all, just as I thought. One thing was bothering me, though.

  “Did the way you speak just... change?” Although I had spoken to Rufus somewhat freely, he had always addressed me formally, like earlier in the morn... well, noon. But now, he was speaking very casually.

  “Ah that, yeah. I had to play the part of the butler, see, so I had to talk that way. But dealing with someone like you and keeping that up at the same time gets kinda dumb eventually, you know? That’s why I’ve gone back to talking like I normally do. I can change it back if it causes you distress, my lady.”

  That final statement sounded unnatural, and was accompanied by an artificial smile. Now, more than ever, I could feel the dissonance.

  “No, this is fine. Having you go back to talking formally feels somewhat... gross.”

  “Ha, you think?”

  “But so... you said you were playing the role of a butler? So you never really were one?”

  Now that I was talking to him in this way, Rufus seemed nothing more than a young man from a downtown district. And yet he’d looked more butler-like than Sebastian, the Claes family’s butler, when I first met him...

  “Do I look like a butler to you now?”

  “Not really, no. No matter how I look at it now, you just seem like a young man from some downtown district in a nearby city.” I felt that I should offer a simple, honest answer.

  “Not bad! You’re spot on. Pretty good,” Rufus replied, seemingly impressed. “Actually... you’re a noble, right? And you go downtown?”

  “...Sometimes. I dress up and look the part.” I actually dragged Keith along and went pretty often. The food was cheap, there was fun to be had around every corner, and more than anything else, I liked the feeling of being a simple commoner.

  That was, of course, all a secret. If Mother knew about it, she would be so upset and would start telling me off for “wandering off and fooling around again.”

  “But then... you really are just an average guy from a downtown district? Were you born there?”

  “Well, no. You got it right, mostly, but I wasn’t born there. My social life was spent there, yes, but I was born in the slums.”

  “Eh? Slums! There are slums in this kingdom?!”

  I understood what the word meant. But the kingdom that I lived in did pretty well for itself, mainly due to many of its population being gifted with magic. Even the commoners of these lands lived better than those in surrounding kingdoms and countries. So I’d been taught that slums didn’t exist... Did I simply not know of them?

  Rufus, however, quickly dispelled any doubts I had. “Ah, you got it all wrong, see. I wasn’t born in this kingdom.”

  “Eh, is that right?” So would this make Rufus a foreigner? I wondered. I couldn’t tell just by looking at him. To me, he didn’t seem foreign at all.

  “When I was a kid, I was playing around with my friends from the slums when I got caught by human traffickers. So I got sold, and wandered from place to place until I was bought by my current master... in this country.”

  Although his words were overwhelmingly casual, the reality behind them was not, and for a while I found myself at a loss for words.

  “Surprised? A noble raised with love and care probably won’t believe this, but it’s more common than you think, you know? Especially in poorer countries. If anything, I’m lucky, right? I still have all my limbs, I’m still alive, and now I have these fine clothes to wear. I’m very blessed, you know?” Rufus said, as his eyes gazed off into the distance — at some faraway place beyond the confines of this room.

  Some kind of feeling was rising up in my chest as I watched him. I wondered what it was...

  “Ha, cat got your tongue? Even you are silent now. Or are you pitying me, thinking this is all really sad? Sorry, but I don’t need any of that. To begin with, I don’t think of myself as unfortunate.” The corner of Rufus’ lip curled up once more. His blue eyes stared right at me. It didn’t seem like he was putting up a brave front.

  I finally started to understand what the feeling welling up in my chest was. “”

  “Huh?” It seemed that Rufus hadn’t heard what I said, at least not clearly enough. I repeated myself.

  “I think you’re pretty cool, Rufus.”

  “...What’s this all of a sudden? Well, I get that I don’t look too shabby, but...”

  “No, I’m not talking about how you look, but how you are on the inside. How you think.”

  “...The hell is that supposed to mean? I don’t get it at all.”

  “The straightforward way you think... I think it’s impressive. And cool.”

  There were many in both common and noble society who blamed their own misfortunes on others. They would go on about how unfortunate they were, and how they had such a hard life, and should be pitied... and so on.

  Although he had gone through so much in his life, Rufus didn’t seem to bemoan his own circumstances, or other people at all. In fact, he claimed that he was blessed — and this was what made me think that he was cool.

  As I continued looking at him with an admiring gaze, Rufus froze up once more. Huh? What happened? Did I say something rude? Now that I calmly thought about it, I supposed I should have said something along the lines of “I empathize.”

  “...Can’t believe it. I’m all the way here, and I’ve met someone who says exactly the same stuff that guy did...?” Rufus remained frozen for a while, before a small, but visible shiver set into his shoulders.

  This is bad! I must have said something rude, and now Rufus is shivering in anger!

  The tension was soon interrupted by a loud guffaw, however, and before I knew it, Rufus was hugging his stomach, laughing thunderously. His laughter was explosive, to say the least.

  Eh? Why? What was funny about what I said? I could only continue to ponder as I waited for Rufus to calm down.

  After a while, he finally recovered from his laughing fit and spoke again. “Ha... You’re really interesting, you know that? Been a while since I laughed like this.”

  “Huh...” I didn’t remember saying anything particularly funny.

  “Hey, let’s talk some more. I suddenly feel like it’d be good to keep talking, see?”


  After that, I talked to Rufus at length...

  ...about the delicious bread in that light meal.

  “So, please do tell! The bread in that light meal you offered me just now... who made it?”

  “Ah, that? I bought it from that one bakery downtown, you know? Though it would not fit the tastes of a lady—”

  “Eh?! A bakery downtown? Where exactly is it? It was so delicious! I really must go and buy some next time!”

  “You’re really weird, you know that?”

  ...and about my hobbies and skills.

  “Tilling fields is one of my hobbies!”

  “Fields? Like... flower fields? Something like that?”

  “Nope. Fields with crops.”


  “Why? Well, because it’s fun, I suppose?”


  “Oh, and I’m the top when it comes to tree-climbing and fishing skills! I’m pretty confident about it!”

  “...Are you even really a noble lady?”

  ...and about stories of the foreign lands Rufus had seen before ending up in this kingdom.

  “Say, you said you’ve wandered from place to place, right? How many kingdoms and foreign lands have you been to?”

  “How many...? A bunch, here and there, I guess?”

  “Which kingdoms have you been to? I want to hear more about other kingdoms besides this one!”

  “Sure, but I don’t think it’s gonna be anything pretty, if you’re expecting something like that. After all, all I’ve done is wander
through the dirty underbellies of a bunch of societies... Still want to hear about it?”

  “Underbelly! Societies! So it’s a hardboiled world!!”

  “Ha? Hard what? And... why are your eyes sparkling like that? Just what are you expecting...?”

  Rufus had lots of stories about places and events that I’d never heard of before. It was very interesting. I wanted to hear more and more, but most of the day went by before I even realized it.

  “So... come to think of it, since you’re not really a butler, does that mean that ‘Rufus’ is a false name, too?” I asked, the thought suddenly crossing my mind.

  “Yeah, I used the Dark Arts to infiltrate the Berg family and all that, you know? So what would be the point in using my actual name?” He had a point.

  “Well then... what’s your real name?”

  “I have more names than I can count. One for each place, you know?”

  Ooohh! As expected of one who lived in the underbellies of societies, a true hardboiled life!

  “Then what was your original name?” I asked, leaning in as I did so.

  Before I realized it, Rufus’ face was right in front of me. Ooh. This is the first time I’d seen his face up close. Now that I was at this distance... Hmm, yes. Very sensual features...

  “Don’t got one. Unlike you lot, I don’t have parents, see? By the time I even thought about who I was, I was already sifting through trash in the slums.”

  Ooh, he even has a beauty spot under one of his eyes — one of the prerequisite features for a sensual, flirty character. It truly was something else. This man, laden with sex appeal, far exceeded Keith’s capabilities. And then there were his eyes, behind the lenses of his glasses...

  “Oi! What’s with you, clamming up like that? Too traumatic of a conversation for a lady like yourself?”

  “...really beautiful.”


  “Your eyes! Your eyes are really beautiful, like the pure blue sky!”


  Now that I was this close, Rufus’ eyes were indeed a clear shade of blue, like the skies above on a good day. The way the setting sun lit up his eyes — it was almost like they were sparkling. Anyone would fall for that.

  “...You really...”


  Rufus extended his hand, placing it on my cheek. The touch of his pretty fingers was somewhat ticklish. Is there something stuck on my cheek? Food, maybe?

  Also, why is his face slowly approaching mine? Am I simply imagining things?

  A familiar sound rose from my belly at that exact moment; the thunderous roar of hunger.

  Although I had been fed sweets and snacks earlier, it was already evening. My stomach was informing me about the current time of day. It was dinner time.

  Rufus’ movements stopped at the loud sound, and suddenly his shoulders were shivering again.

  After a while, the shivering stopped, and with a simple laugh, he said, “Guess I’ll bring you dinner too, huh.”

  Although I’d been moved to a separate room to have my dinner yesterday, it seemed like I’d be having it in this room tonight. At Rufus’ command, the servants who’d brought me my meals yesterday started bringing dinner into the room.

  As usual, I didn’t like eating alone. I invited Rufus, and he was quick to agree.

  “Come to think of it, what happened to Lana? I haven’t seen her...”

  Everything that Lana had done for me yesterday was now being handled by Rufus, it seemed. I hadn’t seen her since she’d guided Selena into my room last night.

  “Ah, I have her working on some other things. Don’t worry about that.”

  Is that so? That’s good, then. I did want to speak more with her, though.

  Soon after, I started asking Rufus about his time in foreign lands again. Homes and villages made entirely of stone, a city with a river flowing through it, with its denizens commuting with the aid of boats and ships... Rufus regaled me with tales of his time there, and the work he did. It was all very thrilling and interesting.

  “Ha! Honestly Rufus, your stories are so interesting.”

  “The things you tell me are interesting too. It’s too bad you’re some nobleman’s daughter.”

  This was a compliment, right? I chose to believe so, saying a plain “thank you” and nodding my head. “I’ve never set foot outside this kingdom, but when I’m talking to you, it feels like I’ve gone on an overseas vacation!”

  My previous life did end without me taking a single step out of Japan, after all. If possible, I wanted to visit other countries in this new life of mine.

  “Haha, well if it’s with you, I feel like I’d like to go visit those places again.”

  “!” My father was overprotective, and Mother didn’t really like me going out very much. I once asked why, only for her to say that “the shame would eventually find its way back to me.” I didn’t really get it.

  Considering all that, visiting a foreign country was like a dream within a dream. Even so, I was ecstatic at Rufus’ words.

  “Really? Then please do take me with you next time!” I said, looking at him with sparkling, anticipatory eyes. Rufus, however, returned my gaze with a troubled expression.

  Eh? Did I mess up? I really did believe what Rufus said... perhaps it was just well-intentioned flattery?

  “We live in different worlds, you and I. You know that, right? There’s no way I can take you with me.” That was his response.

  “Different... worlds? What do you mean? Aren’t you sitting before me right now, as you are?”


  “We’re talking together, eating together. Doesn’t this mean we’re in the same world, then?”

  What’s he going on about? I shook my head slightly, before looking at Rufus once more — only to find him frozen in place... again? Hmm? What is it this time?

  “You... really are a strange one, you know that? Okay, I get it. I’ll bring you along next time.”

  All right! Here’s to my first vacation-friend! “Okay! It’s a promise. Hm... let’s pinky promise.” I said, holding out my little finger. Rufus, however, didn’t seem to understand the gesture.

  Ah, right... those probably don’t exist in this world. Hmm... how are promises made in this world again?

  That’s right! I headed to the drawer where the dress I had initially worn at the time I was captured was kept and stuck my hand into its pocket. There it is!

  I held it tight and returned to Rufus’ side. I then placed the item squarely in his hands. “Here. A symbol of our promise — I am entrusting it to you.”

  Although there was no such thing as pinky promises in this world, an equivalent did exist — and that was handing over a personal possession to the other person.

  “This is a... brooch?” Rufus said, staring at the object in his hands.

  It was a brooch indeed, the blue one that my classmates had encouraged me to buy. “It is a pretty color, right? It matches your eyes. The blue of the sky.”


  I retrieved the brooch from Rufus’ outstretched hand. “And then... if you tilt it this way so that it catches the light... see? It’s azure now. Aqua-blue. Like how my eyes are, right?”

  With that, I returned the brooch to his hands once more. “The color of your eyes, and the color of mine... this brooch is both at the same time! Perfect as a symbol of our promise.”

  I personally thought it was an amazing suggestion, and was very proud of myself. Rufus, however, was making that familiar dumbstruck expression again.

  Eh? What? Why? What happened? How very mysterious, I thought.

  Suddenly I felt myself drawn in. Rufus had put his arm around me, bringing me close — and before I knew it, I found myself in his arms. In the very next moment, he had swept me off my feet, and he was now apparently carrying me entirely.

  Hmm... I feel like you only see this kind of princess-carry in manga or games.

  But eh? Why? I was at a loss as I found myself being trans
ported to the room’s bed, before Rufus promptly placed me down on it.

  “Being with you... warms up my chest, you know. Been a while since I felt anything like this.”

  Huh? What’s with this position? My back was now squarely on the bed, and Rufus was looking down at me... from above.

  At some point in time, the glasses he wore had come off as well, and I was able to get a much better view of his blue eyes, now that the lenses were out of the way.

  Ahh... he really does have pretty eyes. They were so beautiful that I forgot this strange situation in an instant.

  “Hey... would you like to be mine?” His pure blue eyes were such a wonderful color. “If you keep looking at me with your eyes sparkling like that... don’t complain if I end up doing... something,” Rufus said, bringing his head close to my neck. The sound of his breaths finally jolted me back to reality.

  Wh-What is this situation... no! It can’t be! Placing me on the bed like that... he’s going to use the Dark Arts on me and put me to sleep!

  I’d let my guard down, thinking he was a nice person, but it didn’t change the fact that he was responsible for my kidnap in the first place! He even said that he would have me disappear... at this rate, I’d be put to sleep for multiple days!

  While my two-day magic-induced slumber last year was quite refreshing, it was hard on my body when I did wake up! If I was put to sleep again for two days, that would be fine, but a few weeks... the mere thought of the ensuing muscle pains was enough to worry me.

  “Um... wait— Rufus...?” A slight spike of pain spread through my neck as I opened my mouth to speak. For some reason, I felt like I had experienced this before... what was it, again? Was I being bitten by a bug, perhaps? Just as the pain was about to steal away my consciousness once more...

  Bang bang! Two loud thuds came from the direction of the door, followed by Lana’s loud voice. “Master Rufus, are you available?”

  Rufus clicked his tongue softly at her words. “I am currently... occupied.”

  But Lana wasn’t so easily driven away. “It is quite an urgent matter,” came her response, in the same loud voice.


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